Writing tổng quan Cấu trúc bài Writing Task 1: viết thư Các loại bài Writing Task Templates và bài mẫu cho các dạng Vận dụng Tổng quan

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu01.05.2024
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Bài mẫu
Đề bài :You have moved to a new house which is near your school. Write a letter to tell your friend (an English speaking friend) about your new house.
Thư kể(thư thân mật) sẽ khác đôi chút với thư cung cấp thông tin(thư trang trọng)
Ha Noi 26-02-2024
Dear Anna,
How are you? I hope you are fine. I am writing this letter to tell you about my new house which is near my school. My new house has three floors and four rooms. It is very beautiful because I spent a lot of money on redecorating it. My new house also near my school and it take me ten minutes for walk to my school. Do you freetime on this weekend? I invite you come to my house and we can have a beef hot pot or BBQ to celebrate my new house.
Call or text me if you want to ask anything.
I am looking forward to hearing from you, write to me soon.
Your sincerely,

  1. Vận dụng :

Dạng 1: Thư cảm ơn
Đề 1:Write a letter to thank Peter for inviting you to his birthday party last week.
Đề 2: You are a student who has just returned to your home country. Write a letter to thank your homestay family. In your letter
– Thank you and tell them what you liked about the city you lived
– Say thanks to their children for helping you learn English
– Tell them what you like the most during your stay at their home
Đề 3: You recently went on an exciting skiing trip with your friend and her family. It was something you have wanted to do since you were 5. Write her a thank-you letter to express your gratitude for the wonderful trip.
Dạng 2: Thư xin lỗi
Đề 1: Recently you had a party at your house. There was a lot of noise late at night and you disturbed your next-door neighbor.
Write a letter to your neighbor. In your letter:
– Explain the reasons for the noise 
– Apologize 
– Describe what action you will take to prevent it from happening again 

Đề 2: You had a plan to meet up with your friend at the movies yesterday, but things cropped up and you couldn’t make it.

Write an email explaining your situation and apologize to your friend.

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