DỊch phần dạy pháp của ngài pa-auk tại florida tháng 4/ 2006, buổi dạy thứ 4

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu30.08.2016
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Hỏi: Khác nhau giữa cận định và Sơ thiền là gì ạ? Và làm cách nào để một hành giả từ cận định tiến lên Sơ thiền? Khi một hành giả xuất khỏi thiền, liệu 5 triền cái có hoàn toàn vắng mặt không ạ? Nếu không, chúng có thể bị đè nén đến mức độ nào ạ?

Đáp: Giữa cận định và bậc thiền, có sự khác nhau. Sự khác nhau? Cận định cũng lấy, ví du với thiền Niệm Hơi thở, Tợ tướng của hơi thở làm đối tựơng, tương tự vậy, Sơ thiền cũng lấy tợ tướng của hơi thở làm đối tượng, đối tượng là giống nhau. Nhưng ở giai đọan cận định, 5 thiền chi chưa đủ mạnh để có thể duy trì định của vị ấy trong một thời gian dài. Nhưng khi vị ấy có thể đạt đến sơ thiền, lúc ấy năm thiền chi rất mạnh và vững chắc thì vị ấy mới có thể duy trì định lâu dài. Ví dụ, một đứa trẻ, khi còn nhỏ, nó không thể đứng vững; với sự giúp sức của cha mẹ, nó có thể đứng được nhưng có thể dễ ngã xuống đất. Cùng cách ấy, ở giai đọan cận định, các thiền chi không đủ mạnh, do đó vị ấy có thể dễ dàng rơi lại vào Bhavanga, hữu phần. Khi rơi vào Hữu phần, rất nhiều thiền sinh nói rằng lúc ấy họ không còn biết gì nữa, tâm đi khỏi đối tượng, nhưng đối tượng gì thì vị ấy không thể nói chính xác được, nếu thường xuyên, vị ấy không thể duy trì định lâu được. Nhưng khi đạt đến bậc thiền, vị ấy có thể duy trì định của bậc thiền lâu dài, do 5 thiền chi lúc này rất vững và mạnh, vững mạnh có nghĩa giống như có thể đứng lâu được.

Còn khi một hành giả xuất khỏi thiền, 5 triền cái có vắng mặt không? Điều này là không thể. Trong thời của Đức Phật, có những hành giả đạt đến các bậc thiền nhưng khi họ xuất khỏi bậc thiền, các triền cái xuất hiện trở lại vì phi lý tác ý thắng thế, một ví dụ là Đại Đức Đề-bà-đạt-đa, khi thực hành thiền Chỉ Samatha trong 3 tháng kiết hạ, vị ấy có thể đạt đến Bát thiền và Ngũ Thông Thế Gian. Nhưng vị ấy quá tham vọng muốn trở thành Đức Phật, muốn sở hữu nhiều vật, muốn đạt được nhiều thứ. Do lòng tham này, thiền của vị ấy bị thối thất và vị ấy không thể thiết lập được định bậc thiền của mình. Vậy do phi lý tác ý mà các triền cái sinh khởi sau khi xuất khỏi thiền. Nhưng nếu vị ấy như lý tác ý liên tục nhiều năm, thì điều này không thể xảy ra, các triền cái sẽ không sinh khởi, một điển hình là Ngài Mahanàga, Ngài đã hành thiền Chỉ và thiền Quán trong 60 năm. Trong vòng 60 năm này, chưa một triền cái nào khởi sinh trong tâm Ngài, do thiền Chỉ Samatha và thiền Quán Vipassanā có thể đè nén các triền cái này trong 60 năm là nhờ Ngài luôn như lý tác ý. Còn Đại Đức Đề-bà-đạt-đa đã phi lý tác ý như trên, vì thế vị ấy không thể duy trì định bậc thiền của mình được. OK?

