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Pope Francis Verified account @Pontifex

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Pope Francis Verified account


Welcome to the official Twitter page of His Holiness Pope Francis

Vatican City ·


  1. Dear young people, do not be afraid of making decisive choices in life. Have faith; the Lord will not abandon you!

  2. Lord, have mercy! Too often we are blinded by our comfortable lives, and refuse to see those dying at our doorstep.

  3. When we encounter the Cross, we turn to Mary: Give us the strength, Mary our Mother, to accept and embrace the Cross!

  4. The mystery of the Cross, a mystery of love, can only be understood in prayer. Pray and weep, kneeling before the Cross.

  5. The secret of Christian living is love. Only love fills the empty spaces caused by evil.

  6. Mercy is the true power that can save humanity and the world from sin and evil.

  7. Dear young people, you have many plans and dreams for the future. But, is Christ at the center of each of your plans and dreams?

  8. Do we truly pray? Without an abiding relationship with God, it is difficult to live an authentic and consistent Christian life.

  9. Where we find hate and darkness, may we bring love and hope, in order to give a more human face to society.

  10. Every marriage has difficult moments. But these experiences of the Cross can make the path of love even stronger.

  11. We do not become Christians by ourselves. Faith is above all a gift from God which is given to us in and through the Church.

  12. God’s forgiveness is stronger than any sin.

  13. Let us ask the Lord to give us the gentleness to look upon the poor with understanding and love, devoid of human calculation and fear.

  14. The Church has no other meaning and finality than to witness to Jesus. May we not forget this.

  15. True charity requires courage: let us overcome the fear of getting our hands dirty so as to help those in need.

  16. Christ is always faithful. Let us pray to be always faithful to him.

  17. We are all sinners, but we experience the joy of God’s forgiveness and we walk forward trusting in his mercy.

  18. There are many people in need in today’s world. Am I self-absorbed in my own concerns or am I aware of those who need help?

  19. Seeking happiness in material things is a sure way of being unhappy.

  20. Sometimes it is possible to live without knowing our neighbours: this is not Christian.

  21. Jesus is the sun and Mary is the dawn announcing his rising.

  22. To follow Jesus means to share his merciful love for every human being

  23. The only war that we must all fight is the one against evil

  24. I thank everyone who participated in the prayer vigil and the fast for peace

  25. Humanity needs to see these gestures of peace and to hear words of hope and peace!

  26. I ask each party to follow decisively and courageously the path of encounter and negotiation

  27. We ought never to lose hope. God overwhelms us with his grace, if we keep asking.

  28. Pray for Peace!

  29. All men and women of good will are bound by the task of pursuing peace

  30. Dear young people, pray with me for peace in the world

  31. Peace is a good which overcomes every barrier, because it belongs all of humanity.

  32. There is no such thing as low-cost Christianity. Following Jesus means swimming against the tide, renouncing evil and selfishness

  33. With all my strength, I ask each party in the conflict not to close themselves in solely on their own interests.

  34. Let the cry for peace ring out in all the world!

  35. With utmost firmness I condemn the use of chemical weapons.

  36. We want in our society, torn apart by divisions and conflict, that peace break out!

  37. By his coming among us, Jesus transforms our lives. In him, we see that God is love, he is fidelity he is life who gives himself.

  38. How much suffering, how much devastation, how much pain has the use of arms carried in its wake.

  39. We want a peaceful world, we want to be men and women of peace.

  40. War never again! Never again war!

  41. Let us pray for peace: peace in the world and in each of our hearts.

  42. Let us ask Mary to help us fix our eyes intently on Jesus, to follow him always, even when this is demanding.

  43. Faith is not something decorative or for show. To have faith means to put Christ truly at the centre of our lives.

  44. The love of God is not something vague or generic; the love of God has a name and a face: Jesus Christ.

  45. Let us allow Jesus into our lives, and leave behind our selfishness, indifference and closed attitudes to others.

  46. Jesus is the gate opening up to salvation, a gate open to everyone.

  47. Don’t be afraid to ask God for forgiveness. He never tires of forgiving us. God is pure mercy.

  48. Lord, teach us to step outside ourselves. Teach us to go out into the streets and manifest your love.

  49. An excellent program for our lives: the Beatitudes and Matthew Chapter 25.

  50. We cannot be Christians part-time. If Christ is at the center of our lives, he is present in all that we do.

  51. We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are dying of hunger and the elderly are without medical assistance.

