Hình Tòa Thánh Picture of Holy See


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5th May Canh Dần year [1950]

Before saying the thanks to all male and female children of Supreme Being and His Holy Body [Thánh Thể] as Sacerdotal Council, Bần Đạo/I would like bow my head in front of neighboring countries having close sentiment to appoint Ambassadors coming to attend this ceremony. Bần Đạo/I would like saying thanks for deep affection.

Dear Sacerdotal Council, Male and Female believers and foremost youth, children, My speeches are to place in youth and children above all others. Bần Đạo/I think that Bần Đạo/I perhaps belong to persons who are sixty-one years old with an infinite bliss.

Moreover, over twenty-four years, Bần Đạo/I have not ever imagined an infinite favour of Supreme Being granting to this Vietnamese race at the time of that people’s heart is shifty; the moral spirit power falls into decay; people’s spirit is miserable because of lack of solace method. We have seen many injustices of society happening in front of our sight with many terrible plays that we cannot describe them by language. Bần Đạo/I just want to say that at the chaotic period, humankind’s ethic was going to fall to decay; Supreme Being came. He came and carried a simple method to build His True Religion. Bần Đạo/I recollect the beginning time of His coming that He only petitioned for three precious things as Three Treasures from His Disciples:

1. Physical body.

2. Mind.

3. Soul.

He needed Three Treasures offered to Him so that He created the organ of saving world.

At that time, we did not understand meaning. Many people and many Disciples made a question that what power did Supreme Being petition for three treasures to create?

Dear all children of Supreme Being, those three treasures contain valuelessness. He takes His few Virtues to create a form of an infinite passion mass. There is a thing we feel most surprised that for a long time, human beings have understood the incomparable power of love power, however they have not yet understood value of united love to be a method of saving world, or to be their guideline to create their bliss in their life. In contrary, they have been uniting spiteful spirit to make this earth bloody for many times. Humankind fights together because they commit a breach of trust and they know spitefulness more than union love.

The Superior Master Sergeant of France, Mr. Maréchal Lyautey said that: “One ne peut pas réalier sans avoir de I’amour” If Bần Đạo/I say more: “et un peu de justice”. His worldly-wise thing is to observe condition and his direction to specify the reality.

Bần Đạo/I am standing here to confess that: you and all children of Supreme Being! Do not think that now, Qua/I can just enjoy your spreading bliss in front of sight, but Bần Đạo/I had enjoyed bliss before Supreme Being united you to be His Holy Body in His infinite love mass in order to create a great divine family with friends, father, brothers, younger brothers, relatives, race that there has not appeared on this earth. People on this earth have not ever imagined its value. The secular family exists or disappears here while your great divine family exists eternally without extermination. You should think about it. Whoever enjoys that value will be able to understand its sublime taste. The favor rewarded by Supreme Being is much more valuable and precious.

You are me/Qua. Qua/I am you. Despite all male and female on this earth know to unite together to be a family on this earth successfully, that will be a great divine family. The humankind must have and they must execute it successfully. If they are unable to execute, the bliss of universal concord will never come.

The Supreme Being’s world saving flag displays the great divine power at this time and it will execute its incomparable power as our power of infinite love.

Whenever humankind loves together as Supreme Being’s teachings, that time will be the happy day for humankind with their obtainment. We see that what Supreme Being said is not new because there were two Spirits doing before:

The first Spirit: The Spirit everyday held a Bowl to beg to provide “Cấp Cô Độc Viên” [Anathapindika] to breed poverty-stricken people. That is the Sakyamuni Buddha.

The second Spirit: The Spirit broke bread into pieces, shared fish pieces in spite of His clothe of “Tam Tinh” He also took off for ragged people. That is the Jesus Christ.

Bần Đạo/I assert that two Religious Heads built the moral spirit foundation in Orient and Europe, which are Catholicism and Buddhism. Those things were executed and handed on this earth with a great spirit, which is due to love competence of Spirits. Actually, there is nothing new at all.

The misery delivery flag of Caodaism is the love only. The next one is the justice. If executing two things successfully, we will be able to bring the real peace to this earth.

Bần Đạo/I would like saying thanks to whole Sacerdotal Councils, male and female believers, Military and children, who made My life glorious, made Bần Đạo/me enjoyed a profound taste of love of all Supreme Being’s children.


At Holy See, Mouse time of night 1st June Canh Dần year [1950]

Bần Đạo/I have not attended service for a long time. Bần Đạo/I see that the Holy See seems rather void.

Today, Bần Đạo/I am still painful but try to attend service because of an important issue.

On my birth anniversary, Đức Hoàng Thái Hậu Từ Cung [Queen Mother] and Đức Bảo Đại [Bảo Đại king] presented a Back Copper gift. Bần Đạo/I understood that hidden intention that they wanted to share merit to Holy See. Consequently, Bần Đạo/I put in middle of Holy See hurriedly and offered their prayer: “People are peaceful, Vietnam is eternal, the prosperous legacy of Nguyễn dynasty can be perpetual”. Today, Bần Đạo/I attend service due to that reason.

