Hình Tòa Thánh Picture of Holy See


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At Holy See, 1st January Canh Dần year [16th February 1950]

Bần Đạo/I recollect Bính Dần year at this time, this day of last year; Supreme Being came via a séance. At that time, under Đức Cao Thượng Phẩm [Cao Quỳnh Cư – Director of Secular Affair belonging Divine Alliance Palace] and Bần Đạo as mediums, He asked both of us to stand up. He told by writing: told His female and male children to handle under séance pen, so that He blessed everyone. The séance pen was lifted and everybody executed. Tonight, He also does like what He did in last year. At this time, in my mind, Bần Đạo/I assert that: this yearly time of this day, He always stays at His children. Tonight, He also blesses His children specially and specifically. We should assert and believe it.

We can assert that: 24 years ago, He said that it would be just worthy for us under a role of His Holy Body [Thánh Thể] to do how to make Vietnamese race independent from slavery. That divine difficult mission was entrusted in Bần Đạo/me to execute it.

Alas! Bần Đạo/I recollected the time of over twenty years ago that if He asked to go to Heaven to unravel the sun and moon and to put them on this earth, I thought about it is possible. For delivery from slavery for Vietnam, Bần Đạo/I was not sure whether I would be able to do successfully.

At this time, Bần Đạo/I see that He kept His promise with execution for all children of Supreme Being. By looking back, no year is contains bliss like this year.

Bần Đạo/I confess that from the time of being born to this time, Bần Đạo/I have not ever enjoyed bliss like this year. It is extremely happy! Bần Đạo/I am satisfied to execute the divine mission of Supreme Being. The Supreme Being granted to the flag of saving world from this Caodaism gate, in order to deliver slavery of Vietnam, in order to claim National independence. When Bần Đạo/I stood at this pulpit at previous time, there was nothing. Now, Bần Đạo/I dared to undertake and protect independence and union of Vietnam. It must be successful. Now, it is successful.

 Bần Đạo/I am 61 years old when Canh Dần year [1950] comes. On this temporary world, this is the first time Bần Đạo/I may enjoy the infinite bliss granted by Supreme Being.

 Bần Đạo/I want to repeat and to witness for all male and female children of Supreme Being that if all Supreme Being’s children with just some million souls having a steady belief as Đức Quyền Giáo Tông Thượng Trung Nhựt [Interim Pope], Đức Thượng Phẩm Cao Quỳnh Cư and Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc, Bần Đạo/I dare to ensure that: you can move Bà mountain to Saigon City. We can say that this Caodaism is successful due to Thượng Trung Nhựt’s belief.

 Bần Đạo/I tell you that the independence and union of Vietnam have been done well. Bần Đạo/I stand here without lie and prepare to kindly receive the infinite bliss granted by Supreme Being.

 On 5th January Canh Dần year of lunar calendar coming nearly, all Vietnameses will be very joyful. Whoever knows it will welcome an honor. That time is the time of bloomer in front of their sight. 

Bần Đạo/I will arrange how to let manifestation be ceremonial to support the children’s spirit of Supreme Being and all National People, in order to enjoy the bliss that they have been waiting for over 80 years.



At Holy See, Mouse time on 8th January Canh Dần year [1950]

Tonight, if raising hands and counting, we may see that Supreme Being has come for 25 years with His True Religion as method to save world. Bần Đạo/I recollect His coming; He recommended His children with a divine mission of descending the earth with Him, to come to unite in order create His holy body. Within over twenty years, we feel melancholy when looking back His tiresome miseries to mind. The Great Merciful Father is merciful, humane without discussion. He came to guide person by person, to seduce person to person and He brought an infinite precious holiness to exchange for our passionate heart to be an organ of saving world. Bần Đạo/I confess that when He just came, most of us did not understand Tao at all even our brother who had received a mission in hands, as being His holy body did not understand meaning of Tao too. They only closed eyes to follow Him. For Bần Đạo/me, at that time Great Merciful Father [Đại Từ Phụ] spoke an important speech to me: “Tắc, do you accept to offer your physical body so that Master/I found Religion to save world?”

Bần Đạo/I replied determinedly that: “My race is still in slavery, fatherland is still being depended, how can I have a religious life?” He smiled and said: “You can not do those matters, let Master”. Bần Đạo/I recollect the “let Master” used easily by Him. However, over twenty years have elapsed already. He promised that issue when He just came to Cao Thượng Phẩm and Bần Đạo/me end of Mouse year. According to our earthly character, we feel sad perhaps but we are living in time while Supreme Being lives in space. We count day by day, month by month, year by year while He only takes His decision as basis. For that simple promise, nowadays we can see that He never breaks His promise to us. If we consider His organ done to deliver Vietnamese race’s slavery, we will see a stern activity that our earthly mind can not divine and Bần Đạo/I want to say that: there is no earthly person who can execute successfully. To deliver Vietnam’s slavery, His infinite power was used to operate international States to make an ebullience war of world, to hurry backward states fighting for their possessive right, for independence of their race and state. The possessive right is their decision right for their life. In this Orient, whichever backward states can be delivered; they can fight for independence and union. The Vietnam fatherland also progresses upon that framework to decide its destiny. The condition of independence and union of Vietnam contain many severe issues, which can not be done by earthly mind. Therefore, it needs Supreme Being’s hands and His children. At this pulpit, Bần Đạo/I do not tell a lie that Vietnam is upon most difficult condition. Vietnam and Vietnamese race have been in sentiment dept to Him that we do can not know to value it. His heart wants to seed a sentiment debt to Vietnamese race. What is it for? We make a question. To be enough fundamental meaning, Bần Đạo/I say that His wish is very simple with a very low value that He just wants Vietnamese to become His holy body [Thánh Thể = Sacerdotal Council] replacing His image to share His miseries, to help Him support miserable people, to solace humankind’s heart in continuous pain happening to their fight for their life. Their fight is to seek their independence to protect their life. Without exemplary for their psychology determined, even they fight to create their living right, they need Humanity at least in order to help mankind’s life. They must not protect their life by usurp other people’s life. Bần Đạo/I assert that play brings you a karma only. The Supreme Being coming to found His True Religion is to essentially to help them not fight life together, to solace. That is His will.



