Hình Tòa Thánh Picture of Holy See


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At Holy See, night of 1st July Kỷ Sửu year [1949]

Tonight, ceremony is rather crowded however Bần Đạo/I try waiting more times. If Supreme Being’s children are diligent to study morality, Bần Đạo/I will preach secret dharma in next times. Now, Bần Đạo/I explain the Holy See over Religious Branches and Secular Parties. We move towards a stage to undertake an important obligation in supporting secularity in order to reconcile Religions. That obligation is not easy to execute if our spirit is not determined for destiny. Is the Holy See a location for Supreme Being’s Holy See holding the Religion? For its value, people will affirm it by looking at actions of all Supreme Being’s children as whole His Holy Body.

Bần Đạo/I remember the beginning time of Religion in Tây Ninh province with a decisive speech of Supreme Being promised with human beings. He promised that: “Everything is at Tây Ninh only”. In spite of material dharma or secret dharma, despite Religious status or Religious aspect, His Religion always appears at this location only.

At that time, everyone was indecisive. Bần Đạo/I was also same. Perhaps the Supreme Being’s children was similar to Bần Đạo/me because the Supreme Being’s true doctrine had not appeared with a real aspect yet. At that time, it was too difficult to specify its conformation because secular power was strong in oppression. For Religion power, Religions had enough imposing ability to exterminate it. Moreover, His children at that time were not crowded because of newly born Religion. Most of them were poor civilians and Religious managers at first time were also lonely not to know to make their destiny. When hearing “Everything is at Tây Ninh only” spoken out by Supreme Being, Bần Đạo/I just saw that the Religious situation was so poor that there was not what to build a pagoda, such an extent that we had to borrow Từ Lâm Tự [pagoda] of Buddhism of Giác Hải Monk, which had been built a half. They lent us to reply on us to complete the pagoda by our capital investment. When the Religion [Caodaism] was just declared, the Secular power and Religious gathered to oppress, wanted to humiliate and Caodaism by claiming the pagoda and by dismissing. They dismissed us urgently and we had to leave immediately. After buying Long Thành area [belongs to Tây Ninh province] with a forest of high trees, wild beast, tigers, but it was told that “everything is at Tây Ninh Holy See only”. At that time, if someone did not have a steadfast belief, he would run away only. Actually, some ones renounced Caodaism due to that reason. For some ones having a little bit of belief, they stayed to look at how the future would happen; when it became, they would follow; if it became failed, they would oppose and leave away. However, there was another group, who believed in Him fully by loving all living being and respecting Supreme Being’s children, caring the future of human beings. We wonder that: If Supreme Being’s promised was not real, how would the Caodaism be able to reach achievement? For that reason, those people saved people enthusiastically. The Supreme Being’s promise helped them to have a belief to execute work successfully to save situation. They saw humankind in misery, therefore they sacrificed to create work for humankind. In over twenty years, Bần Đạo/I have been seen many lives buried by poison water and disease. I look at the Holy See but see many graves with blood.

 Some of them lived as salves for Secularity to create Religious work. The present aspect is due to sweets, tears of Supreme Being’s children. For that reason at the beginning time, the feeble Caodaism oppressed by secularity had to been faced on criminal law. Consequently, the status of religious branches appeared everywhere. Do you know the religious branches? They were people running away. What Bần Đạo/I want to say is that they want to run away, we had no way to keep them, just let them run everywhere. They founded religious branches and they asserted that here the God was not their God. They determined to create one personal God. We later accepted to close doors in dishonor under people’s abuse and disgrace. We closed doors to train younger brothers having patient heart. Nowadays, the Caodaism work can reach this achievement under 24 years of your completion. The Religious work has come to a noble level over a standard people disdain Religion. It perhaps reached a glorious palace, which is steadfast without being afraid. We are not only afraid but also own Secularity and Religion. Dear you! Bần Đạo/I stand at this pulpit under Supreme Being’s command, as your eldest brother in order to tell you the confidential speech and advice that: When you were oppressed, you scared, had to protect by fighting. At this time, although you get strong already with enough authority, enough ability, you should renounce fight replaced by your mercy to save world. Qua/I let you know that great legacy of Religion is worthy for brother and master role of people. It is not necessary to more fight, but we need mercy to behave to Parties under their mistake. Nowadays, they repent their mistake to come back. You must remember that this See is the public See of Supreme Being’s children, not is your private legacy even you deserved credit in building. However, it is not owned by you. It is owned by all children of Supreme Being. When they come back, do not maltreat or despise them to make Supreme Being sad. In contrary, all males and females must use infinite passion of Supreme Being, and image of Great Mercy to solace them, concede food and residence to them so that they save living beings towards aspect of soul. That is my confidential speech. Qua/I petition for your behavior over Parties of National Issue. Your Religion is same to: a big and fresh tree, transparent and pure stream that they also want to reside to let their spirit be fresh. They come to reply on your shadow to create their position. You should be merciful to love in order support them. You are brave under sacrifice your life to protect their interest without boast. They come to Religion under your protection and you let them reply to create their dignity, they then help you amend the world. Do not be ungraceful to them. They reply on you once or longer, but you have to let them know to be graceful with humanity. Although an Emperor holding legacy does not observe humane morality, he has no value. You ask them to follow your example to them and consider how your behavior to them is, at this time the Holy See towards all living beings is same. They are honored at this time and their humane spirit will help their dignity one day.