By this way, Bần Đạo/I should tell all children of Supreme Being to understand one thing, so that you can know one issue in advance to get worldly-wise enough for future of Religion and Secularity.

After this, it is afraid of humankind’s sentence coming from society injustice caused before. Nowadays, its karma is coming.

The war 1914-1918 passed. The Supreme Being came to teach humanity to give trial as their karma for humankind on this earth. We see may evidences in front of us with cruelty and society injustice on this earth that there is not any mouth, which can deny that sentence. The karma comes obviously because there was cause. For life and death in Religious gate, they are meaningless. People think that living is to pay debt for physical body only. The death is the delivery organ coming. Consequently, Bần Đạo/I assert that if we understand it, we will wish death much more than life. However, due to consideration for Divine Virtue of Supreme Being, death due to humankind and death due to spirit contain bliss. The death for paying karma does not contain any taste.

Over war 1914-1918, Supreme Being said “If Religion is propagated later one day, it damages human beings for one day”. Therefore, He hurried His Holy Body to display the misery delivery organ to save humankind, in order to call humankind hearing His merciful and passionate speeches. Bần Đạo/I thought that Supreme Being came to essentially build Religion and hurry His Holy Body to receive His order in order to gather His children all firstly to wait Him. His speech was to hurry His Holy Body to come this earth at most to do as your will that they would save humankind all. However, the humankind’s cruel fire is in thousand carriages, how can His drop of Holy Water extinguish them?

After war 1939-1945, the third war is coming nearly. In front of our sight, we see a misery without discussion. A great war proves karma humankind must pay it. If the karma modification is to reduce sin, the sacred greatness of Caodaism will progress for one more step.

However, whole Holy Body should be calm not to be conceited. Bần Đạo/I advise a necessary issue to whole Holy Body of Supreme Being that we should gather to be an infinite love mass. The miserable days will become normal. People do not understand to separate, then the miseries will more and more follow up them. The youth should remember my advice always.

Bần Đạo/I tell you that this great legacy’s existence and disappearance are due to wise spirit. You must be wiser, lucider with more morality to hold the next future. That is the youth.

There is one more thing: Womankind and children at your hands. Bần Đạo/I assert that they will succeed work at this Religious gate, therefore you must take milk drop of mercy and love of Supreme Being in order to breed them. They will continue to succeed the Religious cult.

Bần Đạo/I recommend children to you.


At Gratitude Temple, 19th June Canh Dần year [1950]

Dear Saints, Canonized Dignitaries of Palace of Nine Divine Planes,

Today, all of us in spite male and female endure a general bereavement of a fellow sustaining miseries with us. That is the Archbishop Thượng Sách Thanh died. The world is unchanged that this physical body just maintains in a short time only. In spite of a too short time, we also leave an intense profound sentiment. If there was that natural law, our life would perhaps become insipid without meaning. As we follow up Supreme Being’s dharma, today we feel happy because we know a fellow, who is completely loyal to Sacerdotal Council, completely pietistic to Supreme Being and Holy Mother. At this time, our friend enjoys a private favor granted by Supreme Being.

How pitiful!

We see the merit of our fellow as Archbishop Thượng Sách Thanh who endured miseries with us. From the time of abolishing secular life for religious life, he only cared Religion in spite of poor family. He just cared Sacerdotal Council, not care family.

The Religion was going on many tragic situations containing the decay and trials but he took care execution because his mind knew his thought and activity, knew to execute his mind actions, not to want speak out. His character was reticent too. From the coup d’e1tat, the Military wondered all that one sick and weak person was always agile not to stop execute Religious works without rest. In spite of feeble body, he cared most, cared Religious future, Secular future. He did not speak out but he did. Why is it? It is due to his ardent patriotism and love to race. There is one thing that for Religious aspect, he determined to take his body to execute by his ability, to display justice so that all people would know how the infinite Religious power was. His will did not contain speech but action only without thought, without language. His sketch merits are listed until now:

  • 4th October Bính Tuất year, he started his merit.

  • 11th October Bính Tuất year, the Holy Order appointed to undertake Chief of Religious Religion [Biên Hòa, Đồng Nai province].

  • 12th August Bính Tuất, the Holy Order appointed the Interior Institute Intendant [Thượng Thống Lại Viện].

  • 17th April Mậu Tý year, he was promoted to Archbishop

  • 11th March Canh Dần year, he petitioned to rest for convalescence. Bần Đạo/I saw he was feeble and sick, therefore I requested him to rest. Otherwise, he would not rest to serve Religion determinedly until his death only. As Bần Đạo/I knew, I let him rest. However, in his convalescence, he did not rest at all. He never took a rest because of such his mind. He always cared not convalesce despite his old age that people normally enjoyed leisured age as a basis. He still continued to help religion, sought conditions for religion and secularity so that they could enjoy gift blessed by Supreme Being.