8th January Canh Dần year [1950]

Dear male and female Canonized Dignitaries, Sacerdotal Council,

 Dear Mandarins, Dignitaries,

Dear comrades and Caodai soldiers,

Bần Đạo/I are now standing at this Pulpit with a sentiment, which is different from two previous times.

Bần Đạo/I confess that I have been taking the divine mission to harmony people’s psychology, have been taking divine organ entrusted by Supreme Being, have been taking the love theory and merciful theory to save humankind’s situation in extreme upset. It is afraid that their ardour fight to decide their living method, which pushes them into the path of extermination. Without moral power to preserve Humanity steadily, they will fall into the path of extermination only.

Dear Sirs, whoever steps on fight path, always looks at victory path only. For path of loving human, they throw it away outside their action.

Bần Đạo/I recollect that after my exile of 5 years in foreign country, I see a chaotic condition with war happening in fatherland. The existence and perishableness of race maybe go under the international evolution rule. 

Nowadays, for their fight power, we know well that there is not any power dominating humankind’s ambition to decide their destiny for existence and independence on this earth.

Although we have known such obligation, there is one most compunction happening to Religion’s dear Vietnam. Even Bần Đạo/I represents the International spirit, I confess my race is still Vietnamese that Bần Đạo/I have been still in sentiment dept to Vietnam. Bần Đạo/I must pay that debt.

One whole fight life is to deliver slavery for Vietnam because it is not due to race ambition but justice.

Nowadays, Bần Đạo/I still go to the end, however the reason of slavery delivery for races is the first one.

Bần Đạo/I know well that the fight repeals sentiment. However, there is one issue making a noise that leaders for fatherland’s path exterminate the intense true patriots ruthlessly because of ideal and party fight.

Bần Đạo/I feel most amazed: for the great achievements of Caodaism when staining on 9th March 1945. For that military feat, whole Vietnamese people should have been in debt to them. In contrary, when Bần Đạo/I returned and saw sinless believers of Supreme Being and National People standing between two arrows of France and Viet Minh Communism.

Alas! Many lives have been sacrificed due to injustice and inhumanity. This is the reason Bần Đạo/I step out the fight and stand between in order to protect sinless National People from cruel murder. 

That is the reason why the Caodai military between two arrows to resist the arrow of France firstly, to resist the arrow of Việt Minh [Communism] secondly, in order to protect lives of Vietnamese race.

Due to mercy and love heart, due to divine noble ambition of National People, we determinedly sacrifice to raise the flag of: “Life Protection-Humanity-Universal Concord” according to love and mercy. The main purpose of Caodai Military is put on the flag. They want to save situation to restore National Prestige.

 Today, Bần Đạo/I stand here without shyness of my old age. I am 61 years old to enjoy a last bliss due to divine justice on this earth by Supreme Being that Vietnam is independent and united and the Vietnam race is delivered from slavery.

Bần Đạo/I like saying thanks to all soldiers sacrificed because of that obligation.




At Holy See, on Mouse time of 15th January Canh Dần year [1950]

Tonight is the full moon day of First Circle, which is the most important ceremony of Caodaism at the embryo time. Normally, people in spite of mandarin, four social classes and four works: Intellectual, Farmer, Industrialist, Businessman, Fisher, Woodcutter, Ploughman, Breeder often attend the ceremony of a new year to know their result within one year passing. Nowadays, Bần Đạo/I imitate them to calculate how our value with a role of a part of Supreme Being’s Holy Body is.

