Em trai Tổng thống Obama sống trong khu ổ chuột

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Em trai Tổng thống Obama sống trong khu ổ chuột

Thứ hai, 13 Tháng 8 2012 04:00

Khi một thanh niên cao, vừa quen vừa lạ rời nơi ẩn náu ở một khu ổ chuột tại châu Phi vào tuần này, một vài người trêu anh: “Ông tổng thống! Ông tổng thống!”.

George Hussein Obama, em cùng cha khác mẹ của người đàn ông quyền lực nhất thế giới - TT Obama

Người thanh niên này có tên George Hussein Obama và là người em trai cùng cha khác mẹ của không ai khác, chính là Barack Hussein Obama - Tổng thống da đen đầu tiên của Mỹ, cũng là người đàn ông quyền lực nhất trên thế giới.

Tuy cùng cha nhưng TT Barack Obama sinh ra ở Hawaii và là con của người vợ Mỹ thứ 2 của cha ông, trong khi đó George sinh ra ở Kenya, là sản phẩm của cuộc hôn nhân thứ 4 của cha ông.

Hiện tại, trong khi TT Barack Obama có mặt tại Nhà trắng, đi máy bay Air Force One, là bạn của nhiều ngôi sao, nhiều nhân vật hoàng gia trên thế giới thì George, 30 tuổi đang trú ngụ trong một khu ổ chuột.

Chi tiết về người em trai TT Obama xuất hiện với thông tin cho rằng anh đã đồng ý xuất hiện trong một bộ phim tài liệu do một trong những người chỉ trích TT Obma mạnh mẽ nhất làm.

George Hussein Obama và Barack Hussein Obama

Bộ phim mang tên 2016, đặt bối cảnh vào giả thuyết về những điều kinh khủng nếu TT Obama tiếp tục nhiệm kỳ thêm 4 năm nữa, mặc dù trong phim George không hề chỉ trích TT Mỹ.

George cũng đã viết hồi ký có tên Quê Hương, xuất bản năm 2012. Quyển sách nói về việc anh quay lưng với tầng lớp trung lưu Kenya để sống một cách nghèo khổ tại khu ổ chuột tai tiếng ở Nairobi. “George chọn sống ở khu ổ chuột Nairobi, nơi đây anh làm việc để giúp những người sinh sống bên cạnh, đặc biệt là trẻ em vượt qua khó khăn của cuộc sống” – Quyển sách viết – “Anh trai tôi đã trở thành lãnh đạo của đất nước mạnh nhất thế giới. Nơi đây ở Kenya, mục đích của tôi là làm một người lãnh đạo của những người nghèo nhất quả đất – những người sống trong khu ổ chuột”.

Khu ổ chuột - nơi em trai TT Obama sinh sống

Theo kịch bản của bộ phim đề cập trên, George được cho là động lực phía sau sự thay đổi của đội bóng đá ổ chuột, trở thành một đội bóng hàng đầu Kenya. Nhiều người Kenya mong muốn George biểu trưng cho Tổng thống Mỹ, họ tin rằng bất kỳ ai có cùng dòng máu với chính trị gia quyền lực nhất thế giới cũng có thể thay đổi cuộc đời mình. Tuy nhiên, điều này dường như quá sức với George khi anh đã nghiện rượu và ma túy kinh niên.

TT Barack Obama trong một cuộc vận động tranh cử tại Colorado Springs

George còn than phiền vì cái tên Obama đã trở thành gánh nặng cho anh và anh đã dùng nó để kiếm càng nhiều tiền càng tốt để mua rượu, ma túy. “Mọi người chỉ quan tâm tới tôi vì anh tôi” – anh thở dài – “Tôi ghét điều này. Tất cả đều muốn tôi trở thành một người khác”. “Anh ấy là một niềm khao khát. Chúng tôi đã gặp vài lần. Chúng tôi có nói chuyện.. người đó là anh trai tôi”.

Phương Hà (Theo Daily Mail)

Thời sự quốc tế

Không dựa hơi!

- Có lẽ cả hai câu tục ngữ “Một người làm quan cả họ được nhờ” và “Thấy người sang bắt quàng làm họ” đều không đúng với người em trai nghèo khó của Tổng thống Mỹ Barack Obama.

Trong lúc anh trai cùng cha khác mẹ làm tổng thống Mỹ thì anh George Obama, 30 tuổi, sống chật vật ở thủ đô Nairobi của Kenya. Ngôi lều trong khu ổ chuột của anh bị một tờ báo Mỹ mô tả là “tồi tàn như trong phim Triệu phú ổ chuột”.