Hỏi: Khi thực hành Niệm hơi thở, tại sao phải giữ 2 nhóm Thất giác chi quân bình ạ? Liệu chỉ tập trung vào nhóm Định, như Tịnh, Định và Xả để sinh Định được không ạ? Còn nhóm kia như Tấn, và Hỷ, khi ta không suy nghĩ là chúng ta không trạch pháp ạ? Và khi chỉ tập trung vào hơi thở, nó có cố tình tạo ra sự mất quân bình không ạ? Sự mất quân bình này trực tiếp là do sự tiến hành theo quy trình hành thiền phải không ạ?

Đáp: Có lẽ nếu qúy vị có thể tập trung vào tợ tướng của hơi thở một cách trọn vẹn thì không cần thiết phải cố gắng làm cho 2 nhóm này quân bình, nhưng đối với một số hành giả, họ nghiên cứu, trạch pháp quá nhiều: “Cái gì đây?” “Cái gì đây?” “Cái gì đây?”, “Tôi muốn nimitta này dài hơn kia”, “ Tôi chỉ muốn nghiên cứu,”, “Tôi không muốn đạt đến thiền”, “Mong cho nimitta của tôi dài, OK, nó trở nên dài rồi, không có vấn đề gi!”, “mong cho nimitta của tôi là tròn! OK, nó tròn lên rồi!”. Cứ vậy vị ấy chỉ điều tra hay trạch pháp. Nếu làm vậy, qúy vị không thể chứng thiền được. Nhưng nếu qúy vị chỉ tập trung vào nimitta của mình thôi mà không điều tra hay thắc mắc, chỉ tập trung vào đối tượng rồi định sẽ dần sâu hơn, lúc đó qúy vị có thể nói Thất Giác chi của qúy vị là cân bằng, lúc này không cần thiết phải cố gắng làm cho Thất giác chi hay 2 nhóm quân bình.

Hỏi: Cảm xúc gì có liên hệ với tứ đại ạ?

Đáp: Tôi không hiểu câu hỏi này (cười).

Hỏi: Con xin lỗi con phải hỏi câu này ngay mà không kịp viết trên giấy vì nó quan trọng về Thất giác chi và xin lỗi con đã phá lệ. Trong Thanh Tịnh Đạo và Kinh Tứ Niệm Xứ, vì Ngài nói có lúc khi thực hành Niệm hơi thở, Ngài không cần quân bình Thất giác chi. Nhưng trong trường hợp bài kinh...... và bài Kinh Bojjhaṅga Kosalla và bài Kinh..... (đọan này người nghe chép nghe không rõ tên các bài kinh này), theo trong này Ngài phải quân bình chúng, vậy xin Ngài giải thích cho chúng con được không ạ?

Đáp: Có lẽ các bài kinh này khá dài. Chúng là những bài kinh dài, sao tôi giải thích cho kịp.

Hỏi: Không cần ngay bây giờ ạ, lúc trình pháp hay lúc nào ngài thấy tiện ấy ạ.

Đáp: Nói tóm lại, có 7 giác chi, nếu qúy vị có thể quân bình 7 giác chi này là đủ rồi. Nhưng khi hành thiền chỉ Samatha, nếu nhóm Định giác chi trở nên trội, hơi vượt trội, nó cũng OK, không vấn đề gì, qúy vị vẫn có thể chứng thiền nhưng khi...


Please pay respect to the Buddha by reciting Namo Tassa 3 times

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa (3 times)
I am talking about Ānāpāna Meditation (AM). I must repeat again and again (laughing). Many problems, my English is very poor so they do not understand my English, this is one problem. I would like to recite Ānāpāna Meditation taught by the Buddha in MahāSatipaṭṭhāna Sutta:

Dīghaṁ vā assasanto ‘dīghaṁ assasāmī’ti pajānāti,

dīghaṁ vā passasanto ‘dīghaṁ passasāmī’ti pajānāti.”

This is Number 1.

What is the meaning ?

Breathing in a long breath, he knows I breathe in a long breath,

breathing out a long breath, he knows I breathe out a long breath.