  52. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, and guide us on the way that leads to Heaven.

  53. To be children of God, and brothers and sisters to one another: this is the heart of the Christian experience.

  54. One cannot separate Christ and the Church. The grace of Baptism gives us the joy of following Christ in and with the Church.

  55. We are all jars of clay, fragile and poor, yet we carry within us an immense treasure.

  56. With his coming among us, Jesus came close to us and encountered us; also today, through the Sacraments, he encounters us.

  57. The light of faith illumines all our relationships and helps us to live them in union with the love of Christ, to live them like Christ.

  58. The security of faith does not make us motionless or close us off, but sends us forth to bear witness and to dialogue with all people.

  59. Dear young friends, it is worth wagering one’s life on Christ and on the Gospel, risking everything for great ideals!

  60. Now, young friends, we must continue to live day by day all that we have professed together at WYD.

  61. What an unforgettable week in Rio! Thank you, everyone. Pray for me

  62. I am back home, and I assure you that my joy is much greater than my exhaustion!

  63. I profoundly thank all those who have worked to make WYD a success and I embrace all of you who were present.

  64. We need to model our lives on the life of Jesus, so as to share his sentiments and his thoughts

  65. Dear young people, be true "athletes of Christ"! Play on his team!

  66. We cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes, in our communities, when so many people are waiting for the Gospel!

  67. Dear young friends, learn to pray every day: this is the way to know Jesus and invite him into your lives.

  68. Bishops are the pastors of the People of God. Follow them with trust and courage

  69. There is no cross, big or small, in our life which the Lord does not share with us

  70. Every Friday is an opportunity to remember how much Jesus has suffered for us. Lord, never let us forget how much you love us.

  71. What an unforgettable welcome in Copacabana! May God bless you all!

  72. The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from their poverty.

  73. The Christian life is not limited to prayer, but requires an ongoing dedication and courage born of prayer.

  74. May sports always be a means of exchange and growth, never of violence and hate.

  75. Let us thank Blessed John Paul II for WYD and for the many vocations born during these 28 gatherings.

  76. Never forget, young friends: The Virgin Mary is our Mother and with her help we can remain faithful to Christ.

  77. Dear young friends, Christ has confidence in you and he entrusts his own mission to you: Go and make disciples!

  78. The Church is young, as everyone can see at WYD. May the Lord always keep us all young at heart.

  79. Thank you to all of you and to all the authorities for a magnificent welcome in Rio.

  80. Today we begin a wonderful week in Rio; may it be a time to deepen our friendship in Jesus Christ.

  81. I am arriving in Brazil in a few hours and my heart is already full of joy because soon I will be with you to celebrate the 28th WYD.

  82. How many wish to be in Rio for WYD but can’t! May they feel at one with us in prayer.

  83. Dear young friends, I know that many of you are still travelling to Rio. May the Lord accompany you on your way.

  84. Many of you have already arrived in Rio and many more are just arriving. We will see one another there in only three days.

  85. In this Year of Faith, let us remember that faith is not something we possess, but something we share. Every Christian is an apostle.

  86. God is so merciful toward us. We too should learn to be merciful, especially with those who suffer.

  87. Prayer, humility, and charity toward all are essential in the Christian life: they are the way to holiness.

  88. For a Christian, life is not the product of mere chance, but the fruit of a call and personal love.

  89. In this Year of Faith let us aim to do something concrete every day to know Jesus Christ better.

  90. Lord, grant us the grace to weep over our indifference, over the cruelty that is in the world and in ourselves.

  91. If we wish to follow Christ closely, we cannot choose an easy, quiet life. It will be a demanding life, but full of joy.

