A babe in the woods ngöôøi coøn thieáu kinh nghieäm; ngöôøi môùi ra ngheà. a baby boom

( DON) David believes the only way to succeed in business is to keep his nose to the grindstone – to work all the time and forget about family, friends and anything else in the way

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu09.05.2018
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( DON) David believes the only way to succeed in business is to keep his nose to the grindstone – to work all the time and forget about family, friends and anything else in the way.

Tieáp theo ñaây anh baïn chuùng ta seõ ñem ñeán caùc baïnthaønh ngöõ thöù ba.

( DON) The third idiom is “ To count noses “, “ To count noses”.

To count noses nghóa ñen laø ñeám muõi, vaø toâi chaéc caùc baïncuõng coù theå ñoaùn ra raèng noù coù nghóa laø ñeám soá ngöôøi coù maët taïi moät nôi naøo ñoù. Thaønh ngöõ naøy phaùt xuaát töø giôùi buoân ngöïa ôû Myõ vì hoï thöôøng ñeám soá muõi caùc con ngöïa trong baày ngöïa cuûa hoï ñeå xem coù bao nhieâu con. Trong ví duï sau ñaây, oâng hieäu tröôûng moät tröôøng tieåu hoïc daën doø caùc thaày giaùo ñöa hoïc sinh ñi choi phaûi troâng chöøng cho caùc em khoûi laïc.

( DON) On this trip please don’t forget to count noses everytime the bus stops to let off or pick up kids, no matter where. We certainly don’t want to leave any child behind in some se town.

TEXT Oaâng hieäu tröôûng noùi Trong chuyeán ñi naøy, yeâu caàu caùc baïnphaûi ñeám soá hoïc sinh moãi khi xe buyùt ngöøng cho caùc em xuoáng xe hoaëc leân xe , baát cöù ôû choã naøo. Dó nhieân laø chuùng ta khoâng muoán boû soùt em naøo ôû moät thò traán xa laï naøo ñoù. Chæ coù moät töø môùi ñaùng chuù yù laø Se ñaùnh vaàn laø S-T-R-A-N-G-E nghóa laø xa laï, khoâng quen thuoäc. Vaø baây giôø xin môøi caùc baïnxem laïi ví duï naøy

( DON) On this trip please don’t forget to count noses everytime the bus stops to let off or pick up kids, no matter where. We certainly don’t want to leave any child behind in some se town.

Ví duï vöøa roài ñaõ keát thuùc baøi hoïc thaønh ngöõ Engliah Style hoâm nay cuûa Ñaøi Tieáng Noùi Hoa kyø. Nhö vaäy laø chuùng ta vöøa hoïc ñöôïc 3 thaønh ngöõ môùi . Moät laø Keep your nose clean nghóa laø giöõ cho khoûi bò raéc roái , hai laø Keep your nose to the grindstone nghóa laø chuùi muõi vaøo coâng vieäc laøm , vaø ba laø Count noses nghóa laø ñeám soá nguoì coù maët taïi choã.

UNIT 204

xin kính chaøo caùc baïnthính giaû. trong baøi hoïc thaønh ngöõ English Style hoâm nay, chuùng toâi xin ñem ñeán caùc baïn3 thaønh ngöõ môùi coù ñoäng töø To turn ñaùnh vaàn laø T-U-R-N nghóa laø quay hay laø xoay . Anh baïn Don Benson cuûa chuùng ta xin ñoïc thaønh ngöõ thöù nhaát.

VOIOCE ( DON) The first idiom is “ To turn in”, “ To turn in”.

Ngöôøi Myõ duøng thaønh ngöõ “ To turn in someone “, khi hoï muoán noùi ñeán vieäc chæ ñieåm hay giao moät ngöôøi naøo ñoù cho caûnh saùt, nhö chuùng ta thaáy trong ví duï sau ñaây.

( DON) The two brothers recently turned in their sister to the police for murdering their father almost twenty years ago. Why did they keep it as a secret for so long? That’s the police’s job to find out.

