Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta

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Varicose veins Tĩnh mạch bị dãn

Vas A vessel or duct.

Mạch, ống

Vascular headache Đau đầu do căng mạch máu

Vascularization of the cornea Nổi gân máu trong giác mạc

Vasectomy Surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens, usually as a means of


Cắt ống dẫn tinh

Vas deferens The main duct through which semen is carried from the epididymis to the

ejaculatory duct.

Vas efferens Any of a number of small ducts that carry semen from the testis to the


Ống dẫn tinh nhỏ

Vasodilator Chất làm mỡ rộng mạch máu

Vein, Right pulmonary Tĩnh mạch phổi bên phải

Venous disorders Các chứng về tĩnh mạch

Valve Anatomy. A membranous structure in a hollow organ or passage, as in an

artery or a vein, that folds or closes to prevent the return flow of the body

fluid passing through it.


Valve, Aortic Van động mạch chủ

Valve, Bicuspid Van hai lá

Valve, Mitral A valve of the heart, composed of two triangular flaps, that is located between

the left atrium and left ventricle and regulates blood flow between these

chambers. Also called bicuspid valve, left atrioventricular valve

Van hai lá

Valve, Pulmonary Van phổi

Valve, Tricuspid The three-segmented valve of the heart that keeps blood in the right ventricle

from flowing back into the right atrium

Van ba lá (của tim)

Valvule A small valve or valvelike structure.

Van nhỏ

Valvulitis Inflammation of a valve, especially a cardiac valve.

Viêm van tim

Valvuloplasty Plastic surgery to repair a valve, especially a heart valve.

Phẩu thuật chữa van tim

Varicella An acute contagious disease, primarily of children, that is caused by the

varicella-zoster virus and characterized by skin eruptions, slight fever, and

malaise. Also called chickenpox

Bệnh thủy đậu

Varicose Abnormally swollen or knotted: varicose veins

Giãn; bị giãn

Varicose vein Bad vein

Tĩnh mạch bị giãn

Varicosis The condition of being varicose.

Chứng giãn tĩnh mạch

Varicosity Varicosis. A varicose enlargement or swelling. The condition of having

varicose veins.

Sự giãn tĩnh mạch

Variola An acute, highly infectious, often fatal disease caused by a poxvirus and

characterized by high fever and aches with subsequent widespread eruption of

pimples that blister, produce pus, and form pockmarks. Also called smallpox.

Bệnh đậu mùa

Variolate Having pustules or marks like those of smallpox. verb, transitive To inoculate

with the smallpox virus.

Có mụn mủ hoặc vết thẹo giống đậu mùa; chủng virút đậu mùa

Varix An abnormally dilated or swollen vein, artery, or lymph vessel.

Chứng giãn mạch

Vector Pathology. An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that carries disease-

causing microorganisms from one host to another.

Vật chủ trung gian

Vein Anatomy. Any of a branching system of membranous tubes that carry blood to

the heart.

Tĩnh mạch

Vein, Axillary Tĩnh mạch nách

Vein, Basilic Tĩnh mạch nền trong cánh tay

Vein, Cephalic Tĩnh mạch đầu

Vein, External jugular Tĩnh mạch cảnh ngoài

Vein, Femoral Tĩnh mạch đùi

Vein, Great saphenous Đại tĩnh mạch chân

Vein, Internal jugular Tĩnh mạch cảnh trong

Vein, Jugular Tĩnh mạch cảnh

Vein, Left pulmonary Tĩnh mạch phổi bên trái

Vein, Portal Tĩnh mạch cửa

Vein, Renal Tĩnh mạch thận

Vein, Right pulmonary Tĩnh mạch phổi bên phải

Vein, Subclavian Tĩnh mạch dưới xương đòn

Vein, Superior mesenteric Tĩnh mạch màng treo ruột trên

Vena Anatomy.A vein.

Tĩnh mạch

Vena cava Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the

lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart.

Đại tĩnh mạch

Vena cava,Inferior Đại tĩnh mạch dưới

Vena cava, Superior Đại tĩnh mạch trên

Veneer Bọc răng đổi màu do bẩm sinh

Venereal disease VD. Any of several contagious diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea,

contracted through sexual intercourse; a sexually transmitted disease.

