Writing tổng quan Cấu trúc bài Writing Task 1: viết thư Các loại bài Writing Task Templates và bài mẫu cho các dạng Vận dụng Tổng quan

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu01.05.2024
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Dạng 3: Thư phàn nàn
Đề 1: You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken.
Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter:
– Describe the problem with the equipment- Explain what happens when you phoned the shop
– Say what you would like the manager to do

Đề 2: Write a letter of complaint to a store where you purchased a faulty new phone. In your letter explain the following:

- where and when you purchased the phone
- what is wrong with it
- what action you would like the store to take

Đề 3: Recently, your neighbor has been renovating his house. He has worked on the wall right next to your bedroom for days, and the loud drilling and hammering noises have been bothering you and your roommates.

Write a complaint letter detailing the problem to your landlord.

Dạng 4: Thư mời
Đề 1: Victor is a friend of yours when you studied in the UK. He is coming to Hanoi for an international conference. You want to invite him to Ha Noi for a short visit. Write a letter to invite him to Hanoi.

Đề 2: Your American pen pal, Alice, is on an exchange program to Viet Nam. You would love for her to stay with you in your hometown for a while.

Write a letter to Alice to invite her to your hometown.

Dạng 5: Thư yêu cầu
Đề 1: Write to an English speaking-college regarding a course you intend to take.
– Ask questions about the course.
– Ask about the course fees
– Confirm the fee quoted to you is correct when you will stay at the college hostel.

Đề 2: While reading the morning newspaper, you stumbled upon an advertisement for a new yoga course at the local gym on Mondays every week.

Write a letter to ask for additional information about the course.

Dạng 6: Thư khuyên/ đưa lời khuyên
Đề 1 : Email from the manager asking about sports centre service (wants to improve the service quality)
- Anything unhappy and what do you want to change
- Anything new you want to see and use 
Đề 2: You have recently subscribed to a new magazine. A representative of magazine has asked you
to give some feedback on their magazine. Write a letter to the representative of the magazine
that includes the following information:
- detail of why you bought the magazine
- what you liked about the latest edition
- any improvements you would recommend

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