Selected discourses of webu sayadaw

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An tinh thu thang dao

Venerable Webu Sayadaw: You have taken up moral conduct (Sìla).  Now 
that you have undertaken to perfect yourselves in the Perfection of Morality (Sìla 
Pàramì), fulfil it to the utmost. Only if you fulfil Sìla to the utmost will all your 
aspirations be met. You will be happy now and in the future. 
Only the Teachings of the Buddha can give you real happiness – in the 
present and in the remainder of Samsàra 

The Teachings of the Buddha are 
enshrined in the Three Collections of the canon (Tipitaka) 
. The Tipitaka are 
very extensive. If we take the essence out of the Tipitaka we shall find the thirty – 
seven Factors of Awakening (Bodhipakkhiyà dhammà) 
. The essence of the 
thirty – seven Factors of Awakening is the eight constituents of the Noble Eightfold 
Path (Maggangas). The essence of the Noble Eightfold Path is the threefold 
training (sikkhà): higher morality, higher mindfulness, and higher wisdom 
(Adhisìla, Adhicitta 
 and Adhipannà).  The essence of the threefold training is 
the unique Universal Law (Eko Dhammo). 
: The cycle of birth and death that is without discernible beginning, but which 
ends with the attainment of Nibbàna.
: Tipitaka, see p. 9
: See Venerable Nyanatiloka, Buddhist Dictionary (Kandy: BPS, 1976) and 
Venerable Ledi Sayadaw, The Manuals of Buddhism (Rangoon, 1965), pp. 165ff.
: Citta in Pàli means mind and mental functions. Adhicitta here means 
“concentrated mind,” i.e. Samàdhi.] 

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