Bệnh phong tình ( giang mai, lậu)

Venereology The study of sexually transmitted diseases

Khoa bệnh phong tình

Venesection The act or practice of opening a vein by incision or puncture to remove blood

as a therapeutic treatment. Also called phlebotomy.

Sự trích máu tĩnh mạch; sự mở tĩnh mạch

Venepuncture Sự chích tĩnh mạch

Venipuncture Also venepuncture . Puncture of a vein, as for drawing blood, intravenous

feeding, or administration of medicine.

Sự chích tĩnh mạch

Venogram A radiograph of a vein after injection of a radiopaque substance.Also called


Tĩnh mạch đồ

Venomation Trúng nọc độc

Ventilate To aerate or oxygenate (blood).

Lọc máu (bằng ôxy)

Ventilator Respirator - A machine that assists the baby in breathing by regulating the

flow of air into and out of the lungs.

Máy thở

Ventral Anatomy. Relating to or situated on or close to the abdomen; abdominal

(Thuộc) bụng; ở bụng

Ventricle [of the brain] Any of the interconnecting cavities of the brain

Não thất

Ventricle [of the heart] The chamber on the left side of the heart that receives arterial blood from the

left atrium and contracts to force it into the aorta.Also called left ventricle. The chamber on the right side of the heart that receives venous blood from the

right atrium and forces it into the pulmonary artery.Also called right ventricle.

Tâm thất

Ventricualr tachycardia V tach

Chứng mạch nhanh tâm thất

Venus`s curse Bệnh hoa liễu

Vermicide Thuốc trừ giun

Vermiform appendix A narrow vestigial process projecting from the cecum in the lower right-hand

part of the abdomen of some mammals, including human beings. Also called

vermiform process.

Khúc ruột thừa

Vermifuge Thuốc giun

Vernix A waxy white protective substance covering the skin of a fetus. [Short for

vernix caseosa ]. The white fatteycoating of the skin, usually not present in a

very premature baby.

Lớp da phấn

Verruca Hột cơm, mụt cóc

Verrucose Also verrucous. Covered with warts or wartlike projections

Có mụn hột cơm

Vertebra Any of the bones or cartilaginous segments forming the spinal column.

Đốt sống

Vertebra, Cervical Đốt sống cổ [7 đốt]

Vertebra, Lumbar Đốt sống thắt lưng [5 đốt]

Vertebra, Thoractic Đốt sống ngực [12 đốt]

Vertebral column The series of articulated vertebrae, separated by intervertebral disks and held

together by muscles and tendons, that extends from the cranium to the coccyx or the end of the tail, encasing the spinal cord and forming the supporting axis of the body; the spine. Also called spinal column

Cột sống [24 đốt]

Vertex Anatomy. The highest point of the skull .The top of the head.

Đỉnh đầu

Vertigo The sensation of dizziness. An instance of such a sensation.

Sự chóng mặt; cơn chóng mặt

Vesica A bladder, especially the urinary bladder or the gallbladder.

Bóng (Bóng đái, túi mật)

Vesical calculus Sỏi bóng đái

Vesicle Pathology. A serum-filled blister formed in or beneath the skin

Mụn nước

Vestibular Of, relating to, or serving as a vestibule.

(Thuộc) tiền đình

Vestibular nerve A division of the acoustic nerve that conducts impulses related to maintaining

balance to the brain.

Thần kinh tiền đình

Vestibule Anatomy. A cavity, chamber, or channel that leads to or is an entrance to

another cavity: the vestibule to the ear.

Tiền đình

Vet [coll.] Bác sĩ Thú Y

Veterinarian Bác sĩ Thú Y

Veterinary medicine Thú Y

Veterinary Bác sĩ Thú Y

Veterinary surgery Phẩu thuật thú y

Viable Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn.

Có thể sống được

Vial Lọ nhỏ (bằng thủy tinh để đựng thuốc nước)

Vibrator An electrically operated device used for massage.

Máy xoa bóp

Villus Biology. A minute projection arising from a mucous membrane, especially:

one of the fingerlike projections of the chorion that contribute to the formation

of the placenta in mammals.

