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Khi có “and/or/but” thì hai vế cân nhau (cùng

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88-cau-truc-tieng-anh-co-ban-thuong-gap-o-de-thi-thpt-quoc-gia (1), 21 chuyên đề ngữ pháp tiếng anh, tràng
Khi có “and/or/but” thì hai vế cân nhau (cùng 
chức năng từ loại/ngữ pháp/ngữ nghĩa) 
The International Red Cross helps people in 
need without any discrimination based on 
nationality, race, religion, class or political 
1. He is not very________of his son’s passion for loud music. 
A. tolerated 
B. tolerable 
C. tolerant 
D. tolerantly 
2. Swimming produces both________and physical benefits. 
A. psychology 
B. psychological 
C. psychologist D. 
3. If you say you are using a word________, you mean you are choosing it after thinking about it very carefully. 
A. advisor 
B. advisedly 
C. advisory 
D. advice 
4. Nguyen Thi Anh Vien is a Vietnamese Olympian and ________ record-holder for swimming. 
A. nation 
B. international 
C. nationality 
D. national 
5. In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself________. 
A. occupied 
B. occupation 
C. occupant 
6. According to present law, the authorities can give poachers a severe________. 
A. punishing 
B. punish 
C. punishable 
7. The new song has________been selected for Euro 2016. 
A. officially 
B. official 
C. office D. officer 
8. Many species of plants and animals are in________of extinction. 
A. dangerous 
B. endangered 
C. danger 
9. The wedding day was________chosen by the parents of the groom. 
A. careless 
B. careful 
C. carefully 
D. carelessly 
10. To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age,________and salary. 
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. many 
B. married 
C. marrying 
D. marriage 
11. Despite the plan’s emphasis on agricultural________, the industrial sector received a larger share of state 
A. developing 
B. developer 
C. development D. developed 
12. ________have announced that a major breakthrough in medicine has been made. 
A. Research 
B. Researchers 
C. Researches 
13. The country’s economy relies heavily on the tourist________. 
A. industry 
B. industrial 
C. industrialize D. industrious 
14. Some people believe that books are ________ species, fighting for survival in competition with TV, film, 
the Internet and CD. 
A. danger 
B. dangerous 
C. endangered 
15. These quick and easy________can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost. 
A. solve 
B. solvable 
C. solutions 
D. solvability 
16. The problem of________among young people is hard to solve. 
A. employment 
B. employers 
C. employees 
17. Our professor________said we should turn in the assignment on Friday. 
A. specific 
B. specifically 
C. specifying 
18. In the past people believed that women’s________roles were as mothers and wives. 
A. nature 
B. natural 
C. naturism 
D. naturalist 
19. Although David was________after a day’s work in the office, he tried to help his wife the household chores. 
A. exhaustion 
B. exhausted 
C. exhausting 
D. exhaustive 
20. This is very________! Can’t you practice your violin somewhere else? 
A. convenient 
B. conveniently 
C. inconvenient D. 
21. How many means of________do you use on a regular basis? 
A. communication 
B. communicating 
C. communicator D. 
22. If there are aliens out there, do you think they are much more________advanced than we are? 
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

A. technological 
B. technologically 
C. technology 
23. The old astronomer patiently made his________and wrote down what he saw. 
A. observation 
B. observatory 
C. observe 
D. observer 
24. The more________you look, the better impression you will make on your interviewer. 
A. confine 
B. confident 
C. confidently 
D. confidence 
25. The choir stood in four rows according to their________heights. 
A. respected 
B. respective 
C. respectable 
D. respectful 
26. Many twelfth graders find it hard to________what university to apply to. 
A. decide 
B. decision 
C. decisive 
D. decisively 
27. I think mobile phones are________for people of all ages. 
A. usage 
B. use 
C. usefully 
D. useful 
28. Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely_______. 
A. imaginary 
B. imaginative 
C. imagining 
D. imaginable 
29. The firefighters’ single-minded devotion to the rescue of the victims of the fire was _______. 
A. respecting 
B. respective 
C. respectful 
D. respectable 
30. Since________has been so poor, the class has been closed. 
A. attendance 
B. attendant 
C. attending 
D. attendee 
31. Tom is getting ever keener on doing research on________. 
A. biology 
B. biological 
C. biologist 
32. They are always________of what their children do. 
A. support 
B. supporting 
C. supportive 
33. It is not always easy to make a good________at the last minute. 
A. decide 
B. decision 
C. decisive 
D. decisively 
34. Cultural ______ can be found in such simple processes as giving or receiving a gift. 
A. differences 
B. different 
C. differently 
D. Differ 
35. Travelling to________countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting things. 
A. differ 
B. difference 
C. differently 
D. different 
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

36. The job market is constantly changing due to innovative technology and new________. 
A. competition 
B. competitively 
C. competitive 
D. compete 
37. In Vietnam, children begin their primary________at the age of six. 
A. educational 
B. educationally 
C. educate 
D. education 
38. Many librarians and teachers are now accepting graphic novels as proper literature for children as 
they________young people and motivate them to read. 
A. attract 
B. attractively 
C. attraction 
D. attractive 
39. The success of the company in such a________market is remarkable. 
A. compete 
B. competitively 
C. competitive 
40. People tend to be unaware of the messages they are sending to others. So, it is________to consider your 
own body language before dealing with people from other cultures. 
A. usefully 
B. use 
C. usefulness 
D. useful 
41. Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop their________. 
A. creative 
B. creativity 
C. create D. creatively 
42. Candidates are advised to dress formally to make a good________on job interviewers. 
A. impress 
B. impressively 
C. impression 
D. impressive 
43. It is believed that travelling is a good way to expand our________of the world 
A. knowledgeable 
B. knowledgeably 
C. knowledge 
D. know 
44. Susan has achieved great________in her career thanks to her hard work. 
A. success 
B. succeed 
C. successful 
45. Participating in teamwork activities helps students develop their________skills. 
A. social 
B. society 
C. socially 
D. socialize 
46. You should turn off the lights before going out to save________. 
A. electricity 
B. electrify 
C. electric 
D. electrically 
47. The study also found that social networks allow US to have discussions with a much more diverse set of 
people than in the real world, so we share knowledge with people from a wide________of backgrounds. 
A. vary 
B. variety 
C. various 
D. variously 
48. Laura came to________me for taking care of her dog when she was away. 
A. thank 
B. thankfully 
C. thankfulness D. thankful 
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

49. The candidates took a________breath before he walked into the interview room. 
A. deeply 
B. deep 
C. deepen 
D. depth 
50. With his good sense of humour, Martin is quite________with the students. 
A. popularly 
B. popular 
C. popularise 
D. popularity 

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