Theme 1: phonetics

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1. Tense changes

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

1. Present Simple:V1

2. Present Progressive: am/is/are+V-ing

3. Present Perfect: has/have + V3/ed

4. Past Simple: V2/ed

5. Past Progressive: was/were + V-ing

6. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed

7. Future Simple: will/shall + Vo

8. can

9. may

10. must

1. Past Simple:V2/ed

2. Past Progressive: was/were + V-ing

3. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed

4. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed

5. was/were+V-ing

6. Past Perfect: had + V3/ed

7. would/should + Vo

8. could

9. might

10. had to

Ex: He said to me, “I and you will go with her father next week.”

 He told me (that) he and I would go with her father the following week.

2. Adverbs changes:

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

1. today/tonight

2. yesterday

3. last week

4. ago

5. now

6. tomorrow

7. next week

8. this

9. these

10. here

1. that day/ that night

2. the day before

3. the week before

4. before

5. then

6. the following day

7. the following week

8. that

9. those

10. there

Ex: He said to me, “I and you will go with her father next week.”

He told me (that) he and I would go with her father the following week.

S + said (to + O) + that S + V……

S + told + O + that S + V….

3. Pronouns changes:



Possessive Adjective



Reflexive Pronoun










































Ex: He said to me, “Will you go with her father next week?”

 He asked me if/whether I would go with her father the following week.

S + asked + O + if/whether + S + V….


Ex: He said to me, “Why did you go with her father last week?”

 He asked me why I had gone with her father the week before.

S + asked + O + wh- + S + V….


1. Affirmative

S + asked / warned/ told/…+ O + to V….

Ex: He said to me “Give your toys to her, please!”

He asked me to give my toys to her.

2. Negative

S + asked/warned/ told + O + not to V….

OR: Ex: He said to me “Don’t open this book now.”

He asked me not to open that book then.

3. Questions

- Would you like + N ? to offer sb sth

- Why don’t you + V ? to suggest + V_ing

- Would you like to + V to invite sb to V


=>We use a gerund after some reporting verbs such as: suggest, admit, insist on, apologize for, accuse sb of , dream of, prevent sb from, deny, thank sb for, think of, look forward to.

Eg. “I’m sorry I come late.”  I apologized for coming late.


Exercise: Choose the best answer

  1. She asked the little boy what ______________________
    A. his name was B. was his name C. is his name D. his name is

  2. Tom asked Susan if she_________ to wear her new hat.

A. wants B. wanted C. to want D. will want

  1. She said that they had moved house_________.
    A. this year B. the year before C. the year D. the year after

  2. John’s mother asked where John_________ night before.
    A. went B. goes C. has gone D. had gone

  3. Janet’s boss reminded her not to forget to post_________.
    A. those letters B. these letters C. this letters D. this letter

  4. The man promised that he_________ to Mary as soon as he reaches Paris.
    A. will write B. can write C. would write D. writes

  5. She asked Mr. Vincent_________
    A. what was his job B. what is his job

C. what his job was D. what will his job be

  1. She said she_________
    A. was a teacher B. is a teacher C. will be a teacher D. can be a teacher

  2. Anna asked if we_________ there.
    A. could walk B. can walk C. will walk D. walk

  3. She asks him if he_________ back next week.
    A. is coming B. was coming C. were coming D. would coming

  4. “She’ll come with us as soon as_________,” he replied.
    A. she was ready B. she ready C. she is ready D. is she ready

  5. “I wish_________ eat fruit,” he said.
    A. my children must B. my children will

C. my children would D. if my children would

  1. He asked me_________ I liked soft music.
    A. where B. whether C. when D. what

  2. Tom asked if he_________ use the phone.
    A. can B. will C. may D. could

  3. Henry said that his house had been broken into_________.
    A. two days ago B. two days before C. since two days D. the two days before

  4. His uncle asked Michel _________ the previous match.
    A. who is winning B. who won C. who will win D. who wins

  5. Their parents wanted to know_________.
    A. what was happening B. is happening

C. was what happening D. will be happening

  1. She asked me what time_________.
    A. was it B. it was C. is it D. it is

  2. Someone told us_________ sit on the stairs.
    A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not

  3. He told me that he _________

  4. A. had already the film seen B. had already seen the film
    C. the film had already seen D. had seen already the film

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for the following sentences.

