Abandon a post Đào nhiệm Abandon a prossecution, an action

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Partial verdict In criminal law, a verdict by which the jury acquits the defendant as to a part of the

accusation and finds him guilty as to the residue.

Sự tuyên án có tội một phần

Party In a judicial proceeding, a litigant (plaintiff or petitioner on one side, defendant or

respondent on the other side); a person directly interested in the subject matter of a case.

Bên tranh tụng

Paternity Phụ tử hệ

Part-time release Permission given to a convicted offender or a junenile in custody to spend part of his

time in the community to learn a skill or to study, although the rest must be spent in jail

or in a correctional facility.

Tạm thích một phần thời gian để huấn nghệ.

Penal servitude Hình phạt khổ sai

Penal servitude for life Khổ sai chung thân

Penal settlement Trại phát lưu

Penalty Hình phạt

Penalty assessment Phạt vạ kèm theo hình phạt

Pending Đang tiến hành

Penitentiary Nhà tù, khán đường, trại giam

People (prosecution) Nhân dân ( công tố )

People vs.__________ Nhân dân k.__________

People`s burden of proof In criminal cases, the prosecution bears the burden of proof. The prosecution must

establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty of the crime he has been

charged with.

Gánh nặng bằng chứng về phía công tố

People`s exhibit Chứng tích của nhân dân (hay công tố viên)

Peremptory challenge Đặc quyền bãi miễn; khước biện quyết tuyệt

Peremptory defense Kháng biện về nội dung

Peremptory evidence Chứng cớ giải trách/giải miễn

Peremptory writ Trát đòi đích thân hầu toà; trát đòi đích thân xuất đình

Perjury Làm chứng gian; khai gian

Perjury subordination A crime consisting of the procurement of another to commit perjury.

Tội man khai

Permanent resident Thường trú nhân

Personal action Tố quyền động sản

Personal action at law Tố quyền đối nhân

Personal claim Trái quyền động sản

Personal File Number P.F.N. Number given by the police when a person is arrested. It corresponds to the

person`s fingerprints.

Số hồ sơ cảnh sát

Personal (own) recognizance Tự hứa sẽ ra hầu tòa

Personate To assume the identity of, with intent to deceive

Giả danh; mạo danh

Pertinent Thích hợp, thích đáng, đúng chỗ

Petit jury Ordinary trial jury, whose function is to determine issues of fact in civil and criminal

cases and to reach a verdict in conjunction with those findings. While the number of

jurors has historically been twelve , many states now permit six member juries in civil

cases, and some states permit six member juries to hear criminal cases as well.

Bồi thẩm đoàn

Petition Formal request for an order. Ask, request.

Sự cầu xin ; đơn xin. Thỉnh nguyện; kiến nghị

Petitioner Nguyên đơn, nguyên cáo

Petitory action Tố quyền sở hữu

Petty larceny Sự trộm vặt

Petty theft Ăn cắp vặt

P.F.N. Personal File Number.Number given by the police when a person is arrested. It corresponds to the person`s fingerprints.

Số hồ sơ cảnh sát

Pimping Làm ma-cô; dắt gái điếm

Place of abode Cư sở

Plaintiff The one who initially brings the suit to a court or who asks that a particular person be

prosecuted for a violation of law; he/she may also be called the moving party or the


Nguyên đơn, nguyên cáo

Plea Plead, enter a plea .The defendant response to a criminal charge (guilty, not guilty or

nolo contendere)

Khai về tội trạng

Plea at bar Khước biện quyết tuyệt; kháng chấp

Plea-bargain To make an agreement in which a defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge and the

prosecutor in return drops more serious charges.

Điều đình hoán tội

Plea bargaining The process whereby the accused, usually through his/her attorney, and the prosecutor

negociate a mutually satisfactory disposition of the case; plea negotiations can center

around the defendant`s pleading guilty to a lesser offense, or to only one or some of the

counts in a multi-count indictment or information; in return, the defendant seeks to

obtain concessions as to the type or length of his/her sentence or reduction of accounts

against him/her; however, such agreements do not bind the court which has discretion as

to whether to accept the plea and its attendant bargain or not..