Actually, the merit of our fellow enduring miseries with us is offered by us and Bần Đạo/I just offered his soul to Supreme Being so that Supreme Being established position for him. Younger brothers, children in bereavement family should remember my teachings all. If the divine gate is still open, your father perhaps enjoys infinite love in the divine eternal world. That sight is real happy sight and this sight is the miserable sight only. He sacrificed his life to build work, which is not your secular work because in spite of honorable secular work, it is still meaningless. What does it remain anything for states, lands, emperor legacies created for a long time? In contrary, your father found an honorable path for you. That is the “Religious work”. If the religious work exists, your father’s swear, blood still exist. If you protect it, that is your piety. All fathers have loved their children, cared their children but they did by many different methods. Your father has built a legacy for you that you cannot blame him. Your father has executed worthily as being a father. Bần Đạo/I like bearing a witness to your that your father is a worthy father.


At Holy See, night of 1st July Canh Dần year [1950]

Today, Bần Đạo/I preach the pain of Supreme Being’s Holy Body [Thánh Thể].

When specifying Vietnam’s destiny, we understand enough that: even how human has a victory spirit on this earth, the earthliness still belongs to earthliness. Consequently, Supreme Being says that on this earth nobody is perfectly good and whole people are not perfectly good. It means that on this earth, humankind never reaches good perfection.

When Supreme Being came to open Religion, He signed the treaty with us by forcing us to execute His misery delivery organ successfully, to highly appreciate two words of love and justice. He exchanged divine throne of Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha for us. He wished such that amount.

How harmful! When He came to Vietnam enduring the independent accident, the possessive power for Religions does not feel happy to see His flag of misery delivery displayed well and secular power does not feel happy to see His misery delivery doctrine too.

How harmful! He selected this slavish race to be His Holy Body. Of course, it is impossible to deny the pain of His Holy Body as all His children in Religious gate. What kind of miseries the Religion has been sustaining, all children of Supreme Being as His Holy Body has been enduring same.

Alas! How many miseries are there? If we did not take the name of His Holy Body, we would write a book to relate pains and miseries we have been enduring for a long time. It is sure that: Nobody will not tear when reading it because the present policy applied is the doctrine of closing eyes, of baring teeth. That is the fight doctrine of humankind but we display the misery delivery doctrine with humanity handed by Vietnam’s Ancestor to execute it. That execution is too difficult without description. There! Vietnamese race is fighting to specify its destiny. One side just takes the race spirit to be basis to specify Country. That is the National side. Other side replies on International force to be a fight power for them. Among two paths, which path must Supreme Being’s Holy Body do on?

If we have to go with the misery delivery flag with the word “humanity” defined by Supreme Being, we will not be able to go on other path besides the National path. If we fight, it is not easy to specify its destiny. By fight, is it possible that we take resentment to exchange resentment, take rancor to exchange rancor? If applying that for execution, how will Supreme Being’s Holy Body become? It will become earthly. We do contrarily to take grace to treat to resentment.

Whole Holy Body of Supreme Being! At this time, people are thinking. Especially, Vietnamese race wonders by their normal psychology: Caodaism is trampled by people and Caodaism is in slavery. Can they avenge obviously? They are very stupid that have done contrarily against Vietnamese race. The highest doctrine of taking grace to avenge with mercy and love in Caodai gate has been degraded. We still understand that issue because have done and accepted. However, we know the present belittlement will become a great honor for Vietnamese race in future.

How they feel animosity against Vietnamese race, the future will fix them with a sentiment debt to Caodaism gate such amount. How harmful! Unquestioning people killed Supreme Being’s children ruthlessly while they were fixing the future destiny for their Vietnamese race.

On this earth, there is nothing we can own it by petition and robbery in Caodaism gate. The Vietnam’s honor comes by blood drop of humanity that we think nobody has been able to do except Caodaism only. In that case, how can Supreme Being’s Holy Body avoid misery?

Consequently, Bần Đạo/I advise that you come on joy to consider it as honor value, those miseries will become noble. The Jesus Christ died on Cross as an animal of sacrifice to Supreme Being last time. Nowadays, we take all spirits and moralities as an animal of sacrifice to Him.

Come on joy, come on superiority! Nobody has done yet long since but we are possible and we have done. Therefore, we are worthily happy and such sacrifice brings the noble value to us.


At Holy See, night of 14th July Canh Dần year [1950]

Today is 15th of Middle Circle due to lunar calendar [July]. The issue Buddhism misunderstands for long since is about ranks of soul that people normally call wandering spirit. There is no wandering spirit.

Or persons who were going to reach peak of Tao perhaps met demon of animals. Most of them are children. As they are animal soul ranks, they are always young and they make paper clothes to give them.

There is no wandering spirit. If Bần Đạo/I do not have a mistake that there was a wandering spirit who was a girl called as Thanh Tâm Tài Nữ died, who took a bath and died at Cap St. Jacques because of drowning. Although Thanh Tâm Tài Nữ died so, she is not a wandering spirit.

The ranks of soul obtaining human position are never lonesome. In Invisible eternal life world, they still have their family, friends, relatives and brothers. There is not any soul who obtained the human position, called as wandering spirit. If it exists, it is due to people’s imagination. They think that, he died without descendants succeeding and nobody serves him, his grave is lost and he becomes a wandering spirit. That is not a reality.