Ông D’Souza tò mò muốn biết vì sao George phải sống khốn khó

khi anh trai làm tổng thống Mỹ. Ảnh: Hollywood Reporter

Có lẽ vì vậy mà ông Dinesh D’Souza, tác giả cuốn sách bán chạy The Roots of Obama’s Rage (tạm dịch: Gốc rễ cơn thịnh nộ của Obama), cố thuyết phục người em oán trách anh mình trong một bộ phim tài liệu chống Tổng thống Obama mang tên 2016: Obama’s America (tạm dịch: Năm 2016: Nước Mỹ của Obama).

Nắm được thông tin về George 4 năm trước, ông D’Souza lần ra anh. D’Souza kể ông gặp George tại một khách sạn ở Nairobi rồi cả hai cùng đến ngôi làng Huruma Flats nơi anh sinh ra và trải qua 12 giờ bên nhau.

Trong đoạn video đăng tải trên Hollywood Reporter, ông D’Souza và George ngồi nói chuyện tại một nơi có thể là ghế đá công viên. Cây bút nổi tiếng tỏ ra hết sức tò mò muốn biết vì sao George phải sống cảnh khốn khó khi có một ông anh làm tổng thống. “Tôi nghĩ anh ấy có gia đình riêng. Tôi cũng là thành viên trong gia đình nhưng tôi lớn rồi, tôi phải tự lo cho mình chứ” - George nói đơn giản.

“Anh ấy còn nhiều điều quan trọng phải lo. Anh ấy đang chăm lo cho cả thế giới, tức là cũng chăm lo cho tôi rồi".

Ảnh: Hollywood Reporter

Không chịu thua, ông D’Souza viện dẫn một lời răn trong Kinh Thánh, đại để khuyên người Mỹ phải bảo trợ anh em mình. Ám chỉ này cũng bị George gạt phắt: “Anh ấy còn nhiều điều quan trọng phải lo. Anh ấy đang chăm lo cho cả thế giới, tức là cũng chăm lo cho tôi rồi, vì tôi là một phần của thế giới mà”.

Tuy không đạt được ý đồ ban đầu, nhưng theo Hollywood Reporter, ông D’Souza tỏ vẻ rất thích chàng trai bị xem là “con chiên ghẻ” trong gia đình Obama này. George là con út trong gia đình. Cha anh, ông Barack Obama, Sr., là một chuyên gia kinh tế và có nhiều con với 4 bà vợ. Mẹ Tổng thống Obama là chuyên viên ngành nhân loại học Stanley Ann Dunham, còn mẹ của George là bà Jael Otieno đang sống tại Mỹ.

Nói về cha mình, George tỏ ra hối tiếc: “Ông ấy học cao nhưng tôi lại học hành lở dở. Mẹ tôi buồn vì tôi lắm. Quả tình tôi đã làm bà và cả cha tôi thất vọng”. Dù vậy, anh là đồng tác giả của một quyển sách in năm 2010.

Poster phim 2016: Obama's American

Bằng Vy (Theo Hollywood Reporter, Telegraph)

Movie, Obamas America, Obamas America 2016, Entertainment News

The film has already shot up to the No. 2 grossing documentary of the year, and now anti-Obama project "2016: Obama's America," based on "The Roots of Obama’s Rage" by conservative author Dinesh D’Souza’s, will expand nationwide this weekend.

The anti-Obama film, co-directed by D'Souza and John Sullivan and produced by Academy Award winner Gerald R. Molen, has already grossed $2.1 million in 169 theaters, according to the Hollywood Reporter. It placed just behind "Bully," which earned $3.2 million, and currently ranks as the No. 12 political documentary of all time. For the weekend of Aug. 17, the film hit No. 13 on the overall domestic box-office chart, according to Box Office Mojo.

Come Friday, "2016: Obama's America" will expand to 1,075 theaters just ahead of the Republican National Convention, which kicks off Aug. 27 in Tampa, Fla.

"I think the reason why the film is doing so well is threefold -- we've expanded into good markets, we've been advertising nationally for two weeks on talk radio and television news channels including Fox News Channel, A&E, the History Channel and MSNBC," Sullivan told THR.

The documentary asks the question: "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?" The film analyzes D'Souza's theory that Obama is wholly influenced by his past and his father's "anticolonial" ideals.

The official synopsis, via IMDb, reads:

Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh D'Souza races against time to find answers to Obama's past and reveal where America will be in 2016. During this journey he discovers how hope and change became radically misunderstood, and identifies new flashpoints for hot wars in mankind's greatest struggle. The journey moves quickly over the arc of the old colonial empires into America's empire of liberty, and we see the unfolding realignment of nations and the shape of the global future.