This is number 1

Number 2 is:

Rassaṁ vā assasanto ‘rassaṁ assasāmī’ti pajānāti,

rassaṁ vā passasanto ‘rassaṁ passasāmī’ti pajānāti.”

Breathing in a short breath, he knows I breathe in a short breath,

breathing out a short breath, he knows I breathe out a short breath.

This is number 2.

Number 3 is:

Sabbakāyapaṭisaṁvedī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati,

‘Sabbakāyapaṭisaṁvedī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati

Experiencing the whole body of breath, I will breathe in, thus he trains himself

Experiencing the whole body of breath, I will breathe out, thus he trains himself.

This is number 3.

Number 4 is:

“ ‘Passambhayaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ assasissāmī’ti sikkhati,

Passambhayaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ passasissāmī’ti sikkhati”

Calming the breath body I will breathe in, thus he trains himself;

calming the breath body I will breathe out, thus he trains himself.”

This is number 4.

These four stages lead for attaining up to fourth jhāna stage only. This explanation is for Samatha practice. So in this Samatha meditation practice there are four stages.

  1. Long breath,

  2. Short breath,

  3. The whole body of breath,

  4. Calming the breath body or tranquilizing the breath body.

When they are practising Ānāpāna , according to these four stages, for some meditators they are practising to understand long breath and short breath at that time, nimitta may also appear; For some meditators they are practising long breath, short breath, the whole body of breath at that time the nimitta also appears. For many meditators when they practise the whole body of breath whether it is long or short at that time nimitta appears; But for some meditators when they practise number four stage: calming the breath body, at that time only nimitta appears.

What is the difference of these stages? Practically when they are practising Ānāpāna , there are two breaths only: long breath, short breath. Whether it is long or short, a meditator must try to understand the whole body of breath: when it is long, he should try to understand the whole body of breath, when it is short he should try to understand the whole body of breath. When he is practising in this way, when concentration develops further, then the breath will become subtle, this is natural. When the breath becomes subtle, at that time he should try to understand four stages combined together, four stages mean long breath, short breath, the whole body of breath and calming the breath body. How? When the breath becomes subtle, at that time he should try to understand the whole body of subtle long breath or short breath only. So when the breath becomes subtle at that time if he can concentrate on that subtle breath, then very soon nimitta will appear. When nimitta apprears, nimitta and the breath unify together or nimitta and breath become same, at that time mind automatically sticks to the nimitta. When mind sticks to the nimitta, at that time he should focus on the nimitta only. If he can concentrate on the nimitta, when nimitta becomes Paṭibhāga nimitta, counterpart sign, and if he can concentrate on that Paṭibhāga nimitta, counterpart sign, then full absorption may arise, that full absorption is called jhāna absorption, jhāna concentration, first jhāna concentration only, last night I explained about this first jhāna. If you have already this first jhāna’s five masteries, if you want to go to the sencond jhāna how you should try? You should try to see or to understand two disadvantages of first jhāna and one benefit of second jhāna. What are the two disadvantages of first jhāna? This first jhāna is close to the enemy of hindrances. There are five hindrances:

  1. Sensual desire

  2. Anger (byāpāda)

  3. Restless and remorse

  4. Sloth and torpor

  5. Doubt

Altogether there are 5 hindrances. When one or two or many hindranes are visiting to your mind, at that time your concentration will decrease. When these hindrances are not visiting to your mind, at that time your concentration may develop. When your concentration becomes deeper and deeper and when nimitta appears, at that time if you can concentrate on your nimitta, when your concentration develops then slowly you may see your nimitta become counterpart sign, Paṭibhāga nimitta. If you can concentrate on that counterpart sign, Paṭibhāga nimitta then your concentration will become deeper and deeper. And very soon full absorption may arise. Before full absorption stage, your concentration is called access concentration, Upacāra Samādhi. At the Upacāra Samādhi stage, five hindrances will not arise in your mind. Access concentration and full absorption are very close to each other. Because of this reason when access concentration arise, hindrances will disappear. Access concentration and jhāna concentration are very close to each other. In the same way this first jhāna is also close to five hindrances. This is one disadvantage of first jhāna. Another disadvantage is please reflect jhāna factors again: among five jhāna factors, Vitakka, Vicāra , initial application and sustained application of the mind to the A Paṭibhāga nimitta object are very gross, Vitakka and Vicāra are very gross. You must apply your mind to the Paṭibhāga nimitta again and again. If you can not apply your mind to the A Paṭibhāga nimitta again, your concentration will fall down. So that application of the mind to Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object is also gross because you want to be deeper and deeper concentration. Without application of the mind to the Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object, if you can concentrate on that Nimitta it will be very good. So you should reflect the disadvantage of Vitakka, Vicāra application of the mind to Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object. Then please reflect one advantage, one advantage is the subtleness of three jhāna factors, three jhāna factors are Pīti, joy, Sukha happiness and Ekaggatā, one-pointedness. These three jhāna factors are more quiet, these three jhāna factors are jhāna factors of second jhāna. Second jhāna has three jhāna factors only, so they are more quiet. After reflecting in this way you should focus on you Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta again but reflecting time must be for only few seconds only, if you reflect long time then your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta will disappear, so that reflecting time must be for a few seconds only. After reflecting, when you are focusing on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta again, then full absorption may arise again. For some meditators usually for beginners this full absorption is only first jhāna absorption. You should stay in that full absorption jhāna for about 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Emerging from that full absorption, when you are reflecting your jhāna facttors, at that time you will see Vitakka and Vicāra are gross; Pìti, Sukha, Ekaggate, these three factors are more quiet. At that time with the intention to remove gross factors and to attain the quiet factors which are the second jhāna factors, you should concentrate on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta again. When you are concentrating on you Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta again then very soon full absorption may arise. At that time you will understand Vitakka, Vicāra , initial application and sustained application of the mind to the Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object disappear, then only three jhāna factors : Pīti joy, Sukha happiness, Ekaggatā one pointedness, these three jhāna factors only remain. At that time we can say you attained second jhāna. If you attain second jhāna, in the same way you should try to maintain second jhāna for a long time. For the beginners, if they want to go to the second jhāna they should reestablish first jhāna for about nearly one hour. Emerging from first jhāna they should reflect two disadvantges and one benefit, after that only you should try to attain second jhāna. If you already attained second jhāna, next sitting if your want to go to second jhāna then you should try systematically, first you must reestablish your first jhāna concentration, at that time you should stay in your first jhāna for about 4 or 5 minutes. Emerging from your first jhāna, you should try to go to second jhāna, you should maintain your second jhāna for more than 1 hour, 2 hours etc.. Then you should try five masteries of your second jhāna in the same way as mentined in first jhāna. Then if you want to go to the third jhāna how you should try? You should practise first jhāna for a few minutes, two or three minutes, then second jhāna for about nearly one hour. Emerging from second jhāna, you should reflect two disadvantages and one benefit. Two disadvantages are:

You should refect: “This second jhāna is close to the enemy of the first jhāna, especially Vitakka, Vicāra . Because Vitakka, Vicāra are very gross. Because of this grossness, this first jhāna is very easy to fall down. In the same way this second jhāna also close to the enemy Vitakka, Vicāra . This is one disadvantage.

And then please reflect Pīti, Pīti is gross, joy is very strong at that time mind can not be stable. Because of this joy, emotion may arise, because of emotion, concentration can not be deep enough. So Pīti is gross. Because of this grossness, this jhāna also can easily fall down. This is another disadvantage.

