Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta

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Epiglottis The thin elastic cartilaginous structure located at the root of the tongue

that folds over the glottis to prevent food and liquid from entering the

trachea during the act of swallowing. Nắp thanh quản

Epileptic Người mắc chứng động kinh

Epilepsy Any of various neurological disorders characterized by sudden, recurring

attacks of motor, sensory, or psychic malfunction with or without loss of

consciousness or convulsive seizures

Chứng động kinh

Epiphysis A small, cone-shaped organ in the brain of most vertebrates that secretes the

hormone melatonin. Also called pineal gland, pineal body, pineal organ.

Tuyến thùy; mấu trên não

Episiotomy Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate elivery.[Greek

epision, pubic region ]

Phẩu thuật mở rộng âm đạo

Epistaxix A nosebleed.

Chảy máu cam

Epithelial tissue Mô biểu bì

Epithelium Membranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very

little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and

external surfaces of the body and its organs.

Biểu bì

Eponymic disease Chứng bệnh mang tên người (thí dụ bệnhParkinson)

ER Emergency Room

Phòng cấp cứu

ERC Emergency Response Center

Trung tâm đáp ứng cấp cứu

Erectile dysfunction ED

Loạn chức năng cương

Erection Sự cương; trạng thái cương

Erratic Having no fixed or regular course; wandering.

Chạy, di chuyển (chỗ đau )

Errhine Promoting or inducing nasal discharge.A medication that promotes or induces

such discharge.

Làm hắt hơi ; thuốc làm hắt hơi

Eruption Sự phát ban

Erysipelas An acute disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by a species of

hemolytic streptococcus and marked by localized inflammation and fever.

Also called St. Anthony's fire

Viêm quầng

Erythema Ban đỏ

Eschar Dry scab or slough formed on the skin as a result of a burn or by the action of

a corrosive or caustic substance.

Vảy kết, vết mục, mảng mục

Esophagus The muscular, membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to

the stomach.

Thực quản

Esthetic dentistry Nha khoa thẩm mỹ

Estrogen Any of several steroid hormones produced chiefly by the ovaries and responsible for promoting estrus and the development and maintenance of

female secondary sex characteristics.

Hoócmôn phái nữ

Ethmoid Of, relating to, or being a light spongy bone located between the orbits,

forming part of the walls and septum of the superior nasal cavity, and

containing numerous perforations for the passage of the fibers of the

olfactory nerves. The ethmoid bone.

Thuộc xương sàng; xương sàng

Ethmoid bone Xương sàng

Eupepsia Good digestion

Tiêu hoá tốt

Eustachian tube A slender tube that connects the tympanic cavity with the nasal part of

the pharynx and serves to equalize air pressure on either side of the eardrum.[After Bartolommeo Eustachio.]

Vòi Ót-tát

Eustress Condition of leightened energy and optimal energy level for maximum


Căng thẳng có lợi

Euthanasia The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a

terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the

suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.

Giúp cho chết không đau đớn

Event monitor Thiết bị quan trắc

Eviscerate Moi ruột

Exanthema A skin eruption accompanying certain infectious diseases. A disease, such as

measles or scarlet fever, accompanied by a skin eruption.

Ngoại ban

Exanthematous Thuộc ngoại ban

Excipient An inert substance used as a diluent or vehicle for a drug

Tá dược

Excrescence An abnormal outgrowth or enlargement, such as a wart.

U lồi; cục lồi; cục bướu

Excrete Bài tiết

Exenterate To disembowel; eviscerate.. Medicine. To remove the contents of (an organ).

Khoét (cầu mắt); moi (ruột)

Exenteration Sự khoét (cầu mắt); sự moi (ruột)

Exercise Tập luyện; tập thể dục

Exercise stress test Trắc nghiệm năng xuất tim

Exercise Tolerance Test ETT

Thử nghiệm sức chịu đựng thể dục

Exercises, Range of movement Tập luyện để cử động được

Exercises, Strengthening Tập luyện cho cơ thể được mạnh

Exhibitionism Psychiatry. A psychosexual disorder marked by the compulsive exposure of

the genitalia in public.