 Sacerdotal Council, male and female believers of Disciple rank! Listen to my clear speeches: The Supreme Being’s Holy Body is not only the Canonized Dignitaries but also other parts in His True Religion. You must know that for your physical body, your brain, face, hands, legs are only important, but also a stem of hair, a nail. For parts in Supreme Being’s Holy Body, Qua/I tell you clearly that those are not only Canonized Dignitaries but Supreme Being’s map draw clearly: The Great Merciful Father is above, you are below! The Supreme Being’s Holy Body does not include Canonized Dignitaries only. Now, Qua/I tell you: tonight, Qua/I preach for male and female Disciples and younger generation. Must pay attention much! As being a human born in society, we must obviously seek method to establish our position. Everybody is same, however every one’s ambition always wants to do how his value is higher than others. After establishment for our position and fame, in spite of wish or dislike, we still examine to value to know which class it belongs to, to know at which level our position and fame is. That is a natural cause for everybody’s mind. We see that a normal mandarin or Emperor holding the power to dominate people has an ambition to do how to hand over his noble fame so that people venerate and respect him. For that reason, mandarin field hands over the living method “Three Principal Social Bonds and Five Constant Virtues” [Three Principal Social Bonds: King-Subject, Father-Child, Husband-Wife. Five Constant Virtues: Compassion, Humanity, Behavior Rule, Mind, Loyalty. There are three more ranks of people entering administration, who must have enough uprightness, immaculacy handed in people’s mind with a worthy value. The rich work hard so that they save their property to beautify their fame and reputation: we are not luxurious but we have property, it is alright if I feel impressive. That is the natural cause of epoch that taking value to measure value to know how it has brought value to us. Nowadays, we do same. You also obey a divine miracle speech of Great Merciful Father coming to us by a supernatural method as a nib. He comes to be close to us, to love us and all of us follow and see, then go after Him. We sustain many miseries, difficulties in Religion. At least, we must study meaning and value of our sacrifice. We must do well to specify our value.

 Bần Đạo/I tell you that in spite of High Officials, Princes with a great infinite wealth, just one life makes it stopped. We may see the world with Tần Palaces, Hớn Palaces to consider if they still maintain their value now. We may see a world domination power with its noble fame and reputation on this earth that humankind has established position on this earth. We do not feel strange by reading some history pages that their wealth handed on this earth generation by generation with many stages. Its existence is not different from a flower in blooming in morning and fading in afternoon without any value. We mind to compare much and we just see a shadow as the light of Sun crossing a window only without any importance. Of course, we now see a path in front of humankind inducing them for fame, power. We raise a spirit balance to define its value and we see no value, which is not different from a dream or yellow millet dream [reader should read this story]. We took our fame before our awakening of Caodaism , stood in middle of a path Supreme Being would be passing, however we did not see His shadow, we still enjoyed the smell of life, His divine smell. We knew that He replied on this physical body to be a Boat of Wisdom [Prajna] to save world, to use whole spirit and mind to be a sentence of prayer without word in order to operate humankind’s spirit in progress towards their humanity, in order to preserve the life on this earth, in order to offer this physical body to Supreme Being’s hands so that He establish method of delivery from misery. It is not only for world but we also undertake the divine mission, which is more previous than previous time that we use our souls as an example to save souls banished, to make them noble and honorable. Bần Đạo/I explain those preliminarily so that all children of Supreme Being pay attention to consider it then to specify your value.



At Holy See, night of 1st February Canh Dần year [1950]

Tonight, Bần Đạo/I explain where the finding for bliss of humankind pushes them into.

One ceremony comes after every one 15-day-time. After ceremony, all of us are tired. It lasts one hour and thirty minutes or one hour and forty five minutes. Therefore, Bần Đạo/I normally try to recap neatly in a nutshell, however I cannot preach many important issues in short time.

Truthfully, there are many subjects Bần Đạo/I write in a collection book for humankind’s life on this earth. For their life, we wonder whether they can seek their bliss. It is not possible…they maybe get a shadow of bliss only; they can not find it.

This earth contains two issues:

1. Seeking shadow will push them into the path of extermination.

2. Seeking bliss leads to the universal concord.

We try thinking about Buddhism doctrine telling that: when we come to this earth with physical body, we endure attachment of four miseries [birth, oldness, disease, death]. When we face on misery, we desire bliss. However, where do we seek it?

 Bần Đạo/I tell you truthfully that the bliss humankind is looking for now, is a daydream, which is not different from looking for fish on tree. For value of humankind in their miserable situation, Bần Đạo/I do not deny their engross endeavor, which proves a progress stage, a civilization epoch of atom period that they can fly on Heaven, submerge in water, exterminate this globe, can do what they like because their examining matter to penetrate things helps them have chemical method to create machines. For examples, for flying on sky, there is airplane. There is submersed ship if they want to go down water. There is motorcycle helping them to run faster. Those require money, therefore they must work to have money. When having money, they can go to air or down water easily.

 We look back the Supreme Being’s speech in prophecy when the Catholicism was established: “You! live. Can live with your sweat and tear”.

 To seek bliss requires money, but seeking replied on humankind’s sweat and tear pushes humankind into animated fight for life and death.

We try thinking to be brave to admit the reality whether our life from birth contains any bliss. 

We see that humankind’s misery is not different from a human who has a boil, he feels painful and afraid then to touch it forever. He scares forever but he is always painful. Is there any body, who scares to extract it on this earth? Nobody dares to do that. As we are miserable, we need seek a method to exterminate that misery.

We see that humankind’s misery is not different from a human who has a boil, he feels painful and afraid then to touch it forever. He scares forever but he is always painful. Is there any body, who scares to extract it on this earth? Nobody dares to do that. As we are miserable, we need seek a method to exterminate that misery.