At Holy See, 15th July Kỷ Sửu year [1949]

Tonight, Bần Đạo/I feel happy when seeing the crowded ceremony. At least, it should be diligent like this. If everyone is always diligent in ceremony days, Bần Đạo/I will begin to preach Secret Dharma. We have passed two times. We will wait third time more.

 Today, Bần Đạo/I explain the important issue about present stage essentially to help Supreme Being’s children know the way to found their legacy on earth. Obviously, the difficult time is the time of Caodai Religion towards World as all States.

Actually, male and female children of Supreme Being always understand that the Caodaism is not only a Religion but also a Religion including Religions. It is not a Religion only, but the Caodai Religion [refer the High Palace coming from the Vietnamese noun phrase “Cao Đài”]. The word “Great Way” used easily is not due to our wish but it is just used by Supreme Being only.

For a long time, all human beings have not known what Great Way means. He has been granted all living being for thousands. Nowadays, His children know His coming and knows that this Great Way was founded by Supreme Being and Hộ Pháp descended to hold the Secret Dharma. Bần Đạo/I remember other Religion as Catholicism. When the Jesus Christ granted power to Pierre Saint, He ordered that He had granted power to Catholicism within 2,000 years, there would not have any power overturning it under waver. The Jesus Christ asked disciples “who Saint Jean Baptiste is?” They replied “that is a prediction Saint”. The Jesus Christ asked “who am I?”. All disciples replied “You are the prediction Saint as Saint Jean Baptiste”. Only Pierre Saint said: “Ignore people’s determination, I assert that the Jesus is the Savior as Supreme Being descending”. The Jesus Christ taught His disciples in front of Pierre Saint “that determination is not done by this physical body, but done by this soul. The Pierre name means to the stone. On this stone, I found my altar that the hell can not reach it”. Actually, the Jesus Christ grant to Pierre Saint and until now, there has not been any power make Catholicism anxious. It still exists here forever.

The Caodaism is under the Supreme Being’s coming. He said “I come to you, live with you, bring the true dharma to you to deliver you, will grant universal salvation to all living creatures again. I decide to live with My children eternally, until seven hundred thousand years”. He stays with His children, therefore He comes. The good human beings are predestinate souls coming from Him. They come from His infinite divine soul, to become a His Holy Body as Sacerdotal Council at this time. He promised to His children eternally. We wonder if the Supreme Being’s determined speech towards this Religion can be compared with Jesus Christ’s power granted to Pierre Saint before. We should consider His grant to us to know its value and to know the Caodaism executes “God and Human united in one” as a delivery organ for all living beings. As the Caodaism is higher than all Religions as above explanation, what must we do? The Supreme Being’s Holy Body [Sacerdotal Council] must execute as a role of God on this earth.

Executing as God is not easy. To be the God is to have the method to guide Supreme Being’s children into gate of concord universe satisfying people’s wish, expect and belief. At this time, we may see all state such as foremost Europe wants to seek a delivery path containing the divested fight. Where does war come from? It is because the spirit of human beings is not united. It means the spirit does not control world. The present humankind on world surrenders their life to the slavishness of body with a cruel desire. By physical body, we cannot satisfy them. They scare the physical body and know that the religious power controls them. They still know that the control power of physical body will push them into self-extermination. They scare it so much. How harmful! when they scare hostile, they continue to reinforce more to make their state more powerful. They use weapons cruelly and they think that they are protecting peace. Unexpectedly, it is completely contrary that we never imagine. They scare hostile but seek hostile. They scare death but seek method of death. They use the method of death to seek life method. It is impossible. Why is it? At this time, the great third war is going to happen because of no mutual confidences happening many times. The humankind has been unconfident, immoral. Consequently, the true way with real passion as the Religious gate is the method to deliver them easily.

How harmful! They hover not to see a real path because this nation does not believe other one. For speech in a family, parents and children do not believe together much less than world. If there is no moral restraining family regulation justly in beloved status, that family will also become chaotic much less than states of world. The humankind is making many injustices increasing more and more. We never see its reduction. It cannot avoid a re-action to do against helplessness of society. For that reason, the miserable play happens in mutual murder. Assuming that different races fight together, but they still fight in spite of same race. Therefore, self-extermination occurs.

Whenever, the Caodaism has enough spiritual power to display the justice and love as a remedy for disease without treatment method, that day will be the time of universal peace and universal concord. We wonder: Can the Caodaism execute? At this time, all states keep and seek souls of intelligent people of upper class and we find the danger because they are looking for method as a blind soothsayer. At this time for method of delivering all living beings, Bần Đạo/I feel honorable to see the Caodaism displaying the method they always wish. Their eyes have seen delivery aspect. People have seen it. Bần Đạo/I assert the path will save people and deliver them. However, there is an important issue that Supreme Being Holy Body [Sacerdotal Council] must do how to be worthy for role of God on this earth.




At Holy See, night of 18th August Kỷ Sửu year [1949]

Today is the Feast of Đức Lý Đại Tiên [Great Immortal Ly-Tai-Pei] as the Spirit holding power of First August Ruler/Nhứt Trấn Oai Nghiêm [There are Three Rulers representing Three Religions as Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism] in Celestial Palace. By His service, Bần Đạo/I also need to remind His merit under role of First August Ruler undertaking Religious mission, and role of Pope of Great Way-Third Period-Universal Salvation, as the eldest brother of whole Holy Body of Supreme Being.

