Sở gd&Đt vĩnh phúC

Đọc kĩ đoạn văn rồi chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp nhất trong số các gợi ý A,B,C, hoặc D để hoàn tất mỗi trong số các câu theo sau

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu02.01.2022
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Đọc kĩ đoạn văn rồi chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp nhất trong số các gợi ý A,B,C, hoặc D để hoàn tất mỗi trong số các câu theo sau.

There are thousands of types of animals on earth, but only few types are popular as pets. People usually keep pets for company. The most common pets are cats and dogs. But why did people choose these two animals and not, for example, pigs, or chickens? The most likely explanation is that dogs and cats have special qualities which have always made them more suitable as animal companions. Some of these qualities are easy to understand. For example, dogs and cats do not need to be kept in cages in order to remain close to their owners. They are also both very clean-living animals. They are active during the day, the same time that people are usually active. The physical size of dogs and cats is another important reason for their success as companions. They are a good size, since most cats and dogs are not so large that they are dangerous, and not so small that they are unnoticeable. These qualities mean that dogs and cats can live quite comfortably with human. They do not disturb people's routines or change their way of life. But there is another reason why these two animals are the most popular pets. Most people need to feel loved and wanted, and cats and dogs make people feel wanted. Cats and dogs need people as well. They show this through the noises they make and they way they like being touched. To someone who doesn't like animals, keeping a pet probably seems like a lot of trouble. They need to be fed regularly and exercised, and they can be noisy and expensive. But for pet owners, these disadvantages are not important, because of the friendship that pets offer. Clearly, cats and dogs will continue to be the most popular pets.

71. People usually keep _____.

A. thousands of pets. B. many types of animals. C. pets for company D. special animals

72. One quality that cats and dogs have in common is that both_____.

A. need to be kept in cages. B. are very clean animals C. are active at night-time D. like their owners.

73. One reasons that cats and dogs are such popular pets is that they are _____.

A. the right age. B. very physical C. a dangerous size. D. the right size.

74. People like living with dogs and cats because _____.

A. pets and people like doing the same thing B. they do not disturb people

C. people do not disturb their pets' routines. D. neither needs to feel loved and wanted.

75. Both people and animals _____.

A. need to be loved and wanted. C. are a lot of trouble to keep.

B. need owners to look after them. D. need to be exercised regularly.

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