Điều đình hoán tội

Plea of guilty A confession of guilt in open court

Thú tội trước tòa

Plea of nolo contendere One which has the same effect as plea of guilty in so far as regards the proceedings on

the indictment and it is a confession for the purpose of the criminal prosecution and does

not bind the defendant in a civil suit for the same wrong.

Để tùy tòa xét xử

Pleadings Statements, in logical and legal form, of the facts which constitute plaintiff`s cause of

action and defendant`s ground of defense.

Lý đoán; biện minh trạng; lời biện hộ

Plural marrige The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time. Also called


Chế độ đa hôn

Points and Authorities Statutes or cases cited to justify a legal conclusion.

Các điểm pháp lý và án lệ

Police court Police Magistrate.An inferior court having the power to prosecute minor criminal offenses and to hold for trial persons charged with more serious offenses

Toà vi cảnh

Police court magistrate Thẩm phán hoà giải

Polygamy The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time. Also called plural marriage.

Chế độ đa hôn

Polygraph Máy trắc nghiệm nói dối

Polygyny The condition or practice of having more than one wife at one time.

Chế độ đa thê

Positive law Thực tại pháp

Possessory action Tố quyền chấp hữu

Possession Refers to unlawful possession of narcotics or controlled dangerous drugs or marijuana.

Oa trử

Possession of drugs Oa trử chất ma túy

Possessory action Tố quyền chấp hữu

Posthumous child Con di phúc; một sinh tử

Postmortem examination Examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death. Also called

necropsy, postmortem, autopsy.

Sự khám nghiệm tử thi

Postponement Sự đình hoãn

Power of attorney Quyền ủy nhiệm

Prejudice Bias or preconceived opinion

Thành kiến

Preliminary hearing The prceeding in municipal court on felony charges at which time the committing magistrate must determine if there is probable cause to believe that the defendant is guilty and therefore must stand trial later in superior court.

Phiên tòa sơ vấn

Preparatory judgment Án dự phán

Preponderance of evidence General standard of proof in civil cases; that evidence which is more believable or

convincing to the trier of fact (judge or jury) than the evidence presented in opposition.

Ưu thế về bằng chứng

Prescription The process of acquiring title to property by reason of uninterrupted possession of

specified duration. Also called positive prescription. The limitation of time beyond

which an action, a debt, or a crime is no longer valid or enforceable. Also called negative


Thời hiệu

Pre-sentence investigation An inquiry into the background and personality of a convicted person so that the court

can take it into consideration before deciding what sentence should be imposed; usually

made by a probation officer who summits a probation report to the judge.

Điều tra trước khi tuyên án

Pre-sentence report Phúc trình trước khi tuyên án

Presumption of innocence Sự cho là vô tội.

You are presumed innocent until proven guilty.`Trước khi chứng minh là có tội bạn vẫn

được xem là người vô tội.

Presumptive evidence Bằng chứng bằng suy đoán

Pre-trial conference readiness hearing At any after the filing of the complaint/indictment or information the court upon motion

of a party or upon its own motion may order one or more conferences to consider such matters as will promote a fair and expeditious trial. At the conclusion of a onference the court shall prepare and file a memorandum of the matters agreed upon. No admissions made by the defendant shall be used against the defendant unless the admissions are reduced to writing and signed by the defendant and his attorney.

Hội kiến tại tòa trước phiên xử

Pre-trial release Tạm thích trước khi xử

Prima facie Evident without proof or reasoning; obvious: a prima facie violation of the treaty.

Hiển nhiên, rõ ràng, rành rành

Prima facie case A case in which the evidence presented is sufficient for a judgment to be made

unless the evidence is contested.

Vụ kiện có đủ bằng chứng

Prima facie evidence Evidence that would, if uncontested, establish a fact or raise a presumption of a fact.