Bần Đạo/I remember the previous embryo that the Religious Politics had nothing. Bần Đạo/I was oppressed by power, therefore I did not know yet my value with a mission entrusted by Supreme Being at that time. However, I dared to receive that mission, therefore I could do nothing.

At that time, the Caodaism was still immature, weak, feeble without any ability and Đức Đại Tiên [Great Immortal] taught many advices. He only taught and advised by soft speeches. There were many Divine Teachings but they did not find out about meaning. They did not also know their value. He came to hold power of Religion, as power of. As He loves Supreme Being intensely, He obeyed to hold power of Pope of Great Way. However, if He interfered male and female Canonized Dignitary, the Supreme Being would complain, blame to ask not to make their spirits collapsed. They did not read Supreme Being’s Divine Teachings but continuously intended to vandalize Religion. Now, there are some Dignitaries Bần Đạo/I do not name their names. When His Holiness Lý admonished, Supreme Being felt sad such an extent that He moaned via a poem:

No bliss comes to father in front of children’s misery,

Nobody feels indolent when being cut intestine.

Grant power but scare power to sow division,

Intend to throw the supreme throne away.

 At that period, He was angry with His Holiness Lý reproving His children, He could not be joyful. Bần Đạo/I really knew discord of our Supreme Being and Eldest Brother. Bần Đạo/I did not understand anything, did not know my obligation how to do well. I only knew theory without execution.

At that time, Supreme Being was afraid that Bần Đạo/I listened to Đức Lý. The Supreme Being always dissuaded me in each séance: “For everything, you must obey Master/me. Do not obey Thái Bạch!” At that time, it was too difficult for Bần Đạo/me if I did not obey His advice. If just let it be in like that, the Religion would not avoid extermination for foremost internal upheaval. For externality, Parties ravaged the true Religion of Supreme Being. He came to show Bần Đạo/me the Religion’s danger with such a situation. He asked Bần Đạo/I to obey Him, so that the situation would be saved, otherwise the Religious Politics would be exterminated. One side was the teaching of Supreme Being and other side was the teaching of Eldest Brother. I could not choose the way between two sides. It really made Bần Đạo/me distraught within continuous 6 months. I always shuttle back and forth amazedly at natural forest with thoughts. My mind was very embarrassed.

Đức Lý came to teach some issues and ascended. The Supreme Being then came and told me not to listen that instruction. It made me be in impasse. He held my hands at table from 9pm to 4am not to let me go anywhere. He forced to obey Him by showing all enough dangers of Religion. He told that if I did not decide, I should leave Caodaism firstly. The first leave would be better. Bần Đạo/I saw many reasons, therefore I had to obey Him. He felt so happy for after I had obeyed His order. However, Bần Đạo/I did not understand His bliss. That is because I obeyed to receive the dharma of divine power.

Three Palaces have three persons ruling:

1. Octagonal Palace [Bát Quái Đài] is ruled by Supreme Being, as Lord of Deity, Saint, Immortal, Buddha and all Living Creatures.

 2. Palace of Nine Divine Planes [Cửu Trùng Đài] is ruled by Pope [Giáo Tông] as master of Sacerdotal Council.

 3. Palace of Divine Alliance [Hiệp Thiên Đài] is ruled by Hộ Pháp.

For those three Masters, if two Masters of Palace of Nine Divine Planes and Divine Alliance Palace separate, there is not way to submit petition to Octagonal Palace as the Supreme Being’s power. Two Palaces of Divine Alliance and Nine Divine Planes united are the Supreme Being’s power on this earth that there is no more power, which can exceed power of Octagonal Palace.

Once I obeyed Đức Lý [Pope], the Great Merciful Father was disappointed. Poor Him! The Great Merciful Father knew not to have any way to protect other persons any more because Đức Lý determined to dismiss persons with evil intention out of Religion. The Great Merciful Father knew not to avoid production of religious branches. In that case, there would not have any way to save and put down revolt and Supreme Being’s true Religion would become valueless. When I obeyed Đức Lý, the Supreme Being did not come within three months. When the Supreme Being came to organize an enthronement ceremony [lễ đăng điện] to restore the Pope power and He just called Đức Lý but Đức Lý petitioned to resign throne of Pope. Alas! That time went on an upheaval. Until the Supreme Being recalled Đức Lý and the Supreme Being could not put up resistance against Him more. He often reminded the Sacerdotal Council of Divine Alliance Palace and Palace of Nine Divine Planes to organize the enthronement ceremony solemnly when He returned His mission. He then sat on His throne and held pen to write: I thought there was no Emperor who could wrote a speech as Him. In Collection of Divine Messages, there are four very quaint sentences of poem written by Him:

Cửu tử kim triêu đắc phục hườn,

Hạnh Phùng Thiên mạng đạo khai ngươn.

Thế trung kỵ tử hà tri tử,

Tử giả hà tồn chủ “tịch hương”.

Cửu tử kim triêu đắc phục hườn”: I have died for a long time on this earth but today I am revived in Supreme Being’s Holy Body.

Hạnh Phùng Thiên mạng đạo khai ngươn”: bliss to receive the Divine mission to come for opening circle. Why did He mention that? Bần Đạo/I have explained that at the end of Last Circle of Three Transition/Manvantara to begin the Fourth Transition, He came because of cause.

Bần Đạo/I assert surely that: If other Spirit was not Him, He would not be able to execute well. He comes to opene the First Circle of Fourth Transition.

