Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta

Rhinology The anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nose. Khoa mũi Rhinopharyngitis

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Rhinology The anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nose.

Khoa mũi

Rhinopharyngitis Inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucous membranes

Viêm màng nhầy mũi-họng

Rhinoplasty Plastic surgery of the nose.

Phẩu thuật sữa mũi

Rhinoscopy Examination of the nasal passages by means of a speculum or similar


Thuật soi mũi

Rhombencephalon The portion of the embryonic brain from which the metencephalon and

myelencephalon develop. Also called hindbrain

Não sau

Rhonchus A coarse rattling sound somewhat like snoring, usually caused by secretion in

a bronchial tube.

Ran ngáy

Rhythm method Phương pháp nhịp độ

Rib Xương sườn (12 cặp)

Rib cage Lồng ngực

Riggs' disease Inflammation of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth.[After John

Mankey Riggs (1810-1885), American dentist].

Nha chu

Rigor Medicine. Shivering or trembling, as caused by a chill.

Sự run rét; sự rùng mình

Rigor mortis Muscular stiffening following death.

Xác chết cứng đờ

Rickets Bệnh còi xương

Right atrium Tâm nhĩ phải

Right ventricle Tâm thất phải

Ringing ears Ù tai

Ringworm Any of a number of contagious skin diseases caused by several related fungi,

characterized by ring-shaped, scaly, itching patches on the skin.

Bệnh ecpet mảng tròn

Rising Phồng lên

Risk factors Các nhân tố rủi ro

Roborant Restoring vigor or strength.noun A roborant drug; a restorative or tonic.

Bổ; thuốc bổ

Roentgen cancer Ung thư do tia Rơnghen

Roller A long, rolled bandage.

Băng cuộn

Room air Normal room air has 21% oxygen conentration

Không khí bình thường

Root Chân răng

Root canal 1. A pulp-filled channel in a root of a tooth.2.A treatment in which diseased

tissue from this part of the tooth is removed and the resulting cavity is filled

with an inert material.

Rút gân máu, lấy tủy răng

Rooting reflex Instinctive response of a full-term baby to seek out the nipple when touched

on or around the cheek.

Phản xạ tìm kiếm

Rose cold A spring or early summer hay fever. Also called rose fever

Cảm sốt mùa xuân, cảm sốt muà hè

Rose fever Rose cold

Cảm sốt mùa xuân, cảm sốt muà hè

Roseola A rose-colored skin rash, sometimes occurring with diseases such as measles,

syphilis, or scarlet fever.

Ban đào

Round ligament of uterus Dây chằng tròn của tử cung

Rounds The gathering of doctors, nurses, and other hospital personnel to discuss the

condition and treatment of the babies.

Hội chẩn

Rubdown An energetic massage of the body; coining

Cạo gió; đánh gió

Rubella A mild, contagious, eruptive disease caused by a virus and capable of

producing ongenital defects in infants born to mothers infected during

the first three months of pregnancy. Also called German measles.[From Latin,

neuter pl. of rubellus, red, from ruber ]

Bệnh ban đào; bệnh sởi Đức

Rubeola a. An acute, contagious viral disease, usually occurring in childhood and

characterized by eruption of red spots on the skin, fever, and catarrhal

symptoms. Also called measles Black measles. c. Any of several other

diseases, especially German measles, that cause similar but milder symptoms.

Bệnh phong chẩn, bệnh rubêôn

Ruga A fold, crease, or wrinkle, as in the lining of the stomach. Often used in the


Nếp nhăn

Rupture A hernia, especially of the groin or intestines. b. A tear in bodily tissue.

Thoát vị; vỡ, đứt, rách ,thủng


Sacral (Thuộc) xương cùng

Sacral plexus Đám rối xương cùng

Sacrum A triangular bone made up of five fused vertebrae and forming the posterior

section of the pelvis.

Xương cùng

Safe sex Tính dục an toàn

Sagittal section Mặt cắt dọc

Sagittal suture Khớp nối xương đỉnh

Saint Vitus' dance A nervous disorder occurring chiefly in childhood or during pregnancy,

closely associated with rheumatic fever, and characterized by rapid, jerky,

involuntary movements of the body. Also called Sydenham`s chorea [After

Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689), English physician]

Chứng múa giật

Sal ammoniac A slightly hygroscopic, white crystalline compound, NH4Cl, used in dry cells,

as a soldering flux, and as an expectorant . Also called ammonium chloride.