Khởi chứng

Prima facie proof Refers to the quantity of evidence sufficient in law to raise a presumption of fact or to establish a particular fact unless rebutted by other evidences; similar in meaning to prima facie case.

Khởi chứng

Principal One who commits or is an accomplice to a crime.

Người phạm tội (chính phạm hoặc tòng phạm)

Principal in the first degree Chính phạm

Principal in the second degree Tòng phạm

Priorable offense Tội có thể trở thành tiền án

Prior convictions Priors

Tiền án

Priors Prior convictions

Tiền án

Prison Nhà tù; khám đường (tội đại hình)

Prisoner at the bar Bị cáo

Private international law Tư pháp quốc tế; luật phân tranh

Privilege Đặc quyền

Probable cause The reasonable belief, based on facts or circumstances, that a particular person has

committed a particular crime or that property subject to search and seisure is at a

designated location; probable cause is a requisite element of search and seisure and


Lý do khả tín

Probate Court A court limited to the jurisdiction of probating wills and administering estates.Surrogate

Court, Orphans` Court (Pa)

Toàn án Cô Nhi

Probation The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and

granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.

Sự quản chế; sự tạm tha có theo dõi

Probation, Formal Quản chế chính thức

Probation department Nha quản chế

Probation Officer One who supervises a person placed on probation by a court in a criminal proceeding. He

is required to report to the court the progress of the probationer and to surrender him if he violates the terms and conditions of his probation.

Viên chức Quản chế

Probation report Report written by a probation officer. Its main objective is to provide a detailed profile of

the offender in order to assist the judge in determining what the best sentence should be for the offender and the community. Most reports will contain recommendations for sentence, and these are often accepted by judges.

Tờ trình về việc quản chế.

Probation revocation Thu hồi quản chế

Probation, Summary Probation without supervision by the Probation Department.

Quản chế không cần Sở Quản Chế theo rõi

Probation violation A willful failure to observe and/or to comply with any of the terms or conditions of

probation; if the defendant is found to be in violation of his/her probation, the probation

may be revoked, modified or terminated.

Vi phạm quản chế

Procurator One authorized to manage the affairs of another; an agent.

Người đại quyền

Proof Evidence convincing to the judge or jury

Bằng chứng

Pro Per A defendant who represents himself without legal counsel (in propria persona)

Tự biện hộ

Property held in fee simple Tài sản không bị ràng buộc/được tự do/có thể cầm cố được

Prosecution Sự truy tố

Prosecution evidence Bằng chứng của công tố viên

Prosecution exhibits Chứng tích của công tố viên

Prosecutor Biện lý; công tố viên

Prospective jurors Bồi thẩm viên tương lai

Prostitution Mãi dâm

Provisional constitutional act Hiến ước tạm thời

Provisionally enforceable judgment Án văn chấp hành về nhất bộ

Public attorney Biện lý

Public defender P.D. An attorney employed by a government agency whose work consists primary

defending indigent defendants in criminal cases.

Luật sư bào chữa công cử

Public international Law Công pháp quốc tế

Public Law Công pháp

Public Prosecutor`s appeal against too mild a sentence

Kháng cáo tối thiểu

Pull the time waiver A defendant who has given up his right to a speedy trial may reaffirm his right and must

be brought to trial within 10 days after having reasserted his rights. This action is generally called `pulling the time waiver`.

Rút lui việc từ bỏ quyến được xét xử nhanh,

Pursue Tầm nã; truy nã

Pupil A minor under the supervision of a guardian

Trẻ em được giám hộ

Putative Generally regarded as such; supposed.

Ngộ tín; giả định, coi như là

Putative child Con ngộ tín

Putative father Người cha ngộ tín

Putative marriage Hôn nhân ngộ tín
Quash To put down or suppress forcibly and completely: quash a rebellion

Hủy bỏ; tiêu hủy

Quash a sentence on appeal Bác bản án sau khi phúc thẩm
Rambling (Nói) huyên thiên, dông dài, không có mạch lạc.

