Lesson 1: tenses ( Các thì ) simple present:

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  1. take after (sb) : look like; resemble : giống

  2. take sth/sb on: (of a bus, plane or ship) to allow sb/sth to enter: cho ai leân xe, taøu …

  3. take up: learn or start doing sth: baét ñaàu laøm ñieàu gì …

  1. take off: a/ to remove sth, especially a piece of clothing from your/sb's body: côûi boû ( muû , quaàn aùo) ≠ put on

b/ to leave the ground and begin to fly : ( maùy bay) caát caùnh

  1. take sth off sth: to remove an amount of money or a number of marks, points, etc. in order to reduce the total: ruùt bôùt (tieàn, ñiểm ) cho ít ñi

  2. take (sth) in : thu naïp, hieåu, nhôù ñöôïc ñieàu gì

  3. Take part in: participate in: to be involved in: tham gia

  4. Take sth out: vay tieàn cuûa ngaân haøng

  5. take sth away: gôõ boû, laøm maát buoàn phieàn ñau ñôùn

  6. take over: ñaûm nhaän vò trí ( cuûa ai), ñaûm traùch coâng vieäc

  7. take place: dieãn ra, xaûy ra theo keáâ hoaïch.

12. put up with : tolerate: chòu ñöïng

Ex: I'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer.

  1. go off : + noå ; vang leân Ex: The bomb went off in a crowded street. + ñi laøm ñieàu gì Ex: He went off to get a drink. + thöïc phaåm, nöôùc uoàng hö hoûng; chaát löôïng xaáu ñi Ex: You shouldn’t drink it. It goes off.

  2. go out : taét ( ñeøn löûa)

  3. go away: ñi xa ( qua 01 ñeâm trôû leân )

  4. go over : oân laïi baøi; xem laïi, kieåm tra laïi

  5. look after sb / sth: chaêm soùc

  6. look up : tra tìm töø , vaán ñeà gì trong töï ñieàn, trong saùch .

  7. look up to sb: to admire or respect sb : ngöôõng moä ai

  8. look up at sth: ngöôùc nhìn leân caùi gì ( V+ pre.)

  9. put on: maëc quaàn aùo, ñeo, mang

  10. put sth out : Boû … ra ngoaøi - Ex: I put the rubbish out.

  11. put off= delay: hoaõn laïi

Ex: He keeps putting off going to the dentist.

  1. turn ( sth ) on : môû ñeøn , …..

  2. turn (sth) off : taét ……

  3. turn up: xuaát hieän , ñeán

Ex: Do you think many people will turn up?

  1. turn down: refuse: từ chối, bác bỏ không xrm xét đơn …

: vặn nhỏ âm thanh, thiết bị ….

Ex: Why did she turn down your invitation?

Please turn the volume down.

  1. try sb / sth out : thöû nghieäm, duøng thöû xem coù toát hay khoâng. Ex: They're trying out a new presenter for the show.

  2. try sth on : maëc thöû, mang thöû xem coù vöøa khoâng

Ex: Try the shoes on before you buy them.

  1. hold sth / sb up : ( often passive): laøm hoaõn , caûn trôû söï tieán trieån , di chuyeån …

Ex: *An accident is holding up traffic.

  1. get over sth: overcome: vöôït qua, thaéng ñöôïc

Ex: She can’t get over her shyness.

  1. catch up with : baét kip, ñuoåi theo kip

  2. keep up with: theo kip ai, naém baét kip thoâng tin; vaãn tieáp tuïc lieân laïc vôùi ai

  3. keep sth up: tieáp tuïc duy trì möùc ñoä

Ex: The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.

  1. cool sb off / down: laøm cho ai bình tónh laïi

  2. speak up : noùi to leân

  3. Bring sth out: make sth noticable

Ex: A crisis can bring out the best and the worst in people.

  1. bring sth back: to remind : gôïi nhôù

  2. Bring sb in sth / bring in sth : to make or earn a particular amount of money: kieám tieàn, thu nhaäp

Ex:* His freelance work brings him in about $20000 a year.

    1. bring sth about: to make sth happen= cause: gaây ra

Ex: What brought about the change in his attitude?