Then one benefit: please reflect Sukha and Ekaggatā: happiness and one-pointedness. Sukha and Ekaggatā are more quiet, these two jhāna factors are the two jhāna factors of third jhāna. After reflecting in this way then you should concentrate again on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object. When you are concentrating on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object again then very soon full absorption may arise. That full absorption for the beginners may be only second jhāna. You should try to stay in that second jhāna for about 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Emerging from your second jhāna, you should reflect your second jhāna factors, at that time you will see Pīti is very gross, Sukha, Ekaggatā are more quiet. At that time to remove gross factor Pīti and to attain or to achieve subtle factors, Sukha and Ekaggatā, you should focus on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object again. While you are concentrating on your AP N object again then very soon full absorption may arise, that full absorption may be third jhāna. If it is third jhāna you will easily understand Pīti disappear and only Sukha and Ekaggatā remain, at that time we can say that you attain third jhāna. If you attained third jhāna then next sitting if you want to reestablish your third jhāna concentration again, then you should try systematically, you should reestablish your first jhāna concentration for a few minutes, 2 or 3 minutes and second jhāna concentration for 2 or 3 minutes only, then you should try to attain third jhāna in the same way. You should reestablish you third jhāna concentration for about 2 hours, 3 hours, etc.. and try five masteries again. If you are satisfied if you want to go to third jhāna, how you should try? You should reestablish your first jhāna concentration for few minutes, 2 or 3 minutes, second jhāna concentration 2 or 3 minutes, third jhāna concentration for about nearly 1 hour. Emerging from your third jhāna, you should reflect two disadvantages and one benefit. Two disadvantages are:

You should reflect third jhāna: this third jhāna is close to the enemy Pīti or second jhāna because you can easily fall down to the second jhāna

Then another disadvantage is please reflect jhāna factors: Sukha and Ekaggatā, please reflect Sukha is more gross, why? Taking one object if you feel happiness then this mind is not quiet. Because of this happiness your jhāna can easily fall down. If one has strong happiness, mind can not be quiet, so this is gross. Because of this grossness you can easily fall down from your jhāna. This is one disadvantage.

Then you should reflect One benefit. One benefit is please reflect Upekkhā and Ekaggatā. Upekkhā is equanimous mind or equanimous feeling and Ekaggatā onepointedness, these two jhāna factors are very quiet. These two jhāna factors are jhāna factors of Fourth jhāna.

After reflecting in this way, you should focus on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object again. When you are focusing on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta object again very soon full absorption may arise. You should stay in your full absorption for about 5 minutes or 10 minutes, that full absorption jhāna may be third jhāna only. Emerging from that full absorption third jhāna, please reflect jhāna factors, at that time you will see your jhāna factor : Sukha is gross, happiness is gross and Upekkhā and Ekaggatā, two factors are more quiet. At that time with the intention to remove gross factors and to attain or to achieve more quiet factors: Upekkhā and Ekaggatā which are the jhāna factors of Fourth jhāna. You should concentrate on your Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta again. When you are concentrating on Ānāpānapaṭibhāga nimitta agian then full absorption may arise, that full absorption may be fourth jhāna concentration. You will understand at that time, Sukha happiness feeling disappear, then only two jhāna factors Upekkhā and Ekaggatā, Equanimous feeling and One-pointedness remain, two jhāna factors are present in your fourth jhāna. So if your fourth jhāna is sure then you should practise five masteries of your fourth jhāna. If your fourth jhāna is real fourth jhāna then you will understand when you are enetering into your fourth jhāna concentration, at that time your breath completely stops, there will be no breathing.