Chứng phơi bày chỗ kín

Exhibitionism Người mắc chứng phơi bày chỗ kín

Exocrine glands Tuyến ngoại tiết

Exodontia Exodontics

Khoa nhổ răng

Exodontics The dental specialty that deals with extraction of teeth.

Khoa nhổ răng

Exophthalmic goiter A condition usually caused by excessive production of thyroid hormone and

characterized by an enlarged thyroid gland, protrusion of the eyeballs, a rapid

heartbeat, and nervous excitability. Also called. Graves' disease [After Robert J. Graves (1797-1853), Irish physician.]

Bệnh bazơđô

Exophthalmos Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball.

Mắt lồi

Exostosis A bony growth on the surface of a bone or tooth.

Thẹo xương

Expectorant Promoting or facilitating the secretion or expulsion of phlegm, mucus, or

other matter from the respiratory tract.noun An expectorant medicine.

Làm long đờm; thuốc làm long đờm

Experimental medicine Y khoa Thực nghiệm

Extensor A muscle that extends or straightens a limb or body part.

Cơ duỗi

Express To squeeze or press out, as juice from an orange.

Nặn ra; vắt ra

Extensor muscle Cơ duỗi

Extern A person associated with but not officially residing in an institution, especially

a nonresident physician on a hospital staff

Y sĩ ngoại trú

External ear Outer ear

Tai ngoài

Extra kidney Thận mọc thêm

Extrasystole A premature contraction of the heart, resulting in momentary cardiac arrhythmia

Ngoại tâm thu

Extrauterine Located or occurring outside the uterus: an extrauterine pregnancy,ectopic

pregnancy,tubal pregnancy

Ngoài dạ con; ngoài tử cung

Extrauterine pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy,tubal pregnancy

Có thai ngoài dạ con

Extraventricular Ngoại não thất

Extremity Chi; chân tay người

Extubation Removal of the ventilator`s tubing from the baby's trachea.

Lấy ống thở ra

Evaporate Bốc hơi

Excess energy Năng lượng dư thừa

External nose Mũi ngoài

Eye Mắt

Eyebrow The bony ridge extending over the eye.The arch of short hairs covering this


Mày mắt ; lông mày

Eye chip Intraocular retinal prosthesis

Võng mạc điện tử

Eye doctor Bác sĩ mắt

Eye exam Khám mắt

Eyelash Any of the short hairs fringing the edge of the eyelid. A row of the hairs

fringing the eyelid.

Lông mi, hàng mi

Eyelid Either of two folds of skin and muscle that can be closed over the exposed

portion of the eyeball.

Mí mắt

Eyesalve Thuốc mỡ điểm mắt

Eye strain Mắt căng

Eyewash Thuốc rửa mắt

Eyewater Thuốc rửa mắt

Facial nerve Thần kinh mặt

Faint Blackout, swoon, syncope. The central meaning shared by these nouns is “a

temporary loss of consciousness”: suffers blackouts at high altitudes; fell in a

dead faint at the sight of the cadaver; sank to the ground in a swoon; was

taken to the emergency room in a state of syncope.

Chết ngất; bất tỉnh nhân sự

Faith healing Phép chữa bằng phù phép

Faith curer Người chữa bệnh bằng phù phép

Faith-curist Người chữa bệnh bằng phù phép

Faith healer Người chữa bệnh bằng phù phép

Fallopian tube Either of a pair of slender ducts through which ova pass from the ovaries to

the uterus in the female reproductive system of human beings and higher

mammals.[After Gabriele Fallopio (1523-1562), Italian anatomist]

Ống dẫn trứng

Family doctor Thầy thuốc gia đình

Family planning Kế hoạch hóa gia đình

Family way Informal.The state of being pregnant: My neighbor is in a family way.

Có thai

Farsightedness An abnormal condition of the eye in which vision is better for distant objects

than for near objects. It results from the eyeball being too short from front to

back, causing images to be focused behind the retina. Also called hypermetropia. Hyperopia

Chứng viễn thị

FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Hội chứng Rượu nơi Bào thai

Fascia Anatomy. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating,

or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.


