Effective Marketing Strategies of McDonald’s in Malaysia and Indonesia

International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM)

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1167-2484-2-PB (1)
Chin lc kinh doanh toan cu Mc Donal
International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM) 
Vol. 6 No. 2, 33-46, August, 2021 
E-ISSN: 2621-2862/P-ISSN: 2614-7432 
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32535/ijabim.v6i2.1167 
restaurant as often. The table also revealed that 32 people (27.59 %) come frequently to 
McDonald's. In addition, 7 people (6.03%) 
come to McDonald’s rarely, 3 people (2.59%) 
come to McDonald’s and 3 people (2.59%) come to McDonald’s frequently. We 
can tell from the table that the restaurant does not attract a large number of customers, 
because in the midst of a pandemic, the government prohibits people to leave their 
homes. Even if a large number of customers do not come frequently, the restaurant is 
nevertheless frequented by a large number of people, because they buy the meals 
through via online. Another reason why some people do not come and buy meals in 
McDonald’s is the price is too expensive for some people. McDonald’s also increased 
their price due to the changes in the economic market.
We also included the other person with whom they attended McDonald's. As can be seen, 
the biggest response is as many as 54 people co
me to McDonald’s with their families 
(46.55%). While 18 people (15.52%) come to the restaurant by themselves, 44 people 
come to McDonald’s with their friends. Many people come to the restaurant 
with their families since McDonald's has implemented facilities that allow guests to hold 
birthday parties at the restaurant for a set charge. This will establish McDonald's as a 
location where customers may not only eat but also have fun.
The questionnaire also inquired why consumers chose McDonald's as their preferred 
dining establishment. According to the data above, as many as 71 people (61.21%) 
that McDonald’s makes them easier to get the meal. In addition, 28 people 
(24.14%) claimed it is their favorite item to order because of the menu. As many as 14 
people (12.07%) believe that McDonald's has a standard price, and only three people 
make McDonald’s as their daily meal. Most of the respondents said that 
McDonald’s is such a simple food in an urgent condition because they have many outlets 
spread around town in a country. While many individuals believe that McDonald's is their 
favorite fast-food restaurant, because McDonald's has a diverse menu from which 
customers may pick, and they do not only serve burgers but also sweets and fried 
chicken, as well as having its own café. 
We also ask the respondent about the food's healthiness and what they think of it. As 
many as 54 people (46.55%) claimed that McDonald meals maybe have an impact on 
their health whereas 41 people (35.34%) said th
at McDonald’s meals have no impact on 
their health. Surprisingly, 21 people (18.10%) sa
id that McDonald’s meals have an 
impact on their health. Most of the respondents said that McDonald's will occasionally 
produce a new menu that includes a healthy alternative for their customers, and they will 
occasionally propose a healthy alternative to their customers. Some firms will 
undoubtedly use this type of marketing plan in order to attract a large number of 
customers, and it works since McDonald's is a worldwide restaurant. 
While for the taste, as many as 81 people (69.83%) said that 
McDonald’s meals are good, 
while there are 10 people (8.62%) who said 
that McDonald’s foods are extremely good. 
As many as 22 people (18.97%) said that 
McDonald’s foods are not good enough, while 
3 people (2.59%) said that 
McDonald’s foods are extremely not good. Based on the table, 
we can agree that there are a lot of people who said that McDon
ald’s food is good 

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