Thế trung kỵ tử hà tri tử”: the people on earth scare death but they do not know what the death is. He asks and answers:

Tử giả hà tồn chủ “tịch hương”: is the religious name of womankind. The womankind is the existence of humankind. If saying death, what does it mean why He comes to own womankind? What does He hold the seed of world for?

Now, I mention His authority. He just held pen to write:

Ánh Thái Cực biến sanh Thái Bạch,

Hiện Kim Tinh trọng trách Linh Tiêu.

Quyền năng vưng thửa Thiên Triều,

Càn Khôn thế giáo dắt dìu Tinh Quân”.

 “Ánh Thái Cực biến sanh Thái Bạch”: When the Universal Monad [Tai Chi] exploded to create light of Universal Monad. That light is Him. Only Supreme Being holds dharma. Everybody should know that when Supreme Being held dharma to create two Supreme Ethers impacting together to explode. That mass of fire created the Universe and the light of Monad is Thái Bạch.

 “Hiện Kim Tinh trọng trách Linh Tiêu”: this earth receives always that light, which is controlled by Him.

 “Quyền năng vưng thửa Thiên Triều”: is the power to obey order of Celestial Court.

 “Càn Khôn thế giáo dắt dìu Tinh Quân”: all palaces in this Universe are ruled by Him. 

Tinh quân thọ sắc thuở Phong Thần,

Cho đến Đường triều mới biến thân.

Thái Bạch Kim Tinh đang trị thế,

Trường Canh trích tử đến thăm trần.

Động đình thi rượu đong muôn đấu,

Bồng Đảo Câu Tiên nắm một cần.

Vâng lịnh Ngọc Hư nay xuống thế,

Tam Kỳ độ rỗi các nguyên nhân”.

Tinh quân thọ sắc thuở Phong Thần”: He obtained His throne and power conferred at the Deifying time.

Cho đến Đường triều mới biến thân”: Until Đường dynasty, He appeared.

Thái Bạch Kim Tinh đang trị thế”: That Soul is holding power to rule world.

Động đình thi rượu đong muôn đấu,

Bồng Đảo Câu Tiên nắm một cần”: at the Động Đình, if mentioning His name, everybody knows Him.

 “Bồng Đảo Câu Tiên nắm một cần”: in Fairy-Land, He holds the Celestial Book for Confucianism.

 “Vâng lịnh Ngọc Hư nay xuống thế”: at the time of Great Way-Third Period opened, He obeys order of God Court [Ngọc Hư] to rule the Religion.

 “Tam Kỳ độ rỗi các nguyên nhân”: He saves 920,000 men of original soul [nguyên nhân] at the Third Period.

 Bần Đạo/I forgot to speak out His quaint prediction. One day, He came to teach me. He asked me to obey Him “If you do not obey me, one day the disaster will come with extermination or achievement and you will load greatest obligation firstly”. At that period, Bần Đạo/I understood nothing. Bần Đạo/I thought obligation of whole Holy Body of Supreme being, million persons! Why is that charged only by me? That prediction is to mention the time of entrusting Pope power to Bần Đạo/me to rule Palace of Nine Divine Planes too. If Bần Đạo/I did not obey, I would load obligation all. If I did not obey Him, who would I hand over this obligation to? At present time, in that case I did not obey Him, now I just leave without ability to stay with Religion.

 Bần Đạo/I would like saying that this world holds rule power of whichever religious organ or law decision done under Eight Religious Decrees to found state’s politics as Him. Bần Đạo/I had not seen yet Đức Lý issuing Eight Religious Decrees but He could founded it completely. We should venerate and respect Him. We scare the Spirit saving Religion too much. Bần Đạo/I also compliment and respect Him until end of world.

 If the Caodaism exists forever, the merit of His Holiness Lý Giáo Tông is always in mind of human beings.


At Holy See, night of 27th August Kỷ Sửu year [1949]


Today is the service of Confucius as Đức Đại Thần Chư Thánh Văn Tuyên Đế Quân teaching the Confucianism. Bần Đạo/I have repeated His Religious life many times. As tonight is His service, Bần Đạo/I preach the doctrine of God and Human with concomitant rule.

We know that He is the Jesus Christ’s forebear but He was less happier than Jesus Christ. At pre-500 years, humankind’s psychology did accept His doctrine yet. Moreover, His coming contained a meaning of a philosopher only. He was not brave and honorable with a noun of Supreme Being’s child like Jesus Christ. Although the theory is unique but His Religion does have less bliss compared with Jesus Christ’s Religion. He only cleared a proof of a Spirit ruling Universe. That Spirit was called “Nhứt Đại” [Great Unique] by Him only. That is the God but He did not speak out as Jesus Christ. He only proved a supreme spirit. His failure came from that cause. The Jesus Christ’s advantage is that He asserted there was a Father, who was Supreme Lord of Universe.

If we know to use philosophy, we should follow the great thinker as philosopher Descartes telling: “Je pense donc je suis”. It means “I think I have that amount only”. The mankind is the animal on this earth that we see the existence, activity, operation, movement because the mankind is the animal. Without activity, the mankind will die. In its activity, there are two special parts:

1. The activity of physical body as our movement at this time, we must operate everyday to have life. We must die obviously without operation due to natural rule.