Lông nhung

Viscera 1.The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the

abdominal and thoracic cavities.

Nội tạng, phủ tạng.

2. The intestines


Visiting Nurse Association Hội Y tá săn sóc tại nhà

Visual field VF. The space or range within which objects are visible to the immobile eyes

at a given time. Also called field of vision

Thị trường

Vital organs Các bộ phận quan trọng

Vital signs The pulse rate, temperature, and respiratory rate of an individual.

Nhịp mạch, nhiệt độ, và nhịp thở

Vitamin Sinh tố

Vitamin deficiency Thiếu sinh tố

Vitamin K Often given soon after birth to prevent a bleeding disorder caused by vitamin

K deficiency. Preemies arer usually deficient in vitamin K.

Vitamin K

Vitiligo Partial or total loss of skin pigmentation, often occurring in patches. Also

called leukoderma - leucoderma

Bệnh bạch bì; bệnh bạch điến; bệnh lang trắng, lang ben

Vitreous humor Dịch thủy tinh

Volvulus Abnormal twisting of the intestine causing obstruction.

Bệnh xoắn ruột

Vomer A thin flat bone forming the inferior and posterior part of the nasal

septum and dividing the nostrils in most vertebrates.

Xương lá mía

Vomica Profuse expectoration of putrid matter. An abnormal pus-containing cavity,

usually in a lung, caused by deterioration of tissue.. The pus contained in such

a cavity.

Hang (trong phổi bị lao); sự khạc ộc mủ

Vomit Ói nửa

Vomiting Ói nửa

Vomitive Relating to or causing vomiting.noun An emetic.

Gây nôn; thuốc gây nôn

Vomiturition Forceful attempts at vomiting without bringing up the contents of the

stomach; retching.

Sự nôn oẹ

V tach Ventricualr tachycardia

Chứng mạch nhanh tâm thất

Vulva The external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia

minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina.

Âm hộ

Vulvectomy Surgical removal of the vulva.

Phẩu thuật cắt bỏ âm hộ

Vulvitis Inflammation of the vulva

Viêm âm hộ

Vulvovaginitis Inflammation of the vulva and vagina.

Viêm âm hộ và âm đạo

Waist Thắt lưng

Waiting room Phòng đợi

Wale Vết lằn (roi)

Wall, muscular Thành cơ

Walleye A form of strabismus in which the visual axis of one eye deviates from that of

the other.

Lác mắt hội tụ

Ward Khu (nhà thương)

Ward, maternity Khu sản khoa

Ward, fever Khu Sốt

Ward, isolation Khu cách ly

Warfarin A white crystalline compound, C19H16O4, used to kill rodents and

medicinally as a blood anticoagulant.[W(isconsin) A(lumni) R(esearch)

F(oundation) + (COUM)ARIN. ]

Thuốc chống đông máu

Warm springs Suối nước nóng

Wart Hard, rough lump growing on the skin, caused by infection with certain

viruses and occurring typically on the hands or feet.

Hột cơm, mụn cóc

Wasting disease Bệnh làm hao mòn dần sức khỏe

Water bag The membranous sac filled with amniotic fluid that protects a fetus during

pregnancy. Also called bag of waters

Túi nước ối

Water-borne disease Bệnh lây lan bằng nước dùng

Water imbalance Mất cân bằng nước

Watering place A health resort with mineral springs; a spa.

Suối khoáng

Wayfarin A white crystalline compound, C19H16O4, used to kill rodents and

medicinally as a blood anticoagulant.

Chất chống đông máu

Wax, ear Ráy tai

WBC White Blood Cell.

Bạch huyết cầu

Weal Lằn roi

Wean Cai sữa; thôi cho bú

Wearing effect Hiệu ứng gây hao mòn

Weep To emit or run with drops of liquid: a sore that weeps.

Chảy nước

Weight control Sự hạn chế lên cân

Welt [coll.] Lằn roi

Wet the bed Đái dầm

Wheal A small swelling on the skin, as from an insect bite, that usually itches or burns.