    1. bring sth off : to succeed in doing sth difficult: Ñaït ñöôïc thaønh coâng ( qua khoù khaên)

Ex: * It was a difficult task but we brought it off.

The goalie brought off a superb save

    1. wash up / wash sth up: to wash plates, glasses, … after a meal: röûa cheùn

    2. calm (sb / sth) down : bình tónh – laøm ai bình tónh

  1. bring (sb) up ( often in passive): to care for a child, teaching him or her how to behave, etc: chaêm soùc , daïy doã

Ex: * She brought up five children.

* He was brought up by his aunt.

  1. take sth down: to write sth down: a/ ghi cheùp;

Ex: * Reporters took down every word of his speech

b/ to remove a structure: thaùo dôõ -

Ex: * The students are taking the tent down before leaving.

  1. wake sb up : laøm ai tænh taùo / ñaùnh thöùc ai

Ex: A cold shower will soon wake you up.

  1. Take advantage of : taän duïng , lôïi duïng .

Ex: * We took full advantage of the hotel facilities. * She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms.

  1. give up : [nopassive] to stop doing or having sth: töø boû Ex: She didn't give up work when she had the baby.

  2. go on: tieáp tuïc

  3. go up go down: leân giaù ≠ xuoáng giaù

20. go after sb: to chase or follow sb: chaïy theo; ñuoåi theo

  1. stay on : tieáp tuïc laøm … = keep on; carry on

  2. fall behind sb/sth : khoâng theo kòp möùc ñoä vôùi ai, rôùt laïi phía sau … Ex: She soon fell behind the leaders.

  3. give in (to sb / sth) : ñaàu haøng , chòu thua …

Ex: The rebels (quaân noåi loaïn) were forced to give in.

  1. wait up : haõy chaäm laïi, chôø …

Ex: Wait up – you're walking too fast for me.

  1. wait up for sb: thöùc khuya chôø ai.

Ex: I'll be back very late so don't wait up for me.

  1. grow up : tröôûng thaønh

  2. watch out ( for sth / sb): coi chöøng !

Ex: Watch out! There's a car coming!

  1. fill sth in (out): ñieàn ñôn

  2. break down : maùy moùc hö; thaát baïi

Ex: The telephone system has broken down.

* The car broke down on the freeway.

*Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.

  1. set off ( for) : to begin a journey: khởi hành chuyến đi

Ex: We set off for London just after ten.

  1. drop out (of sth) : boû cuoäc: He drooped out of the English class . * She started an engineering degree but dropped out after only a year.

  2. show sth / sb off: khoe khoang

Ex: She wanted to show off her new dress at the party.

  1. cross sth out : gaïch boû chöõ sai

  2. close sth down : ngöøng hoaït ñoäng ( kinh doanh)

Ex: All the firms around here were closed down in the 1980s.

  1. move in / into sth: baét ñaàu chuyeån vaøo (nhaø môùi) ñeå ôû

  2. doze off : go to sleep: ñi nguû -

Ex: She dozed off in front of the fire.

  1. see sb off: tieãn ai ñi xa

  2. give sth away to sb : taëng caùi gì cho ai

  3. give sth/sb away: tieát loä bí maät ; tieát loä taâm tö cuûa ai

Ex: She gave away state secrets to the enemy

Her eyes when she said gave her away.

  1. give sb back sth / give sth back to sb : traû gì cho ai

  2. hand sth in ( to sb): giao noäp

Ex: Please give your work in before Monday.

  1. turn round/ around : quay laïi

Ex: Turn around and let me look at your back.

  1. make oneself / sb up: trang ñieåm

Ex: She always makes up when going to the office.

  1. make sth up: taïo neân,nghó ra ñieàu gì;bòa ra caâu chuyeän

Ex: *They made up a little poem and wrote it in the card.

*Women make up 40 per cent of the workforce.

* She always makes up a story for her lateness.

  1. make sth out : + to write out or complete a form or document: vieát ra hoaëc ñieàn vaøo ….

Ex: * He made out a cheque for pound100.

+ make sth out:to understand sth; to see the reasons for sth:

Hieåu ñöôïc Ex: I can't make out what she wants

  1. show sb round: höôùng daãn ai thaêm quan

Ex: Has anyone shown you round yet?

  1. try sth on: thöû - Try the shoes on before you buy them.

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