Consequently, the animated fight for bliss contains competition for life. The fight is due to unreal bliss, therefore they must exchange bliss by their sweat and tear. The exchange requires the animated fight happening now for that unreal bliss.

We may see two theories at this time:

1. Communism

 2. Capitalism

They are fighting together. One side sees their bliss with ready properties; they want to go to Heaven and want to go down water to seek bliss. As they can do that, they fight and murder together. Other side tells that I must work so that I can live happily. If I have property, I have right to enjoy it. They are fighting together because of two theories. They fight but that fight causes hostilities leading to the extermination. They scare hostilities very much, scare war coming because the future is not same to two previous wars but it is the atom hydrogen war. They are not due to human’s life but they run frightfully to seek the unreal bliss. Therefore, they fight together forever. As they are frightened of war, they call upon peace by their guns and arrows. They are living contradictorily. While they are frightened of war, they create war.

 Firstly, they scare war, therefore they seek peace because the peace is a method for their life. The war is the self-extermination while they wish to have bliss for their life. Unexpectedly! Seeking unreal bliss pushes them to death.

Consequently, they found United State Alliance….The cunning play always happens that strength wins weakness, wisdom exists, and stupidiness is oppressed. There is no reality, how can they have world peace? If weak countries were not usurped on this earth, the peace would come back.

Two previous wars pushed humankind into terrible murder.

 Now, they want to seek a method to harmonize two theories. One side tells to use the proletarianism to protect people’s peace to reach a concord world.

 Other side tells that: must execute to make bliss for humankind by strength to make riches as the method of competition robbery.

 At this time, two theories are fighting together…There is a quaint thing, which will happen in front of our sight. How strange! The Supreme Being’s miracle lets Vietnam perform an extraordinary play…This time is the time we are delivering from slavery and we can speak out in advance that Vietnam is equal to all states on over world. 

How harmful! Vietnam is a battlefield of two blocs fighting together, which are bawling in Vietnam region.

 Will it become a battleground for all States?

(When Bần Đạo/I speak out, people will reckon that I am superstitious). Bần Đạo/I say that: If Vietnamese race protects their life firstly to make an example for all States imitating, the Supreme Being will perhaps gather all states in front of Vietnam and Vietnam will have a secret speech to tell them that: Humankind’s seeking for bliss is unreal. All your methods are wrong except one incomparable method: whenever humankind wishes peace, takes their body to help humankind’s body, takes their body to help other ones; the bliss will come true.

 For your methods executed, they are same to water drops of rain falling.

 As you are mutually deceitful, you never reach the bliss.




At Gratitude Temple on 15th February Canh Dần year [1950]

Today, we discuss a matter that we need to discuss together. If we believe surely that: Mother Buddha [Holy Mother] is our Mater, we must believe in Her. According to my thoughts, all things belonging this physical body are created by Holy Mother. The Great Merciful Father is the father of our soul only as our secular parents. Our father grants us one drop of sperm and our blood is from our mother. The Supreme Being grants one light as a soul while our mind and physical body are created by Holy Mother’s hands. For those two sovereignties, if we petition to be delivered, there will not have other wisdom compared with the petition to Supreme Being. For our physical body, if we are painful, the petition to Mother is surer. We may obtain many things from petition to our Mother but petition to our Father just reaches a failure only. Is that right? Especially, womankind has to reply on Holy Mother stronger. When you bear weak children or have a low belief, why don’t you go to Mother for petition? The Holy Mother Herself has enough power grants Her children. For married believers, you should serve Holy Mother and petition to bear good children as sublime souls coming to us. That issue is very wise. Remember that if we believe it surely, it will surely come true. Bần Đạo/I find that womankind is very chilly for that issue.




At Holy See, Mouse time of 15th February Canh Dần year [1950]

Today is the feast of Đức Thái Thượng Đạo Tổ [Master of Daoism/Taoism/太上道祖 - 太上老君/ Lao-Tze born in China at Thương dynasty]. Bần Đạo/I and Great Canonized Dignitaries always explain His Religious History yearly. If explaining again, it is not useful because everybody knows already. Today, Bần Đạo/I preach influence of His Daoism only.

At the chaotic period, Bần Đạo/I say that humankind is travelling on the path of interest replied on His sublime doctrine handed over. How is the influence from that doctrine? Bần Đạo/I would like to try discussing, so that children of Supreme Being should study it more.

His Holiness Thái Thượng Đạo Tổ used the spiritual basic to control human’s life. The human’s life can progress forever for spiritual intellect. Actually, humankind has reached sublime things from that doctrine for foremost intellectuals, who have reached the secret and ability of creation body in order to cultivate this present life. We think that we have touched a rather high point. Bần Đạo/I say that the atom epoch humankind has obtained due to the special directions to the secret mystery of creation power.

However, after obtaining ability of creation body, instead of serving humankind by morality and humanity, they do contrarily. They use talent cultivated and collect power of creation body to be a weapon to exterminate humankind.

Actually, the atom of scholars, Doctors has reached that point. His Holiness Thái Thượng Ngươn Thỉ had known in advance. However, His will was to preserve human life, not exterminate life as present people.