Bần Đạo/I repeat again that there is no wandering spirit, only demons of animal. For souls are prayed by us on full-moon day of Middle Circle [July], we essentially pray so that they can be delivered from their karma. People perhaps knew a secret that demons of animal often devastated to people to seek food. However, on Middle Circle or First Circle, we chant and pray for our Ancestors and fellow friends who have just died.

The service is the day so that we remind pain and separation in our life. Out death is to meet together in invisible world of eternal life. Despite our sentiment by vegetables, our deep affection is valuable. The value is due to our love and commemoration for them because life is in front of us and we see them in spite of their death. That is our human Ethics as foremost manner of our Vietnam.

Bần Đạo/I repeat again there is no wandering spirit. Whoever obtains the human position on the earth even how he is lonesome, will still have friends, family. Among us, nobody is lonesome. It is afraid that our friends, brothers living with us do not have a religious life and when they return the divine world of eternal life, they cannot meet us. That is most unfortunate and awesome. Otherwise, there is no wandering spirit, only demons of animal.

Bần Đạo/I continue to preach three circles. Why are there three circles in Universe? When Universe was created, the vitality had firstly covered all. After transforming, all living beings were created. The time of Supreme Being appearing is called First Circle [Thượng Ngươn]. He appeared and held that cosmos fluid formed due to vitality. It is that word of energy [His Holiness Hộ Pháp pointed finger at Hộ Pháp coffin Tower containing the Chinese word of energy].

The next is the Middle Circle [Trung Ngươn]. The Supreme Being created all living being. Human also belongs to that. The time of that Supreme Being granted a soul and they became wise and brilliant than all living beings is called the energy descent. Thus, His Holiness Hộ Pháp displays a mystical gesture of hands called Middle Circle by two hands combined together as the combination of Yin Yang as Supreme Being’s celestial divinity granted to human divinity of mankind.

For Last Circle [Hạ Ngươn], Supreme Being granted Spirit. It means the Supreme Being throne grants thrones of Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha to all living creatures, so that soul can obtain thrones. The living beings reincarnates by birth and death to reach dharma for their divine thrones. The Supreme Being’s coming to earth is to execute that essentially. Consequently, when Hộ Pháp displays mystical gesture of hands called Last Circle, it is the time of offering tea: two hands capsize together. The left hand as Yang is above and right hand as Yin is above. Two hands put on Kim Tiên [Golden Whip – precious staff of His Holiness Hộ Pháp, used to exterminate evil] to send down in order to grant spirit to believers. Those are three Esoteric Dharmas.

Now, the First Circle comes again. In Universe, the Sun is one seven globes. The humankind goes around those seven solar globes for one circle called a great transition [đại chuyển] containing: 61,000,000 year [sixty one million years is one transition]. Within sixty one million years, if we consider it, we will see that this globe regenerates after its death with 61 x 7 = 427-million years and the earth died once and its remain is the moon.

From its regeneration until now, it has elapsed three transitions leading into First Circle of fourth transition. Each middle transition spends 61,000 years. Last transition spends: six thousand one hundred years. One Descent spends six thousand one hundred years divided into Three Circles. Therefore, one Circle spends two thousand three hundred thirty three years. After 2,333 years, 33 days, 33 hours, 33 minutes…there will have a Divine Spirit in Buddha palace and Immortal palace descending earth to change Tao. Consequently, the image of Universe contains three Circles of all living beings creation.

The Middle Circle is the Circle of energy descent. If believing in Supreme Being, we should pray to Supreme Being to awake mankind’s spirit intellect so that their soul is holily enlightened and wise to protect their life.

At this time, do not pray for wandering spirit, but pray for Supreme Being’s children so that they have enough ability to enlighten their soul and protect their life only.


At Holy See, 19th July Canh Dần year [1950]

The advice of His Holiness Hộ Pháp: there is one issue that you should pay attention how to send holy remains at Holy Land after death because on this earth, there is no place which is better than the Holy Land. If your remains are sent there, a great bliss comes to your descendants.

The precious thing of Holy Land is that Six Dragons keep seal. Therefore, the Holy See locates at middle of six dragons huddling together.

In spite of old Paradise [a name of a Caodai cemetery in Tây Ninh province to bury Caodaist’s] or new land, they are the cemetery including 50 hectares in Long Thành. Bần Đạo/I know China that if their grandparents or parents die, they will wait to choose good date or good land with dragon jaw despite waiting some years. They just bury after finding it because in China, many people know astronomy and divination well.

Most of them are rich. Nowadays, Vietnamese race has a fortune because Supreme Being has determined that Lạc Hồng race would enjoy bliss and bless in future. Whoever has good fate to be sent his remains, is very happy.


At Holy See, night of 1st August Canh Dần year

[12th September 1950]

Today, Bần Đạo/I preach the noun of evil and right assigned to Religion by people. We use their meaning in Religion firstly.

About Tao aspect, we have to examine its deep meaning to know human’s duty thoroughly. It means to how humankind’s duty on this earth must do.

Is the human is an animal among all living beings with creator? Why does Supreme Being descend in an animal?

