Revised: 09 July 2021

and the designed PID controller. Due to the complexity of selection the parameters of PID controller, the Particle Swarm

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Design and Implementation of Line Follower Arduino

and the designed PID controller. Due to the complexity of selection the parameters of PID controller, the Particle Swarm 
Optimization (PSO) algorithm are used to select and tune the parameters of designed PID controller. Five Infrared Ray (IR) 
sensors are used to collect the information about the location of mobile robot with respect to the desired path (black line). 
Depending on the collected information, the steering angle of the mobile robot will be controlled to maintain the robot on the 
desired path by controlling the speed of actuators (two DC motors). The obtained simulation results show that, the motion of 
mobile robot is still stable even the complex maneuver is performed. The hardware design of the robot system is perform by 
using the Arduino Mobile Robot (AMR). The Simulink Support Package for Arduino
and control system toolbox are used to 
program the AMR. The practical results show that the performances of real mobile robot are exactly the same of the 
performances of simulated mobile robot.
KEYWORDS: Arduino Mobile Robot, Line follower, Infrared Ray (IR) sensors, Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) 
algorithm, PID controller.

Nowadays, the researchers have made significant effort in 
the field of line follower robot because it is used in many 
applications such as: medical assistance, transportation, 
educational, marketing, and industrial applications. The line 
follower mobile robot is one of the types of the autonomous 
robot that can perform a specific desired mission without 
human intervention. The operations of the line follower 
robot can be conclude as follow: the robot used the IR 
sensors, which are mounted at front ends of the robot, to 
capture the line position that is drawn on the floor. 
Depending on the IR sensors reading, the control system will 
send the command signals to the actuators (DC motors) to 
govern the steering angle of the mobile robot to track the line 
smoothly and accurately in shortest time. So that, the sensing 
process of the line requires high robustness and high 
In reference [1], the authors designed a line follower robot 
for public transport to solve the problems of number of 
passengers in Turkey. The web server is used to control the 
motion of line follower mobile robot to track the desired 
trajectory, where the PID controller is used to perform this 
mission [2]. The IR sensor to collect the data and it to the 
microcontroller, then the microcontroller generate the 
suitable signals to actuate the motors to and maintain the 
robot follow the desired path [3-5].
The main issue in the design of the line follower mobile 
robot is the design the suitable controller to govern the 
steering angle of the robot to keep it on the desire path. The 
PID control scheme is used successfully in many industrial 
applications in last five decades [6]. The PID controller is 
most widely used in the industrial application over the other 
controller types due to the following reasons: its structure is 
simple, robustness in wide range of operation, and just three 
parameters should be adjusted to design its structure [7]. The 
PID controller system has three parameters that should be 
tuned to enhance the performance of the controlled plant. 
The task of adjusting the parameters of PID controller is 

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Alwan, Green, Noori & Aldair 
quite difficult and there are many method to perform this 
The Ziegler–Nichols 
method is 
a heuristic method of tuning a PID controller. It was 
developed by John G. Ziegler and Nathaniel B. Nichols [8]. 
Unfortunately, this classical method does not return an 
optimal parameters for the PID controller, so that by using 
this method to design the controller, the performance of 
controlled system is still insufficient. Some other classical 
methods are used to tune the parameters of PID controller 
such as Cohen-Coon method, rule-based method and 
model-based method. Each of those methods has its 
advantages and drawbacks [9]. The drawbacks of those 
methods are they utilize only for first order models including 
large process delays and they require experienced persons in 
industrial applications.
In the recent decade, the researchers focused on developing 
and proposing the optimization methods to obtain the 
optimal parameters for PID controller to enhance the 
performances of the controlled system. The emergence of 
intelligence and optimization algorithms such as genetic 
algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 
method, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) method, provides 
new techniques to tuning the PID parameters successfully 
In this paper, the line follower algorithm is proposed and the 
PID controller is designed for the mobile robot. The PSO 
algorithm has been applied to find the optimal parameters of 
the designed PID controller. Undoubtedly, the cost of line 
follower mobile robots are relatively expensive. Hence, a 
precise controller should be properly designed and it 
performance should be thoroughly studied before buying a 
physical robot. Therefore, many simulation programs are 
designed to help the researchers to evaluate the performance 
of designed controlled system. For such reasons, the usage of 
a simulator program becomes advantageous as it can save 
time and cost effectively. Therefore, in this study, the Robot 
Simulator and Simulink package are used to simulate the 
tracking of the controlled mobile robot for the desired path 
that is drawn on the floor. The obtained simulation results 
proved that the performance of the designed PID controller 
is very accurate. Then, the Arduino Mobile Robot (AMR) is 
implemented and programed to follow the desired trajectory. 
Five Infrared Ray (IR) sensors are used to collect the 
information about the location of mobile robot with respect 
to the desired path (black line). Depending on the collected 
information, the steering angle of the mobile robot will be 
controlled to maintain the robot on the desired path by 
controlling the speed of actuators (two DC motors). The 
ardouin and control system toolboxes (PID controller 
Blocks), which are constructed in Matlab, are used to 
program the AMR. The practical results show that the 
performances of real mobile robot are exactly the same of

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