Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta

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Convalescence Gradual return to health and strength after illness.

Hồi sức; tiềm phục

Convalescent hospital Bệnh viện hồi sức

Convulse Làm co giật (bắp cơ)

Convulsion An intense, paroxysmal, involuntary muscular contraction.

Chứng co giật

Convulsive Co giật

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Bệnh nghẽn phổi mạn tính

Copulate To engage in coitus or sexual ntercourse

Giao cấu; giao hợp

Copulative Liên quan đến giao cấu; để giao hợp

Copulatory Để giao cấu; để giao hợp

Cordial Rượu bổ

Corn A horny thickening of the skin, usually on or near a toe, resulting

from pressure or friction. Also called clavus.

Chai (ở chân)

Corn doctor [joc.] Bác sĩ chân

Cornea The transparent, convex, anterior portion of the outer fibrous coat of the

eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil and is continuous with the sclera.

Giác mạc ; màng sừng

Corneal transplant Cấy, ghép giác mạc

Coronary angiogram Huyết mạch đồ tim

Coronary angioplasty Thông tim

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft CABG

Ghép mạch thông tim

Coronary artery disease Bệnh nghẽn mạch máu tim

Coronary bypass surgery A surgical procedure performed to improve blood supply to the heart by

creating new routes for blood flow when one or more of the coronary arteries

become obstructed. The surgery involves removing a healthy blood vessel

from another part of the body, such as the leg, and grafting it onto the heart to

circumvent the blocked artery.

Phẩu thuật thông tim

Coronary care unit Abbr. CCU A hospital unit that is specially equipped to treat patients with

serious heart conditions, such as coronary thrombosis.

Đơn vị chuyên tim

Coronary occlusion The partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery, as by a

thrombus or the progressive buildup of atherosclerotic plaque.

Nghẽn động mạch vành

Coronary sinus A venous sinus that opens into the right atrium of the heart and serves to drain

the coronary veins.

Xoang tinh mạch vành

Coronary thrombosis Obstruction of a coronary artery by a thrombus, often leading to destruction of

heart muscle.

Chứng nghẽn động mạch vành

Coronary vein A surgical procedure performed to improve blood supply to the heart by

creating new routes for blood flow when one or more of the coronary arteries

become obstructed. The surgery involves removing a healthy blood vessel

from another part of the body, such as the leg, and grafting it onto the heart to

circumvent the blocked artery.

Tĩnh mạch vành

Coroner Nhân viên pháp y

Corrective Chất điều hoà

Cortex The outer layer of an internal organ or body structure, as of the kidney or

adrenal gland.. The outer layer of gray matter that covers the surface of the

cerebral hemisphere.

Vỏ não

Corona The crownlike upper portion of a bodily part or structure, such as the top of

the head.

Đỉnh đầu; chóp răng

Coronoid Vẹt, kình mỏ quạ (mỏm xương)

Corpus callosum Anatomy The arched bridge of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral

hemispheres, allowing communication between the right and left sides of the


Thể chai

Cortical Thuộc vỏ não

Coryza A viral infection characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes

lining the upper respiratory passages and usually accompanied by malaise,

fever, chills, coughing, and sneezing. In this sense, also called cold, common


Bệnh cảm

Cosmetic bonding Ràng răng thẩm mỹ

Cotton Bông gòn

Cough Ho

Cough, whooping A highly contagious disease of the respiratory system, usually affecting

children, that is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and is

characterized in its advanced stage by spasms of coughing interspersed with

deep, noisy inspirations. Also called pertussis

Ho gà

Cough drops Thuốc ho

Cough medicine Thuốc ho

Cough sirrup Thuốc ho

Coup de soleil [F.] Say nóng

Counteractant Thuốc giải độc

Counteractive Thuốc giải độc

Counterirritant Thuốc chống kích thích

Counterpoison Thuốc giải độc

Countervenom Thuốc chống nọc độc

Country doctor Thầy thuốc miền quê

Court plaster Băng dính

Cowper`s gland Anatomy.Either of two small racemose glands that are located below the

prostate and discharge a component of the seminal fluid into the urethra. They

are homologous to the Bartholin's glands in the female. Also called

bulbourethral gland.