1. “All right, I’ll help you” he said.
- He _____to help me.

A. agreed B. refused C. ordered D. suggested
2. “ Oh, no, I won’t come to your party”, he said.
- He ______ to come to my party.

A. invited B. advised C. refused D. denied
3. “I’ll look for the cat for you tomorrow if you like” he said.
- He _____ to look after the cat for me the next day if I liked.

A. asked B. told C. admitted D. offered
4. “I’ll visit your parents when I arrive there”, he said
- He _____ to visit my parents when he arrived there.

A. said B. suggested C. offered D. promised
5. “I’ll sell the TV set if you keep on watching it all day”, said the father
- The father _____ to sell the TV set if he kept on watching it all day.

A. reminded B. threatened C. refused D. ordered

6. “You’d better hurry”, he said.
- He _____ me to hurry.

A. warned B. advised C. asked D. inquired
7. “Post the letter for me, will you? ” he said.
- He _____ me to post the letter for him.

A. asked B. reminded C. ordered D. encouraged
8. “Make another try, please”, he said.
- He _____ me to make another try.

A. advised B. told C. encouraged D. agreed
9. “Don’t drive too fast”, he said.
- He _____ me not to drive too fast.

A. offered B. refused C. begged D. warned
10. “Remember to close the door”, he said.
- He _____ me to close the door.

A. reminded B. ordered C. agreed D. threatened
11. “Would you like to come on a picnic with us?”

- He ______ us to come on a picnic with them.

A. advised B. ordered C. invited D. begged

12. “Can I borrow your pencil?”

- He _____ to borrow my pencil.

A. begged B. asked C. demanded D. offered

13. “I must know your decision soon.”

- Her parents _____ to know her decision soon.

A. ordered B. demanded C. threatened D. reminded

14. “I’ve made the wall dirty” said one student.

- One student _____making the wall dirty.

A. denied B. accepted C. agreed D. admitted

15.“If I were you, I would go to the doctor. ”Minh said to Lan.

- Minh _____Lan to go to the doctor.

A. advised B. encouraged C. asked D. Wanred

16. “ Let’s go out for a walk,” said Mary.

- Mary_____ going out for a walk.

A. admitted B. suggeted C. insisted D. advised

17. “I’ll pay back the money, Gloria” said Peter.

- Peter _____ to pay the money back to Gloria.

A. promised B. advised C. apollogized D. offered

18. “You should stop working and take a rest,” said the doctor.

-The doctor _____him to stop working and to take a rest.

A. warned B. warned C. advised D. encouraged

19. “Let me give you a helping hand,”

- He offered to give me a helping hand.

A. ordered B. wanted C. insisted D. offered

20. “ Please wait for a minute”

- He _____ me to wait for a minute.

A. asked B. begged C. reminded D. suggested

Exercise 3: Choose the most suitable sentences in each reported sentence below.

1. Charlie said, "I'm thinking of going to live in Canada".

A. Charlie said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada.

B. Charlie said that I am thinking of going to live in Canada.

C. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada.

D. Charlie said that he is thinking of going to live in Canada.

2. Charlie said, "My father is in hospital".

A. Charlie said that my father is in hospital.

B. Charlie said that his father was in hospital.

C. Charlie said that his father is in hospital.

D. Charlie said that my father was in hospital.

3. Charlie said, "Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow’’

A. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow

B. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married the next day.

C. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married tomorrow.

D. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married the next day.

4. Charlie said, "I haven't seen Bill for a while".

A. He said that he hadn't seen Bill for a while.

B. He said that I haven't seen Bill for a while.

C. He said that he hasn't seen Bill for a while.

D. He said that I hadn't seen Bill for a while.

5. Charlie said, "I've been playing tennis a lot recently"

A. Charlie said that I've been playing tennis recently.

B. Charlie said that he had been playing tennis recently.

C. Charlie said that he had been playing tennis recently.

D. Charlie said that I had been playing tennis recently

6. Charlie said, "Margaret has had a baby".

A. Charlie said Margaret has had a baby.

B. Charlie said Margaret had had a baby.

C. Charlie said Margaret had a baby.

D. Charlie said Margaret has a baby.

7. Charlie said, "I don’t know what Fred is doing".

A. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred is doing.