His esoteric is at the spirit practicing energy to essentially obtain the atom. That is the energy practice secret. He had known and obtained 2,500 year ago. He had thought that the ability would protect our soul wining reaction of our physical body, our spirit would control our life.

How harmful! The missionaries thought of enough ability to protect humankind’s life by that sublime doctrine.

In contrary, we saw that missionaries hurried to fight in battlefield only. We see history handed over that Taoism doctrine induced chaos, not to maintain peace.

Whenever humankind knows the point of reality of that doctrine to serve humankind with their wisdom from His ability, at that time humankind will enjoy His favor put on this earth.



At eight o’clock 1st March Canh Dần year [1950]

[At Tower]

This day annually coming is the day of all children of Supreme Being with a regret at Him for foremost me. He is my friend, your brother. If His Holiness Cao Thượng Phẩm [Director of Religious Affair] were still alive, He would be happy to see the bliss of Vietnamese race, to see the Caodaism reaching a point of undertaking a Divine important mission to decide the future destiny for all people. If you know the value of His death, you will regret very much.

His Holiness Cao Thượng Phẩm did not only love Vietnam fatherland intensely, not only care to deliver all races from slavery, but also loved whole humankind confined by society injustice. Due to justice, love to humankind, He sacrificed His life in order to receive the Flag of saving from misery of Supreme Being. Qua/I tell you truthfully that at the time of His merit ending nearly, as the time of return to His throne, He regretted one thing only that He would not have any time to shoulder your miseries to build aspect of true religion, in order to deliver humankind under Society injustice. He regretted one issue only. In His poem, He mentioned intensely beloved Vietnam. He knew that:

1) Vietnam will become a divine torch to enlighten whole humankind so that they know their meaning of live.

2) Vietnam will become a symbol for a flag of saving from misery.

 3) Vietnam will build a reputable palace for whole His Holy Body put there, and show hands to guide people to execute His life protection.

You must know His miseries in trying to build Vietnam firstly, so that humankind has a torch shadow later. What a pity! The achievement just comes now. If He was alive now with a noble mind, determined will, intense love for human, He would perhaps help us obtain many stronger achievements, values and fortunes.

What a pity! We have lost a spirit, an ability helping us execute a divine mission. At this divine time, His soul is staying with you for foremost Military to hold a flag to protect life and humanity.

Now, Qua/I think you can reach victory to bring bliss to humankind. If you must fail, the humankind future will be pending under a question mark containing an ambiguous danger.

You must be determined. Now, His soul is staying with you.



At Holy See, night of 1st March Canh Dần year [1950]

Tonight is the feast of His Holiness Cao Thượng Phẩm. Bần Đạo/I will replace His speech to preach one subject. The Supreme Being came here one day with two persons only. If Bần Đạo/I preached, Đức Cao Thượng Phẩm was a hearer. If Đức Cao Thượng Phẩm preached, Bần Đạo/I was a hearer because the Supreme Being’s essential coming was to teach the preaching method.

At that moment, Đức Cao Thượng Phẩm paid attention to present China status. We have seen an animated miserable play in horrible mutual murder in front of us that from the national foundation of China until this time, it has not ever happened like this. China is the location of Confucianism, which has become weak. Therefore, Supreme Being created an ancient civilization, which has been propagating for over 2,500 years. The foremost Vietnam has been under influence of that Religion and the Vietnam civilization also appeared from that Religion. The most important issue is that we have to admit the Caodaism using that basis. All of us must pay attention to the ancient Religion future as a basis for human spirit done by Supreme Being.

At that time, Đức Cao Thượng Phẩm also thought about that issue. He queried that China dominated a greatly powerful country using only the greatly basic spirit to dominate people peacefully, however now it pursues a modern civilization called as chemical civilization by us. It only exists by fight, by using strength as its basis, which is the weapon to dominate secularity. Two methods with two actions in front of humankind have displayed that which is good, which is bad, which is successful or failed. For the great civilization dominating people, God and Human dominate people together obviously. The issue, which makes us most moved, is the play happening that we do not know when it ends. What a pity! The China owns such a civilization with an extraordinary strength, but it must be in murder condition nowadays.

Last day, Bần Đạo/I went to Kim Biên [belongs Cambodia] and met a Mandarin Des Basaords. He asked a strange issue by mentioning Confucius born sooner than Jesus Christ 500 years, Mahomet born later than Jesus Christ 500 years. After this query, Bần Đạo/I see they had a same future because their theory of God and human dominating together. Bần Đạo/I immediately answered: “those three persons are apart 500 years but they were same in one only”. He smiled and asked if Bần Đạo/I had observed the doctrine activity of three Religions that God and human dominating together. If it did not occur in that way, where would human’s life and death go to? Would their activity exist? Would it be eternal? Otherwise, the extermination is coming from state domination, which is at great thinker’s mind of humankind. We see that battlefield for life ignores death and battlefield cares death but ignores life. Two reasons are different.

How harmful! If whole humankind enjoyed the moral middle infinite doctrine of Confucius, handed over, the humankind’s destiny would not reach a dangerous point, which damages their future, and perhaps pushes them into extermination. There are two quaint doctrines:

1. One side directs this physical body. I know my life, but death by fighting for life, by eating meat or by killing people.

