Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 4 Warning Signs

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Figure 2-9
) should be used if a significant speed reduction is advisable. These 
signs must not be used to warn of the termination of a dual carriageway (see 
  Figure 4-1 Diagram 516 (S2‑2‑13) 
Figure 4-2 Diagram 517 (S2‑2‑14) 
  Road narrows on both sides ahead 
Road narrows on one side ahead 
(Alternative types)
Table 4-1 Taper criteria for warning sign
85th percentile speed (mph)
Up to 30
1 in 40
31 to 40
1 in 60
41 to 50
1 in 80
Over 50
1 in 100
4.1.2.  The signs may be supplemented by edge lines, hatched markings and hazard markers 
to diagram 560. A supplementary plate “Oncoming vehicles in middle of road” may be used if 
drivers are likely to be surprised by an oncoming vehicle (see 
4.1.3.  The sign to diagram 517 should be used in preference to 516 if the narrowing occurs 
mainly on one side of the road. At the termination of a single carriageway climbing lane, the 
alignment should place the onus on the overtaking driver to rejoin the nearside lane and the 
sign to diagram 872.1 is used in advance of the start of the loss of the right hand lane at the 
distance specified in 
Table 4-2
, and repeated at half this distance. The second sign is not 
necessary if the 85th percentile speed is below 50 mph. Details of road marking layouts and 
tapers for climbing lanes can be found in Chapter 5 and TD 9 in Volume 6 of DMRB.
4.1.4.  Where a road with two lanes in one direction, other than a climbing lane, narrows to a 
single lane, or a road with a single lane in each direction narrows to a single track, an advance 
warning sign with the appropriate supplementary plate with the legend “Single file traffic” 

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