Tuyến chùm hoa

Cowpox A mild, contagious skin disease of cattle, usually affecting the udder , that is

caused by a virus and characterized by the eruption of a pustular rash. When

the virus is transmitted to humans, as by vaccination, it can confer immunity

to smallpox . Also called vaccinia

Bệnh đậu bò, ngưu đậu

Coxa The hip or hip joint.

Háng, khớp háng

CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure - A setting on the ventilator; low

pressure in the lungs to prevent the alveoli from collapsing during exhalation.

Ép khí quản liên tục để phế nang không xẹp khi thở


CPAP machine Máy trợ hô hấp

CPT Chest Physiotherapy - A procedure of vibration of the chest and suctioning of

nose, mouth, and/or endotracheal tube to clear secretions; performed by the

respiratory therapist.

Liệu pháp hô hấp nhân tạo

CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Hồi sinh tim phổi

Crab louse A sucking louse (Phthirus pubis) that generally infests the pubic region and

causes severe itching.

Rận (ở lông mu)

Cramp Chứng chuột rút

Cramp, abdominal Chứng chuột rút ở bụng

Cramp, menstrual Chứng chuột rút do kinh nguyệt

Cramp, muscular Chứng chuột rút cơ bắp

Cranial Thuộc về sọ

Cranial nerve Thần kinh sọ

Craniotomy Surgical incision into the skull.

Mổ sọ

Cranium The skull of a vertebrate. The portion of the skull enclosing the brain; the



Cremate To incinerate (a corpse).

Thiêu; hoả thiêu; hỏa táng

Cretin Người mắc chứng độn

Cretinism A congenital condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone during

prenatal development and characterized in childhood by dwarfed stature,

mental retardation, dystrophy of the bones, and a low basal metabolism . Also

called congenital myxedema .

Chứng độn

Cretinous Độn; ngu si, ngu ngốc

Creutzfield-Jacobs Bệnh nhiễm trùng óc

Crib death A fatal syndrome that affects sleeping infants under a year old, characterized

by a sudden cessation of breathing and thought to be caused by a defect in the

central nervous system. Also called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Abbr. SIDS.

Hội chứng trẻ chết đột ngột

Cribriform Perforated like a sieve.

Có lỗ rây

Cribriform plate of ethmoid Tấm xương sàng có lỗ rây

Crippled Tàn tật, què quặt

Crit Hematocrit. The percentage by volume of packed red blood cells in a given

sample of blood after centrifugation. A centrifuge used to determine the

volume of blood cells and plasma in a given sample of blood. A test to

measure the concentration of red blood cells in the blood.

Thử nghiệm độ tập trung của hồng huyết cầu

Croaker [slang] Thầy thuốc

Crohn`s disease Bệnh viêm ruột

Croup A pathological condition of the larynx, especially in infants and children, that

is characterized by respiratory difficulty and a hoarse, brassy cough.

Bệnh bạch hầu thanh quản

Cross-eye A form of strabismus in which one or both eyes deviate toward the nose.

Sự lác mắt hội tụ

Cross-eyed Lác mắt hội tụ; mắt lé

Crotch The angle or region of the angle formed by the junction of two parts or

members, such as two branches, limbs, or legs.

Đáy chậu

Crown Dentistry. a. The part of a tooth that is covered by enamel and projects beyond

the gum line. b. An artificial substitute for the natural crown of a tooth.

Thân răng (thật). chop răng,mảo (răng giả)

Crucial incision Vết mổ hình chữ thập

Crus of helix Chân thành tai

Crushing pain Đau liểng xiểng

Crutch A staff or support used by the physically injured or disabled as an aid in

walking, usually designed to fit under the armpit and often used in pairs.


Crymotherapy The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. Also called


Liệu pháp lạnh

Cryosurgery The selective exposure of tissues to extreme cold, often by applying a

probe containing liquid nitrogen, to bring about the destruction or elimination

of abnormal cells.