Fat Mỡ; chất béo

Fat injection Sửa vết nhăn

Fatty liver Gan bị mỡ

Fatty tumor Lipomaphocyte

U mỡ

Fauces The passage from the back of the mouth to the pharynx, bounded by the soft

palate, the base of the tongue, and the palatine arches.

Yết hầu, họng

Fauces , Isthmus of Eo yết hầu

Febrifuge An agent or a medication that reduces a fever; an antipyretic. Acting to

reduce fever.

Thuốc sốt , hạ sốt

Febrile diseases Các bệnh sốt

Fecal (Thuộc) phân

Feces Waste matter eliminated from the bowels; excrement.


Federal medicine Y khoa Liên bang

Fellation Oral stimulation of the penis.

Bú dương vật

Fellow physician Y sĩ nghiên cứu sinh

Felon A painful, purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail. Also called whitlow

Chín mé

Femoral Thuộc đùi

Femoral artery Động mạch đùi

Femoral nerve Thần kinh đùi

Femur Thigh bone

Xương đùi

Fertile Có khả năng sinh sản

Fertility Có khả năng sinh sản

Fertilization Sự thụ tinh; sự thụ thai

Fester A small festering sore or ulcer; a pustule.

Nhọt mưng mủ

Festering Sự mưng mủ

Fetal distress syndrome An abnormal condition of a fetus during gestation or at the time of delivery,

marked by altered heart rate or rhythm and leading to compromised blood

flow or changes in blood chemistry.

Hội chứng bào thai lâm nguy

Fetal heart tone Tiếng tim bào thai

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS

Hội chứng Rượu nơi Bào thai

Fetal surgery Phẩu thuật thai

Feticide Intentional destruction of a human fetus

Sự sát thai

Fetoscope A flexible fiberoptic device used to view a fetus in utero.

Ống soi thai

Fetus Bào thai

Fever, Breakbone An acute, infectious tropical disease caused by an arbovirus transmitted by

mosquitoes, and characterized by high fever, rash, headache, and severe muscle and joint pain. Also called dandy fever, dengue fever.[Spanish,

alteration (influenced by dengue, affectation), of Swahili ki-dinga ]

Bệnh đăngngơ

Fever, Dandy Bệnh đăngngơ

Fever, Enteric Bệnh sốt thương hàn

Fever, Famine Sốt đói

Fever, Jail Sốt tù

Fever, Malarial Sốt rét

Fever, Rabbit Bệnh tularê

Fever, Rheumatic Sốt thấp khớp

Fever, Scarlet Bệnh scaclatin, bệnh tinh hồng nhiệt

Fever, Spotted Sốt phát ban, viêm màng não tủy.

Fever, Trench Sốt chiến hào

Fever, Typhoid Sốt thương hàn

Fever, Yellow Bệnh sốt vàng

Fever blister Chỗ giộp da do sốt

Fever-reducer Thuốc sốt

Fever ward Khu Sốt

Fiber Sợi; thớ

Fibro-adenosis Chứng tuyến sữa dày lên

Fibroid A fibroma or myoma occurring especially in the uterine wall

U xơ

Fibroid tumor Fibroma ; pl.,fibromata

Khối u dạng xơ

Fibroma Pl. fibromata

U xơ

Fibroplasia The formation of fibrous tissue, as normally occurs in the healing of wounds.

Sự hình thành mô dạng xơ

Fibrosis The formation of excessive fibrous tissue, as in a reparative or reactive


Tạo mô xơ

Fibrositis Inflammatory hyperplasia of white fibrous connective tissue, especially

surrounding the muscles and causing pain and stiffness.

Viêm xơ

Fibula Xương mác

Fidgets Bồn chồn

Field of vision The space or range within which objects are visible to the immobile eyes at a

given time. Also called visual field.

Thị trường

Figurine A small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette.

Bức tượng nhỏ

Filaria Any of various slender, threadlike nematode worms of the superfamily

Filarioidea that are parasitic in vertebrates and are often transmitted as larvae

by mosquitos and other biting insects. The adult form lives in the blood and

lymphatic tissues, causing inflammation and obstruction that can lead to


Giun chỉ

Filariasis Disease caused by infestation of tissue with filariae

Bệnh giun chỉ

Filling An act or instance of filling.Something used to fill a space, cavity, or

container: a gold filling in a tooth.