Rap sheet A criminal history (printout) including arrests and convictions. In Alameda County

it is often called a Corpus rap sheet.

Bản tóm lược tiền án

Rape An act of sexual intercourse with a person, accomplished by force or fear of bodily harm

or, in any case, without the person`s consent; an act of sexual intercourse with a female,

under the age of 18 years, not the wife of the perpetrator, accomplished with or without

her consent in the crime of Unlawful Sexual Intercourse ( Statutory Rape)

Hiếp dâm

Rape, statutory Hiếp dâm luật định

Rape in concert Hiếp dâm tập thể

Ravish To rape; violate

Cưỡng hiếp

Real action Tố quyền đối vật

Real evidence Chứng cớ vật thể

Reasonable doubt This is a term often used, but not easily defined; it does not mean a mere possible doubt,

because everything relating to human affairs and depending on moral evidence is open to

some possible or imaginary doubt; it is that state of the case which, after a full comparison and consideration of all the evidence, leaves the minds of the jurors (or the mind of the judge, in court trials) in that condition that they cannot say they feel an abiding conviction to a moral certainty of the truth of the charge.

Nghi vấn pháp lý

Reasonable doubt, Beyond a Ngoài nghi vấn pháp lý

Rebuttal The introduction of rebuttal evidence. Rebuttal evidence is any evidence that rebuts, counteracts , or disproves evidence given by a witness or other kind of evidence introduced by the opposing party; rebuttal evidence is offered to contradict other evidence or to rebut a presumption of fact.

Sự bác bỏ (luận cứ đối phương)

Reckless driving Lái xe ẩu tả

Recognizance An obligation of record that is entered into before a court or magistrate, containing a

condition to perform a particular act, such as making a court appearance. A sum of

money pledged to assure the performance of such an act.

Sự cam kết trước tòa; tiền bảo chứng

Recognizance ,Release on one`s own A condition under which an individual is released without bail, upon hi/sher promise to

appear and answer to a criminal charge; in general it involves only his/her promise to

appear. But sometimes special conditions may be imposed (e.g., remaining in the custody of another, abiding by travel restrictions, etc.)

Phóng thích với lời hứa sẽ ra hầu toà

Re-cross examination Tái vấn

Re-direct examination Questioning the witness after the cross-examination. The attorney who

conducted the direct examination conducts the re-direct examination.

Tái trực vấn

Redress Sửa lại cho thẳng; uốn nắn; khôi phục, đền bù

Re-entry permit Giấy chiếu khán khứ hồi

Refuse bail Bác đơn xin tự do tạm

Register of speech Style of speech

Phong cách ngôn ngữ

Registration as a sex offender Section 290 of the Penal code requires that persons convicted of certain sex offenses

must register with the local Police as a sex offender.

Đăng ký là người phạm tội về tính dục

Regulation Sự quy định; điều quy định; điều lệ

Release of information Cho phép tiết lộ tin tức ( hồ sơ cá nhân, sổ sách v.v..)

Relinquishment Sự từ bỏ

Remand To send back

Di giao

Remand to custody To send the prisoner bach to the place of confinement

Di giao phạm nhân về nơi giam giữ

Remedy Legal compensation for a wrong

Sự sửa sai; sự bồi thường

Replevin An action to recover personal property said or claimed to be unlawfully taken.The writ or

procedure of such an action. To replevy.

Sự giải hiệu sai áp; giải hiệu sai áp

Report Formal account of facts or information. To state

Bản phúc trình; báo cáo. Khai, trình, báo cáo.

Rescissory action Tố quyền thiệt tiêu

Reservation Sự hạn chế; điều kiện hạn chế

Residence Nơi cư trú, nhà ở

Residuary beneficiary Người kế quyền với tính cách bao quát

Residue The remainder of a testator's estate after all claims, debts, and bequests are satisfied. In

this sense, also called residuum.

