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MÔN THI: ANH VĂN (Khối A1, D1) - ĐỀ 09

Thời gian: 90 phút

Chọn từ mà phân gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại trong cùng nhóm.

1. A. car B. coach C. century D. cooperation

2. A. within B. without C. clothing D. strengthen

3. A. has B. bag C. dad D. made

Chọn từ mà có vị trí trọng âm được nhấn khác với các từ còn lại trong cùng nhóm.

4. A. hostile B. again C. repeat D. agree

5. A. understanding B. incidence C. obviously D. irritating

Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp nhất trong số các gợi ý A,B,C, hoặc D để hoàn tất mỗi trong số các câu sau đây.

6. I was wearing dark glasses because the sun was very____.

A. strengthening B. strength C. strongly D. strong

7. The postman comes every month to collect the telephone____.

A. paper B. bill C. note D. receipt

8. I’m afraid this ring is ____ even though it looks new.

A. worthy B. worth C. worthless D. worthless

9. Would you like to have diner now, or would you prefer ____.

A. waiting B. waited C. wait D. to wait

10. We need a long plan to ____ young footballers for the future.

A. training B. train C. teaching D. teach

11. We must be on time because the plane will not ____.

A. wait B. stand C. leave D. move

12. Who are the ____ of this project?

A. benefits B. benefiting C. beneficiaries D. beneficial

13. Please tell me the ____ to the city centre.

A. way B. ways C. away D. road

14. This house was ____ twenty years ago.

A. build B. built C. building D. builds

15. I was ____ to work when it rained.

A. go B. going C. went D. gone

16. We need to ____ our plan before sending it to the Prime Minister.

A. final B. finally C. finalize D. finalization

17. My boss said that he liked ____ tennis.

A. play B. playing C. played D. plays

18. I never ____ up after seven in the morning.

A. go B. get C. getting D. stay

19. They are too ____ to tell their teachers of the mistakes

A. shameful B. shameless C. ashamed D. shame

20. Do you want tea ____ coffee?

A. but B. or C. with D. and

21. He then retired himself ____ his career in UK and devoted himself to royal duties.

A. out of B. away from C. from D. with

22. I think it's quite unnatural ____ a man can lift a lorry

A. so B. as C. when D. that

23. Unemployment is a serous problem ____many countries in the world.

A. in B. for C. with D. of

24. I can't hear what you are saying. Could you ____ louder, please?

A. say B. tell C. shout D. speak

25. You don't want another ice-cream, ____ ?

A. won't you B. don't you C. do you D. isn't it

26. I'm very poor, I haven't ____ money left now.

A. any B. none C. some D. no

27. ____ don't like English.

A. Some student B. Some of students C. Some of the student D. Some of the students

28. The bees ____ come out of the hive since six o'clock.

A. won't B. hasn't C. didn't D. haven't

29. Not only my son but also I ____ tired from walking so far.

A. is B. are C. am D. were

30. Life without ____ would be dull.

A. a laughter B. an laughter C. the laughter D. laughter

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