B. He said that he didn’t know what Fred is doing.

C. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred was doing.

D. He said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.

8. Charlie said, "I hardly ever go out these days".

A. He said that he hardly ever went out these days.

B. He said that I hardly ever go out these days.

C. He said that I hardly ever went out these days.

D. He said that he hardly ever goes out these days.

9. Charlie said, '"I work 14 hours a day".

A. He said that he works 14 hours a day. B. He said that he worked 14 hours a day.

C. He said that I work 14 hours a day. D. He said that I worked 14 hours a day.

10. Charlie said, "I'll tell Jim I saw you"

A. He said he'll tell Jim he saw me. B. He said I would tell Jim I had seen you.

C. He said he would tell Jim he had seen me. D. He said I would tell Jim he had seen me.

11. Charlie said, "You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London".

A. He said you could come and stay with him if you were ever in London.

B. He said I could come and stay with him if I were ever in London.

C. He said you can come and stay with him if you are ever in London.

D. He said I can come and stay with him if I am ever in London.

12. Charlie said, "Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured".

A. He said Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured.

B. He said Tom had had an accident last week but he wasn't injured.

C. He said Tom had had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured.

D. He said Tom had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured.

13. Charlie said, "I saw jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine".

A. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine

B. He said I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine

C. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine

D. He said he saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine

14. To said, "New York is bigger than London".

A. He said that New York was bigger than London.

B. He says that New York is bigger than London.

C. He says that New York was bigger than London.

D. He said that New York is bigger than London.

15. "Stay in bed for a few days", the doctor said to me.

A. The doctor told me stay in bed for a few a days.

B. The doctor told to me to stay in bed for a few days.

C. The doctor said me to stay in bed for a few days.

D. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.

16. "Don’t shout", I said to Jim.

A. I told Jim don't shout B. I told to Jim not to shout

C. I told Jim not to shout D. I said to Jim don't shout.

17. "Please don’t tell anyone what happened", Ann said to me

A. Ann asked me don't tell anyone what happened.

B. Ann told me don't tell anyone what happened.

C. Ann said to me don't tell anyone what happened.

D. Ann asked me not to tell anyone what happened.

18. "Can you open the door for me, Tom?" Ann asked.

A. Ann asked to open the door for her, Tom.

B. Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.

C. Ann asked Tom open the door for her.

D. Ann asked Tom to open the door for me.

19. "Listen carefully", he said to us.

A. He told us listen carefully B. He told to us to listen carefully

C. He told us to listen carefully D. He said us to listen carefully

20. "Don’t wait for me if I'm late", Ann said.

A. Ann said don't wait for her if she was late.

B. Ann said not to wait for me if I was late.

C. Ann said not to wait for her if she was late.

D. Ann said don't wait for me if I'm late.

21. “ Please, could you wake me at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning?” I asked the doorman.

A. I aksed the door man if he wakes me at 6 o’clock the following morning.

B. I aksed the door man if he wake me at 6 o’clock the following morning.

C. I aksed the door man whether he wakes me at 6 o’clock the following morning or not.

D. I aksed the door man to wake me at 6 o’clock the following morning.

22. “ You stole my best cassette, Bob!” said Willy.

A. Willy accused Bob for having stolen his best cassette.

B. Willy accused Bob of having stolen his best cassette.

C. Willy accused Bob on having stolen his best cassette.

D. Willy accused Bob to have stolen his best cassette.

23. “ Don’t forget to feed the chicken twice a day,” he said.

A. He said don’t forget to feed the chicken twice a day

B. He told not to forget to feed the chicken twice a day

C. He reminded me to feed the chicken twice a day

D. He suggetsed me to feed the chicken twice a day

24. “ Please do not touch that wire!” the old man said to me.

