The impact of human capital management on operational performance at the gambia national water and

Figure 4.11 Job Category of Respondents

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Figure 4.11 Job Category of Respondents 
Source: Researcher’s field work; Dec.2012 
From table 4.17 above, 55(43%) of the respondents are clerical staff while 53(42%) are 
supervisors. Sixteen (12.6) of the respondents are managers while 3 (2.4%) respondents 
were senior managers or directors. These figures show that in effect there is no 
supervision if every supervisor supervises only one or two employees some supervisors 
may not even have a subordinate. This calls for a review of the supervisory category 
and possibly the overall structure to be more equitable and efficient. This, the 
researcher was made to understand from the interviews held, is as a result of the lack of 
proper job descriptions and promotion criteria, in the absence of a performance 
management system.  
Interview with top management officials 
Interviewing top management officials of NAWEC, threw more light on the issues 
raised leading to a better understanding of the real situation. The study was initially set 
out to explore and understand the relationship between a selected bundle of human 
resource practices that make up human capital management and its usefulness on the 

operational performance of the Company. In analyzing the data, the researcher 
appreciated better, the kind of responses from the open ended questions that were asked 
during the interviews. This has helped the researcher better understand the underlying 
issues that explain the impact of such HR practices on the operational performance of 
the Company. The 10 questions that laboured on the acquisition, development and 
retention of talent as well as team working, communication and employee involvement, 
were discussed as below.
4.6.1 Recruitment process
When asked to describe the recruitment process in NAWEC, and whether there was a 
policy guide for recruitment, 6 out of the 8 officials interviewed, expressed 
dissatisfaction with the process. Some believed that the process is not transparent while 
others attribute it to the influence of higher authorities when recruiting. Even though the 
requesting division is represented during the recruitment process, the final decision to 
select and appoint does not come from them. Most times individuals or colleagues do 
influence such decisions. In such scenarios, the criteria for recruitment are not adhered 
to. Therefore one of the interviewees called for some degree of “professionalism in 
getting the right people to do the right thing”. Two of the interviewees said the process 
was good as far as they understand it. To them, the Human Resource Division is doing 
well in that regard. But overall there was no policy in place but a guide for recruitment 
which is mostly not adhered to.

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