2. There is other activity, which is invisible that we can see it. However, we see and assert the spiritual activity happening. Therefore, two activities of mankind are divided into two parts:

1/ Secular activity

2/ Religious activity

As this earthly body is an animal, it must operate as animals, as its sensation of body and it has been able to operate due to soul. For that reason, the Supreme Being creates form for it. He also arranges rule to let its spirit control its body because if He lets its physical body control its spirit, it would become infatuated, would go to self-extermination. Consequently, when looking at the special part of Tao, we have to look at our Secularity that we have to live in society under life of national framework of race. Thus, framework of law is decisive for all. Over that life



At Holy See, night of 7th April Kỷ Sửu year [1949]

Tonight is the Feast of Great Sakyamuni Buddha, coinciding with the feast of our Eldest Sister Female Cardinal Lâm Hương Thanh. I do not know that is a random or predestination that Female Cardinal died on the Feast of Sayamuni Buddha. According to my knowledge, She adored Buddhism intensely above all others. We may say that: The Cardinal Hương Thanh belongs to the top of people’s register. When Supreme Being did not open the Caodaism yet, Cardinal Hương Thanh had only followed Buddhism. She herself told me this issue. When She was young, She paid attention to Buddhism. No body knew there was predestination or no predestination of Supreme Being that when repeating Buddha name, the Supreme Being stood inside and called Himself Tam Thiên Đại Thiên Thế Giái [Three Thousand Worlds of Great Chiliocosm]. The Supreme Being is the Buddha, therefore She loved Him intensely. When Supreme Being opens the Caodaism, it is the ameliorated Buddhism.

Today is the service of Sakyamuni Buddha and our Eldest Sister, we should pray to His soul and Her soul as Long Nữ [Nagakanya – domestic of Buddha Quan Yin Bodhisattva] by our heart. All of us know that secret.

The Female Cardinal is the avatar of Long Nữ. Who is Long Nữ? She is the domestic of Quan Yin Bodhisattva. Bần Đạo/I understand the secret of Quan Yin Bodhisattva receiving an important mission from Đức Di Lạc Vương Phật [Maitreya Buddha/ Next Buddha] who rules supremely the Boat of Wisdom. Consequently, the Quan Yin Bodhisattva can not descend earth. The Long Nữ herself volunteered to cooperate with other Souls from Palaces and Hộ Pháp in order to open the Supreme Being’s True Religion, to save all living beings by salvation, to make a delivery.

 Today is the Feast of Sakyamuni Buddha, we should know the sublime doctrine reached and preached by Sakyamuni Buddha. According to Buddhism as an ancient Religion that Bần Đạo/I was used to preach existence of Buddha appearing when mankind came to this earth. The Sakyamuni Buddha was influenced from that Buddhism and His soul Himself undertook a mission to save 10,000,000 men of original Soul to return to old throne. Due to that mission, He had to seek a delivery method so they people could obtain divine position.

 Why didn’t men of original Soul return to old throne? Why was there a mission to display a delivery method to 10,000,000 men of original Soul so that they could obtain their throne? What doctrine did He find for human beings to avoid being banished? He understood: Four Noble Truths are causes making men of original Soul banished without delivery. He displayed the delivery organ from misery “Four Noble Truths”. Consequently, His sublime doctrine would help 10,000,000 men of original Soul return to old throne. Due to my knowledge, He intended to descend earth so that creatures supported made His tower of thirty six Lotus Petals.

I think that although Buddhas in Nirvana with Lotus Petals at Pyramid are more sublime than Him such as Amitaba Buddha, Their Lotus Petal has not been equal to His lowest grade of Lotus Petal, which is extremely creditable. I assert surely that there is no Buddha with braveness to create a Lotus Petal, which is reputable similar to His lowest grade. Bần Đạo/I also assert that it is too long for Him to visit this earth because He scared most. He stopped after creating His lowest grade of Lotus Petal. It is extremely creditable because of spending many miseries.

 How harmful! The people, who have not obtained the miracle secret of creation, think about it under easiness. They think about obtainment just by eating and living. That awkward status happens because mankind’s spirit daydreams, misunderstands that the eating and living are enough for obtainment of Tao.

 Looking back Sakyamuni Buddha’s life, He enlightened in Tao when He was 32 years old only. He enlightened in Tao easily that it is not humankind’s daydream doctrine. We saw He needed nothing. His life displayed a ascetic until he was 82 years old. At the last year of His old, He still propagated Tao. At His leave earth, He did not stay at any pagoda and lands offered to Him by other people. He died between two trees of Bo-Tree. Although He was 82 years old, He did not accept leisure but carried a Bowl to beg food for miserable invalid children. The Sakyamuni Buddha sustained miseries and betrayals. His disciples also sustained to live by begging. It is unnecessary for me to explain situation much but everybody knows status of carrying bowl. Is it full? His Disciples sustained austere things; when going to Benares region, that race ate fish. All of them ate rice with fish except most beloved disciple as Vadatha long fasted. We should think of six thousand disciples going everywhere and begging and they would eat what other people gave.

In Benare region, people gave fish. The disciple Vadatha said whoever ate fish was not a Buddha. It would be stable if applying law. When Sakyamuni Buddha authorized to eat fish, the disciple Vedatha induced to separate and leave with a few people with action against Sakyamuni Buddha. The issue was not serious but they betrayed Religion as the Caodaism that Religious branches appeared to exterminate Caodaism.