A. the old man told me not to touch that wire.

B. The old man said that I didn’t touch that wire.

C. The old man aksed me to not touch that wire.

D. The old man said to me not to touch that wire.

25. “ Would you like to come to my birthday party,Mary?” said Mike

A. Mike didn’t know that Mary had come to his birthday party.

B. Mike was told to come to Mary’s birthday party.

C. M ike invited Mary to come to his birthday party.

D. Mike asked Mary if she didn’t like to come to his birthday party.



Sơ đồ chung

Active S + V + O + (place) + (time)

thì hình thức

Passive S + be + Vcột 3 /ed + (place) + by O + (time)

số ít - nhiều

Muốn đổi một câu chủ động sang câu bị động thì phải xác định được chủ từ (S), động từ và túc từ (O) trong câu song làm như sơ đồ. Chú ý động từ chính trong câu chủ động ở thì nào thì "be" ở câu bị động chia theo thì đó.

1. Simple present S + V + O

S + (is, am, are)+ PP by O

Ex: She cleans the floor. The floor is cleaned by her (Sàn nhà dược lau bởi…)

2. Simple past. S + Ved (cột 2) + O

S + were,was + PP by O

Ex: She cleaned the room yesterday. The room was cleaned by her yesterday.

3. Present perfect. S + have,has + PP + O

S + have,has been PP + O

Ex: I have bought the book. The book have been bought by me.

4. Past perfect S + had + PP + O

S + had been PP by O

Ex: I had met him before 4 p.m yesterday. He had been met by me before 4 p.m yesterday.

5. Future simple. S + will + V + O

S + will be PP by O

Ex : I will buy the bicycle. The bicycle will be bought by me.

6. Future perfect . S + will have + PP + O

S + will have been PP by O

Ex : I will have met him by nine. He will have been met by me


Sơ đồ chung

S + be + V-ing + O

S + be being PP by O

1. Present progressive: S + (is,am,are) + V-ing + O

S + (is,am,are) being PP by O

Ex : He is washing the clothes. The clothes are being washed by him.

2. Past progressive:

S + (were,was) + V-ing + O

S + (were,was) being PP by O

Ex 1. They were watching the play The play was being watched by them.

3. Future Present progressive:

S + will be + V-ing + O

S + will be being PP by O

Ex : He will be reading the book. The book will be being read by him.


1. S + can,must… + V + O

S + can,must… be PP by O

Ex: 1.She can do the exercises The exercises can be done by her.

2. S + be going to + V + O

S + be going to be PP by O

3. S + have to,had to + V + O

S + have to,had to be PP by O

4. S + used to + V + O

S + used to be PP by O

5. S + think,know,believe,agree… that + clause

It is /was + PP (của think, know…) that + clause OR S + be + PP + to + V

6. It is + adj + to V + O

It is + adj for + O + to be + PP OR S + be + adj + to be + PP


Khi muốn nói rằng chúng ta để cho ai/nhờ ai/yêu cầu ai làm việc gì,chứ không tự tay chúng ta làm

Have + sb + Bare Get + sb + to-inf

Have + sth + pp Get + sth + pp


Ex : We had them paint our house / We got them to paint our house

We had our house painted / We got our house painted


1. Passive voice of infinitive: Verb + to be +PP

->Verbs that are followed by an infinitive: agree, demand, mean, expect, offer, refuse, hope, seem,want, need *,……

e.g: The new students hope to be included in many of the school’s social activities

2. Passive voice of Gerund: Verb (prep) + being + PP

-> Verbs that are followed by a gerund: dislike, risk , keep, enjoy, admit, mention, practise, …….

E.g: You can’t count on being rescued by your parents every time you get into financial dificulty.


Exercise 1. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D

1. If you __________ about it, will you be able to answer?

A. are asked B. ask C. will be asked D. asked

2. Do you believe that such a problem can __________?

A. solve B. be solving C. is solved D. be solved

3. “ Can’t we do something about the situation?”- “ Something __________ right now.”

