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Give Vietnamese equivalents of these words and phrases

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[123doc] - ly-thuyet-va-thuc-hanh-dich, BẢNG TIÊU CHÍ ĐÁNH GIÁ KẾT QUẢ HỌC TẬP - LTD
Give Vietnamese equivalents of these words and phrases
economic force (1) 
global stock (2) 
bought (3) 
multinational giant (4) 
government stocks (5) 
operational spending (6)
4.3.2. Find near synonyms of these English words showing market changes
- grow (over the coming years) (3) 
- increase by (6) 
- stand at (5) 
- have fallen (2) 
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4.4.1. Underline comparative expressions and translate the following sentences into 
1. A larger than usual summer snow melt in Antarctica 
has given a team of archaeologists and scientists a rare 
glimpse into the day-today lives of early polar explorers.
2. Until now, transportation studies have concentrated 
on technology-the search for faster, smoother, more 
economical modes of transport.
3. The more thorough you do the job now, the easier it 
will be when you have to do it next time. 
4. Business prospects are nightly more encouraging now 
than they were a few years ago. 
5. His victory in the final was no more convincing than I 
had expected.
6. It is estimated that no fewer than 40,000 people were 
present at the demonstration. 
7. It's hard to say why David isn't doing better at school; 
he's certainly no less intelligent than the other children in 
his class. 
8. While it is important that advertisers are monitored to 
ensure they do not mislead consumers, it can be argued 
that puffery is a good technique for raising awareness of 
new products that, otherwise, would go unnoticed in a 
crowded market. 
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9. Small as it is in comparison with other stars, the sun 
gives out two billion times more heat and light than the 
earth absorbs.
10. Long ago, the biggest dinosaur weighed more than 
ten times as much as a mature elephant and nearly 
equaled the size of most modern-day whales.
11. When he retired, he felt that he had outlived his 
12. Produce grown without pesticides and chemical 
fertilizers may be more expensive than the usual 
supermarket fare, but its better taste and health-giving 
properties are becoming a major pull for consumers. 

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