So altogether there are four jhānas: first jhāna, second jhāna, third jhāna, and fourth jhāna. That fourth jhāna can produce strong powerful light. First jhāna can also produce powerful light but not same, fourth jhāna concentration, light is very bright and very powerful, for example Venerable Anuruddha, fourth jhāna concentration can produce strong powerful light up to ten thousand world cycle or one thousand world cycle, so very strong. For some meditators, the light of wisdom is very far away, maybe 2 or 3 miles or 4 or 5 miles or 10 miles etc.. So fourth jhāna concentration light is very powerful, with the assistance of that light if you discern ultimate materiality and ultimate mentality and their causes you can easily understand them. The ultimate materiality and ultimate mentality are the Noble Truth of Suffering, dukkhasacca dhammas, their causes are Samudayasacca dhammas, the Noble Truth of the origin of Suffering. These two Noble Truths are called “Saṅkhāra” formations, these “Saṅkhāra” formations are the object of Vipassanā, you must contemplate them as Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta systematically, at that time we can say you are practising Vipassanā thoroughly. To understand these ultimate Materiality and ultimate mentality and their causes as anicca, dukkha and anatta, strong powerful light of wisdom is necessary. Fourth jhāna concentration can produce strong powerful light of wisdom, but there are some meditators they also want to practise Kasiṇas and eight attainments. If they want to practise 10 Kasiṇas and 8 attainments, at that time when they discern 32 parts, such as head hair, body hair, nail, teeth, etc.. they can clearly see their different organs, different parts. If they can discern these 32 parts clearly at that time if they want to practise Kasiṇas, they can practise four color Kasiṇa, for example taking head hair as the object they can practise “Nīla” Kasiṇa. Nīla Kasiṇa they translate in different ways: some translators they translate as brown Kasiṇa, some translators they translate as black Kasiṇa, some translators they translate as blue black Kasiṇa which is true I don’t know but your head hair color, now what kind of head hair? Asian head hair color, especially Indian’s head hair color. That color is called Nīla, you can practise Nīla Kasiṇa. Taking your urine as object you can practise yellow Kasiṇa, taking your blood as the object you can practise “Lohita” Kasiṇa, red Kasiṇa; taking your skeleton as the object you can practise white Kasiṇa. If you can discern 32 parts internally and externally both, external head hair, etc.. also can be the color Kasiṇa object, so both internally and externally you can do color Kasiṇa. If you already practise these colors Kasiṇa then you can try other Kasiṇa also.

If you attain 10 Kasiṇas up to fourth jhāna stage then you can go to immaterial jhānas. If you practise 8 attainments, 8 types of jhāna, this jhāna is very strong and powerful, they can produce strong powerful light. So if you practise four Sublime Abidings, Mettā Loving kindness, Karuṇā Compassionate, Muditā Sympathetic Joy, and Upekkhā Equanimity, it will be very easy for you.

Today I will strop here my Dhamma talk, you can discuss about some questions.
Question: Is this better to have the eyes completely close or open a bit, in either case where should the eyes be pointed up or down, near or far?

Sayadaw: If you can forget your eyes like this, it is better (laughing), because close eye is better but when you close, here the earth, where should the eyes be up or down? Maybe if you can not forget your eyes, then it is a problem, another problem is when your nimitta appears, if you can concentrate on your nimitta then nimitta will be brighter and brighter and then the light of wisdom surrounding your body everywhere will become bright especially if you focus your nimitta with your close eyes at that time when your nimitta become bright at that time that light attack to your eyes, when the light attack to your eyes, at that time tears will come out, at that time concentration will decrease. This is one problem, Another problem is when you focus with open eyes to your nimitta, if you pratise many days or many months, then here many tensions will appear and your eyes will become painful, this is also another problem. Because of this reason if you can forget your eyes, it is better, but a little bit open or close, close is better, a little bit open is also not good. But while you are closing your eyes, you should put up or down? (laughing). This is your eye, this is also not good, you should forget everything about your eye, it is better, if you can not forget your eye then the problem will appear.

Каталог: wp-content -> uploads -> 2013
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2013 -> Số Hồ sơ: 103/ /thu cộng hòa xã HỘi chủ nghĩa việt nam số Hồ sơ: 103/ /thu-đC Độc lập Tự do Hạnh phúc
2013 -> Số Hồ sơ: 107/ /thu cộng hòa xã HỘi chủ nghĩa việt nam độc lập Tự do Hạnh phúc
2013 -> Niên Lịch Phụ Huynh/Học Sinh

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