Sự trám, chất trám .

Fingernail Móng tay

Fire Viêm

Fishskin disease A congenital, often hereditary skin disease characterized by dry, thickened,

scaly skin. Also called ichthyosis

Bệnh vảy cá

Fissure Anatomy. A normal groove or furrow, as in the liver or brain, that divides an

organ into lobes or separates it into parts. Medicine. A break in the skin, usually where it joins a mucous membrane, producing a cracklike sore or ulcer.

Chỗ nứt, chỗ nẻ, chỗ gảy


Flatulence The presence of excessive gas in the digestive tract.

Sự đầy hơi

Flea Bọ chét

Flexor A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body.

Cơ gấp

Floaters Specks or small threads in the visual field, usually perceived to be moving,

that are caused by minute aggregations of cells or proteins in the vitreous

humor of the eye.

Những đốm đen chờn vờn trước mắt

Flocculation Sự kết bông; sự lên bông

Floss Chà răng bằng chỉ sợi

Flu Influenza.

Bệnh cúm

Fluid on lungs Congestive heart failure;CHF A condition marked by weakness, edema, and

shortness of breath that is caused by the inability of the heart to maintain

adequate blood circulation in the peripheral tissues and the lungs.

Phổi ngập nước

Fluoroscope A device equipped with a fluorescent screen on which the internal structures

of an optically opaque object, such as the human body, may be continuously

viewed as shadowy images formed by the differential transmission of x-rays

through the object. Also called roentgenoscope.

Máy huỳnh quang

Fluoroscopy Soi bằng máy huỳnh quang

Folk healer Người chữa bệnh bằng y học dân gian; thấy lang


Fomentation A substance or material used as a warm, moist medicinal compress; a poultice.

The therapeutic application of warmth and moisture, as to relieve pain.

Vật chườm nóng, sự chườm nóng

Fontanel Also fontanelle. Any of the soft membranous gaps between the incompletely

formed cranial bones of a fetus or an infant. Also called soft spot. Fontanel

the normal `soft spot` in the baby`s head that all babies should be born with.

Baby is not hurt by touching the fontanel gently. It eventually closes over as the baby matures. A bulging fontanel indicates pressure in the brain.

Thóp (trên đầu trẻ con)

Food allergy Dị ứng thực phẩm

Food imbalance Thực phẩm mất cân đối

Food intolerance Bất dung thực phẩm

Food poisoning Ngộ độc thực phẩm

Food value Giá trị dinh dưỡng

Foot bones Xương bàn chân

Foot doctor Podiatrist

Bác sĩ chân; bác sĩ bộ khoa

Forceps An instrument resembling a pair of pincers or tongs, used for grasping,

manipulating, or extracting, especially such an instrument used by a surgeon.

Cái kẹp; cái cặp thai

Forearm Cẳng tay

Forehead Trán

Forensic medicine Legal medicine

Pháp y

Foreskin The loose fold of skin that covers the glans of the penis. Also called prepuce.

Bao qui đầu

Formula A liquid food for infants, containing most of the nutrients in human milk

Thức ăn lỏng cho trẻ sơ sinh

Formula concentrate Sữa đặc

Formula powder Sữa bột

Fornix An archlike anatomical structure or fold, such as the arched band of white

matter located beneath the corpus callosum of the brain.


Fossa Anatomy.A small cavity or depression, as in a bone.

Hốc, hố

Fovea 1.A small cuplike depression or pit in bone or an organ.2.The fovea centralis.

Hốc nhỏ

Fovea centralis A small depression near the center of the retina, constituting the area of most

acute vision.

Hốc võng mạc

Fossa Anatomy.A small cavity or depression, as in a bone.


Fossa, Nasal Hốc mũi

Fracture Sự gãy; chỗ gãy

Fractured bone Gãy xương

Frambesia A highly contagious tropical disease that chiefly affects children, caused by

the spirochete Treponema pertenue and characterized by raspberrylike sores,

especially on the hands, feet, and face. Also called yaws.[From American

Spanish yaya, sore, from Carib yaya, disease]

Bệnh ghẻ cóc

Freak An abnormally formed organism, especially a person or animal regarded as a

curiosity or monstrosity.

