Test 1 Part 1: Phonetics

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Part 1: Phonetics:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group

1. A. Could B. Should C. Bound D. Would

2. A. Knives B. Cases C. Changes D. Pages

3. A. Herb B. Nervous C. Commercial D. Advertise

4. A. Roll B. Other C. Hope D. Opponent

5. A. Mill B. Needle C. Receive D. Wheel

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group

6. A. Sociable B. Adorable C. Cheerful D. Selfish

7. A. Treatment B. Bandage C. Poison D. Malaria

8. A. Disease B. Headache C. Cancer D. Toothache

9. A. Bedroom B. Window C. Compound D. Carpet

10. A. Structure B. Literature C. Signature D. Nature

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D

11. I bought ... yesterday

A. a trouser B. a pair of trousers C. a trousers D. the trouser

12. Our plane will arrive ... London at noon.

A. in B. at C. on D. to

13. We get ... the bus at the same bus stop every day.

A. down B. out C. up D. off

14. Every girl ought to learn ... to cook.

A. where B. what C. how D. when

15. A person who installs water pipes is a....

A. butler B. patient C. plumber D. spectator

16. A ... is someone who sells flowers.

A. typist B. dentist C. florist D. chemist

17. If we use another house we must pay....

A. fee B. fare C. tip D. rent

18. ... in big cities are controlled by red and green lights.

A. Traffic B. Delivery C. Transportation D. Communication

19. Please let Jack ... with you.

A. go B. going C. to go D. goes

20. After the party we thanked Pat for ... us a lovely evening.

A. letting B. asking C. enjoying D. giving

21. She came into the room while they ... television

A. have watched B. watched

C. have been watching D. were watching

22. The baby ... non-stop for half an hour.

A. cried B. is crying C. has been crying D. was crying

23. The entrance examination ... in March

A. begin B. begins C. has begun D. shall begin

24. Mr. Smith said he would come but he ... yet.

A. did not come B. had not come C. does not come D. has not come

25. ... when you drive

A. Be careful B. Do careful C. Be carefully D. Do carefully

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. I last saw him at my twenty-first birthday party.

A. I haven't seen him since my twenty-first birthday party.

B. I didn't see him since my twenty-first birthday party.

C. I haven't had a birthday party for twenty-one years.

D. I had twenty-once birthday parties.

27. I regret drinking so much last night.

A. I wish I wouldn't drink so much last night.

B. I wish I didn't drink so much last night.

C. I didn't drink so much last night.

D. If only I hadn't drunk so much last night.

28. If you do the shopping, I'll cook lunch.

A. I can't go shopping but I'll cook.

B. You do the shopping and I'll cook lunch.

C. If you don't do anything, I won't, either.

D. If you can't cook, you can go shopping.

29. Working so much will make you tired.

A. You are tired of working so much.

B. You are tired because you are working so much.

C. If you work so much, you'll get tired.

D. You were tired because you have been working so much.

30. Please don't smoke inside the building.

A. Would you mind not smoking inside the building?

B. Would you like to smoke outside the building?

C. People are allowed to smoke in this building.

D. People don't smoke in this building.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. (A) Many people believe that Dalat is (B) the (C) most great city (D) in Vietnam.

32. After he (A) had bought (B) herself a new car, he (C) sold (D) his old me.

33. (A) I'll make (B) some sandwiches before (C) I'll leave (D) for work.

34. We (A) have rented two videos and watched (B) them (C) with some friends (D) after dinner last night.

35. Every people (A) around the world (B) spending billions of dollars (C) buying goods (D) on the internet.

Part 3: Reading

Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

The Montessori method of educating children is guided by perhaps a half-dozen major principles of education. The first affirms the biological programming of child development, the child's capacity for self- realization, for "auto-education". The second calls for "scientific pedagogy". A science of childhood based on observation. The third demands a natural environment in which self-development can be expressed and observed. Montessori believed that the school could be made into such an environment, thus becoming a laboratory for scientific pedagogy. This environment should be determined scientifically. In order to expand, children, left at liberty to exercise their activities, ought to find in their surroundings something organized in direct relation to the children's internal organization. All of these principles imply the next, which Montessori calls the "biological concept of liberty in pedagogy": the child must be free to act spontaneously and to interact with the prepared environment. The entire program is concerned with the individual child; the spontaneity, the needs, the observation, the freedom are always those of the individual. Finally, the modus operandi of the method is sensory training.