He obviously intends to assign them. Therefore, He grants an incomparable power, which is more intelligent than all living beings. The wisdom becomes a lord of foolery. It means that Supreme Being wants mankind to be a lord of all living beings. It is unnecessary for us to study and consider meaning of being a lord. What is our duty for all living beings? We have appeared due to the creation framework. It means we receive grace of Creator Supreme Being, who grants a holy divine so that we can undertake a role of protecting His creation organ. We preserve the creation law easily but it is not easy for us to destroy the creation law.

We consider this globe. Before its death, uncountable souls had obtained Buddha thrones. This earth in its previous life helped many powerful spirits holding power in this Universe. There are other places. Bần Đạo/I have ever preached that on this globe at that time, the Meitreya Buddha who is dominating Universal power, was a gorilla only. The Sakyamunia was a boorish man. Within three great transitions, the Sakyamuni Buddha and Meitreya Buddha have been creating their throne imposingly and honorably in such way. The Supreme Being essentially grants this globe with a school to train and allocate certificate to Buddha.

The protection for creator has no extermination right, just has preserve right only. The preserve organ belongs to the right. The extermination organ is evil. By examining under our reason, in spite of matter or spirit, they are the medium for humankind to push souls to evolve to Buddha throne. For conformation aspect, whichever organ without usefulness for creator body is useless to humankind.

The humankind life protection in creator framework, which means that whichever organ supports and protects life of creator body, protects the life of all living beings on this earth, is right. Whichever doctrine helps humankind to protect the creator organ steadily and solidly, it is the right. Whichever doctrine induces humankind to kill together, it means that it is the evil.

We see that the creator body was in that way, not except Caodai gate. In Monarch Way and Heresy, we see that the monarch’s discipline goes on the right path only, therefore it forces to protect human’s life in society. It means to the state protection done by the right heart to specify human’s destiny. That right is Monarch Way. The doctrines or organs doing against that right to make people chaotic, upset to heart not to know to esteem mutual life, to murder together, to make divine law troubled in extermination, are Heresy.

It is so luck for us. The Supreme Being came and said determinedly: For things on this earth such as traditional faiths at the first revived globe, all living beings were still untutored that they have been progressing continuously into Buddha throne or into throne similar to Me/Master have been going under the cause of word of Tao. Those are God and Human coming from “Reliron” and “Relior” [French]”. Whichever organ connects human and God, it means that Supreme Being comes to us. He said: “I come to teach a doctrine so that you can know it. Your worship is to adore you and Master/Me only because this organ has two mastering powers:

1. Master

2. Humankind as you”

We only reply on two Spirits. What did Supreme Being ask us to do for preservation? He leaves a law as love and justice in front of us. For examples, a dog bears some puppies. There is a person to beg. He looks at them to choose a nice puppy. He only selects the nice one to breed because of his love. A person plants a tree that he likes it. As he loves it, he plants it and protects its life.

In order to protect the creator law steadfastly, mankind replies on love only. That love framework fixes us to help and preserve the creator body only.

For love, that love is not that we need this but do not throw others, we praise that but refuse others. Otherwise, we must take justice to fix due to creator framework in order specify our life maintained. To be protected, we need justice and psychology.

For society, as being born in a state, in a race, we cannot unknowable for how our obligation to our race is.

We are born in a state due to national grace. We reply on it to set up our position and specify our destiny. If we have not identified love yet, our human obligation is not true. Due to obligation, due to that justice, due love, we sacrifice to serve people all.

For that service organ, the Supreme Being asks us to offer our physical body, mind and soul all so that He creates a service organ for humankind to preserve the creator organ steadfastly. It means that He leads us going on the right Way.


At Great Terrace of Universal Concord on Mid-Autumn festival, 15th August Canh Dần year [1950]

For heart breaking sight of Vietnamese at time of state foundation, the painful situation made Bần Đạo/me moved with emotion. With a comparison about 5 years of exile in Foreign Country containing many pains, it is not necessary to clarify but the Supreme Being’s children can know to specify thoroughly how its value is.

Bần Đạo/I would like to assert that: the miser in 5 years of exile in Foreign Country is not equal to seeing a heart breaking play in front of my presence that Vietnamese race murders Vietnamese race. Bần Đạo/I have sacrificed my life wholly to create bliss for all children of Lạc Hồng race that Bần Đạo/I am a member of that race.

The fight by body sacrifice to be a general value for Religion and Secularity never knows to step back to whichever difficulties with many miseries. There is no ability, which is able to prevent My steps. Bần Đạo/I determine for victory to reach the final purpose.

Actually, the Religious Administration has not ever made Bần Đạo/me satisfied. Nowadays, Vietnamese is fighting to deliver from slavery happening for eighty years. Taking civilization, highest spirit of race to be a value is the method of claiming independence and union. The action for our country is the Dharma. The essential point for fight by Dharma is the liberation conception for Vietnamese race.

Today, we are going to reach purpose. The continuous miserable sight has been spreading out in front of Vietnamese’s sight that they gave the independence and union to Vietnam by communism. However, Bần Đạo/I do not blame their fight because they always fight to create general bliss for their race wholly. There is only one thing that they murdered their race.

Bần Đạo/I scare one thing only that 80-year slavery of a state with twenty five million people has not been able to reach a victory yet and scare that people apply the materialism of foreign countries to make Vietnamese race devastated. The race then becomes slaves or Mườn, Mán, Lô Lô [refer people who are cruel].