Quái thai

Freckle Tàn nhang

Freezing Làm tê lạnh

French disease Hoa liễu

Frequency Tần suất

Frigid Persistently averse to sexual intercourse

Lãnh cảm

Frequent urination Đái láu

Frontal bone Anatomy. A crania bone consisting of a vertical portion corresponding to the

forehead and a horizontal portion that forms the roofs of the orbital and nasal


Xương trán

Frontal lobe Anatomy.The largest and most anterior part of each cerebral hemisphere.

Thùy trán

Frontal muscle Cơ trán

Frontal sinus Xoang trán

Full-term baby A baby whose gestational age is between 38 and 42 weeks

Trẻ em sanh đầy đủ tháng

Fumigant Thuốc hun khói tẩy uế

Fumigator Máy hun khói

Functional murmur Heart murmur. Medicine. An abnormal sound, usually emanating from the

heart, that sometimes indicates a diseased condition

Tiếng tim bất thường

Funeral home Nhà quàn

Fungus Nốt sùi

Fungosity Mọc nốt sùi

Furuncle A painful, circumscribed pus-filled inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous

tissue usually caused by a local staphylococcal infection. Also called furuncle.

Nhọt. đinh

GBS Group Beta Stress

Gag A device placed in the mouth to keep it open, as in dentistry.

Cái banh miệng

Galen [joc.] Ông lang

Gallbladder A small, pear-shaped muscular sac, located under the right lobe of the liver, in

which bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for


Túi mật

Gallic disease Hoa liễu

Galloping consumption Lao tẩu mã, lao phổi phát triển nhanh

Gallstones A small, hard, pathological concretion, composed chiefly of cholesterol,

calcium salts, and bile pigments, formed in the gallbladder or in a bile duct.

Sỏi mật

Ganglion Anatomy. A group of nerve cells forming a nerve center, especially one

located outside the brain or spinal cord. Pathology. A benign cystic lesion

resembling a tumor, occurring in a tendon sheath or joint capsule

Hạch; trung tâm thần kinh (bên ngoài não)

Gangrene Death and decay of body tissue, often occurring in a limb, caused by insufficient blood supply and usually following injury or disease.

Bệnh thối hoại

Gargle Thuốc súc miệng

Gastric antiacid Thuốc trung hòa axít trong dịch vị.

Gastric juice Dịch vị

Gastric ulcer Loét bao tử

Gastritis Viêm đường ruột

Gastrocnemius The largest, most prominent muscle of the calf of the leg, the action of which

extends the foot and bends the knee.

Cơ bắp chân

Gastroenteritis Viêm dạ dày-ruột

Gastroenterologist Thầy thuốc chuyên khoa dạ dày - ruột

Gastroenterology The branch of medicine that deals with the study of disorders affecting the

stomach, intestines, and associated organs.

Khoa dạ dày-ruột

Gastroesophageal reflux Chứng ợ nóng

Каталог: groups -> 22934696 -> 503627990 -> name
groups -> PHẦn chuyển tiếp kính thưa quý vị và các bạn trẻ, giữa những ngưới Việt chúng ta, tôi nói
groups -> Ý Nga sưu tầm và cập nhật hóa ngày 21-4-2013, với nhạc của nhạc sĩ: TừYên, Hà Thúc Sinh vừa thêm vào
groups -> BÁo cáo môn: RÈn luyện nghiệp vụ SƯ phạM 3
groups -> Phản Bội hay Tự Do cho Việt Nam ?
groups -> Tin khoa hoc december 31, 2010 Những vụ phóng vệ tinh thất bại trong 2010 Trong năm 2010, một số quốc gia đã vấp phải các sự cố trong việc phóng vệ tinh vào không gian
groups -> Một Thời Bạn Học Revised 8/4/10 việt nam
name -> Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta
22934696 -> Abandon a post Đào nhiệm Abandon a prossecution, an action
22934696 -> NHỮng vì sao câu chuyện của một chàng chăn chiên miền Provence

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