A. is doing B. is do C. is being done D. has been doing

4. The university __________ by private funds as well as by tuition income.

A. is supported B. supports C. is supporting D. has supported

5. This picture __________ by Johnny when I came.

A. painted B. was painted C. was being painted D. had been painted

6. It must __________ without delay.

A. do B. have been done C. be doing D. be done

7. This exercise may __________ with a pencil.

A. be written B. be to write C. be writing D. write

8. The money __________to him 2 months ago, but it __________ back yet.

A. was lent/ had not been given B. has been lent/ was not given

C. was lent/ has not given D. was lent/ has not been given

9. She could easily __________for a top model.

A. be mistaken B. have mistaken C. been mistaken D. to be mistaken

10. My shirt __________ by my sister on my last birthday.

A. gave B. was given C. had been given D. was being given

11. I still can not believe it. My bicycle __________ some minutes ago.

A. was stolen B. was stealing C. stolen D. stole

12. Some funny __________ in class yesterday.

A. happened B. was happened C. happens D. is happened

13. The children’s arm was swollen because he __________ by a bee.

A. stung B. had stung C. had been stung D. had being stung

14. I __________with you on that subject.

A. am agree B. am agreed C. agreeing D. agree

15. Many U.S automobiles __________ in Detroit, Michigan.

A. manufacture B. have manufactured C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing

16. When I came, an experiment __________ in the lab.

A. was being holding B. has been held C. was being held D. has held

17. George is __________ Lisa.

A. marry with B. marry to C. married with D. married to

18. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It __________ everything in its path.

A. destroyed B. was destroyed

C. was being destroyed D. had been destroyed

19. Dynamite __________by Alfred Bernard Nobel.

A. have been invented B. invented C. was invented D. was being invented

20. __________ this work __________ before you went to Moscow?

A. Will/ have been done B. Has/ been done C. Will/ be done D. Had/ been done

21.The prisoner __________ yesterday

A. released B. has releasedC. was released D. has been released

22. The cutting down of trees __________to prevent forest destruction

A. should control B. should be controlled C. would control D. controlling

23. Computers __________since 1940s

A. is in used B. was used to C. used D. have been in use

24. Our plan __________by the members of the committee

A. considers B. considered C. is considering D. is being considered

25. Unfortunately, the patient __________to hospital too late

A. sent B. has sent C. had sent D. was sent

26.I expected ________ to the party, but I wasn’t.

A. to invite B. to be invited C. being invited D. inviting

27.Her watch needs _____________.

A. to be repaired B. to repair C. being repaired D. repaired

28. The National Curriculum ______________ by the government.

A. will set B. set C. is setting D. is set

29. The school year in Vietnam ______________ into two terms.

A. was divided B. are divided C. is divided D. is dividing

30. English ______________ in many parts of the world.

A. speaks B. is spoken C. is speaking D. was spoken

Exercise 2: Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given.

1. He broke my watch.

A. My watch were broken. B. My watch be broken.

C. My watch is broken. D. My watch was broken.

2. The teacher explained the rule to the student.

A. The rule was explained to the student. B. The students were explained the rule.

C. The students were explained the rules. D. A and B are correct

3. He often asks me to help him.

A. He is often asked to help them. B. They are often asked to help me.

C. I am often asked to help him. D. I am often asked him to help me.

4. His friends never forgave his betrayal.

A. His betrayal were never forgiven by his friends.

B. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends.

C. His betrayal was never forgave by his friends

D. His betrayal never forgave by his friends.

5. I am sure we’ll settle the matter easily.

A. I’m sure the matter will settle easily. B. I’m sure the matter will be settled easily.

C. I’m sure the matter will settled easily. D. I’m sure the matter won’t be settled easily.

6. We sent for the police.

A. The police was sent for B. The police was sent.

C. The police were sent for. D. The police was sent for us

7. They speak much about this book.

A. This book is much spoken about. B. This book is much spoken.

C. This book is much about spoken. D. This book are much spoken about.

8. Have they tested all the machines?

A. Have all the machines be tested? B. Have all the machines been testing?

C. Have all the machines been tested? D. Have all the machines been being testing?

9. Does he realize that they are laughing at him?

A. Is he realized that he is laughing at? B. Is he realized that he is being laughed at?

C. Does he realize that he is laughing at? D. Does he realize that he is being laughed at?

10. The manager offers me several jobs.

A. I was offers several jobs. B. I am offered several jobs.

C. Several jobs are offered to me. D. B and C are correct.

11. We found that they had cancelled the soccer match.

A. We found that the soccer match had been cancelled.

B. The soccer match had been cancelled.

C. The soccer match was found that had been cancelled.

D. The soccer match was found to have been cancelled by us.

12. “Did Shakespeare write this play?”