Muối hít (làm long đờm)

Sal volatile A solution of ammonium carbonate in alcohol or ammonia water, used in

smelling salts.

Muối hít (để cho hít khi bị ngất)

Saline implants Làm ngực lớn

Saliva Nước bọt, nước dãi

Saliva gland A gland that secretes saliva, especially any of three pairs of large glands, the

parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual, whose secretions enter the mouth and

mingle in saliva.

Tuyến nước bọt

Salve Thuốc mỡ, thuốc xoa

Sanatorium Nhà thương

Sanies A thin, fetid, greenish fluid consisting of serum and pus discharged from a

wound, an ulcer, or a fistula

Mủ máu thối

Sanitorium Nhà thương

Saphena Either of two main superficial veins of the leg, one larger than the other, that

begin at the foot.

Đại tĩnh mạch chân

Sapremia Blood poisoning resulting from the absorption of the products of putrefaction.

Bệnh máu nhiễm khuẩn thối

Sarcoma A malignant tumor arising from connective tissues

Sacôm, u ác tính

Sarcomatosis Formation of numerous sarcomas in various parts of the body.

Bệnh saccôm lan rộn

Sartorius A flat, narrow thigh muscle, the longest of the human anatomy, crossing the

front of the thigh obliquely from the hip to the inner side of the tibia.[New

Latin, from Late Latin sartor, tailor (from its producing the cross-legged

position of a tailor at work), from sartus, past participle of sarcìre, to mend.]

Cơ thợ may

Sawbones A physician, especially a surgeon

Thầy mổ

Scab Vảy bệnh ghẻ

Scabies A contagious skin disease caused by a parasitic mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) and

characterized by intense itching.

Bệnh ghẻ

Scale Vảy

Scalp Da đầu

Scaly Có vảy, xếp như vảy cá

Scaphoid A comma-shaped bone of the human wrist, located in the first row of

carpals A concave bone of the human foot, located between the talus and the


Xương thuyền; xương ghe

Scapula Either of two large, flat, triangular bones forming the back part of the

shoulder. lso called shoulder blade.[Late Latin, shoulder, from Latin scapulae,

the shoulder blades ]

Xương bả vai

Scapuloclavicular Of, relating to, or affecting both the scapula and the clavicle.

Ảnh hưởng đến cả xương bả vai lẫn xương đòn

Scar Sẹo

Scarify To make shallow cuts in (the skin), as when vaccinating

Rạch nông da

Scarlatina Bệnh tinh hồng nhiệt

Scarlet fever An acute contagious disease caused by a hemolytic streptococcus, occurring

predominantly among children and characterized by a scarlet skin eruption

and high fever. Also called scarlatina

Bệnh scaclatin, bệnh tinh hồng nhiệt

Scleroderma A pathological thickening and hardening of the skin.

Chứng xơ cứng da

Scelorosis Sự xơ cứng

Schizophrenia Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal

from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and

accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual

disturbances. Schizophrenia, often associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and defects of the frontal lobe, may have an underlying genetic cause

Bệnh tâm thần

Sciatic Of or relating to the ischium or to the region of the hipbone in which it is

located. Of or relating to sciatica.

(Thuộc) hông; (thuộc) đau hông

Sciatic nerve Thần kinh tọa

Sciatica Pain along the sciatic nerve usually caused by a herniated disk of the lumbar

region of the spine and radiating to the buttocks and to the back of the thigh.

Đau thần kinh tọa

Scirrhus A hard, dense cancerous growth usually arising from connective tissue

Ung thư xơ

Sclera The tough, white, fibrous outer envelope of tissue covering all of the

eyeball except the cornea. Also called sclerotic, sclerotic coat

Màng cứng (mắt)

Scleritis Inflammation of the sclera.

Viêm màng cứng

Scleroderma A pathological thickening and hardening of the skin.