At one afternoon, when He was meditating at mountain foot, Vadatha rolled stone to kill Him. Is it possible that a Buddha dies in His boots such that way? There was a tree preventing it and a piece of stone fell to make His left leg bled. He started to hold His head and saw Vadatha on mountain. The Sakyamuni Buddha said: “why do you dare to make Buddha bled?”. It is said that Vadatha died due to that action and Vadatha’s race was vanishing because Vadatha killed Buddha, not to care Buddha’s life.

How quaint! The Jerusalem was a non-violence region but “Juif” as Hebrew killed Jesus Christ judged “your state must sustain a ruin situation and their race must be sentenced to be transported. Your national prestige will disappear. Whenever you may restore your state will be the end day of world”. For “end of world” used by Catholicism, it is very quaint and random we should pay attention to it. Nowadays, Supreme Being opens Caodaism, the Israel [Hebrew] restores their state with non-violence people in order to return to original. It is the Supreme Being’s amnesty day for offenders as the top people of humankind, as non-violence Israel. We think about it only to know Supreme Being coming to found His Religion in order to save living beings by universal salvation.

Bần Đạo/I predict that: “The Hebrew restored their state. We will do same to the “non-violence” race” to return to original because of receiving the amnesty of Supreme Being. The punishment judged by Sakyamuni Buddha is same to the punishment of Hebrew judged by Jesus Christ. After that, that is an amnesty. You consider His promise for execution. Whoever is still ambiguous, will die without existence of soul.

Due to the universal amnesty for living beings, Supreme Being comes to found it. That organ exists obviously. If we do not think about it, one day of return to Bạch Ngọc Kinh [God’s Court/ Jade Palace] without soul, when Divine Spirits prove this issue, we will not be able to cheat.

It is a great bliss for humankind! It is a great bliss for souls having a cause to admire Religion at the time of Supreme Being’s coming to live with people. If it is possible for delivery, Bần Đạo/I are not sure that this globe must change by a third time to be delivered from karma in order to return old position.




At Holy See, night of 30th October Kỷ Sửu year [1949]

 Tonight, Bần Đạo/I cease to preach Secret Dharma with an explanation of reason. Are we living in an animated condition because of continuous fight of spiritualism and materialism? In spite of canonized Dignitaries or male and female followers as a part of Supreme Being’s Holy Body. He creates our spirit because of His love. He creates divine thrones for His beloved children on this earth. He asks to sign a treaty with Him in order replace His image, to behave to All Living Creatures by spirit of mercy and justice. It means we must replace His image to harmonize All Living Creatures to unite with Supreme Being. The meaning is that He grants us a mission of harmonizing Religion and Secularity.

 The materialism is a theory of secularity while the spiritualism is a Religious theory. We ought to have followed the spiritualism because we have a mission of control replacement for spiritualism. Therefore, we have to pursue the spiritualism most. As we have signed a treaty with the Supreme Being to preserve justice for spirit harmony between Religion and Secularity, we should not collapse due to that justice.

 We study and look back to know a reason that the Caodaism does not use any superstition for strong belief. We do not need to do against, but use true doctrine all on this earth only because although we are false to Religious life or Secular life, that falsity makes the Creation organ collapsed. We do not need to trend to normal falsity anymore but exterminate that falsity. Moreover, at the circumstance we are executing as a medium between Religion and Secularity, we should not reply on power of superstition as our means to win evil power, which makes mankind’s spirit shifty. One discussion is using base methods to create a reaction in order to devalue the true Religion of Supreme Being. Bần Đạo/I tell truthfully to exterminate that crafty and dishonest falsity. To devalue is not easy. The person who can make a superstition is me, however I do not execute it because Bần Đạo/I use true doctrine of Supreme Being to teaching His children only.

Bần Đạo/I make friend with His children only, therefore Bần Đạo/I have not yet sat the living Buddha throne granted by Supreme Being. Actually, the superstition does not exist and it is surely unnecessary. Consequently, Bần Đạo/I cease the secret dharma and true doctrine. If preaching with a victory by using superstition power, it is cowardly. Therefore, Bần Đạo/I do not use it. I will use it when it is necessary. Bần Đạo/I promise to use the teaching method Supreme Being’s children only.


Now, Bần Đạo/I like preaching “Meaning of Human’s life”. Do we come this earth with a physical body that must know what meaning the life contains? As being born as a human on this earth, we should understand that life meaning thoroughly firstly. Consequently, from ancient time to this time, the mankind’s spirit has been pursuing always. That is the reason for appearance of Religions.

We observe doctrine of life all to know its reason. Our life has two parts obviously.

 1. Life of material. By a clear way, it is a life of animal method.

 2. Life of spirit is a brilliant life method. We see the eternally mutual fight of two powers. Therefore, the spiritualism and materialism appear. We try thinking about mankind’s history that mankind says the theory of “Human knows human most”. What for do we know us? We know us to understand our life thoroughly.

 We look back Ancient time, ancestors for foremost great men such as Socrate in Europe. At that stage, He displayed the theory of Supreme Being in Universe, which was applied with a reaction that people considered Him a national hostile. The power was so strong at that time. They sentenced Him by capital punishment. They gave Him a poison cup. When being confined in prison, He could discuss with philosophers. When they gave a poison cup to Him to ask Him drink, He held the poison cup and said goodbye to His friends by a calm speech.

 He said: “I know that: Besides Creation organ of secularity, there is the important invisible organ too. I assert its existence. Therefore, I wish this death so much. When drinking this poison cup, I will meet sages. Nothing is better”. After speech, He held the poison cup and drank it.