2. One side says that I ignore my life; this body is not remarkable. I just esteem my soul.

Two sides are also excessive. How can it avoid animated spirit body battle on this earth? Due to that fight, humankind becomes chaotic not to know whichever one to reply their body for existence.

After Đức Cao Thượng Phẩm’s discussion, it is the time for my discussion. The His Holiness Cao Thượng Phẩm’s theory is the alliance of God and human that humankind is querying by a question. There has been nobody solving this issue. They carried out or did not carried out but humankind spirit is still ambiguous without a truth. He said: “if we are living with a truthful Religion, they also have enough three principal society relations and five constant virtues to live in doctrine of true religion” They take their lives determinedly to protect other people’s lives. Whoever does not have ability to protect him, lives as an animal only. You all living beings and it will let you know a noble and marvelous doctrine.

You have no secret, it means you will not exist!

Even you are strong with a life under a strong method, even you are weak with a life under a weak method, you can not own that life and this temporary life does not contain a real life. The real life is the life containing origin and sovereignty, which comes from Creator’s hands. That is the real life. It means we must admit the God dominating our physical body and soul.

If there was that power, we would say that nobody scares others, nobody esteems because of living as an animal. We must fight, compete lives to support our life. When we die, it will become an animal only without meaning. If accepting that theory, we believe in nobody. If believing destiny, we will scare this Spirit who can exterminates our physical body and soul banished into hell. That thought proves our scare. If we scare, we will be able to maintain existence. Otherwise, the battlefield happens continuously forever.

He looked back mutual murder in China and He said that we have enjoyed a favour, such a sovereignty of God and human dominating together while people are following up life fight. They murder to die because of life fight.



At Holy See, Mouse time of 13th March Canh Dần year [1950]

Tonight, Bần Đạo/I preach to you unusually. As previous times, Bần Đạo/I see Supreme Being’s children pick up a noisy for my journey to hear new and understand Religion’s activity. Consequently, I always report to you. As I was tired yesterday, today I will report to you. Otherwise, my conscience feels unpleasant. I let all of you know to avoid being duped by other people.

Now, the humankind spirit on this earth is falling into indefinite status. As they created karma, nowadays they must endure society injustice. As such many causes, now they must endure indefinite status that I cannot live leisurely but run in an indefinite circle. The society used force to kill animal as a basic with plays of strength wining, of weakness failing, of intelligence existing, of stupidiness disappearing, which created an infinite karma on this earth that they must pay for this debt now. We can be out of the animated circle because we reply on Supreme Being’s private favour, which leads us to the restful condition and we can see people standing at cruelty.

In front of our sight, a play lacking morality is happening. Especially, the basic human ethics have been falling into ruin. They will be destroyed more because they lack experience. Due to lack of experience, they continue mutual animosities, mutual hates and they cannot have a method to create bliss. They must have mutual confidence. Otherwise, humankind never has a peace.

The Vietnam was also caught at condition. They was being endured that karma for over eighty years of slavery. In order to preserve lives for Orient races, they had to fight against Europe. The future decision for Vietnamese race is same to that case. At this moment, the violent war is still continuing forever because of their lack of experience. Due to lack of experience, they kill together in spite their fellow human being. If lacking of reconcilable experience, chaos occurs without method to seek bliss. This chaos comes from no confidence. For Vietnam, despite facing to world, we also win due to Đức Bảo Đại’s lead [Bảo Đại emperor] that 28 countries have admitted to be independent and despite Russia with Hồ Chí Minh’s lead, that side also admits Vietnam’s independence.

For present condition, we obviously use intellect to decide not to let other people dupe any more. Bần Đạo/I see that at this time, Vietnam has been independent in front of admit of all countries. With wish or without wish, there is a strong evidence. France cannot go back not to admit Vietnam’s independence.

Now, we mention our internal authority of Vietnam. We have been appreciated for over eighty years. Now, we must claim that property right determinedly. However, our internal power is still queried. The government of France wanted to make an experiment to hand over that authority but they wanted to hand over to person, who has ability to preserve it. The France is afraid of one issue that the authority handed to a person who cannot keep it will be snatched. Consequently, they have not handed it yet due to internal power. In order to be not denied by people, at least military must be united to protect authority obviously, put in front of people’s sight, so that we have enough method, enough ability to preserve our independence. There will not have any reason France does not turn back us. The humankind has admitted independence, they must turn back.

Before France appreciated our country, it had been a completely prosperous peaceful country. We had got a Civilization, manner, ethic with a 4,000-year-steady politics handed by our Ancestor that we do not need to petition or reply on others. Before they applied whichever method, now we also do by making a copy.

If asking us to be in France Union, the France Union must turn back our internal authority. Otherwise, nobody has right to force us to offer our property to them. If there was any country with a being brave to speak out by those speeches that status would not maintain until now. For a long time, nobody has said it except my mouth just done. At this time, Bần Đạo/I have handed over Military to State Head Bảo Đại. The military must be handed over to His hands for His victory. From this time, Caodai Military does not exist anymore but it is a basic of Vietnam future, as Vietnam Military.