Nowadays, they want to live in nation of emperor. We must be careful and pay attention that Vietnamese race must be wise and lucider. The existence or failure destiny or victory is in front of our sight. We must not let enemy use ruses to make corrupt use of our blood and Vietnamese race must go on the path of self-extermination. This is that we damage us by ourselves. Even how Supreme Being saves this situation and fixes a noble future, we will not be able to save that situation. We must love and unite together to reach a victory only.

At this drastic time, Bần Đạo/I predict that: If Vietnamese race does not believe together to let the Northern dependency happen again, there will have no method to deliver from slavery.


At Holy See, 16th August Canh Dần year [1950]

Today is the feast of Holy Mother.

Qua/I determinedly let your family enjoy Supreme Being’s favor so that you master ceremony to understand that: there are many brave determinations that males and females as parents of children have undertook a divine obligation assigned by Supreme Being and Holy Mother. It means that Souls are coming to be His Holy Body [Thánh Thể]. You have undertaken an important duty in protecting the precious object of Supreme Being and Holy Mother with entrustment and recommend. Qua/I advise you yearly that even children are due to your blood to create conformation, those souls are your friends that Supreme Being entrusted in you. You should understand that: Before Supreme Being came to this earth, do you know who coming to you firstly? Qua/I say: He had come firstly. Among His Holy Body selected by Him at this time, Qua/I know how difficulty the father in family has to endure. Qua/I also understand your miseries that you have to work hard, manage to breed your children. The Sacerdotal Council will know that one day.

Qua/I tell you clearly that: for visible body created by Supreme Being: do you know whom it will be given to?

It is essentially to create legacy for you. Qua/I tell so that you can understand except Holy See and Temples Qua/I do not dare to mention because those are gathered with an image to be Greatly Holy. What Qua/I mention is the property for you to breed your children. Whenever Qua/I see your miseries, difficulties, pains in front of my presence, Qua/I am brave to take tile by tile off to breed them. Qua/I ask you not to neglect them to fulfill ethics of parents. Even Qua/I do not speak out, you also know this issue well.

Qua/I repeat again, you have whole right for teaching because the Supreme Being has entrusted you.

Whenever you cannot breed them, hand over Qua/me to hand over Sacerdotal Council. Hand over Qua/me when Qua/I am alive. Qua/I prohibit and Qua/I do not let them be poor and hungry. Qua/I tell you to understand that you must take the milk drop of morality to breed your children. Your rice to breed them is the rice of morality.

In contrary, if you do not fulfill the divine obligation entrusted to let them be cruel as normal people, your sin will not be forgiven in God Court [Ngọc Hư Cung]. You should remember that Qua/I always want to share your misery by building Orphanage, Đạo Đức School [full Vietnam name of school: Đạo Đức Học Đường. Meaning: Moral School], by building the teaching organs to help you. However, firstly the efficient Teacher is you. The teachers can train not their good nature. Their future is due to you. You must set up a framework, strict power in family. Whichever family has cruel children that family will have to endure misery.

The Sacerdotal Council will determinedly punish person who not fulfill obligation. Qua/I tell you that you have to examine if you are able to breed them. If it is impossible to breed them, hand over Qua/me but you have no right to neglect them. That is the most necessary thing.


At Musical Department, night of 16th September

Canh Dần year [1950]

The Rite and Music are two important things of Supreme Being. When He came, He still paid attention to those two things. We should know that the Caodaism is the Confucianism to change world. It means that all societies and people on this earth reply on decently amended Confucianism to correct people. We may see that their moral essential society seems to be reversed because of spirit crisis. The Confucianism was built society in Orient from Three Emperors to Châu dynasty, Mr. Châu Công amended to Tân Dân [personal noun: New Citizen]. The rite and music came from Huỳnh Đế and Châu Công. Actually, we should know music that many musical instruments are played with an only harmony in one sound. That harmony comes from music.

The rite and music come from sound. Therefore, we see that although how the civilization of all States is, they still understand the China’s progress, they will praise. Long since, on this earth there is only China with Confucius [Đức Khổng Phu Tử] amending rite and music completely. Therefore, the rite and music become a medium tool for all states at this time by using rite and music for foreign relationship to avoid grievance. We have seen the situation of all states causing wars because of ignoring that rite.

The musicians should know yourself that you play as secular ones to become despicable. If you want to know its importance, open history to know that despite a civilization state, it cannot refuse music.

You have to know its essence which is used by people to measure and understand it. Therefore, each state has a national piece of music. Qua/I tell you to know clearly that this time you hold a musical instrument to have a personal value to respect yourself. When Qua/I learnt dabbler music, Qua/I did not need praise and disparage of somebody. Holding a musical instrument with an equal sound is similar to talking about spirit with our musical instrument. Especially, His Holiness Cao Thượng Phẩm was alive, He considered the musical instrument as an intimate friend. Qua/I disregard all common languages. When hearing the musical language, Qua/I know it is my intimate friend with its brisk profound. Consequently, for discussion by mind, Bá Nha [Chinese] was Tử Kỳ’s intimate friend as an example for people. When holding a musical instrument to play, we seem to fly on sky. The musical sound sometimes is suitable for our spirit, we will feel out of physical body with an incomparable spirit. That is the musical instrument’s ability. Other people can just comment its harmony only. The essence, respect or disregard are known by us only. If we find the disregard, it means that they disregard. At this time, you may think about its limitation and it can be our friend. For its sense, at ancient time, strategic people considered it as their friend because of its sense. How our ancestors were friends to it, we are friends of it, nowadays.