 At His moribund time, His disciples asked: “After death, where will you do or what will you do?” He smiled and said: “I have not known yet if I will be a lord of this Creation organ to rule great organ of Universe or I will become a foot of a grasshopper. Whatever happens, there is a Spirit holding decide me how to do always, I will follow it”. His death towards Him was disregarded by Him.

 After Đức Lão Tử [Lao-Tzu] had reached Eight Diagrams [Bát Quái], He left Châu court for Côn Lôn Sơn [Côn Lôn mountain] for resting. His disciples asked: “What for do you go to Côn Lôn mountain? Will you have bliss?” He answered: “Only my knowledge makes a particular interesting bliss for me. It is unnecessary to explain how that bliss is. However, I want to tell you only that: my knowledge makes me be able to enjoy the interesting solace of that life”.

 The Confucius left field of mandarin to teach His disciples but people considered situation unfortunate. However, His unfortunate time happening to Him was the time He was a mandarin of Châu dynasty, Tề dynasty and Yên dynasty and time of travelling states.


The time of living with His seventy sages, three thousand disciples was His happy stage because He knew His interesting life. He just felt happy with His Religious life only.

 In contrary, we look back life of Tần Thủy Hoàng, Sở Bá Vương. With nothing, they built emperor throne, oppressed people’s spirit at that time. They killed cruelly, executed everything by using their cruel power.

 How is the Tần Thủy Hoàng’s life? We look at his life and understand. Before his death, he moaned: “I can win the collecting talent for emperor legacy. I can not win death only”. Therefore, he asked other persons to seek the eternal remedy. He was such superstitious that he ate horse’s scrotum to live. However, he had to die.

 Nả Phá Luân had a chance to build a emperor legacy such an extent that Europe and satellites obeyed at that time. However, he had to die in Le Saint Helene prison.

 The most luxurious and rich king as Louis (XIV) of people was a Heaven King that all people had to obey, respect, him. In Europe, He was considered as a Suzerain of people at that time. He had everything with infinitely luxurious condition. His Palace was protected by seven turns of soldier to prohibit death happening to His Royal Family. However, it was impossible, the death came to His descendents. After that, He descended throne to his paternal grandchild. He moaned: “How harmful! My strict Royal rampart could not prevent the death coming to me”.

 Our luxurious position is similar to a tiger , which takes a bait and eats fully then lies for sleep but others also scare. However, it has not known the love. Nobody sees Whale’s life but it always saves whichever boat sunk. The tiger’s life is not worshipped by people but people worship Whale’s life.

 Those two special lives are lives of spiritualism and materialism. Bần Đạo/I describe them so that each child of Supreme Being examines for meditation.



At Holy See, night of 24th December Kỷ Sửu year [1949]

Today is the feast of Jesus Christ as Christna Buddha descending in Europe with a Religion. On yearly Christmas, our Caodaism also venerate Head of Catholicism as our Buddha. We consider Him a Head of a Religion existing on this earth. The Europe civilization was holding power for people for near 300,000 years.

Every year, if preaching His history, it becomes superabundant. Consequently, Bần Đạo/I today preach His piety to Supreme Being and Supreme Being’s sentimentality to Him. We saw and will see an example of “Gentle father – piety child” that it has not happened on this earth.

 After Jesus Christ had received a baptism from Mr. Saint Jean Baptist at Jourdais at a riverside, there was a halo appearing on air, lighting to His head to create three white pigeons and voice sending from the air: “My beloved child! I have entrusted in you”. At that time, the Jesus Christ was admitted as a beloved child by Supreme Being. Consequently, He had a right to call Himself child to Supreme Being and to call Supreme Being as father. He did not want to call father, but also wanted humankind could that special favor all as being children of Supreme Being as Him. Thus, the Catholicism has been propagating all over world.

We see His three-year propagation. He was terrorized, forced, oppressed by Moise power similar to our condition we have spent it. The Catholicism has been examined forever. He was killed by Herode Antipas of Palestine. Now, that situation is still happening.

By looking back, that time was the near coming of important mass of Polse Religion. On that ceremony, prisoners would be acquitted form capital punishment. For two persons: one robber as Baraba who killed many people without calculation, received the capital punishment done among Juifs people as Israel; Jesus Christ was sentenced for “charming rebel people”. People asked: who do you want to acquit. They answered to acquit Baraba and kill Jesus Christ.

Within three years of religious propagation, what do we see? Three years are not long for propagation because Israel became a colony from Roman’s hands. His propagation was not effective at all. Consequently, they sentenced Him as a thief and robber with a same judgment compared with killer. They hammered nails on Cross.

In Religious history, there was a person named Christ sentenced to death because of being deceitful. They said that: “You charm children of Juifs, you are sentenced to death, hammered on cross”. He died under that way. If there was no Divine eye of imposing Supreme Being, the Jesus Christ’s death would fall into oblivion only. There would not have any most Holy. The Supreme Being had promised, admitted child. Consequently, He lived with complete piety by offer His life to make Supreme Being’s name noble, in order to help humankind enjoy special favor granted by Supreme Being. That displays to help Supreme Being’s children know Jesus Christ’s piety to Supreme Being that there has not been any Religious Head doing that.