Both D'Souza's book and the film use quotes from Obama's "Dreams From My Father" to back up purported claims.

The anti-Obama film has not garnered much response from mainstream movie critics, except for a few pointed reviews.

Andy Webster of The New York Times describes how D'Souza "argues that the president has emasculated NASA, refused to take a 'meaningful step' against Iran’s nuclear ambitions and is willing to let Argentina reclaim the Falkland Islands from the British." The co-director might have interviewed Obama's half brother, George, who lives in Kenya, but he did not interview any Obama supporters.

"Not interviewed by the filmmakers are Obama’s political supporters, but this isn’t that kind of documentary," wrote Weber. "At a show on Saturday night, the film’s conclusion was met with claps and cries of 'Romney!,' 'Ron Paul!,' 'Reagan!' and 'Another Reagan!'"

Slate's David Weigel reviewed it as "mostly solid," highlighting how D'Souza does not drown in conservative conspiracy theories. "The movie is really too good to get pedantic about," he wrote. "There are no conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth, religion, Social Security number, passport, or college transcript. Instead, there is a deep dive into Barack Obama’s known Communist associates, his late father’s avowed socialism, and his mother’s radicalism."

Variety's Joe Leydon critiqued the opposite, writing that "for the bulk of its running time, the pic comes off as a cavalcade of conspiracy theories, psycho-politico conjectures and incendiary labeling." Leydon did admit, however, that it is "attention-grabbing."

With a budget of $2.5 million, the documentary has yet to break even after six weekends. Despite climbing the box office ranks, "2016: Obama's America" is no blockbuster yet

vvvv'2016 – Obama's America' Movie: Critics Give Reviews Without Seeing Film?



(Photo: Obama's America 2016)

Scene from Obama's America 2016 in which Dinesh D'Souza interviews George Obama in Nairobi, Kenya.

(Photo: Obama's America 2016)


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By Alex Murashko, Christian Post Reporter

August 11, 2012|9:29 am

The politically conservative makers of "2016 – Obama's America" expected to get some pushback from liberals about their documentary-style film that takes a look at the president's past in order to project a future U.S. under his second term should he be re-elected. They just didn't expect to get "movie reviews" from people who had not seen the film yet.

Washington, D.C.-based politics writer Mariah Blake states in her article on the film: "While the film itself was not yet available when this story went to press, the trailer resembles a cross between a high-budget feature and standard Tea Party agitprop."

Blake's article, "Dinesh D'Souza's '2016': Feature-length Obama hate," prompted the producer of the film, Gerald R. Molen, to write his own article recently in which he not only questions the writer's motive, but that of the liberal media in general. Molen, whose career in Hollywood spans 55 years, is perhaps best known for producing the Academy Award Best Film "Schindler's List."

"That kind of action has to come from pure chutzpah, ideology or just plain stupidity, you can pick," wrote Molen.

"If you thought being one of the producers of one of the greatest anti-hate films in history, one that exposed hatred, bigotry and anti-semitism would make you immune from being labeled a hate monger, think again," began Molen in his article. "'Schindlers List' left its mark on the world and did so by telling the truth about man's inhumanity to men. Yet the slings and arrows came at me to impinge my credibility, the work of Dinesh D'Souza and to once again use hate as their passport to the dark side."

Molen told The Christian Post on Friday that Blake's article was "the first one that stung a bit, primarily because she did a review of the film and hadn't seen it. That just told me that it didn't matter [to her] what the truth was."

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The movie is currently showing in a limited number of theaters in the U.S., but the buzz for the film is increasing and some theater owners are choosing to extend its screening. "The word-of-mouth has been phenomenal," Molen said.

During a recent conservative radio talk show that he participated in, Molen said a caller went on a long rant in which he said that the movie was primarily all about "trashing Obama." After letting the caller go on for a while, Molen interjected to ask if he had seen the film, to which the caller said, "No."

Molen then asked the caller, "Why don't you see the film? Then you and I could have a more honest discussion."

"It's that kind of thing – that people are judging without having any substance to their argument – that's occurring regularly," Molen told CP.

"It seems the left in America can only define something they don't understand, something that frightens them, something so truthful it hurts or something they have no real response to that leaves them grasping for any kind of answer that comes with the hope that maybe it will just go away … and if it doesn't, do all possible to destroy it."

"That won't happen. The film is complete, it's scheduled for release and it stands on its own as a well thought out visual documentary based on two books written by author Dinesh D'Souza, The Roots of Obama's Rage and the soon to be released Obama's America."