Bần Đạo/I went to Đà Lạt [Đà Lạt city] and stayed in Sài Gòn city within one week for complete arrangement for organs to help Vietnam Government change into the united and dependent purpose as France’s promise in front of admit of all States.



At Holy See, Mouse time of 27th March Canh Dần year [1950]

Today, Bần Đạo/I stand at pulpit unusually. I know that all Canonized Dignitaries, Sacerdotal, male and female children of Supreme Being always wait news from my each journey. Therefore, despite going everywhere, I always report to you, otherwise you are very agitated.

For a long time, Bần Đạo/I have not ever enjoyed a happy period with a great-satisfied victory as my journey to Cambodia. Actually, eleven year had elapsed and Bần Đạo/I went back Cambodia. Before 2 years of exile, Bần Đạo/I had gone there once. After that, Bần Đạo/I was maltreated by exiling to Foreign Country. When going back, Cambodia was in chaos with a trouble accident as others. However, they still had a more virtue that the sabotage in their country happened less. Therefore, Bần Đạo/I was not shameful to go to that race containing the spiritual mind. Bần Đạo/I saw its strong progress in a short time that people have to think and look at their spiritual mind.

Besides their people’s spirit progress, Bần Đạo/I also met their Head as their Emperor, who is not lower than others towards spiritual morality. By their noble mystery, their Way can make humankind’s moral spirit increased.

Bần Đạo/I began from Holy See by motor. However, they advised me to journey by airplane. Bần Đạo/I decided to go by land. What did I go by land for? In order to look at how my beloved race was living, to see if their salvation life was in progress. Bần Đạo/I felt happy to see their prompt progress. The houses near to Vietnam border were destroyed except that they still exist from Swvay Rieng province [Cambodia] to capital, however they were damaged a little bit. When reaching Kim Biên, I saw a strange progress, a moral change, an economic change, a military change, a brilliant politics change with many aspects.

A country quaintly enjoys a favour with a private bliss, therefore Cambodia has been progressing well. Bần Đạo/I saw that from King to people and mandarin field have protected their politics smartly. They fought towards spirit intellect by determined mind but they esteemed people right, country right more than interests.

Bần Đạo/I might see the freedom of their country from Svay Rieng province to Capital. In their country, they displayed Religious flag along streets to welcome their Religious Head freely without fear. Especially, in Ba Nam, they displayed banners and flags loudly at streets. Their decoration was very nice. Bần Đạo/I was welcome solemnly.

For days in Cambodia, Bần Đạo/I, Secular Conservator [Bảo Thế], Religious Legislator [Tiếp Đạo] were free without any inconvenience. Especially, we stayed in Capital under a strict watch, with esteem behavior. Bần Đạo/I and friends felt very moved. We also invited Mandarin Sáu Desesseares in Cambodia for meeting and it made military satisfied with an esteem to us.

We continued to go to the King. He welcomed us at His private residence by royal rite, which is applied for His beloved relatives. That generous welcome without fancy made very surprised for King’s behavior.

When arriving destination, Music department went to King throne to display national fag. We hurriedly got off motor, music was played, soldiers holding gun welcome us. We went to the national flag to hold a ceremony. We then entered Palace while we were holding that ceremony next to soldiers holding gun. In Palace, He saw us coming, He requested soldiers to go out to welcome us. We did not think about His generous welcome. When arriving, we saw Him wearing nice Western clothes with an intelligent face as an Emperor. He held two hands with a bow. It made Bần Đạo/me kowtowed. After that, Bần Đạo/I shook hands with Him equally and entered Palace while we were talking together. His Palace is normally used to welcome His honor guest. He invited Bần Đạo/me to be seated. Bần Đạo/I resigned Him. However, He determinedly resigned Bần Đạo/me. He only sat at on side to talk to Bần Đạo.

In His discussion with Bần Đạo, Bần Đạo/I saw that He was a Kind loving country, people strangely. Bần Đạo/I talked to Him after selecting worthy words. Bần Đạo/I felt honorable to see Him to make Vietnam and Cambodia united, to bring bliss to two races.

The issue He spoke to Bần Đạo/me should not be repeated. He spoke to Bần Đạo/me determinedly: He wished one thing that there would have a method to unite two countries in order to specify the country’s destiny. He moaned how to unite two countries under Supreme Being’s decision. Bần Đạo/I did not know how to bring a result yet. Bần Đạo/I wished to meet Buddhist King. After that, He said surely that “how Religious Head is, the Buddhist King is same”.

After visiting Prime Minister, we knew their wish and mind. When leaving King’s Palace, we got news of Buddhist King inviting to Norodom Temple. When arriving at Temple, the Buddhist King also welcome and behaved to a Religious Head. For me, before entering the Temple, Bần Đạo/I had advised my friends to hold ceremony. They imitated what Bần Đạo/I did, therefore Soldiers did not lose ceremony because according to Buddhism, they hold ceremony strictly.

The ethic talk contained same ideas and feelings over Dogma. At this time, Bần Đạo tell you truthfully that doctrine of Cambodia and Vietnam King can combine together. If the divine favour of Supreme Being, Caodai Sacerdotal Council will be able to unite with Cambodia Religion to be in one in order to take ethic Dogma as a Boat of Wisdom [Prajna] to save people.