Phẩu thuật lạnh

Cryotherapy The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy. Also called


Liệu pháp lạnh

Condyle A rounded prominence at the end of a bone, most often for articulation with

another bone.

Cục lõi ở đầu xương

C-section Cesarean section also Caesarean section. A surgical incision through the

abdominal wall and uterus, performed to deliver a fetus.[From the traditional

belief that Julius Caesar (or his eponymous ancestor) was born by this \ operation]. Cesarian.

Mổ đẻ

CT scan Special X-ray very useful in examination of the brain; to check for

abnormalities such as blood, excess fluid, etc.

Chụp hình CAT

Cul-de-sac A saclike cavity or tube open only at one end.

Túi cùng

Culture The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions,

and all other products of human work and thought. These patterns, traits, and

products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, ommunity,

or population: Edwardian culture; Japanese culture; the culture of poverty.

These patterns, traits, and products considered with respect to a particular

category, such as a field, subject, or mode of expression: religious culture in

the Middle Ages; musical culture; oral culture.Intellectual and artistic activity,

and the works produced by it.Development of the intellect through training or

education. Enlightenment resulting from such training or education. A high

degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training.

Văn hóa

Culture The cultivation of soil; tillage.

Canh tác; cày bừa

Culture The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce

improved stock.

Nuôi trồng

Culture To grow (microorganisms or other living matter) in a specially prepared

nutrient medium to test in the lab for infection of body fluids such as spinal

fluid, blood, urine, and mucus.

Nuôi cấy vi khuẩn

Cunnilingus Oral stimulation of the clitoris or vulva.[New Latin, from Latin, he who licks

the vulva : cunnus, vulva + lingere, to lick.]

Liếm âm vật hay âm hộ

Cupid's itch Hoa liễu

Cupping A treatment in which evacuated glass cups are applied to intact or

scarified skin in order to draw blood toward or through the surface. It was

used for disorders associated with an excess of blood, one of the four humors

of medieval physiology

Sự giác; giác hơi

Cupping-glass Ống giác

Cure Chữa trị

Cure-all Thuốc bách bệnh

Curettage The removal of tissue or growths from a body cavity, such as the uterus,

by scraping with a curette. Also called curettement.

Sự nạo thìa

Curette Thìa nạo; nạo bằng thìa

Curriculum Chương trình giảng dạy; giáo trình

Cut Vết cắt, chỗ đứt

Cutting pain Đau như cắt

CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident

Tai biến mạch máu não; đột quỵ

Cyanosis Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from

inadequate oxygenation of the blood

Chứng xanh tím

Cyst An abnormal membranous sac containing a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid

substance.. A sac or vesicle in the body

Nang, u nang

Cystalgia Đau bàng quang

Cystic duct Bile duct

Ống dẫn mật

Cystic fibrosis Xơ u nang

Cystectomy 1.Surgical removal of a cyst.2.a. Surgical removal of the gallbladder. b.

Surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder

Phẩu thuật cắt bỏ u nang

Phẩu thuật cắt bỏ túi mật

Phẩu thuật cắt bỏ bọng đái

Cystitis Inflammation of the urinary bladder

Viêm bọng đái

Cystogram Chụp hình u nang

Cystology Tế bào học

Cystoplasty Phấu thuật chỉnh hình bang quang

Cystoscopy Soi u nang

Cytology Tế bào học

Cytoplasm The protoplasm outside the nucleus of a cell

Tế bào chất


Daltonism An inherited defect in perception of red and green; red-green colorblindness.[After John Dalton.]

Mù màu đỏ và lục

Dander Scurf from the coat or feathers of various animals, often of an allergenic

nature.[Alteration of DANDRUFF.]

Vảy mốc gây dị ứng

Dandruff A scaly scurf formed on and shed from the scalp, sometimes caused by


Gàu (ở đầu)

Dandy Bệnh đăngngơ

Dandy fever Bệnh đăngngơ

D and C Dilation and Curettage A surgical procedure in which the cervix is expanded

using a dilator and the uterine lining scraped with a curette, performed for the

diagnosis and treatment of various uterine conditions.