  92. Christians are always full of hope; they should never get discouraged.

  93. We pray for a heart which will embrace immigrants. God will judge us upon how we have treated the most needy.

  94. The Lord speaks to us through the Scriptures and in our prayer. Let us learn to keep silence before him, as we meditate upon the Gospel.

  95. Jesus is more than a friend. He is a teacher of truth and life who shows us the way that leads to happiness.

  96. Christ’s love and friendship are no illusion. On the Cross Jesus showed how real they are.

  97. We cannot live as Christians separate from the rock who is Christ. He gives us strength and stability, but also joy and serenity.

  98. A Christian is never bored or sad. Rather, the one who loves Christ is full of joy and radiates joy.

  99. Let’s learn to lose our lives for Christ, like a gift or a sacrifice. With Christ we lose nothing!

  100. Jesus didn’t save us with an idea. He humbled himself and became a man. The Word became Flesh.

  101. Charity, patience and tenderness are very beautiful gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with others.

  102. Are we ready to be Christians full-time, showing our commitment by word and deed?

  103. We are all sinners. But may the Lord not let us be hypocrites. Hypocrites don’t know the meaning of forgiveness, joy and the love of God.

  104. If we have found in Jesus meaning for our own lives, we cannot be indifferent to those who are suffering and sad.

  105. Let us never forget that it is the Lord who guides the Church. He is the one who makes our apostolates fruitful.

  106. Christians are ready to proclaim the Gospel because they can’t hide the joy that comes from knowing Christ.

  107. Are you angry with someone? Pray for that person. That is what Christian love is.

  108. Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.

  109. How many kinds of moral and material poverty we face today as a result of denying God and putting so many idols in his place!

  110. We must not be afraid of solidarity; rather let us make all we have and are available to God.

  111. With the “culture of waste”, human life is no longer considered the primary value to be respected and protected.

  112. Consumerism has accustomed us to waste. But throwing food away is like stealing it from the poor and hungry.

  113. Care of creation is not just something God spoke of at the dawn of history: he entrusts it to each of us as part of his plan.

  114. Christ leads us to go out from ourselves more and more, to give ourselves and to serve others.

  115. Sometimes we know what we have to do, but we lack the courage to do it.

  116. The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love.

  117. In this Year of Faith, we pray to the Lord that the Church may always be a true family that brings God’s love to everyone.

  118. The whole of salvation history is the story of God looking for us: he offers us love and welcomes us with tenderness.

  119. The Church is born from the supreme act of love on the Cross, from Jesus’ open side. The Church is a family where we love and are loved.

  120. Dear young people, the Church expects great things of you and your generosity. Don’t be afraid to aim high.

  121. Every time we give in to selfishness and say “No” to God, we spoil his loving plan for us.

  122. We all have in our hearts some areas of unbelief. Let us say to the Lord: I believe! Help my unbelief.

  123. Miracles happen. But prayer is needed! Prayer that is courageous, struggling and persevering, not prayer that is a mere formality.

  124. On the feast of Mary Help of Christians I join the Catholics in China who trust in the protection of Our Lady of Sheshan and I pray for them

  125. Do I take the Gospel message of reconciliation and love into the places where I live and work?

  126. To live according to the Gospel is to fight against selfishness. The Gospel is forgiveness and peace; it is love that comes from God.

  127. I am close to the families of all who died in the Oklahoma tornado, especially those who lost young children. Join me in praying for them.

  128. The Holy Spirit transforms and renews us, creates harmony and unity, and gives us courage and joy for mission.

  129. We must learn from Mary, and we must imitate her unconditional readiness to receive Christ in her life.

  130. Are our lives truly filled with the presence of God? How many things take the place of God in my life each day?

  131. We cannot be part-time Christians! We should seek to live our faith at every moment of every day.

  132. It is God who gives life. Let us respect and love human life, especially vulnerable life in a mother’s womb.

  133. Am I faithful to Christ in my daily life? Am I able to “show” my faith with respect but also with courage?

  134. Let us pray for the many Christians in the world who still suffer persecution and violence. May God grant them the courage of fidelity.

