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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu12.09.2017
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We have made an attempt to make an investigation into the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of insurance terms in US HIplans. The study has been kept on the right track to find the answers for the set research questions. In this part, we would like to briefly summarize translation methods, procedures and strategies employed to deal with groups of terms that have equivalents and the terms of non-equivalence group. We would also like to make some suggestions for the translation of HIterms in the US HIplans since we have thoroughly examined the current situation of the translation of the terms. Suggestions are made in terms of methods, procedures and strategies that can be best used to the purpose of terminology standardization.

1. The terms of equivalence group

Group 1: Terms translated with transposition procedure that involves an automatic change in the word order from SL to TL

Group 2: Terms consisting of Classifier (past participle) + Thing

Procedure: Either (i) automatic transposition (English nomimal group = Vietnamese nominal group) or (ii) rank-shift (English nominal group = Vietnamese clause)

Group 3: Terms consisting of Thing + Qualifier (noun + of +noun/noun phrase)

Strategies: translated with the deletion or omission of the preposition ‘OF’

2. The terms of non-equivalence group

Group 4: Acronyms

Procedure: Transference (usually transferred, sometimes decoded and translated)

Group 5: Terms referring to the name of health plans unavailable in the subculture of insurance in Vietnam

Procedure: Transference, usually accompanied with a functional-descriptive equivalent in parentheses

Group 6, 7: Terms referring to culture-specific concepts

Strategies and methods: Paraphrase OR Communicative method depending on the intended meaning of the term

Group 8: Terms referring to concepts that are not lexicalized in the Vietnamese

Methods: Literal translation

3. Suggestion for the methods, procedures and strategies

3.1. Suggestion for transference coupled with functional-descriptive terms

As clearly seen in this study, it is no wonder why transference has gained much preference in the translation of technical terms in general, and of HI terms in particular. Naturally, however, this procedure has both advantages and disadvantages.

In terms of the advantages, it is of great help in dealing with non-equivalence problem since there are quite a few concepts unknown in the TL. In such cases, the translator has no option but to directly borrow the English word into the target language. One widely accepted benefit of employing this strategy is that it enables the translator to give a short, precise translation easily without having to go deeply into the meaning of the term, hence limiting or avoiding false translation, especially when the term in question is completely new. In addition, when the borrowed words are accompanied with functional-descriptive terms, the concern that it is impossible for the readership to induce or figure out the meaning of the term will no longer exist.

Regarding the disadvantages, the task of preserving the purity and clarity of Vietnamese and avoid attacking the national characteristics of terminology appears to be harder more than ever if borrowed or loan words are used frequently. Besides, the way these borrowed terms are read and written definitely, to more or lesser extent, make it difficult for readers, especially when a TL term as‘Medi-gap’ keeps exactly the same form in the SL.

Both sides considered, the advantages appear to overweigh the disadvantages, resulting in its popularity. The fact shows that those working in the field of insurance even use them without an explanation in the form of a functional-descriptive term.

3.2. Suggestion for transposition procedure

Different types of transposition are used to translate many groups of terms and to eliminate different problems. Undoubtedly, it is a useful translation procedure in the sense that it can help deal with the differences in word formation and structural patterns between the two languages.

3.3. Suggestion for paraphrase strategy

This translation strategy is one of the effective options in dealing with non-equivalence problem. The concept the writer wishes to convey to the readership do not exist in the TL, and if it is dealt by some translation strategy, a certain loss of meaning may not be avoided. Moreover, this strategy is too useful to be outlawed since it can help clarify meaning and make the term in question comprehensible to the readership. However, as there is a trade-off between lengthy explanations with the economy of the translated version, the translator should always take into consideration this very fact. In so doing, he can guarantee this strategy is not abused.

3.4. Suggestion for communicative method

With the heart of the meaning being the message in communicative translation, the method normally makes the text smoother, lighter, more idiomatic and easier to read. Communicative translation also finds its way through non-equivalence problem, making the seemingly impossible task of finding a TL equivalent for a term unknown in SL possible in several cases as ‘cafeteria plan-chương trình BHSK tự chọn’. The method allows the translator more freedom to manipulate his translation skill. More concretely, he may make a generous transfer of foreign elements into his own culture as well as his language necessary. Therefore, it is not by chance that many translators go for the method.

Though it is not always possible to state which method is better for a particular text, standardized language including terminology should be translated communicatively, whether a standardized equivalent exists or not, unless the term is used descriptively rather than operatively in the original text.

Nevertheless, one big problem of communicative translation is to decide to what extent one should simplify and therefore emphasize the basic message. If a technical term is oversimplified or the translator, in an attempt to further beautify his translated version, fails to fully transmit the intended meaning of the term, a certain degree of lost meaning is unavoidable. The way ‘domestic partners-bạn đời’ is translated into Vietnamese, which is analyzed in III.2.3, may serve as a typical example of the problem.

On balance, regardless of its problem, communicative translation has still gained its rightful place in the choice of translators. Nevetheless, if a certain loss of meaning is unavoidable as a trade-off with the aesthetic value, that is, the beautiful and natural sound as in some cases mentioned in III.2.3, it is suggested that the English version be added.