Molen believes the attacks that have already come against "2016" are "nothing less than high-tech censorship, since the first attack was trying to impugn the motives of the filmmakers and questioning how the project was funded and by whom, all in an attempt to dissuade people from watching it.

"I don't remember anyone in the mainstream press questioning Michael Moore about his motives (he wore them on his sleeve) or where the funding came from (deep pockets of those sharing his ideology). No questions asked…"

Molen also believes that the movie should be required viewing by all Americans. "Then you can do your own homework and make up your own mind," he stated.

He warned that "there are forces out there who don't want you to view this movie and will try desperately to keep you away from the theater by impugning the character of people like me who created the work, hoping it'll scare you away.

"That's not the American way," Molen wrote in his opinion piece. "I hope you'll ignore these voices of fear and enjoy the show."






'Obama's America 2016' Movie Producer: People Need to Get Educated

'Obama's America 2016' Movie: If Obama Wins a Second Term, Where Will We Be?

4:54 PM on August 23, 2012

What a bunch of garbage; liberal, democrat, conservative, republican, romney, obama. It's all there to control you! Two sides of the same coin. Two management teams bidding for control, the CEO job of Slavery, Incorporated! The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies. I'm sick of it.


4:51 PM on August 23, 2012

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10:08 PM on August 21, 2012

Saw this movie today....explains why our president is attempting to lead America on a path to becoming a powerless nation. The scenario is scarey to say the least. It amazes me why so many are willing to allow this to happen to our great country. I was taken back when I learned that Obama has run up more debt that ...more

Saw this movie today....explains why our president is attempting to lead America on a path to becoming a powerless nation. The scenario is scarey to say the least. It amazes me why so many are willing to allow this to happen to our great country. I was taken back when I learned that Obama has run up more debt that all debt run up during all the years between G. Washington and B. Clinton. The media is obviously trying to keep this movie hidden but, thank God, it'e gaining notariety. Everyone should see it with an open mind. With the family and mentors surrounding Obama's life since childhood, it's no wonder his beliefs are so anti-American. Our country should not be subjected to 4 more years. less

1:16 PM on August 20, 2012

I cannot Believe tha this MUSLIM guy was ever voted into office I saw ENOUGH with the, "Obama admits he is a muslim" video on You Tube!! I cannot believe someone born on foreign soil could EVER become president of the USA. That is like a white man going to Africa and being their president.

1:06 AM on August 19, 2012

Went to see 2016 with friends and we found it well done and just following Obama's book and Mr. Davis's book. The person that was doing all the talking was not from the US but, India. It gave an insight to Obama.

6:36 PM on August 17, 2012

The Movie is stunning. It is beautifully filmed. Very professional. Most of the case that Obama's chief goal is to diminish the USA comes in his own recorded words and the writings in his book. There is very little subjective about it. It is the President in his own words. He is no friend to the USA or to most of the ...more

The Movie is stunning. It is beautifully filmed. Very professional. Most of the case that Obama's chief goal is to diminish the USA comes in his own recorded words and the writings in his book. There is very little subjective about it. It is the President in his own words. He is no friend to the USA or to most of the people who live here. He sees us as the major evil in the world. His recent illegal amnesty, giving millions of illegal aliens legal status in the USA is understandable after you see the film. It is the fault of the USA that Mexico is poor and has a corrupt Govt. We are a big power. We stole that power and wealth from poor nations like Mexico. By forcing us take in millions of illegal aliens from other nations and impoverish ourselves doing it means parity for the USA. We wll be no better nor no worse than Mexico. We will be the same. It does not say what he will do with the 35 Mexican Billionare families who own Mexico. We are lucky to have an immigrant like this man, who loves this nation, and has the courage to make this film. I salute him. Ordinary Americans are so beaten down by their media, and the elites like Obama who see America as evil, that we accept any insult, any corruption...particulary from a minority. See the movie. Make up your own mind. less


2:07 PM on August 14, 2012

This producer is just plain wrong. He accuses Obama of "throwing Israel under the bus". But Israel's defense minister recently said on CNN that Obama has been the strongest supporter of Israel ever. So this producer is missing some marbles, and the movie is a fraud.

Jordan Turner



6:16 PM on August 14, 2012

usernamer - So, you dont trust FOX but you believe what CNN tells you?

7:36 PM on August 14, 2012

usernamer -"because she did a review of the film and hadn't seen it. That just told me that it didn't matter [to her] what the truth was." Sounds like this could be you.



1:52 PM on August 14, 2012

Don't pollute the brain Jesus gave you. This film is political porn, decided to entice and fool you. If you are tempted to see this film, turn off FOX and Limbaugh, turn on NPR.