  135. The Holy Spirit helps us to view others with fresh eyes, seeing them always as brothers and sisters in Jesus, to be respected and loved.

  136. The Holy Spirit brings to our hearts a most precious gift: profound trust in God’s love and mercy.

  137. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance, says Jesus. This is where true wealth is found, not in material things!

  138. Do not be content to live a mediocre Christian life: walk with determination along the path of holiness.

  139. Let us ask our Lord to help us bear shining witness to his mercy and his love in every area of our Christian lives.

  140. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she bears witness to God’s love. Be missionaries of God’s tenderness!

  141. Let us ask Our Lady to teach us how to live out our faith in our daily lives and to make more room for the Lord.

  142. It would be a good idea, during May, for families to say the Rosary together. Prayer strengthens family life.

  143. My thoughts turn to all who are unemployed, often as a result of a self-centred mindset bent on profit at any cost.

  144. Dear young friends, learn from Saint Joseph. He went through difficult times, but he always trusted, and he knew how to overcome adversity.

  145. Let us put our trust in God’s power at work! With him, we can do great things. He will give us the joy of being his disciples.

  146. How marvellous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others!

  147. The Holy Spirit truly transforms us. With our cooperation, he also wants to transform the world we live in.

  148. Join me in praying for the victims of the tragedy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, that God will grant comfort and strength to their families

  149. Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!

  150. At this time of crisis it is important not to become closed in on oneself, but rather to be open and attentive towards others.

  151. Let us keep the flame of faith alive through prayer and the sacraments: let us make sure we do not forget God.

  152. Mary is the one who says “Yes”. Mary, help us to come to know the voice of Jesus better, and to follow it.

  153. Each one of us longs for love, for truth, for life – and Jesus is all of these things in abundance!

  154. “The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice and I know them.” The voice of Jesus is unmistakable! He guides us along the path of life.

  155. Please join me in praying for the victims of the explosion in Texas and their families.

  156. To enter into the glory of God demands daily fidelity to his will, even when it requires sacrifice.

  157. Jesus’ ascension into heaven does not mean his absence, but that he is alive among us in a new way, close to each one of us.

  158. Worshipping God means learning to be with him, stripping away our hidden idols and placing him at the centre of our lives.

  159. Let us not forget: if we are to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, our lives must bear witness to what we preach.

  160. If we act like children of God, knowing that he loves us, our lives will be made new, filled with serenity and joy.

  161. Being a Christian is not just about following commandments: it is about letting Christ take possession of our lives and transform them.

  162. How beautiful is the gaze with which Jesus regards us – how full of tenderness! Let us never lose trust in the patience and mercy of God.

  163. God loves us. We must not be afraid to love him. The faith is professed with the lips and with the heart, through words and through love.

  164. Accept the risen Jesus into your life. Even if you have been far away, take a small step towards him: he awaits you with open arms.

  165. Support your priests with your love and prayers, that they may always be shepherds after Christ’s heart

  166. To experience Holy Week is to enter more and more into God's logic of love and self-giving

  167. Being with Jesus demands that we go out from ourselves, and from living a tired and habitual faith

  168. We must not believe the Evil One when he tells us that there is nothing we can do in the face of violence, injustice and sin.

  169. I am looking forward to next July in Rio de Janeiro! I hope to see all of you in that great Brazilian city!

  170. True power is service. The Pope must serve all people, especially the poor, the weak, the vulnerable.

  171. Let us keep a place for Christ in our lives, let us care for one another and let us be loving custodians of creation.

  172. Dear friends, I thank you from my heart and I ask you to continue to pray for me. Pope Francis.

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