Connecta learning pack 9

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu03.06.2024
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3.3 Neutralisation
The midway approach is known as neutralisation. With this method, you include a generalised term or description to explain a cultural reference. The aim is to transfer the cultural message from the source text to the target text while making sure that the target text is idiomatic and natural. If foreignisation and domestication are considered opposites of one another, neutralisation is a midpoint. For instance:
Source text (English): When he was a child, he loved the Christmas decorations and the surprises hidden in Christmas Crackers.
Target text (Spanish): Cuando era niño le encantaban los adornos de Navidad y las costumbres navideñas británicas.
Target text (French): Quand il était enfant, il aimait les décorations de Noël et les coutumes de Noël britanniques.
Target text (German): Als er ein Kind war, liebte er die Weihnachtsdekorationen und die englischen Weihnachtsbräuche.
Advantages of neutralisation :

  • It creates an idiomatic text that is easy to understand.

  • It does not completely disregard the source culture.

Disadvantages of neutralisation :

  • It partly eliminates the cultural elements of the source text.

3.4 Exercise 1
E1, Q1: Does your screenplay have any cultural references (e.g. names, places, references to celebrities, TV programmes, etc.)? If so, which method will you use to translate them and why? (Tip: if you don’t have any cultural references in your screenplay, you might want to use this exercise to add some).

E1, Q2: Using the space below, note down and translate at least three sentences of your screenplay that contain cultural references, try to do this using always the method you have chosen.

Sentence 1:

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