A. Did this play be written by Shakespeare? B. Was this play written by Shakespeare?

C. This play was written by Shakespeare. D. Did this play Shakespeare write?

13. Which book do the students love?

A. Which book are done love by the students? B. Which book is the students loved?

C. Which book are loved by the students? D. Which book is loved by the students?

14. How many slums are they going to clear?

A. How many slums are being gone to clear?

B. How many slums are being cleared?

C. How many slums are going to clear?

D. How many slums are going to be cleared?

15. Who wrote the report on the air pollution?

A. By whom was the report on the air pollution written?

B. Whom was the report written on the air pollution by?

C. By whom was the report written on the air pollution?

D. All are correct.

16. Who killed President John Kennedy?

A. By whom President John Kennedy was killed?

B. By whom was President John Kennedy killed?

C. By whom was killed President John Kennedy?

D. By whom killed President John Kennedy?

17. How many students are carrying the bookshelf?

A. By how many students are the bookshelf being carried?

B. By how many students is the bookshelf being carried?

C. By how many students is the bookshelf been carrying?

D. By how many students are the bookshelf be carrying?

18. People say that Mary is a good worker.

A. Mary is said that she is a good worker.

B. Mary is said to be a good worker.

C. It is said to be a good worker.

D. Mary is said that to be a good worker.

19. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.

A. The man is believed to escaped in a stolen car.

B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.

C. The man is believed to escaped in a stolen car.

D. They believed that the man stole the car.

20. It was thought that the building had been destroyed.

A. The building was thought had been destroyed. B. The building was thought to have been destroyed.

C. The building thought to be destroyed. D. They have destroyed the building.

  1. They gave the job to Amy and Bob.

A. Amy and Bob are given a job. B. A job was given to Amy and Bob.

C. Amy and Bob was given a job. D. A job were given to Amy and Bob.

  1. They started the work last week.

A. The work was started last week. B. The work are started last week.

C. The work were started last week. D. The work is started last week.

  1. They finished the kitchen’s building on Saturday.

A. The kitchen’s building was finished on Saturday.

B. The kitchen’s building were finished on Saturday.

C. The kitchen’s building is finished on Saturday.

D. The kitchen’s building are finished on Saturday.

  1. Somebody calls the president everyday.

A. The president was called every day. B. The president are called every day.

C. The president is called every day. D. The president were called every day.

  1. Last Thursday we pointed a new marketing manager.

A. A new marketing manager is pointed last Thursday.

B. A new marketing manager were pointed last Thursday.

C. A new marketing manager are pointed last Thursday.

D. A new marketing manager was pointed last Thursday.

  1. William, the conqueror built the castle in the 11­­th century.

A. The castle are built by William, the conqueror in the 11­­th century.

B. The castle were built by William, the conqueror in the 11­­th century.

C. The castle was built by William, the conqueror in the 11­­th century.

D. The castle is built by William, the conqueror in the 11­­th century.

  1. People believed that somebody murdered Miss. Stone.

A. It is said that Miss. Stone was murdered.

B. It were said that Miss. Stone was murdered

C. It was believed that Miss. Stone was murdered.

D. People believed that Miss. Stone murdered.

  1. We put a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday.

A. A notice about the trip on the notice board put yesterday.

B. A notice about the trip on the notice board was put yesterday.

C. A notice about the trip on the notice board is put yesterday.

D. A notice about the trip on the notice board are put yesterday.

29. People think that an apple a day is good for you.

A. It is thought that an apple a day is good for you.

B. It was thought that an apple a day is good for you.

C. They are thought that an apple a day is good for you.

D. They thought that an apple a day is good for you.

30. The cold weather damaged the plants.

A. The plants were damaged by the cold weather.

B. The plants was damaged by the cold weather.

C. The plants are damaged by the cold weather.

D.The plants is damaged by the cold weather

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