3.5. Suggestion for literal translation

Literal translation is the basic translation procedure in that translation starts from there. Put differently, it is the first step in translation. Many translators firstly translate the term or text in question literally to figure out its literal meaning before making the final version accurate, smoother, sound natural and most importantly, accessible to the readership. Clearly, if literal translation is employed as the only method in dealing with the terms in group 8, it is not the right choice of translators in that the translated versions are clumsy and incomprehensible. One may find it difficult to understand what is really meant by ‘tính có thể chuyển đổi được’ (portability), and some others may misunderstand the intended meaning allocated to ‘community rating’ when it is literally rendered into Vietnamese as ‘đánh giá cộng đồng’.

Inarguably, literal translation is out of question when there is any kind of translation problem as non-equivalence, especially non-equivalence above word level. It definitely fails to produce as nearly as possible the same effect on the intended readership as was produced on the readers of the original.

To conclude, it is a strong recommendation that translators should get away from literal translation unless the SL and TL meaning correspond more closely than any alternative.

4. Suggestion for further studies

Within limited time, we have not been able to collect all translated versions for comparison and analysis. However, we are fully aware that it is impossible to do so since in almost all the US states there are quite a few translators doing the translation of health plans into Vietnamese for Vietnamese community there.

What can still be done towards an exhaustive research into the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of insurance terms in US HI plans is the collection of terms of disability income insurance for analysis and induction.

As researchers, we ourselves have cherished a wish of finding as many terms of non-equivalence group as possible towards making a glossary of HI terms in the US insurance plans for use and reference among insurance circle.


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Appendix 1


tính hội đủ điều kiện


người tham gia/mua BH


tính tái tục


điều khoản loại trừ


điều khoản hạn chế


người fụ thuộc


điều khoản hạn chế


điều khoản riêng loaị trừ


việc xét nhận rủi ro y tế


đóng góp (nguyên tắc công bằng trong các BHSK)


lời khai của người được BH


BH phụ/Đồng BH


người tham gia/mua BH


có thể được tái tục


hội đủ điều kiện


thông thường


vừa phải


được đảm bảo


BH thiếu/dưới mức/mua với mức thấp/được BH dưới mức


không được BH


mức miễn thường/Khoản khấu trừ


thông dụng


thuốc khuyến cáo

Appendix 2
(Noun 1+ Noun 2)

English terms

Vietnamese equivalents

benefit period

thời kỳ thụ hưởng

utilization management

quản lý sử dụng

cost containment

kiểm soát chi phí

sub-standard risk

rủi ro dưới mức tiêu chuẩn

health insurance


subscription date

ngày đăng ký

overage dependent

người phụ thuộc quá tuổi vị thành niên

utilization review

đánh giá sự sử dụng

co-pay plan

chương trình đồng trả

prescription drugs

thuốc theo toa

prepayment scheme/plan

chương trình BH trả trước

lifetime maximum

số tiền BH tối đa cho cả đời

(Adjective + Noun)

English terms

Vietnamese equivalents

reasonable fee

phí vừa phải

medical insurance

BH y tế

dental insurance/coverage

BH nha khoa/răng

common fee

phí thông dụng/phổ biến

major plan

chương trình chính

supplemental plan

chương trình BH phụ/bổ sung

customary fee

phí theo thông lệ

elective services

dịch vụ tự chọn

usual fee

phí thông thường

creditable coverage

việc được BH chính đáng

eligible employees

nhân viên hội đủ điều kiện

(Noun/Adjective + Noun + Noun)

English terms

Vietnamese equivalents

group health plan

chương trình BHSK theo nhóm

hospital expense coverage

BH chi phí nằm viện

individual health insurance

BHSK cá nhân

medical benefits exemption

miễn trừ các quyền lợi y tế

dental expense coverage

BH chi phí nha khoa

individual health insurance

BHSK cá nhân

basic health plan

BHSK cơ bản

health care services

các dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe

major medical plan

chương trình y tế chính

medical payment insurance

BH chi phí y tế

commercial health insurance

BHSK thương mại

catastrophic health insurance

BHSK cho bệnh khó trị/nan y

(Adjective/V-ed + Adjective/Noun +Noun + Noun)

English terms

Vietnamese equivalents

guaranteed renewable health insurance

BHSK tái gia hạn được bảo đảm

conditional renewable health insurance

BHSK tái tục có điều kiện

major medical expense coverage

BH chi phí y tế chính

creditable drug prescription coverage

BH theo đơn thuốc chính đáng

high deductible health plan

Chương trình BH có mức khấu trừ cao

prepaid group practice package

BH trọn gói chi phí y tế tập thể trả trước

Appendix 3 (V-ed Noun)

English terms

Vietnamese equivalents

Short , more technical

Long, but clearer

(un)covered expense

các chi phí (không) được bao trả

standardized plans

các chương trình đã được chuẩn hoá

insured employees

những nhân viên đã được BH

uncompensated care

dịch vụ chăm sóc không được bồi hoàn

experienced morbidity

tỷ lệ bệnh tật theo kinh nghiệm

expected morbidity

số liệu thống kê bệnh tật dự tính

impaired risk

rủi ro xấu

uninsured employees

những nhân viên không được BH

underinsured employees

những nhân viên được BH dưới mức/thiếu

Allowed amount

mức cho phép

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