Mở rộng cổ tử cung và nạo thìa

D and E Dilation and Extraction

Mở rộng cổ tử cung và lấy thai ra

D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic

Bác Sĩ Chỉnh Xương

D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery

Bác sĩ Phẩu thuật Răng

D.D.Sc. Doctor of Dental Science

Bác sĩ Khoa Răng

D.M.D. Dentariae Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Dental Medicine).

Bác Sĩ Nha Khoa

D.O. Doctor of Osteopathy

Bác Sĩ Xương

D.P.M. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine

Bác Sĩ Bộ Khoa

Deaf Partially or completely lacking in the sense of hearing. Deaf people considered as a group. Deaf. The community of deaf people who use

American Sign Language as a primary means of communication. Note: Some

writers have lately introduced a distinction between the lowercase noun deaf,

which is used to refer simply to people with extensive hearing disorders, and

the capitalized noun Deaf, which refers to the culture and community that has

grown up around the use of American Sign Language as a primary means of



Deaf-mute Offensive. Noun A person who can neither hear nor speak.adjective. Unable

to speak or hear.

Người câm điếc; câm điếc

Debilitating Làm suy yếu, làm suy nhược

Decayed tooth Răng sâu

Decongestant Giảm xung huyết

Deep bite Răng không ăn khớp

Deep coughing Ho sù-sụ

Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT

Nghẽn tĩnh mạch bên trong

Defecate To void feces from the bowels.

Đại tiện;đi tiêu; đi cầu; ỉa ra

Deferent Anatomy. Carrying down or away. Used of a duct or vessel.

Dẫn đi

Deferent duct Ống dẫn tinh

Defibrillator Máy khử rung

Deficiency disease A disease, such as rickets or scurvy , that is caused by a dietary deficiency of

specific nutrients, especially a vitamin or mineral. The disease may stem from

insufficient intake, digestion, absorption, or utilization of a nutrient

Bệnh thiếu vitamin

Degenerative joint disease A form of arthritis, occurring mainly in older persons, that is characterized by

chronic degeneration of the cartilage of the joints. Also called osteoarthritis .

Chứng thoái hoá khớp xương

Dehydrated Mất nước trong cơ thể

Dehydrattion Sanh, đẻ; đỡ đẻ

Delivery Sự sanh đẻ; sự đỡ đẻ

Delivery room Phòng đẻ

Deltoid A thick, triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint, used to raise the arm

from the side.

Cơ Đenta [ở khớp xương vai]

Dementia Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and

judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is

often accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes

Chứng lú

Demulcent A soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, such as glycerin or lanolin, used especially to relieve pain in inflamed or irritated mucous


Thuốc làm dịu viêm

Dengue Disease marked by headache, severe joint pain, and a rash

Bệnh đăngngơ

Dental caries Bệnh sâu răng

Dental floss Chỉ chà kẻ răng

Dental surgeon Bác sĩ phẩu thuật răng

Dental surgery Phẩu thuật răng

Dentifrice Toothpaste

Xà phòng đánh răng

Dentin The main, calcareous part of a tooth, beneath the enamel and

surrounding the pulp chamber and root canals.

Ngà răng

Dentist Nha sĩ

Dentist, Operative Nha sĩ phẩu thuật

Dentistry Nha khoa

Dentistry, Aesthetic Nha khoa thẩm mỹ

Dentistry, Operative Nha khoa phẩu thuật

Dentistry, Prosthetic Làm răng giả

Dentistry, Surgical Nha khoa phẩu thuật

Dentition The process of growing new teeth; teething.

Mọc răng

Denture A partial or complete set of artificial teeth for either the upper or lower jaw.

Also called dental plate.Often dentures. A complete set of removable artificial

teeth for both jaws.