For passed people in this examination, the path of Holy Body is spacious for you to go ahead unhurriedly. Qua/I hope that whoever holds its future must know the value, harmony sense, graceful, gentle and worldly-wise sound. The mettlesome music done by you will have a value one day, and will be in influence on national sound. That is your musical instrument, which will be the nation’s future and destiny. Remember that you must respect yourself. You respect yourself so that people will respect you later.



At Holy See, 15th October Canh Dần year [1950]

Today is the commemorative day of Interim Pope. All of us should pay attention to commemorate our greatest eldest brother, who is our beloved brother.

If we recollect Supreme Being’s Religion twenty four years ago, it was not like today. Bần Đạo/I think that if that time was this time, our eldest Brother of Palace of Nine Divine Plane [Cửu Trùng Đài] would not endure miseries many times with tears because of Religion. The True Religion was facing on the time of that human’s spirit intellect was reversed by chemical talent without their self-control.

It was the time of that materialism overturned spiritualism and the moral power had to steps back in front of spirit intellect force. Humankind thought that their spirit intellect could control the future and they refused the moral spirit doctrine.

At that time, Supreme Being came with a Religion that humankind has ever got it. Therefore, how could we avoid thousand miseries and difficulties. Now, we recollect difficulties and how their reaction created obstacle. The Supreme Being’s Holy Body as Sacerdotal Council all endured a powerful force oppressing the spirit and conformation because of France’s hands. We should also study the commemorative date of our eldest Brother by “making glorious firstly helps riches later”. It is not useless at all.

In Caodaism, Supreme Being highly holds the Flag of saving from misery on this globe to save world. Consequently, we can know humankind’s soul divided into three ranks:

1/ Man of original soul [Nguyên nhân].

2/ Man of impure soul [Hóa nhân].

3/ Man of preserve soul [Quỷ nhân].

As it is an universal salvation organ, we do not hate anybody at all. For this reason, the Caodaism propagation of Supreme Being reached a prosper with an extraordinary declaration that we cannot image the activity of whole Holy Body doing at that time.

How harmful! the belief mass was being gathered over 10 years. In opening ceremony done at Gò Kén pagoda, the Great Merciful Father [Đức Đại Từ Phụ] still let demons interfere in great ceremony by that He extended ¾ for souls. How could we avoid demons attending with their complete right to make a trial to make people’s belief chaotic. The hostile, disdain battle happened similar to a newly built honorable tower and He let His hostiles destroy. We had to re-build as the beginning time. We had to spend two years to propagate, create human’s spirit again. Consequently, the psychology of human beings has to be ambiguous.

Bần Đạo/I witness that despite great piety children of Supreme Being as male and female Canonized Dignitaries receiving the Celestial mission were also ambiguous and their belief contained nothing. As they lacked that belief, that belief made Sacerdotal Council opposite to fight power together. In that trial of fight for power, the Heresy religious branches appeared from that.

Now, for His life, He was the Senate person in South as a eldest Brother of people at that time. He held power although that power was lower than the colonial power of France.

For top aspect in society, He was not only a top person in Vietnam but also our eldest Brother had a specialty that a few people dare to despise. From South to North, nobody did not know his reputation. Due to habitual practice, people toady, seek method to be close to Him when He was in power, so that took advantage of our eldest Brother’s reputation and bought it to look for interest of power.

Within twenty four hours, Supreme Being asked Him to leave legacy and dissipation. The Supreme Being assigned 24 hours only. Within 24 hours, our eldest Brother had to fast [eat vegetarian]. Within 24 hours, our eldest Brother had to hand over legacy to others. Within 24 hours, our eldest Brother had to resign the dignity of Senate to offer His physical body to Supreme Being to create a flag of saving from misery.

In that condition, people saw that the luxury and power were left all from a top position to a lowest position. Therefore, people disdained because they would not have any interest by replying on our Brother. They became to be unfaithful.

Many speeches fabricated with many things were done by people. They discussed everything. At that time, His value and life were disparaged unreasonably by people that we cannot image the selfish world.

About Religious power, it is unknowable that Supreme Being had assigned Ngô Văn Chiêu as Caodaism’s Pope. Supreme Being asked to sew within 10 days but He then asked to stop. Ngô Văn Chiêu was demoted. It was very harmful. That dignity is pending only for other people but our eldest Brother had to shoulder mission of authority. This issue made the psychology of Religion and Secularity chaotic and unobvious and spites appeared with religious branches, which wanted to overturn the Sacerdotal Council.

