Connecta learning pack 9

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu03.06.2024
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2. Method vs Techniques
There are overall approaches that can be applied to the whole text; these can be defined as methods, approaches or strategies. It is essential not to confuse these methods with translation techniques. While methods are applied to the whole text, techniques may vary from sentence to sentence, depending on the difficulties or challenges that we encounter.

3. Translation Methods
3.1 Foreignisation
Foreignisation could be defined as being as close to the source text as possible in terms of maintaining the culture-specific items of the source text, e.g. personal names, streets, national cuisine, etc. Below you have an example of a sentence that has been translated with a foreignisation approach:
Source text (English): When he was a child, he loved the Christmas decorations and the surprises hidden in Christmas Crackers.
Target text (Spanish): Cuando era niño le encantaban los adornos de Navidad y las sorpresas que escondían los Christmas Crackers.
Target text (French): Quand il était enfant, il aimait les décorations de Noël et les surprises cachées dans les Christmas Crackers.
Target text (German): Als er ein Kind war, liebte er die Weihnachtsdekorationen und die Überraschungen, die in den „Christmas Crackers“ versteckt waren.
Advantages of foreignisation:

  • It emphasises the diversity that exists between different cultures and languages and exposes the target audience to other cultures.

  • It preserves the style and cultural references of the source text.

Disadvantages of foreignisation:

  • Some readers might not be familiar with foreign terms and references and may feel that the text is too obscure.

3.2 Domestication
Domestication, on the other hand, aims at eliminating or replacing any cultural or linguistic reference that may prevent the target audience from understanding the target text completely. A domestication approach is normally used when translating content related to comedy programmes or content for children. Taking the example above:
Source text (English): When he was a child, he loved the Christmas decorations and the surprises hidden in Christmas Crackers.
Target text (Spanish): Cuando era niño le encantaban los adornos de Navidad y los turrones.
Target text (French): Quand il était enfant, il aimait les décorations de Noël et la bouche de Noël.
Target text (German): Als er ein Kind war, liebte er die Weihnachtsdekorationen und die Weihnachtskekse.
Advantages of domestication:

  • It emphasises the similarity that exists between languages.

  • It creates a fluid and natural text that is easy to understand.

Disadvantages of domestication:

  • It may disregard the culture of origin and the identity of the author.

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