Test 1 Part 1: Phonetics

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Part 3: Reading

Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Most of the joggers who are overweight are reasonable for talking about, worrying about, and obsessing with their weight. Since many people start jogging to lose weight (perhaps you're one of them) it is not surprising that body size is important. More and more people are on a diet, 50% of the women and close to 25% of the men in the US are watching what they eat. Body weight is the second most talked among joggers - heart disease and high blood pressure are the first! There are many factors that affect your weight. They include body type, diet, exercise level, sex and age. What may be an "ideal" weight for you at the age of 27 may not be ideal when you are 54. Moreover, your ideal weight will probably be different during racing season when you are in a specific training phase.

36. What are most of joggers who are overweight worried about?

A. their weight B. their height C. their jogging D. the distance

37. To many people,....

A. body size is not a problem B. body size is very important

C. they do not care about their body size D. jogging is a waste of time

38. In the US,....

A. nobody is on a diet B. 50% women are on a diet

C. obesity is appreciate D. 75% men are on a diet

39. What are the most talked among joggers?

A. body size B. lung cancer

C. died D. heart disease and high blood pressure

40. There are many factors that affect your weight. They are....

A. body type, diet, exercise level, sex and age

B. high blood pressure, sex and age

C. heart disease and high blood pressure

D. body type and heart disease

One evening Dr. Peterson was at a party. A woman came up to him and began to talk about her back. "It’s very painful ... (41) ... I've worked for a long time in my garden", the woman said. "You've hurt it by bending for too long", Dr. Peterson replied. He then showed her ... (42) ... to do some exercises. However, ... (43) ... the woman left he felt very angry. He went up to a friend of his who was a lawyer. He told him about ... (44) ... the woman and asked him for his advice. "Do you think I ... (45) ... to send her a bill?" he asked. The lawyer thought for a moment and nodded. "How much should I charge ... (46) ... giving all that advice?" Dr. Peterson asked. "Change her your usual fee" they lawyer said. The next day Dr. Peterson sent the woman a bill ... (47) ... a few days later he was surprised ... (48) ... letter from the lawyer. ... (49) ... he opened the letter, he saw the following brief note: "Please find a bill for $50 for the advice ... (50) ...”

41. A. because B. for C. by D. as soon as

42. A. what B. why C. when D. how

43. A. when B. because C. if D. for

44. A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. he met

45. A. should B. had better C. ought D. must

46. A. by B. because of C. owing to D. for

47. A. However B. In addition C. Therefore D. Alternatively

48. A. by receiving B. to receive C. for receiving D. receive

49. A. Because B. When C. Until D. For

50. A. gave you B. What I gave you C. when I gave you D. I gave you


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test 4

Part 1: Phonetics:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group

1. A. Pretty B. Get C. Send D. Well

2. A. Valentine B. Imagine C. Discipline D. Magazine

3. A. Chorus B. Cherish C. Chaos D. Scholar

4. A. House B. Hour C. Heat D. Hand

5. A. Feat B. Great C. Seat D. Beat

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group

6. A. Recycled B. Polluted C. Fertilized D. Preserved

7. A. Element B. Erosion C. Elephant D. Quantity

8. A. Focus B. Attain C. Emit D. Discard

9. A. Capture B. Apparent C. Horrible D. Tolerant

10. A. Especially B. Comfortably C. Carefully D. Possibly

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D

11. If you want to learn something, you had better pay ... in class.

A. care B. respect C. attention D. notice

12. Your voice - reminds me of somebody, but I can't remember....

A. it is B. who is C. who he is D. who

13. Although he loved his country ... most of his life abroad.

A. but spent B. but he spent C. he spent D. so he spent

14. ... the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning

A. On account of B. According to C. Because of D. Due to

15. I don't ... locking the door.

A. remember B. forget C. remind D. A & B are correct

16. I love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful, ... smile

A. childhood B. childish C. childless D. childlike

17. I think you'd rather ... to the mountains for your holiday.

A. to go B. going C. go D. have gone

18. I shall do the job to the best of my....

A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. talent

19. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to put ... the match till Sunday

A. off B. away C. in D. on

20. It's obvious that neither the works ... to fight the new rules.

A. nor the manager intend B. intend nor the manager

C. nor the manager intends D. intend nor the manager intends

21. She stopped him ... home by hiding the car key.

A. not drive B. not to drive C. to drive D. from driving

22. When he ... all the letters, he took them to the post office.

A. has written B. had written C. wrote D. had been writing

23. The flat ... of three rooms, with a kitchen and a bathroom.

A. composes B. contains C. includes D. consists

24. After Mary ... her degree, she intends to work in her father's company.

A. will finish B. is finishing C. finishes D. will have finished

25. ... the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.

A. Meanwhile B. Nevertheless C. Although D. Despite

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. The thick fog made it impossible for the plane to land.

