Biên dịch 1 ( năm 3)

 Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the task above

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[123doc] - ly-thuyet-va-thuc-hanh-dich, BẢNG TIÊU CHÍ ĐÁNH GIÁ KẾT QUẢ HỌC TẬP - LTD
2.3.2. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the task above. 
1. Cookery _______________ are to be compulsory in England's secondary schools for children 
aged 11 to 14. Pupils will learn to cook for an hour a week for one _______________. Poorer 
pupils' ingredients will be _______________. 
2. With the abolition of _______________ and introduction of _______________ most students 
are stretched 
– particularly if students are paying tuition fees out of the _______________. 
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3. Some twenty years ago, the performance of girls and boys in class was compared. Boys 
_______________ better in exams, so various measures were introduced to improve the 
_______________ of girls, including holding single sex girl-only _______________. 
4. As the pool of unskilled jobs shrinks in rich countries, the prospects for future 
_______________ will depend increasingly on as many people as possible getting a good 
5. The Indian government has introduced a _______________ in parliament to force 
_______________ universities admit fixed numbers of students from traditionally disadvantaged 
low castes and tribes.
2.4.1. Translate the sentences with verbals into Vietnamese in different ways, trying both 
literal and free translation methods. 
1. Upbringing is obviously important in forming your attitude 
to the world. 
2. Impressed by her friendly manner and self-assurance, he 
decided to offer her the job.
3. Situated in the heart of England, Stratford 
– upon – Avon is 
a town rich in both history and culture. 
4. Disheartened by so much criticism, she resolved never to 
write another novel. 
5. Canada's 90 universities are government regulated and 
maintain very high standards, ranking among the highest in 
the world.
6. Australia has been actively promoting its educational 
sector in Vietnam to exploit growing demand in the country 
to obtain higher education in English.
7. Expanded vocational training for older students would 
teach them the skills needed to earn a living and also 
improve the quality of their village. 
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8. Setting up good communication now gives you a head start 
for your child's upcoming teen years, when it will become 
even harder and the topics even more tricky and 
9. A study of 1,300 teachers and 10 schools by the Royal 
Horticultural Society (RHS) showed that taking part in 
gardening can make a child feel happy and boost their 
development. It also encouraged pupils to become more 
active in solving problems, as well as boosting literacy and 
numeracy skills.
10. It remains true that the family is the first educator and a 
life-long influence. But in our modern way of life, the 
functions of the family tend to diminish, some to be assumed 
by school and still more by other agencies. 
11. When you are only a beginner at learning an instrument, 
it is difficult to imagine ever becoming a professional 
musician. Even if you are very enthusiastic about the piano or 
violin, unless you begin serious training in your childhood you 
will find it difficult to achieve the level of perfection 
necessary for a concert performance. 

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