8:32 PM on August 15, 2012

usernamer - So YOUR the one listening to NPR!




on August 17, 2012

Ben Hawkins - YOU'RE the one who wasn't paying attention to 7th grade English! NPR is terrific. Unbiased news sources are all terrific... and hard to find.



7:42 PM on August 17, 2012

Taylor Bane - NPR unbiased??? REALLY??? you believe that? NPR is supported by the corrupt United Stats Government and is the far-est thing from being UNBIASED as there can be! NPR is told what to

9:44 AM on August 14, 2012

We went to see 2016 Obama's America Sunday after church @ 11:15. The show was well attended, and when the movie ended, people clapped! Go and see this movie if it is near you!



1:14 AM on August 14, 2012

I drove over 150 miles to a theatre where the movie Obama 2016 was playing. The facts were documented, and the movie proved exactly where Obama is coming from with his political moves. Too bad it is not playing in every theatre. The American public needs to know who this President is. We better vote Obama out of office.


3:53 PM on August 13, 2012

"Don't confuse us with the facts, we have already made our minds up!"

11:18 AM on August 13, 2012

The obamabots can't tempt themselves to hearing truths, they might have to leave their dream made up world they live in. They don't want to picture 0bama for who 0bama really is, they want the one they made up in their heads, and the one 0bama pretends to be. Its so sad!

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Romney's Mormon Cult or Obama's Cult of Personality? Hmmmm? What great choices we have! The contrasts could not be more clear!

6:50 PM on August 17, 2012

BigOil - hey I am a Mormon and you shouldn't be such a hater. We are not a cult. We try our best to do as Heavenly Father would have us do and we love the Savior with all our hearts. How inconsiderate of you to belittle the LDS church when we're trying our best to be like the Savior. I wish people would stop being so mean about the LDS church.

4:52 PM on August 23, 2012

Dena Kilpatrick - when you say savior, do you means Joseph smith or jesus christ?

9:39 AM on August 13, 2012

This was a good movie and I would encourage everyone, whether you like or dislike Obama, to see and learn his history. Great movie


5:21 AM on August 13, 2012

Didn't learn anything I already hadn't researched myself. Sorry critics, the movie is spot on and accurate. Sadly, it won't make a bit of difference. I repeat from other venues, a prominent Russian said many years ago "we will defeat America, but we won't do it militarily, we will corrupt their children". Mission ...more

Didn't learn anything I already hadn't researched myself. Sorry critics, the movie is spot on and accurate. Sadly, it won't make a bit of difference. I repeat from other venues, a prominent Russian said many years ago "we will defeat America, but we won't do it militarily, we will corrupt their children". Mission accomplished...duped Americans will reelect Obama...which will effectively complete his "fundamental change" and spell the end of America as a free country. Now don't get mad and make nasty remarks all you libs, all you have to do is wait a few years if you indeed put him back in office and see what happens. Only then might you see what you have done...and what you will be doing is asking "what happened to America?"...as you cry the blues in our collapsed economy and under the rule of our new pseudo-Marxist-European Socialist regime. less




10:17 PM on August 12, 2012

2 years ago when the healthcare plan was being talked about among our leaders a warning arose but was dismissed...Please watch the discussion and compare with what is happening today. This election is more than just rights or popularity. Please vote...VOTESMART.ORG - get the facts about each candidate before you decide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yC8Ffsc-

What a bunch of crybabies with a persecution complex! Maybe it is a 21st century Christian thing. Let’s look at the article. The headline screams: “Critics Give Reviews Without Seeing Film”. Okay, where are these critics and where are these reviews? There is Mariah Blake, but she made only one remark about ...more

What a bunch of crybabies with a persecution complex! Maybe it is a 21st century Christian thing.

Let’s look at the article. The headline screams: “Critics Give Reviews Without Seeing Film”. Okay, where are these critics and where are these reviews? There is Mariah Blake, but she made only one remark about what the “trailer resembled.” That’s not a review. Strike one.
The other “example” is a radio talk show caller on a rant. Sorry, folks, but nutty phone callers aren’t reviewers. Strike two.
This is really pitiful: a noted Hollywood producer goes on a radio show and afterwards cries to CP that “people are judging without having any substance” because some anonymous guy said bad things to him, and a real reviewer frowned on his trailer. less

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In an interview with Lisa Ling, Exodus International President Alan Chambers reiterated his beliefs that gay Christians can go to heaven. Chambers also commented on the need for churches to change their approach to homosexuals.

How Are Christian Values Faring in GOP Platform?

The Republican National Convention may not be ...
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Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/2016-obamas-america-movie-critics-give-reviews-without-seeing-film-79849/#X6weMTAmIZJEOFJX.99

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