How harmful! He had to endure a difficult case, an unexpected injustice that He could not defend for him. Behind our eldest Brother, all male and female Canonized Dignitaries, and male female disciples were ambiguous. Behind our eldest Brother, there was no support that brother or younger brother died, they endured by themselves. They ignored together without mutual protection. Without support, thus it could not avoid the powerful force oppressing and imprisoning to humiliate.

We recollect that if our eldest Brother did not enough moral spirit and talent intellect, it would not be easy for him to win a chaotic fight. They imprisoned within some days because of no money to poll-tax for Caodai followers. They also imprisoned Ngũ Đẳng Bội Tinh [title of Mr. Thượng Trung Nhựt]. When going out of prison, He took off and returned Ngũ Đẳng Bội Tinh because it was valuable. If it had a value, they would not disparage him by that way. Although He returned it, they did not dare to receive and they entreated and gave it to Him. That is our eldest Brother’s condition.

How quaint! On this earth for long since, there has been no person who has a strange belief as Him.

Nobody knew doctrine of Supreme Being’s true religion. People had to have intellect to think and consider for their belief on the earth. We have to our spirit intellect to study His belief thoroughly.

At this time, Bần Đạo/I stand here to make a question for why there is that belief. He descended from Heaven to obey the divine mission. He obeyed the Celestial order. It means that He heard the Heaven’s call to know clearly. If saying that: the belief understands thoroughly, Bần Đạo/I have not got spirit intellect to image thoroughly yet.

Bần Đạo/I stand here at Palace of Nine Divine Planes and see that the male leader had a very steadfast spirit. The female belief was not same to mankind at that time.

The mankind enjoys a favor of Supreme Being. Nowadays, the power of male Palace of Nine Divine Planes is built due to the strange belief of Interim Pope Thượng Trung Nhựt, handed over at that time.

Bần Đạo/I assert justly that when the Great Canonized Dignitaries enjoy a luxury glory on this earth, the Palace of Nine Divine Planes cannot have the right to ignore our first Person building a belief mass handed over. The His Holiness Interim Pope is the person giving a greatest favor of Supreme Being’s Holy Body of Nine-Divine-Plane-Palace.

Bần Đạo/I stand here to witness to all generation believers with my speeches: Bần Đạo/I on behalf repeat that every time there is a reminder, that is method for all Caodaism believers return favor to Him.


At Holy See, 15th October Canh Dần year [1950]

Tonight is the Last Circle ceremony [Lễ Hạ Nguơn] that Bần Đạo/I have preached it already about Last Circle of Third Transition beginning First Circle of Fourth Transition. Bần Đạo/I remind again so that all Supreme Being what the Dragon Flower Assembly is. Bần Đạo/I have explained this globe and if calculating due to maths, one transition includes 61,000,000 years called one century.

One transition is divided into three Circles. Therefore, one circle of a great transition includes twenty million three thirty three years and thirty three days, thirty three hours, thirty three minutes. On circle appears a Dragon Flower Assembly.

At this time, the souls in Universe on this 68th globe attend the examination. After this examination, we will progress more. At this time, it is the time that there is the infinite divine power of Supreme Being to cite and specify throne.

Bần Đạo/I do need to tell. The compulsion period is difficult but the open period is easy. The Supreme Being came to give the word “amnesty”, therefore we consider to understand that: He has come already and He has known His children had been enduring miseries already. There were many methods of delivery for misery on this earth. For long since, how much humankind’s heart has been enduring tiresomeness, He has been also enduring miseries such that amount. He came with Dragon Flower Assembly to essentially preserve the word “amnesty”. Just one thing can help us understand the how His infinite love is.

Bần Đạo/I tell you truthfully that in this period, if we do not seek delivery method for our Nine Generations of Genealogical line and Seven Generations of Ancestors [Cửu Huyền Thất Tổ], there will not have any period to be able to save them. There is no period like this happy period to do that.

Consequently, all male and female Supreme Being have an intense love to our blood drop, mind wholly to be tranquil in order to pray to save Nine Generations of Genealogical line and Seven Generations of Ancestors.

Bần Đạo/I can say that at this time, those souls can be sniveling to Supreme Being. As He is ready to grant the word of amnesty, He will give you what you beg Him.

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khaitam -> Gigong Exercise Taught By His Holiness HỘ pháP
khaitam -> I/. introduction to caodai religion 3 ii/. Meaning of word "tao" in caodai religion 4
khaitam -> 1. Đêm 28 tháng 7 Canh-Dần (1950). 1 Phò Loan: Luật-sự: Khoẻ, Hưỡn
khaitam -> NHỮng lời tiên tri đẦy huyền diệu củA Ông phật sống là ĐỨc hộ pháp phạm công tắc mà Ít ngưỜi biếT ĐẾN
khaitam -> Thánh Thơ của Thượng Sanh. 1 Holy Letter of His Holiness Thượng San
khaitam -> Giải thích Đức Di Lạc cỡi cọp. Giải thích tám khuôn hình trước bao lơn Đền Thánh
khaitam -> I/. introduction to caodai religion 1 ii/. Meaning of word "tao" in caodai religion 2
khaitam -> 1. Đêm 28 tháng 7 Canh-Dần (1950). 1 Phò Loan: Luật-sự: Khoẻ, Hưỡn
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