Bệnh da cứng dày

Scoliosis Bệnh cong xương sống

Scraping Sự nạo

Scratch A mark resembling a line that is produced by scratching. A slight wound.

Sự trầy da; vếy xây xát

Scorbutic Of, relating to, resembling, or affected by scurvy.

Bị bệnh scôbut

Scrofula A form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes, especially of the neck, that

is most common in children and is usually spread by unpasteurized milk from

infected cows. Also called struma

Tạng lao, bướu giáp, tràng nhạc

Scrofulotuberculosis Lao tràng nhạc

Scrotitis Viêm bìu dái

Scotoma An area of diminished vision within the visual field.

Ám điểm

Scrotum The external sac of skin enclosing the testes in most mammals

Bìu dái; hạ nang

Scurvy A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by spongy and

bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and extreme weakness

Bệnh scôbut

Seasickness Say sóng

Seasonal affected disdorder SAD A mild form of depression occurring at certain seasons of the year,

especially one recurring in winter that is characterized by loss of energy and

sexual drive, restlessness, and often a craving for carbohydrates.

Bệnh buồn chán

Sebaceous gland Tuyến bã nhờn

Seborrhea A disease of the sebaceous glands characterized by excessive secretion of

sebum or an alteration in its quality, resulting in an oily coating, crusts, or

scales on the skin.

Bệnh tuyến bã nhờn

Sebum The semifluid secretion of the sebaceous glands, consisting chiefly of fat,

keratin, and cellular material..

Chất nhờn

Secretion Sự tiết; chất tiết ra

Sedate To administer a sedative to; calm or relieve by means of a sedative drug.

Cho dùng thuốc an thần

Sedative Having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect; reducing or relieving

anxiety, stress, irritability, or excitement.noun An agent or a drug having

a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect.

An thần;thuốc an thần

Seizure A sudden attack, spasm, or convulsion, as in epilepsy or another disorder

Sự lên cơn

Semen A viscous, whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing

spermatozoa and serving as their transporting medium.

Tinh dịch

Semen analysis Phân tích tinh dịch

Semicircular canals Balance mechanism

Rãnh bán nguyệt

Seminal Of, relating to, containing, or conveying semen

Thuộc tinh dịch

Seminal duct Ống dẫn tinh

Seminal fluid Semen, especially the fluid part of semen without the spermatozoa.

Tinh dịch

Seminal vesicle Either of a pair of pouchlike glands situated on each side of the male urinary

bladder that secrete seminal fluid and nourish and promote the movement of

spermatozoa through the urethra.

Túi tinh dịch

Senile Relating to, characteristic of, or resulting from old age. Exhibiting the symptoms of senility, as impaired memory or the inability to perform

certain mental tasks.

Lão suy; lẩm cẩm

Sense organ A specialized organ or structure, such as the eye, ear, tongue, nose, or skin,

where sensory neurons are concentrated and which functions as a receptor.

Also called sensor

Giác quan

Sense of taste Vị giác

Sensory nerves Thần kinh cảm giác

Sensory paralysis Liệt cảm giác

Sepsis The presence of pathogenic organisms or their toxins in the blood or tissues.

Nhiễm trùng máu hoặc mô

Septic poisoning Ngộ độc do nhiễm khuẩn

Septicemia Nhiễm trùng máu

Septicity Nhiễm khuẩn

Septum A thin partition or membrane that divides two cavities or soft masses of tissue

in an organism: the nasal septum; the atrial septum of the heart.

Vách , vách ngăn

Septum, Atrial Vách ngăn tâm nhĩ

Septum of the nose, Deviated Vách ngăn mũi bị lệch

Septum, Interventricular Vách ngăn giữa tâm thất

Septum, Nasal Vách ngăn mũi

Septum pellucidum A thin membrane of nervous tissue that forms the medial wall of the lateral

ventricles in the brain

Màn ngăn não thất bên

Sequela A pathological condition resulting from a disease.

Di chứng, di tật

Sequestrum A fragment of dead bone separated from healthy bone as a result of injury or


Mảnh xương mục

Seroconversion Development of antibodies in blood serum as a result of infection or immunization

Phát triển kháng thể trong huyết thanh

Serologist Nhà nghiên cứu huyết thanh học

Serology Huyết thanh học

Serotherapy Treatment of disease by administration of a serum obtained from an immunized animal.