At final time, they hammered nails on cross. He was going to leave physical body in thirsty status because they famished and let him be thirsty. He knew that if asking water, they would give bitter bile. However, he could not sustain anymore, he petitioned for water. They took stone to dip bitter bile and gave Him. He drank bitter bile to undertake humankind’s miseries. After drinking, He held His head up air and said: “I have finished my mission entrusted by Father, so kindly offer my soul to Father’s hands”. After that, He died immediately. His piety was completely maintained until last time to Supreme Being. For Supreme Being, if He did not keep sentimentality towards His beloved child with a piety heart, the Jesus Christ’s death would be same to a death of a prison to death only, would not sit at Religious Head at very precious Divine throne on this earth until 2,000 years (point 1949) while the Jesus Christ executed His piety to Supreme Being within three years only. The Supreme Being has paid honor to Him for one thousand nine hundred forty nine years as this year. That lesson is useful and previous for Supreme Being’s children, who are staying in His arms. For us, is it possible that there is only one person with a piety to Supreme Being, as Jesus Christ?

Bần Đạo/I make a question. If there is one person with a piety heart to Supreme Being, as Jesus Christ, all children of Supreme Being will be very happy. If there is one person like Jesus Christ, how will humankind feel?

Bần Đạo/I let all children of Supreme Being study and let you do like Jesus Christ. In that case, the humankind’s bliss will be able to be described.



At Đại Đồng Xã [meaning: Great terrace of universal concord] on 25th December Kỷ Sửu year [1949]

Firstly, Bần Đạo/I would like saying thanks to Canonized Dignitaries of Sacerdotal Council of Nine-Divine-Plane Palace and Divine Alliance Palace, Charity Body, Soldier and all Supreme Being’s children coming here today to attend the memorial service for souls of soldiers sacrificed.

Bần Đạo/I am a Religious Head, it is unnecessary to express it but all of your also know how my heart-rending is. Each person can consider it.

 In continuous twenty seven years, from the time of opening Caodaism, I have followed an invisible shadow of Supreme Being to receive a divine mission to take His true doctrine into this earth. He entrusted me a most difficult obligation, which is to save slavery yoke for Vietnam in order to create a harmony sentiment between Vietnam and France to be come an example of psychology style for humankind on this earth. In order to make two parts harmonized justly and worthily, at least, we must do how to let the honorable aspect of two parts be equal. Consequently, Bần Đạo/I make a value for Vietnam how to be equal to all states of world by using Vietnamese race as Holy Body [Thánh Thể] of Supreme Being [Đức Chí Tôn] in order to seed the His True Religion into everywhere on the earth.

Alas! There were many sacrifices for foremost time of my exile in foreign country. When returning to fatherland, the war had begun; Supreme Being’s children sacrificed their blood to complete their divine mission.

When standing here with my speeches, Bần Đạo/I confess that: Bần Đạo/I never think about that case. The more I think, the more I remember the infinite secret of Supreme Being pre-predicted via a poem granted in Bính Dần year [Tiger year] as newly born Religion.

Don’t think of ambiguity for Deification,

On ocean, who has ever met Me,

Reply on earth to awake world,

Same to replying on pen of Hồ”

 Actually, Bần Đạo/I did not think about thing that He predicted: the present situation is play of Deification redone.

In front of Death Tablet of Holy Souls of Soldiers, Bần Đạo/I think that it is not different from Côn Lôn mountain of Lao-Tzu [Đức Lão Tử] that He endured miseries to found the Deification Board. How many miseries He endured, Bần Đạo/I also endure that amount today.

How drops of blood of Supreme Being’s beloved children there are, there are that amount of lives of Caodai heroes sacrificed. Each blood drop is a pain united together.

To want Vietnam’s future to be able to hold head up states of world without disgrace, at least, among National People, among children of Vietnam, they must be enough brave with enough spirit, enough virtue, intensely loyal patriotism in order to bring a real bliss to Vietnamese race. For persons we want to seek….Bần Đạo/I pardon to say that they only appear in this Caodai gate.

For each life, we obviously see that human who dared to sacrifice displays a worthy child of nation and race. Those heroes are worthy children of Vietnam, loyal race of Vietnam because they dared to sacrifice to their Fatherland. We make a question: can we find them or not when we lost them? Bần Đạo/I make an ambiguous question…The future will tell appearance or disappearance clearly. Bần Đạo/I wish an issue that those sacrifice examples will be in mind of Caodai soldiers. Bần Đạo/I wish and think that eternal remembrance is the noble reputation of Religion.

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khaitam -> Gigong Exercise Taught By His Holiness HỘ pháP
khaitam -> I/. introduction to caodai religion 3 ii/. Meaning of word "tao" in caodai religion 4
khaitam -> 1. Đêm 28 tháng 7 Canh-Dần (1950). 1 Phò Loan: Luật-sự: Khoẻ, Hưỡn
khaitam -> NHỮng lời tiên tri đẦy huyền diệu củA Ông phật sống là ĐỨc hộ pháp phạm công tắc mà Ít ngưỜi biếT ĐẾN
khaitam -> Thánh Thơ của Thượng Sanh. 1 Holy Letter of His Holiness Thượng San
khaitam -> Giải thích Đức Di Lạc cỡi cọp. Giải thích tám khuôn hình trước bao lơn Đền Thánh
khaitam -> I/. introduction to caodai religion 1 ii/. Meaning of word "tao" in caodai religion 2
khaitam -> 1. Đêm 28 tháng 7 Canh-Dần (1950). 1 Phò Loan: Luật-sự: Khoẻ, Hưỡn
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