36. Which of the following is the best title for the passenger?

A. Principles of the Montessori Method B. Modern Principles of Education

C. Results of the Montessori Method D. Stages of Child Development

37. In line 6, the phrase "such an environment" refers to which of the following kinds of environment?

A. Biological, accompanies by specimens

B. Scientific, accompanied by experiments

C. Pedagogical, in which ideology prevails

D. Natural, in which self-expression prevails

38. According to the passage, the Montessori method focuses on

A. the individual child B. pairs of children

C. small groups of children D. large groups of children

39. It can be inferred from the passage that the Montessori method was named after a

A. school B. town C. person D. book

40. Which of the following would NOT be advocated by the Montessori method?

A. Tightly controlling children's group activities

B. Carefully teaching children to listen and observe

C. Permitting children to work at their own pace.

D. Allowing children to speak out at will during classes.

Agriculture is the world's most important industry. It provides us with ... (41) ... all our food. It also ... (42) ... materials for two other basic human needs- clothing and shelter ... (43) ... agriculture provides materials ... (44) ... in many industrial products, such as paints and medicines. About half the world's workers are employed in agriculture- far more than in ... (45) ... industry. Agriculture is one of the world's oldest industries. It began about 10,000 years ago in the Middle East ... (46) ... that time, certain Middle Eastern tribes had discovered how to grow plants from seeds and how to raise animals in captivity. Having mastered these skills, they could begin to practice agriculture.

Before the development of agriculture, people got all their food by gathering wild plants, hunting and fishing. They had to search for food continually, ... (47) ... left little time for other activities, but as agriculture developed and farm ... (48) ... increased, fewer people were needed to produce food. The non- farmers could then develop the arts, crafts, trades and other activities of civilized life. Agriculture ... (49) ... not only greatly ... (50) ... the food supply but also made civilization possible.

41. A. almost B. most C. the most D. the almost

42. A. gives B. supplies C. brings D. takes

43. A. However B. Yet C. In addition D. Although

44. A. made B. used C. produced D. done

45. A. any other B. others C. some D. the other

46. A. On B. Under C. In D. By

47. A. who B. which C. whom D. where

48. A. land B. animals C. output D. houses

49. A. so B. also C. still D. therefore

50. A. affected B. adds C. provided D. Influenced


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  1. D

  1. A

test 29

Part 1: Phonetics:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group

1. A. Girl B. Tired C. Bird D. First

2. A. Nurse B. Suburb C. Disturb D. Sure

3. A. Heal B. Breath C. Health D. Ready

4. A. Name B. Hate C. Make D. Ban

5. A. Agreed B. Borrowed C. Listened D. Practiced

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group

6. A. Music B. Physics C. Science D. Compare

7. A. Training B. Statistics C. Computing D. Mathematics

8. A. Geometry B. Philosophy C. Geography D. Economics

9. A. Reasonable B. Enjoyable C. Avoidable D. Forgettable

10. A. Likeable B. Reliable C. Profitable D. Readable

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D

11. "Why was Bob so angry with his wife?" "Because of ... late".

A. her to be B. her being C. she is D. she be

12. We are very ... with our new car.

A. pleasing B. pleasure C. please D. pleased

13. "... does the plane fly?" "It flies at 600 miles an hour".

A. How far B. How fast C. How soon D. How long

14. The visitors found the little girl's conversation very....

A. amuse B. amused C. amusement D. amusing

15. "How long have you know him?" "..."

A. Since five years B. For five years

C. Ever since five years D. Along five years

16. I worked in Paris ... the war.

A. during B. between C. when D. among

17. There are two temples and ... of them are very old.

A. one B. all C. both D. each

18. Can I ... your dictionary, please? I can't find mine.

A. look B. owe C. borrow D. lend

19. ... is yours, the red one or the green one?

A. Why B. Which C. When D. What

20. The lift is not working now. It is out ... order.

A. in B. for C. to D. of

21. ... this medicine and you will feel well again.

A. Have B. Drink C. Take D. Eat

22. Haywood is the village....

A. where I was born B. which I was born

C. I was born D. which I was born there

23. Travelling by car is very fast now because there are many....

A. motorway B. motorways C. motorsway D. motorsways

24. There is now much ... water in the lake than there was last year.

A. smaller B. fewer C. less D. lesser

25. When you come to the crossroads, you will see the ... showing the way to Middleton.

A. advertisement B. signal C. signpost D. announcement

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. I wasn't at home when you called yesterday.