Tất cả phần còn lại của di sản

Resolutive clause Ước khoản giải tiêu

Resolutory action Tố quyền giải tiêu

Respondent A person against whom an appeal is brought1

Bị kháng đơn

Restitution Sự bồi thường; sự đền bồi

Restraining order Án lệnh cấm chỉ

Retain Thuê (luật sư, thông dịch viên tòa án..)

Revocatory action Tố quyền truất bãi

Revoke Thu hồi

Right of action Quyền tố tụng

Right of inheritance Quyền thừa kế

Rights, constitutional Quyền hiến định

Rigid constitution Hiến pháp cương tính

Rigorous imprisonment Imprisonment in the second division

Phạt giam tiểu hình

Robbery The act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence

or intimidation.


Rule To decide

Phán; quyết định

Rost motion (CA) Defense motion seeking dismissal of the charges because of a claimed excessive delay in

arresting defendant

Thỉnh nguyện miễn tố vì cho rằng bắt giữ đã quá lâu.
Search and seizure Lục soát và tịch thu

Search warrant An order in writing, issued by a justice or other magistrate, in the name of the state,

directed to a law enforcement officer, commanding him/her to search a specified house,

shop or other premises, for physical evidence of an allegedly committed crime, and to

bring the same, when found, before the magistrate and usually also, the body of the

person occupying the premises, to be dealt with according to law.

Lệnh, trát xét nhà

Secured preferential claim Trái quyền ưu đãi

See, hear and question Coi, nghe và hỏi

Self-incrimination Sự tự buộc tội

Sentence The judgment formally pronounced by the court or judge upon the defendant after his/her

conviction in a criminal prosecution, awarding the punishment to be inflicted.

Bản án

Sentence in absence Án khuyết tịch

Sentenced in his/her absence Bị xử khuyết tịch

Sentence, Imposition of Sentence shall be imposed without reasonable delay. Before imposing sentence, the court

shall afford counsel an opportunity to speak on behalf of the defendant and shall address

the defenfant personally and ask him if he wishes to make s statement in his own behalf

and to present any information in mitigation of punishment. The attorney for the government shall have an equivalent opportunity to speak to the court.

Tuyên án

Self-defense Sự tự vệ

Self-incrimination Sự tự buộc tội

Sentence, Concurrent Án song hành

Sentence, Consecutive Án tiếp nối

Sentence, Suspended Án treo

Sentencing The post conviction stage of the criminal justice process in which the defendant is

brought before the court for imposition of sentence.

Kết án

Sequester To take temporary possession of (property) as security against legal claims

Tịch thu tạm thời (tài sản của ngườI thiếu nợ)

Separation Husband and wife`s cessation of residing together.

Sự ly thân; biệt cư

Serious felony Define by Statute, Section 1192.7, Subsection C of Penal Code. Serious felonies

carry with them enhanced penalties.

Hình tội gia trọng

Serve To deliver or present (a writ or summons).. To present such a writ to.

Lục tống; tống đạt

Каталог: groups -> 22934696
groups -> PHẦn chuyển tiếp kính thưa quý vị và các bạn trẻ, giữa những ngưới Việt chúng ta, tôi nói
groups -> Ý Nga sưu tầm và cập nhật hóa ngày 21-4-2013, với nhạc của nhạc sĩ: TừYên, Hà Thúc Sinh vừa thêm vào
groups -> BÁo cáo môn: RÈn luyện nghiệp vụ SƯ phạM 3
groups -> Phản Bội hay Tự Do cho Việt Nam ?
groups -> Tin khoa hoc december 31, 2010 Những vụ phóng vệ tinh thất bại trong 2010 Trong năm 2010, một số quốc gia đã vấp phải các sự cố trong việc phóng vệ tinh vào không gian
groups -> Một Thời Bạn Học Revised 8/4/10 việt nam
22934696 -> Abandon a post Đào nhiệm Abandon a prossecution, an action
22934696 -> Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta
22934696 -> Abdominal Thuộc về bụng Abdominal aorta
22934696 -> NHỮng vì sao câu chuyện của một chàng chăn chiên miền Provence

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