GỬi cáC ĐỒng chí 40 ĐỀ Ôn thi vàO 10 DÙng đỂ tham khảO (nguồN: violet. Vn) Test 1

VI. Give the right word formation for these provided word

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VI. Give the right word formation for these provided word

1. ________waves are one of the great forces of nature. (tide)

2. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are _________________ disasters. (nature)

3. Our _________ turns out to be correct. (predict)

4. The building was _______ damaged by the fire.( extend)

5. The most ____ earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama.(disaster)

6. A typhoon is going to hit our area. What sorts of__________ shall we make? (prepare)

7. _____________ food is very convenient for campers. (can)

8. Today __________________can predict when a tidal wave hits land. (science)

9. It was the biggest ___________of Mt. Vesuvius for some years. (erupt)

10. A tidal wave brings death and _________ in its way. (destroy)


I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. A. think B. father C. this D. mother

2. A. many B. fat C. man D. happy

3. A. native B. natural C. nation D. name

4. A. heal B. deal C. steal D. wealth

5. A. both B. hot C. cotton D. bottle

II. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern from those of the others.

1. A. abrupt B. behave C. border D. collapse

2. A.tidal B. Easter C. standard D. control

3. A. typhoon B. compose C. joyful D. occur

4. A. decorate B. impressive C. regular D. thunderstorm

5. A. battery B. appliance C. abruptly D. behavior

III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.

1. Huong went to Hanoi last week. She ________ there once a few years ago.

A. was B. was being C. has been D. is

2. I don’t study hard enough for the examination. I wish I __________ harder.

A. studied B. have studied C. study D. studies

3. I am a teacher, ___________?

A. amn’t I B. am I C. aren’t I D. aren’t we

4. Everything is expensive here, ________?

A. is it B. isn’t it C. are they D. aren’t they

5. Every body likes to be independent, ________?

A. is he B. are they C. aren’t they D. don’t they

6. She rarely went to the cinema, _________?

A. did she B. didn’t she C. did they D. didn’t they

7. She _________ the cold climate.

A. used to B. get used to C. got used to D. has used to

8. She will buy a new house when she _________ a doctor in the future.

A. become B. becomes C. became D. will become

9. She ________ English fluently by 1997.

A. speak B. speaks C. has spoken D. spoke

10. She is bored _______ that film.

A. to B. at C. with D. on

11. He was surprised __________ her wonderful beauty on the Women’s Day.

A. to B. at C. with D. on

12. She looks forward __________ seeing her husband coming back soon.

A. at B. on C. to D. with

13. The air is very _________ there. It isn’t good for your health.

A. sure B. pure C. polluted D. delighted

14. A dictionary is a __________ book.

A. research B. fiction C. reference D. catalogue

15. Football is my __________ sport.

A. like B. favorite C. loving D. hate

16. Going abroad is going to a _________ country.

A. familiar B. wonderful C. foreign D. economical

17. In Viet Nam, you must keep your car to the _________.

A. left B. right C. between D. middle

18. The train leaves at 12.30 and ________ to Liverpool at 16.30.

A. arrives B. finishes C. gets D. reaches

19. My son loves music. At the moment he _________ to play the piano.

A. learn B. learns C. will learn D. is learning

20. Our new house ____________ South.

A. faces B. fronts C. looks D. positions

21. I’m _________ my exams in two weeks.

A. giving B. making C. taking D. working

22. There is a night club in the town ___________ we don’t go there very often.

A. as B. because C. but D. since

23. He’s very fit. He ________ jogging every day.

A. goes B. does C. exercises D. plays

24. The Nile is the world’s ________ river.

A. long B. longer C. longest D. lengthy

25. Susan has been learning the piano __________ two years.

A. for B. from C. since D. during

26. Cambridge has a theater but it _________ got an opera house.

A. didn’t B. doesn’t C. hasn’t D. haven’t

27. He is very lonely. He doesn’t have _________ friends.

A. few B. many C. much D. some

28. They are getting married ________ the end of June

A. on B. in C. at D. during

29. I went by train. How did you ________?

A. go B. goes C. going D. gone

30. Mount Everest is the word’s _________ mountain.

A. high B. higher C. highest D. highly

31. The book was much more interesting ________ the film.

A. this B. then C. that D. than

32. The interview will ________ last for an hour.

A. may B. might C. probably D. could

33. She loves horses. She ________ riding every week.

A. goes B. does C. plays D. takes

34. I am going to a job _________ tomorrow.

A. arrangement B. appointment C. interview D. meeting

35. When you ________ him, give him my best wishes.

A. will visit B. would visit C. visit D. have visited

36. We prefer comedy ____________ tragedy.

A. than B. better than C. to D. better

37. He ran to the station to _________ the early train.

A. ride B. drive C. catch D. go

38. I had Mary _______ my clothes.

A. iron B. ironing C. ironed D. irons

39. I shall do the job to the best of my _________.

A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. talent

40. The woman said ”This carpet was made _________ so it is expensive”

A. by hand B. by the hand C. by hands D. by our hands

41. You are going to come to the party, __________?

A. aren’t you B. do you C. will you D. won’t you

42. His new house _________ West.

A. fronts B. faces C. looks D. positions

43. He came here by car. How did you _________?

A. goes B. going C. go D. went

44. A person who can’t speak and hear is called _________.

A. a character B. a deaf C. a blind D. a deaf-mute

45. Her room seemed warmer with a nice _______-- on the wall.

A. booth B. poster C. shelf D. curtain

46. My parents will _______ their wedding anniversary next month.

A. make B. celebrate C. remember D. promise

47. The meeting was _________ in the park last week.

A. revived B. held C. developed D. joined

48. If you don’t’ understand many words, you can ____ them up in the dictionary on the table.

A. look B. get C. find D. finish

49. The _______ in Viet Nam usually begins in December and ends in July.

A. football match B. football team C. football fan D. football season

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form or tense of the verbs from the box.

Expect / save / predict / hit / damage / strike / collapse / erupt / warn / shelter

Каталог: data -> 14524288104760862568 -> thongbao
data -> CỘng hòa xã HỘi chủ nghĩa việt nam độc lập Tự do Hạnh phúc
data -> Qcvn 81: 2014/bgtvt
data -> Trung taâm tin hoïC Ñhsp ñEÀ thi hoïc phaàn access
data -> PHỤ LỤC 2 TỔng hợp danh mục tài liệu tham khảO
data -> Công ty cổ phần Xây dựng Điện vneco3
data -> Nghiên cứu một số đặc điểm
data -> NHỮng đÓng góp mới của luậN Án tiến sĩ CẤP ĐẠi học huế Họ và tên ncs : Nguyễn Văn Tuấn
data -> Mẫu 01/hc-sn-dn (Ban hành kèm theo Thông tư số 83/2007/tt-btc ngày 16/7/2007 của Bộ Tài chính) TỜ khai hiện trạng sử DỤng nhà, ĐẤt thuộc sở HỮu nhà NƯỚc và ĐỀ xuất phưƠng án xử LÝ
thongbao -> Gửi cáC ĐỒng chí 40 ĐỀ Ôn thi vàO 10 DÙng đỂ tham khảO (nguồN: violet. Vn) Test 1

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