A. The plane couldn't land

B. We couldn't control the plane because the fog was thick

C. We couldn't control the plane because of the thick fog.

D. The thick fog prevented the plane from landing

27. I never want to see another film about space travel.

A. I haven't seen a film about space travel

B. I have enjoyed all the film I have seen about space travel

C. I am anxious not to miss the next film about space travel

D. I am tired of seeing films about space travel

28. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.

A. She never went to Paris to buy a new dress.

B. She never went to Paris without buying a new dress.

C. She never bought a new dress without going to Paris.

D. She never bought a new dress when she went to Paris.

29. Despite feeling cold, we kept walking.

A. In spite of we felt cold, we kept walking

B. Although we felt cold, we kept walking

C. However cold we felt, but we kept walking

D. However we felt cold, we kept walking

30. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open the door.

A. Try as hard as I might I couldn't open the door.

B. Although I try, I couldn't open the door.

C. It is difficult for me to open the door.

D. I could open the door with difficulty.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. She found it (A) hard to (B) concentrating on her book (C) because of the (D) the noise.

32. Have you met (A) Bill's sisters? - I've met (B) one. I didn't know he (C) had (D) other sister.

33. Customs are (A) different from (B) one region (C) of the country (D) to another.

34. The (A) job as a (B) booksell helps her (C) to support (D) her family.

35. It (A) is possible (B) determining that French explorers reached the juncture (C) of the Kansas and Missouri rivers (D) in the seventeenth century.

Part 3: Reading

Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Laurel or Hardy?

He was a music-hall comedian in England before he went to America in 1910. In those days he often ... (36) ... Chaplin. he made his first short film in 1918 but did not ... (37) ... to establish himself in the competitive ... (38) ... of the screen comedy. The first film he made with his famous fat ... (39) ... was called Putting pants on Philip in 1927. Many critics ... (40) ... that he was the more creative ... (41) ... of the partnership. The humorist Leo Mc. Carey ... (42) ... him a rare comic who was intelligent ... (43) ... to make up his own gaps. ... (44) ..., he was remarkably talented, while his partner was ... (45) ... so and this the key to understanding their relationship. As a ... (46) ..., throughout their career together he ... (47) ... on being paid twice as much as his friend because he believed he was ... (48) ... twice as much. While he wrote the films and ... (49) ... part in their creation, his partner was incapable of creating anything at all - it was amazing how he managed to find his ... (50) ... to the studio.

36. A. copied B. followed C. resembled D. liked

37. A. succeed B. reach C. fail D. managed

38. A. job B. field C. position D. place

39. A. pair B. Colleague C. partner D. match

40. A. persist B. claim C. refuse D. review

41. A. person B. member C. actor D. piece

42. A. considered B. said C. described D. saw

43. A. even B. quite C. enough D. also

44. A. Although B. Moreover C. However D. So

45. A. less B. least C. little D. hardly

46. A. fact B. conclusion C. matter D. result

47. A. persisted B. insisted C. kept D. demanded

48. A. valued B. making C. worth D. acting

49. A. took B. made C. was D. had

50. A. car B. road C. route D. review


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  1. C

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  1. C

  1. B

  1. B

  1. A

  1. C

  1. B

  1. A

  1. D

  1. B

  1. C

  1. A

  1. D

test 5

Part 1: Phonetics:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group

1. A. companion B. compound C. conclusion D. contribution

2. A. bear B. hear C. lear D. tear

3. A. wind B. chin C. blind D. willing

4. A. angle B. alive C. adverb D. add

5. A. drunkard B. produce C. consult D. sunshine

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group

6. A. occupation B. attraction C. disappointment D. satisfactory

7. A. democratic B. preservation C. electricity D. environment

8. A. pollen B. process C. countless D. exhaust

9. A. committee B. conception C. citizen D. creative

10. A. occupied B. expected C. attracted D. created

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D

11. He went to see the sights. He had a ... tour.

A. investigating B. sightseeing C. reviewing D. interesting

12. My brother is old enough to ... his own living.

A. earn B. produce C. share D. demand

13. She's running slowly through the park. She's....

A. walking B. riding C. jogging D. driving

14. Mark Twain ... his childhood in Hannibal, which is on the Mississippi.

A. lived B. spent C. stayed D. enjoyed

15. How do you speak this fraction: 3/5?

A. Three over fifth B. Three-fifth C. Three-fifths D. Three-fives

16. Nam's parents are very ... with his success.

A. please B. pleasant C. pleasing D. pleased

17. He is interested in ... research.

A. working B. making C. studying D. doing

18. Boiled meat can be kept in ... containers and shipped to other countries.

A. tight-air B. airtight C. airsick D. air-free

19. He can't buy that bicycle because he has ... money.

A. a lot of b. much C. little D. few

20. English ... in many parts of the world.

A. is speaking B. speaking C. is spoken D. spoken

21. Lam doesn't work as hard as he ... last year.

A. was B. did C. didn't D. wasn't

22. I remember ... you before, but I have forgotten your name.

A. to meet B. met C. meet D. meeting

23. She was tired ... her long walk.

A. because B. since C. as D. because of

24. It is said that most ... are ill- prepared for their employment.

A. workers B. children C. girls D. boys

25. He was the first man ... across the channel.

A. swimming B. swim C. swam D. to swim

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Taking photographs is not permitted here.