Nốt sần

Wheelchair Xe lăn

Wheeze To breathe with difficulty, producing a hoarse whistling sound.noun A

wheezing sound.

Thở khò khè

Wheezing Thở khò khè

White Coat Syndrome Hội Chứng Cao Máu

White blood cell WBC. Any of the colorless or white cells in the blood that have a nucleus

and cytoplasm and help protect the body from infection and disease through

specialized neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. Also called leukocyte,

white cell, white corpuscle

Tế bào bạch huyết

Whitlow A painful, purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail. Also called felon

Chín mé

Whooping cough A highly contagious disease of the respiratory system, usually affecting children, that is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and is

characterized in its advanced stage by spasms of coughing interspersed with

deep, noisy inspirations. Also called pertussis

Ho gà
WIC Program Women Infants and Children Program

Chương trình Liên bang trợ cấp bà mẹ và trẻ em

Wisdom tooth One of four rearmost molars on each side of the upper and lower jaw in human beings. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, typically in early


Răng khôn

Womb Tử cung; dạ con

Work related injury Thương tích do công việc gây ra

Work release Cho miễn làm việc

Wound Vết thương

Wrist Cổ tay

Zinc ointment A salve consisting of about 20 percent zinc oxide with beeswax or paraffin

and petrolatum, used in the treatment of skin disorders.

Dầu kẽm

Zinc oxide ointment Dầu kẽm

Zygoma The zygomatic bone.

Xương gò má

Zygomatic bone A small bone in vertebrates on each side of the face socket, forming the

prominence of the cheek. Also called cheekbone

Xương gò má

Yaws A highly contagious tropical disease that chiefly affects children, caused by the spirochete Treponema pertenue and characterized by raspberrylike sores,

especially on the hands, feet, and face. Also called frambesia.[From American

Spanish yaya, sore, from Carib yaya, disease]

Bệnh ghẻ cóc

Y-chromosome The sex chromosome associated with male characteristics, occurring with one

X-chromosome in the male sex-chromosome pair.

Nhiễm sắc thể Y

Yellow fever An infectious tropical disease caused by an arbovirus transmitted by

mosquitoes of the genera Aedes, especially A. aegypti, and Haemagogus and

characterized by high fever, jaundice, and dark-colored vomit resulting from

gastrointestinal hemorrhaging. Also called yellow jack.

Bệnh sốt vàng da

Yellow jack Bệnh sốt vàng

Yellow jaundice Bệnh vàng da

Yersiniosis An intestinal disease with symptoms resembling those of appendicitis,

occurring chiefly in children and young adults and caused by a species of

yersinia (Yersinia enterocolitica) that infects human beings and animals

Bệnh ruột

1 Ðốt để hủy diệt các mô

2 Cf. Add injury to insult : Bò bổ gặp khi khê rụng

3 Bệnh lạc nội mạc tử cung

4 hoarseness

5 hoại thư

6 can`t do physical things well

7 Xương trụ

8 Trong suốt, tựa thủy tinh

9 Molars- Răng hàm 12 (chewing) Canine- Răng nanh 4 (biting)

Premolars- Răng tiền hàm 8 (chewing) Incisors- Răng cửa 8 (biting)

10 Bầu vú (bò, cừu…)

Nguyễn Ðức Mai biên sọan

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groups -> PHẦn chuyển tiếp kính thưa quý vị và các bạn trẻ, giữa những ngưới Việt chúng ta, tôi nói
groups -> Ý Nga sưu tầm và cập nhật hóa ngày 21-4-2013, với nhạc của nhạc sĩ: TừYên, Hà Thúc Sinh vừa thêm vào
groups -> BÁo cáo môn: RÈn luyện nghiệp vụ SƯ phạM 3
groups -> Phản Bội hay Tự Do cho Việt Nam ?
groups -> Tin khoa hoc december 31, 2010 Những vụ phóng vệ tinh thất bại trong 2010 Trong năm 2010, một số quốc gia đã vấp phải các sự cố trong việc phóng vệ tinh vào không gian
groups -> Một Thời Bạn Học Revised 8/4/10 việt nam
name -> Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta
22934696 -> Abandon a post Đào nhiệm Abandon a prossecution, an action
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