A. I wish I was at home when you called yesterday.

B. I wish I were at home when you called yesterday.

C. I wish I am at home when you called yesterday.

D. I wish I had been at home when you called yesterday.

27. Even though they were late, they didn't hurry.

A. Despite being late, they didn't hurry

B. In spite that they were late, they didn't hurry

C. They were in a hurry because they were late

D. Because of being late they were in a hurry.

28. We can send date from one place to another using a variety of technologies.

A. We can use a variety of technologies now

B. Data can be sent from one plate to another using a variety of technologies

C. Technology is very useful now

D. Data can be kept using a variety of technologies.

29. We were able to finish to job only because Mike helped us.

A. Without Mike we couldn't have finished the job

B. Mike was the only person that could finish the job

C. We could finish the job without any help

D. Mike was very kind to help us finish the job.

30. We had nothing to eat but bananas.

A. We ate everything but not bananas B. We didn't eat anything even bananas

C. Bananas were all we had to eat D. Nothing to eat was better than bananas.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. They (A) drinked a lot of (B) beer (C) at the party because they (D) felt happy.

32. My dictionary is not as good (A) than (B) yours although (C) mine is (D) newer.

33. Jackson (A) was late (B) because (C) he was not aware (D) with the time.

34. She (A) washes her hair (B) at least six (C) time (D) a week.

35. The quality (A) of these photographs (B) is (C) unacceptable bad. Let's (D) send them back!

Part 3: Reading

Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat more healthily- more fruits and vegetables, less fat and sugar. So that means fewer burgers, chips and fried food as well as cutting down on sweet things. We went into central London yesterday at lunchtime and asked people what they though about it. "It's got nothing to do with the government what I eat", says Paul Keel, a building worker, as he eats a beef burger and chips washed down with strawberry milkshake. "I think I have a healthy diet. You see, I don't normally eat a beef burger for lunch. Normally I just have chips. "Any fish?" I like cod. But I've only ever had it once". Tim Kennor, a librarian, welcome the government advice. But he also has his own rules. "I think", he explains, eating his fried chicken and chips, "it's important to eat a variety of food". We then asked Dorothy Matthews, aged 84. "I don't think it's the government's business to tell us what to eat." We went into Simpson's Restaurant and asked the manager if people changed what they were eating. "I don't think people believe all these reports anymore. What they say good for you in June, they say is bad for you in July. People have stopped taking notice. We serve what we're always served. Almost all of it is fattening".

36. What is the writer trying to explain in the text?

A. what people think B. his own opinion

C. the government report D. the popularity of certain foods

37. What can the reader learn from the text?

A. what the government is going to do B. which meals are the healthiest

C. whether the advice will be followed D. what kind of people like beef burgers

38. What is Paul Klee's opinion?

A. The government advice is wrong B. Fish isn't good for you

C. He doesn't need to change his habits D. He eats too many beef burgers

39. What does the manager think of the report?

A. People don't understand the advice given

B. People think they will soon be given different advice

C. People don't bother to read these reports

D. People are more concerned about losing weight.

40. Which of the following is part of the government report?

A. The population of this country should eat less

B. Bad health in this country is caused by people eating the wrong kinds of food

C. People should take the time to prepare their own food at home instead of eating in restaurants.

D. Working people should make sure they have a good hot meal in the middle of they day.

Keeping Fit

Bodies are made to move! They are not designed for sitting around in front of the television or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn't ... (41) ... you have to be a super athlete and even a ... (42) ... exercise can give you a lot of fun. When you are fit and healthy, you will find you look better and feel better. You’ll ... (43) ... more energy and self-confidence.

Every time you move, you ... (44) ... exercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and climb. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and climb. The ... (45) ... it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of ... (46) ... exercise is fun. It’s ... (47) ... your body likes doing most-keeping on the move.

Physical exercise is not only good ... (48) ... your body. People who take regular exercise are usually happier, more relaxed and more alert ... (49) ... people who sit around all day. Try an experiment next time you're ... (50) ... a bad mood, go for a walk or play a ball game.

41. A. mean B. meaning C. definition D. significance

42. A. much B. little C. few D. no much

43. A. boosting B. accelerating C. develop D. undeveloped

44. A. were B. is C. have D. are

45. A. more B. little C. not much D. tiny

46. A. least B. all C. both D. many

47. A. when B. which C. what D. while

48. A. with B. on C. across D. for

49. A. than B. less C. much more D. at least

50. A. under B. in C. between D. for


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  1. B

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  1. A

  1. B

  1. C

  1. D

  1. A

  1. B

test 30

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