Bộ răng, hàm răng; hàm răng giả

Deobstruent Thuốc nhuận tràng

Depressant Thuốc làm giảm đau

Depression A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to oncentrate,

insomnia, and feelings of extreme sadness, dejection, and hopelessness

Đồi táng; đốn tỏa; suy sụp tinh thần

DPT vaccine Diphtheria-Pertussin-Tetanus vaccine

Vắc-xin bạch hầu- ho gà- uốn ván

Derma Da

Dermabrasion Mài da mặt

Dermal Thuộc về da

Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin.

Viêm da

Dermatologist Bác sĩ da liễu

Dermatology The branch of medicine that is concerned with the physiology and pathology

of the skin.

Khoa da

Dermatomycosis Bệnh nấm ở da

Dermatoplasty Sự cấy da; sự ghép da

Dermatosis A skin disease, especially one that is not accompanied by inflammation.

Bệnh da

Dermic Thuộc da

Dermis The sensitive connective tissue layer of the skin located below the epidermis,

containing nerve endings, sweat and sebaceous glands, and blood and lymph

vessels. Also called corium, cutis, derma


Descending aorta Động mạch chủ đi xưống

Desensitization Giảm cảm thụ

Deviated nasal septum Vách mũi bị lệch

Dextrostix A special strip of plastic used to determine how much glucose is present in a

sample of blood.

Miếng nhựa thử đường trong máu

Diabetes Any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive discharge of urine

and persistent thirst, especially one of the two types of diabetes mellitus.

Bệnh đái đường

Diabetes insipidus A chronic metabolic disorder characterized by intense thirst and excessive

urination, caused by a deficiency of the pituitary hormone vasopressin.

Bệnh đái đường lạt

Diabetes mellitus A severe, chronic form of diabetes caused by insufficient production of insulin

and resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The disease, which typically appears in childhood or adolescence, is characterized by increased sugar levels in the blood and urine, excessive

thirst, frequent urination, acidosis, and wasting. Also called insulin-dependent

diabetes .2.A mild form of diabetes that typically appears first in adulthood

and is exacerbated by obesity and an inactive lifestyle. This disease often has

no symptoms, is usually diagnosed by tests that indicate glucose intolerance,

and is treated with changes in diet and an exercise regimen. Also called non-

insulin-dependent diabetes

Bệnh đái đường ngọt

Diabetic retinitis Viêm võng mạc tiểu đường

Diabetic retinopathy Bệnh võng mạc tiểu đường

Diagnosis Chẩn đoán

Dialysis The separation of smaller molecules from larger molecules or of dissolved

substances from colloidal particles in a solution by selective diffusion through

a semipermeable membrane. A procedure for removing metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the bloodstream by dialysis.

Sự thẩm tách; sự thẩm tách máu

Dialysis machine Artificial kidney machine

Máy thẩm tách; thận nhân tạo

Diaper Tả lót

Diaphragm 1. Type of birth control

Màn chắn, màn ngăn (ngừa thụ thai)

2 . Anatomy. A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and

thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration. Also called midriff

Cơ hoành; hoành cách mô

Каталог: groups -> 22934696 -> 503627990 -> name
groups -> PHẦn chuyển tiếp kính thưa quý vị và các bạn trẻ, giữa những ngưới Việt chúng ta, tôi nói
groups -> Ý Nga sưu tầm và cập nhật hóa ngày 21-4-2013, với nhạc của nhạc sĩ: TừYên, Hà Thúc Sinh vừa thêm vào
groups -> BÁo cáo môn: RÈn luyện nghiệp vụ SƯ phạM 3
groups -> Phản Bội hay Tự Do cho Việt Nam ?
groups -> Tin khoa hoc december 31, 2010 Những vụ phóng vệ tinh thất bại trong 2010 Trong năm 2010, một số quốc gia đã vấp phải các sự cố trong việc phóng vệ tinh vào không gian
groups -> Một Thời Bạn Học Revised 8/4/10 việt nam
name -> Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta
22934696 -> Abandon a post Đào nhiệm Abandon a prossecution, an action
22934696 -> NHỮng vì sao câu chuyện của một chàng chăn chiên miền Provence

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