Date of Publication: 30-08-2023

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11 - 2023-09-07T210416.447

Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies ISSN NO: 2770-0003  Date of Publication: 30-08-2023 
Peer Reviewed International Journal [65] 
Volume 23 
Description of the global experience of e-commerce 
implementation through export digitization 
Associate Professor of the Department of “English and Educational Technology" of the Higher School of 
Business and Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD 
Annotation: In this article we can see observation of the developing digital economy and its impact to 
economy. Tourism is an information-rich field, in which the collection, transmission, analysis and storage 
of information play an important role in decision-making at all levels of the field. In this regard, the 
formation and development of the digital economy is of great importance for the exchange of products
work and services in online virtual markets. In this process, without the physical meeting of the buyer and 
the seller, the concept of time and space loses its value for them, in which the latest information and 
communication technologies are actively used 
Key words: e-commerce, Digital commerce, online trading platforms, information networks, distribution, 
sale, sale or delivery of goods and services, computer programs, products 
The importance of e-commerce in the development of export potential with digital economy 
technologies is high, and e-commerce is carried out through online trading platforms for the exchange of 
products, work and services in online virtual markets. In this process, without the physical meeting of the 
buyer and the seller, the concept of time and space loses its value for them. Usually, these trading platforms 
are in B2C (business-to-consumer), B2B (business-to-business) format, where the company and the buyer or 
the company and the company are able to start their trading activities directly without the participation of third 
parties. On the basis of online agreements, trade transactions are carried out and consumption of goods, works 
and services is achieved. 
According to the World Trade Organization in 2016, the following concept of digital (electronic) 
commerce is the production, distribution, sale, sale or delivery of goods and services through electronic 
channels. Digital commerce is broader than e-commerce, as it includes not only sales on the Internet, but also 
other information and communication, interaction through social networks, and is based on a wide range of 
business models. 
Digital commerce is the delivery of products and services using wired or wireless digital networks. 
This does not include trading in most tangible goods, such as those ordered online, or physical goods with 
digital copies, such as books or software, music and movies on CDs and DVDs. 
Digital commerce involves many actors, including: (1) the digital commerce platforms used to initiate 
and execute the transaction; (2) consumers provide information about their tastes and preferences; (3) 
commercial enterprises that offer goods and services for sale using networks and information technologies; 
(4) aggregate data operators; (5) operators (providers) of relevant services: logistics, payment, warehouse, 
etc.; (6) government bodies (customs, tax, certification and other regulatory bodies) that form the legal 
framework for digital commerce. 
Based on the analysis of many examples of e-commerce sites, platforms, many components of the 
landscape of the digital trade ecosystem, it is possible to identify broad functional groups related to digital 
goods and services, the idea of which is formed in different forms in contexts and even at different stages of 
the development of trade relations: 
Tangible goods - any objects ordered through information networks, the delivery of which is carried 
out through channels other than information and communication networks. This category also includes 
computer programs, databases, and digital content in tangible media. 
Non-digital services - services that are implemented through channels other than information networks, 
as well as consulting services provided through any channels (including digital). 

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