Phép chữa bằng huyết thanh

Serpigo A spreading skin eruption or disease, such as ringworm .

Bệnh ecpet

Serum The clear yellowish fluid obtained upon separating whole blood into its solid

and liquid components. Also called blood serum. Blood serum from the tissues of immunized animals, containing antibodies and used to transfer immunity to another individual. Watery fluid from animal tissue, such as that found in edema. Whey .

Huyết thanh

Serum hepatitis A form of hepatitis caused by a DNA virus that persists in the blood serum

and is transmitted by infected blood, as through the use of a contaminated

syringe. The disease has a long incubation and symptoms that may become

severe or chronic, causing serious damage to the liver. Also called Hepatitis


Viêm gan B; viêm gan huyết thanh

Sesamoid Of or designating any of certain small modular bones or cartilages that develop in a tendon or in the capsule of a joint. Noun A sesamoid bone or


Xương vừng; sụn vừng

Sex Tính dục

Sex glands Ovaries and placenta in females, testicles in males

Tuyến tính dục (buồng trứng, nhau, dái)

Sexual relations Quan hệ tính dục

Sexually transmitted Lây lan do quan hệ tính dục

Sexually transmitted disease STD

Bệnh lây lan do quan hệ tính dục

Shake test Test to assess amniotic fluid to determine lung maturity in the fetus.

Thử nghiệm phổi của thai

Shaking palsy A progressive nervous disease occuring most often after the age of 50,

associated with the destruction of brain cells that produce dopamine and

characterized by muscular tremor, slowing of movement, partial facial paralysis, peculiarity of gait and posture, and weakness. Also called paralysis agitans Parkinson's disease [After James Parkinson (1755-1824), British physician]

Chứng liệt run rẩy

Sharp pain Đau dữ dội

Shellshock Sự bị sốc vì tiếng đại bác

Shin Cẳng chân; ống chân; ống quyn

Shinbone Tibia

Xương chày

Shingles An acute viral infection characterized by inflammation of the sensory ganglia of certain spinal or cranial nerves and the eruption of vesicles along the

affected nerve path. It usually strikes only one side of the body and is often

accompanied by severe neuralgia. Also called herpes zoster

Bệnh zona

Shifting pain Đau khi chỗ này khi chỗ khác

Ship fever Any of several forms of infectious disease caused by rickettsia, especially

those transmitted by fleas, lice, or mites, and characterized generally by severe

headache, sustained high fever, depression, delirium, and the eruption of red

rashes on the skin. Also called prison fever, typhus , typhus fever.

Bệnh sốt phát ban

Shooting pain Đau nhói, đau buốt

Shortage of breath Sự hụt hơi thở

Shoulder blade Either of two large, flat, triangular bones forming the back part of the shoulder. Also called scapula

Xương bả vai

Shoulder bone Xương vai

Shoulder joint Khớp xương bả vai

Shunt Plastic tube leading from a blocked ventricle of the brain ( in hydrocephalus)

to drain the fluid to the abdominal area.

Ống dẫn

Shunt, Intraventricular Ống dẫn liên não thất

Shunt, Spinal Ống dẫn cột sống

Sickening pain Đau kinh khủng

Siderosis Chronic inflammation of the lungs caused by excessive inhalation of dust

containing iron salts or particles.

Chứng nhiễm sắt

SIDS abbreviation Sudden infant death syndrome.

Hội chứng hài nhi chết đột ngột

Sight The ability to see.

Thị giác

Sight translation Dịch văn bản tại chỗ

Sigmoid colon Khúc ruột kết hình chữ S

Sigmoid flexure An S-shaped section of the colon between the descending section and the

rectum. Also called sigmoid colon

Khúc cong của ruột kết

Sigmoidoscope A tubular instrument for visual examination of the sigmoid flexure

Dụng cụ soi khúc cong ruột kết

Sigmoidoscopy Thuật soi khúc cong của ruột kết

Silicosis A disease of the lungs caused by continued inhalation of the dust of siliceous

minerals and characterized by progressive fibrosis and a chronic shortness of


Bệnh nhiễm bụi silic

Sinapism Thuốc cao bột cải cay

Sinew A tendon.