After Bần Đạo/I had entered King Palace, Bần Đạo/I had a most strange sentiment even the Palace is not strange to me; Bần Đạo/I obeyed Supreme Being’s order in 1927 to go to Cambodia to meet Sisoh. Bần Đạo/I had to wear Cambodia clothes because of going with Old Man Silipe so that I were guided to Sihohvade.

Before leaving Temple, when looking at old pictures, they induced me to recollect my old friend as Mr. Silipe with many difficulties because it was not easy to enter Palace. At that time, there was one person named Trần Thị Hương, who was very beautiful. I did not know why she was arrested to offer to Norodom king to be an Imperial Concubine. That king behaved to her very generously. When Norodom King died, Mrs. Trần Thị Hương was still alive. They build a tower for Norodom, among three Imperial Concubines, her picture also existed there (naked picture). In this ceremony, after ceremony, She left Palace and felt ashamed and lovelorn to die. Supreme Being nominated as Nội Quan Thần Nữ [Female Angel Mandarin]. Thị Hương also descended via séance. When Bần Đạo/I went to Cambodia and entered palace, Bần Đạo/I remembered to call Her name. Bần Đạo/I still remember that goodwill so that Bần Đạo/I executed Celestial Tao successfully.

What a strange Palace! When talking, there were three or four people looking behind. Bần Đạo/I glanced to one only. They saw Caodai religion, they would know Bần Đạo/me. If someone knew Caodaism with a grace, he would feel extremely happy. If someone knew Bần Đạo meeting Sihohvade last time and I was welcomed under Imperial Ceremony by King, he would be satisfied without fancy. Bần Đạo/I was staying there for one week.

When going to Sài Gòn city to meet military parties, Bần Đạo/I acknowledge many good issues that they were going to execute. If it is executed well, the Vietnam’s future will become good due to the private favour of Supreme Being. If Bần Đạo/I spoke out, everyone would be satisfied. However, Bần Đạo/I cannot speak out now because there are three secrets. After being executed well, Bần Đạo/I will preach to all Supreme Being’s male and female children.



2nd May Canh Dần year [1950]

Today, before recollecting glorious merits of Đức Cao Hoàng, who was a blood of Nguyễn family, was a hero not to hesitate life, death, miseries to build a country like brocades from Southern Gate to Cà Mau [Cà Mau province] that we are descendents enjoying now.

Bần Đạo/I tell Caodai’s guideline summarily. It is necessary to remind the guideline and standpoint of Caodaism at this time because Caodai’s guideline relates to fatherland’s existence or decadence and country’s prosperity and decadence closely.

For physical body of Caodai disciple, it represents the resoluteness, sacrifice, devotion to country because they believe that a race without its country, it will be able to do nothing. It is same to that one race having a country without religion will be a secular body given by God that they do not have any soul to control their life.

For metaphysical aspect, Bần Đạo/I have ever explained many times that the soul of immoral human is always dominated by the physical body to fall into lust field, to compete vanity, proudness. He will not have any elevated instinct, wise mind to think of his race. In contrary, the soul of religious human is the soul of Supreme Being created, which always chooses a brilliant path, avoids gloomy path, dares to sacrifice all for Country interest because he thinks that if the Country has its sovereignty, the country will have the Religion; if each Country has a National Religion, race in that country will find the life reason.

When mentioning Đức Cao Hoàng’s achievements, Bần Đạo/I see that He was due to country’s interest, not want Vietnam map to be erased in generation’s mind by time. Therefore, He passed through hard trials to restore country for next generation with a brocade land.

Although our Vietnam is in invasion danger, every Vietnamese must follow our clear-sighted monarch Đức Cao Hoàng who got great pains building country, with an independence recovery will. Nowadays, we need such a monarch to preserve race, build country. Who is that monarch, Bần Đạo/I Đạo am still waiting?

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khaitam -> Đinh Tấn Thành 933 Woodside Dr. Holland, Mi 49424 tiểu sử ĐỨc hộ pháp phạm công tắc giáo chủ ĐẠo cao đÀi tòa thánh tây ninh
khaitam -> Gigong Exercise Taught By His Holiness HỘ pháP
khaitam -> I/. introduction to caodai religion 3 ii/. Meaning of word "tao" in caodai religion 4
khaitam -> 1. Đêm 28 tháng 7 Canh-Dần (1950). 1 Phò Loan: Luật-sự: Khoẻ, Hưỡn
khaitam -> NHỮng lời tiên tri đẦy huyền diệu củA Ông phật sống là ĐỨc hộ pháp phạm công tắc mà Ít ngưỜi biếT ĐẾN
khaitam -> Thánh Thơ của Thượng Sanh. 1 Holy Letter of His Holiness Thượng San
khaitam -> Giải thích Đức Di Lạc cỡi cọp. Giải thích tám khuôn hình trước bao lơn Đền Thánh
khaitam -> I/. introduction to caodai religion 1 ii/. Meaning of word "tao" in caodai religion 2
khaitam -> 1. Đêm 28 tháng 7 Canh-Dần (1950). 1 Phò Loan: Luật-sự: Khoẻ, Hưỡn
khaitam -> Đinh Tấn Thành

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