A. Photographers must not use flash here B. Do not remove these photographs

C. Do not use your camera here D. Photographs are on sale here

27. I thought this film would be better.

A. The film was boring B. The film made me bored

C. I didn't like the film because it was boring D. The film wasn't as good as I expected

28. You press this button to stop the machine.

A. If you press this button, the machine doesn't stop

B. You can use this button to operate the machine

C. This button helps you to stop the machine

D. The machine can't stop without this button

29. I have never read such a good book before.

A. This book is the best I have never read.

B. This book is the best I have ever read.

C. This is the first time I had read such a good book.

D. This is the first time I read a good book.

30. The trip was boring but we enjoyed it a lot.

A. We enjoyed boring trips.

B. We were bored with the trip

C. The trip bored us

D. We liked the trip very much although it was boring

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. You (A) can learn (B) a lot (C) about other countries by (D) to watch television.

32. (A) Since the liberation (B) many changes (C) has taken place (D) in the whole country.

33. (A) My mother still (B) spends 14 hours (C) a day (D) do the housework

34. Her parents (A) don't allow (B) her (C) go out (D) in the evening.

35. (A) Do you know (B) Jim's brother (C) who house (D) is in your neighborhood?

Part 3: Reading

Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Coca Cola is a popular drink for people all over the world. At first, very few people drank Coca Cola, but now it is sold in more than 160 countries. More than 1,6 billion gallons are sold every year. Coca Cola was invented by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta on 8 May, 1886. However, the name Coca Cola was given by Frank Robinson, one of Dr. Pemberton's partners. Later, in 1888, the business was sold to another man, Asa Candler. He opened his first factory to produced this drink in 1895 in Dallas, Texas. Since then, a great quantity of Coca Cola has been produced there.

Since 1982, a special kind of Coca Cola has been made for overweight people - diet Coke. They have used many clever advertisements to increase the amount of Coca Cola sold every year.

Besides Coca Cola, there are many other drinks of the same kind sold all over the world such as Pepsi Cola, Sp-Cola and Dr. Pepper. However, Coca Cola is the most popular. People drink Coca Cola with their meals, when they are thirsty or when they socialize with friends.

It is certain that more and more people will drink Coca Cola all over the world in this century.

36. Coca Cola was first made....

A. in the USA B. in England C. in Australia D. in Canada

37. The name Coca Cola was given to the drink by....

A. Dr. Pemberton B. Asa Candler C. Frank Robinson D. Dr. Pepper

38. Every year, people all over the world drink about ... gallons of Coca Cola.

A. 1,6 million B. 1,6 billion C. 16 million D. 16. trillion

39. Diet Coke is used for ... people.

A. fat B. sick C. thin D. small

40. Coca Cola is....

A. more popular than other drinks of the same kind

B. less popular than other drinks of the same kind

C. as popular as Sp Cola

D. as not popular as other drinks of the same kind.

A year in canada

I was born in London and had lived in cities ... (41) ... most of my life. The one exception is the year I ... (42) ... with my uncle in Canada. He owned ... (43) ... enormous farm, miles from anywhere. Every morning, I ... (44) ... to get up with the sun and help my uncle on the ... (45) .... He was such a nice man, though, that I couldn't let him know how ... (46) ... I was.

So you can imagine my feelings when, because of my husband's work, we ... (47) ... to this small village three years ago. We arrived in the middle of January and ... (48) ... was snow everywhere. The heating didn't ... (49) ... and it was freezing cold. However, the welcome from our neighbors was warm and we continued to feel very much at home in the village. I have never once ... (50) ... coming here.

41. A. in B. for C. to D. of

42. A. continued B. spend C. remained D. attended

43. A. an B. what C. the D. such

44. A. must B. had C. should D. ought

45. A. land B. field C. ground D. soil

46. A. miserable B. unlucky C. convenient D. fortune

47. A. replaced B. moved C. departed D. followed

48. A. It B. that C. what D. there

49. A. burn B. work C. make D. happen

50. A. cared B. missed C. regretted D. disappointed


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  1. A

  1. B

  1. B

  1. A

  1. B

  1. A

  1. A

  1. B

  1. D

  1. B

  1. C

test 6

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