Sinus Any of various air-filled cavities in the bones of the skull, especially one

communicating with the nostrils.

Xoang; xoang mũi

Sinus cavities Hốc xoang

Sinusitis Viêm xoang

Siriasis Heat stroke caused by exposure to the sun and characterized by a rise in

temperature, convulsions, and coma. Also called sunstroke, insolation

Say nắng

Sitology [Greek sitos, food, grain ) noun (used with a sing. verb) The study of nutrition

as it relates to health. Also called dietetics

Ẩm thực học

Sitzbath A bathtub shaped like a chair in which one bathes in a sitting position,

immersing only the hips and buttocks. A bath taken in such a tub especially

for therapeutic reasons.

Sự tắm ngồi, bồn tắm ngồi; sự ngâm đít,bồn ngâm


Skeletal muscle Cơ xương

Skin cancer Ung thư da

Skin disease Bệnh da

Skin grafts Ghép da

Skull Sọ

Sleep apnea A temporary suspension of breathing occurring repeatedly during sleep that

often affects overweight people or those having an obstruction in the

breathing tract, an abnormally small throat opening, or a neurological disorder

Sự ngưng thở

Sleeping draught Liều thuốc ngủ

Sleep-inducer Thuốc ngủ

Sleeping pills Thuốc ngủ

Sleeping sickness Bệnh buồn ngủ

Sleepwalk To walk or perform other motor acts while asleep; somnambulate.[Back-

formation from SLEEPWALKING.]

Miên hành; mộng du

Sleepy sickness Bệnh buồn ngủ

Sling Băng đeo

Slipped disk Xương dĩa thoát vị

Slough Vảy kết, mảng mục

Slurred speech Nói nhịu, nói líu nhíu

Small intestine Ruột non

Smallpox An acute, highly infectious, often fatal disease caused by a pox virus and

characterized by high fever and aches with subsequent widespread eruption of

pimples that blister, produce pus, and form pockmarks . Also called variola.

Bệnh đậu mùa

Smart Sharp mental or physical pain.

Đau nhức

Smear Vết trãi trên bàn kính (để soi kính hiển vi)

Smear test A test for cancer, especially of the female genital tract, in which a smear of

exfoliated cells is specially stained and examined under a microscope for

pathological changes. Also called Pap test, Pap smear.[After George

Papanicolaou (1883-1962), American anatomist ]

Thử nghiệm tìm ung thư tử cung

Smegma A sebaceous secretion, especially the cheesy secretion that collects under the

prepuce or around the clitoris.

Bựa sinh dục; ke

Smell The sense by which odors are perceived; the olfactory sense.

Khứu giác

Snakeroot Any of various plants, such as black cohosh, rattlesnake master, sanicle, or

wild ginger, having roots reputed to cure snakebite.

Cây chữa rắn cắn

Sneeze To expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic

involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane.

Hắt hơi, nhảy mũi

Sniffles Chứng sổ mũi

Snuffles Nghẹt mũi

Каталог: groups -> 22934696 -> 503627990 -> name
groups -> PHẦn chuyển tiếp kính thưa quý vị và các bạn trẻ, giữa những ngưới Việt chúng ta, tôi nói
groups -> Ý Nga sưu tầm và cập nhật hóa ngày 21-4-2013, với nhạc của nhạc sĩ: TừYên, Hà Thúc Sinh vừa thêm vào
groups -> BÁo cáo môn: RÈn luyện nghiệp vụ SƯ phạM 3
groups -> Phản Bội hay Tự Do cho Việt Nam ?
groups -> Tin khoa hoc december 31, 2010 Những vụ phóng vệ tinh thất bại trong 2010 Trong năm 2010, một số quốc gia đã vấp phải các sự cố trong việc phóng vệ tinh vào không gian
groups -> Một Thời Bạn Học Revised 8/4/10 việt nam
name -> Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta
22934696 -> Abandon a post Đào nhiệm Abandon a prossecution, an action
22934696 -> NHỮng vì sao câu chuyện của một chàng chăn chiên miền Provence

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