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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the questions from 56 to 65

Dissociative identity disorder is a psychological condition in which a person’s identity dissociated, or fragments, thereby creating distinct independent identities within one individual. Each separate personality can e distinction from the other personalities in a number of ways, including posture, manner of moving, tone and pitch of voice, gestures, facial expressions and use of language. A person suffering from dissociative identity disorder may have a large number of independent personalities or perhaps only two or three.

Two stories of actual women suffering from dissociative identity disorder have been extensively recounted in books and films that are familiar to the public. One of them is the story of a woman with 22 separate personalities know as Eve. In the 1950s, a book by Corbett Thigpen and a motion picture starring Joanne Woodward, each of which was titled The three faces of Eve, presented her story; the title referred to three faces, when the woman known as Eve actually experienced 22 different personalities, because only 3 of the personalities could exist at one time. Two decades later, Carolyn Sizemore, Eve’s 22nd personalities, wrote about her experiences in a book entitled I’m Eve. The second well-known story of a woman suffering from dissociative identity disorder is the story of Sybil, a woman whose 16 distinct personalities emerged over a period of 40 years. A book describing Sybil’s experiences was written by Flora Rreta Schreiber and was published in 1973; a motion picture based on the book and tarring Sally Field followed.

56. It is NNT stated in paragraph 1 that someone suffering from dissociative identity disorder has________

A. a psychological condition B. a fragmented identity

C. a number of independent identities D. some violent and some nonviolent identities

57. It is indicated in paragraph 1 that distinct personalities can differ in all of the following ways except_______

A manner of dressing B. manner of moving C. manner of speaking D. manner of gesturing

58. The word recounted in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to________

A. told about B. counted again C. explained clearly D. illustrated

59. The word them in paragraph 2 refers to_____________

A the two women suffering from dissociative identity disorder

B. the two stories of actual women suffering from dissociative identity disorder

C. a book and a film about the women

D. the personalities that the two women have

60. It is indicated in paragraph 2 that it is NOT true that Eve_______

A. suffered from dissociative identity disorder B. starred in the movie about her life

C. had 22 distinct personalities D. had only 3 distinct personalities at any one time

61. It is NOT stated in paragraph that The three Faces of Eve___________

A. was based on the life of a real girl B. was the title of a book

C. was the title of a movie D. was made into a movie in 1950

62. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 2 about Carolyn Sizemore EXCEPT that she____________

A. wrote I’m Eve B. was one of Eve’s personalities

C. wrote the book in the 1970s D. was familiar with all 22 personalities

63. According to paragraph 2, it is NOT true that Sybil_________

A. was a real person

B. suffered from dissociative identity disorder

C. developed all her personalities over 16 years

D. developed 16 distinctive personalities over a long period of time

64. It is NOT indicated in paragraph 2 that the book describing Sybil’s experiences_____

A. took 40 years to write B. was written by Flora Rheta Schreiber

C. appeared in the 1970s D. was made into a movie

65. Which of the following is true about Eve and Sybil?

A. One of them wrote a book about their own experiences during one of their many personalities

B. I’m Eve is a book written about Sybil’s story

C. All the books about Eve’s and Sybil’s stories were made into films

D. They were the only two women who suffered from dissociative identity disorder

Каталог: data -> file -> 2016
2016 -> VnDoc Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
2016 -> Những cặp con giáp hợp nhau nhất khi kết hôn
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2016 -> 50 cách siêu đơn giản giúp con thông minh ngay từ khi lọt lòng Những hành động tưởng chừng rất đỗi bình thường như thè lưỡi, cù vào ngón chân, cười với bé… cũng góp phần phát triển trí tuệ cho trẻ từ thuở lọt lòng
2016 -> Lời bài hát: Em đã biết Suni Hạ Linh tên thật là Ngô Đặng Thu Giang, từng cover rất nhiều ca khúc trên Youtube và đã từng tham gia cuộc thi Chinh Phục Ước Mơ tại Hàn Quốc cùng nhiều tên tuổi nổi tiếng như Soo Bin Hoàng Sơn
2016 -> CÁch khắc phục lỗI: htkk không chấp nhận bảng câN ĐỐi kế toán có SỐ ĐẦu năm của chỉ tiêU 411 = 0
2016 -> Hướng dẫn lập mẫu tk1 ts theo Quyết định 959/QĐ-bhxh
2016 -> Bài thuyết trình mẫu hay cho hội thi cắm hoa 8-3

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