Hai anh em ñoù môùi ñaây ñaõ trao ngöôøi chò cuûa hoï cho caûnh saùt veà toäi ñaõ gieát oâng boá caùch ñaây gaàn hai möôi naêm. Taïi sao hoï laïi giöõ kín bí maät naøy laâu ñeán nhö theá ? Coâng vieäc cuûa caûnh saùt laø phaûi tìm hieåu nguyeân nhaân gaây ra vuï gieát ngöôøi naøy.

Coù vaøi töø môùi maø ta caàn bieát laø To murder ñaùnh vaàn laø M-U-R-D-E-R nghóa laø gieát ngöôøi , vaø Secret ñaùnh vaàn laø S-E-C-R-E-T nghóa laø ñieàu bí maät. Vaø baây giôø xin môøi caùc baïnxem laïi ví duï naøy

( DON) The two brothers recently turned in their sister to the police for murdering their father almost twenty years ago. Why did they keep it as a secret for so long? That’s the police’s job to find out.

Tieáp theo ñaây , anh baïn chuùng ta xin ñoïc thaønh ngöõ thöù hai.

( DON) The second idiom is “ To turn out”, “ To turn out”.

Ngöôøi Myõ duøng To turn out something ñeå chæ vieäc saûn xuaát moät moùn haøng hay moät saûn phaåm, nhö caùc baïnxem trong ví duï sau ñaây veà moät nöõ hoïa só teân laø Alice.

( DON) Alice only turns out six paintings a year to keep them scarce and make them more expensive. She’s very talented, of coure, so it’s no wonder she already attracts some wealthy collectors.

Coâ Alice laøm gì? Coâ aáy chæ veõ coù 6 böùc tranh moät naêm ñeå tranh cuûa coâ trôû neân hieám coù vaø vì theá seõ ñaét tieàn hôn. Vì coâ aáy coù taøi cho neân dó nhieân coâ aáy ñaõ thu huùt ñöôïc moät soá ngöôøi giaøu coù söu taàm tranh. Coù vaøi töø môùi ñaùng chuù yù laø Painting ñaùnh vaàn laø P-A-I-N-T-I-N-G nghóa laø böùc tranh , vaø Scarce ñaùnh vaàn laø S-C-A-R-C-E coù nghóa laø khan hieám, ít coù. Vaø baây giôø anh baïn chuùng ta xin ñoïc laïi ví duï naøy.

( DON) Alice only turns out six paintings a year to keep them scarce and make them more expensive. She’s very talented, of coure, so it’s no wonder she already attracts some wealthy collectors.

Tieáp theo ñaây laø thaønh ngöõ thöù ba.

( DON) The third idiom is “ To turn up” , “ To turn up”.

To turn up coù nghóa laø khaùm phaù ra hay tìm thaáy moät ñieàu gì sau mot cuoäc luøng kieám. Caùch ñaây ít laâu, moät loaït bom noå ñaõ xaûy ra ôû thaønh phoá Paris beân Phaùp. Caûnh saùt Phaùp ñaõ töùc khaéc môû cuoäc ñieàu tra , nhö caùc baïnxem sau ñaây.

( DON) The French police have searched a house outside Paris , hoping to turn up more clues to the recent bombings. And I’ve just heard a radio report that a dozen Moslem extremists were arrested.

Caûnh saùt Phaùp ñaõ laøm ñöôïc gì? Hoï ñaõ luïc soaùt moät caên nhaø ôû ngoaïi oâ thuû ñoâ Paris vaø hy voïng tìm thaáy theâm manh moái cuûa caùc vuï noå bom hoài gaàn ñaây. Vaø toâi môùi xem moät baûn tin treân ñaøi phaùt thanh noùi raèng moät chuïc ngöôøi Hoài giaùo cöïc ñoan ñaõ bò baét.

Coù vaøi töø môùi maø ta caàn bieát laø To search ñaùnh vaàn laø S-E-A-R-C-H nghóa laø luïc soaùt , Clue ñaùnh vaàn laø C-L-U-E nghóa laø manh moái , vaø Extremist ñaùnh vaàn laø E-X-T-R-E-M-I-S-T gnhóa laø ngöôøi cöïc ñoan. Vaø baây giôø xin môøi caùc baïnxem laïi ví duï naøy.

( DON) The French police have searched a house outside Paris , hoping to turn up more clues to the recent bombings. And I’ve just heard a radio report that a dozen Moslem extremists were arrested.

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