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Question 45. Paul Ekman is mentioned in the passage as an example of ____________.

A. researchers who can speak and understand many languages

B. investigators on universal emotional expressions

C. lacked many main ingredients

D. researchers on universal language

Question 46. Unlike American children, Asian children are encouraged to _______.

A. change their behaviour B. display their emotions openly

C. conceal their positive emotions D. control their emotions

Question 47. Smiles and frowns __________.

A. are not popular everywhere

B. are universal expressions across cultures

C. do not convey the same emotions in various cultures

D. have different meanings in different cultures

Question 48. Many studies on emotional expressions try to answer whether ______

A. raising the eyebrows has similar meaning to rounding the mouth.

B. eyebrow raising means the same in Minneapolis and Madagascar.

C. different cultures have similar emotional expressions.

D. rounding the mouth has the same meaning in Minneapolis and Madagascar.

Question 49. The best title for the passage is ________________.

A. Human habit of displaying emotions B. review of research on emotional expressions

C. cultural universals in emotional expressions D. ways to control emotional expressions

Question 50. The phrase "this evidence" refers to ______.

A. the fact that children are good at recognizing others' emotions

B. human facial expressions

C. the fact that children can control their feelings

D. a biological underpinning for humans to express emotions

Question 51. Young children _______.

A. spend a long time learning to read others' emotions

B. make amazing progress in controlling their emotions

C. are sensitive towards others' emotions

D. take time to control their facial expressions

Question 52. The word "evolved" is closest in meaning to __________.

A. simplified B. reduced C. developed D. increased

Question 53. According to the passage, we respond to others by _________.

A. watching their actions B. observing their emotional expressions

C. looking at their faces D. observing their looks

Question 54. The biggest difference lies in __________.

A. how intensive emotions are expressed B. how emotional responses are controlled

C. how long negative emotions are displayed D. how often positive emotions are shown
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

A survey is a study, generally in the form of an interview or a questionnaire, which provides information concerning how people think and act. In the United States, the best-known surveys are the Gallup poll and the Harris poll. As anyone who watches the news during presidential campaigns knows, these polls have become an important part of political life in the United States.

North Americans are familiar with the many "person on the street" interviews on local television news shows. While such interviews can be highly entertaining, they are not necessarily an accurate indication of public opinion. First, they reflect the opinions of only those people who appear at a certain location. Thus, such samples can be biased in favor of commuters, middle-class shoppers, or factory workers, depending on which area the new people select. Second, television interviews tend to attract outgoing people who are willing to appear on the air, while they frighten away others who may feel intimidated by a camera. A survey must be based on a precise, representative sampling if it is to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population.

In preparing to conduct a survey, sociologists must exercisegreat care in the wording of questions. An effective survey question must be simple and clear enough for people to understand it. It must also be specific enough so that there are no problems in interpreting the results. Even questions that are less structured must be carefully phrased in order to elicitthe type of information desired. Surveys can be indispensable sources of information, but only if the sampling is done properly and the questions are worded accurately.

There are two main forms of surveys: the interview and the questionnaire. Each of these forms of survey research has its advantages. An interviewer can obtain a high response rate because people find it more difficult to turn down a personal request for an interview than to throw away a written questionnaire. In addition, an interviewer can go beyond written questions and probefor a subject's underlying feelings and reasons. However, questionnaires have the advantage of being cheaper and more consistent.
Question 55. According to the passage, the main disadvantage of person-on-the-street interviews is that they______.

A. reflect political opinions B. are not carefully worded

C. are not based on a representative sampling D. are used only on television

Question 56. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The importance of polls in American political life

B. The principles of conducting surveys

C. Problems associated with interpreting surveys

D. The history of surveys in North America

Question 57. The word "they" refers to ______.

A. news shows B. interviews C. opinions D. North Americans

Question 58. Which word is given definition in the text?

A. survey B. sampling C. interview D. poll

Question 59. According to the reading passage, there are ____ main categories of surveys.

A. two B. four C. five D. three

Question 60. The word "indispensable" is closest in meaning to______.

A. expensive B. necessary C. simple D. complicated

Question 61. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is most important for an effective survey?

A. A high number of respondents

B. A sociologist who is able to interpret the results

C. Carefully worded questions

D. An interviewer's ability to measure respondents' feelings

Question 62. The word "precise" is closest in meaning to______.

A. planned B. required C. rational D. accurate

Question 63. It can be inferred from the passage that one reason that sociologists may become frustrated with questionnaires is that______.

A. questionnaires are expensive and difficult to distribute

B. respondents are too eager to supplement questions with their own opinions

C. respondents often do not complete and return questionnaires

D. questionnaires are often difficult to read

Question 64. According to the passage, one advantage of live interviews over questionnaires is that live interviews _____.

A. minimize the influence of the researcher B. costless

C. can produce more information D. are easier to interpret
B. SECTION B (2 points)

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentenceprinted before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

1.The book is so interesting that it has become the best-seller of this year.

It is __________________________________________________________________________

2. People think that he is an excellent football player.

He ___________________________________________________________________________

3. My mother started cooking for the party two hours ago.

My mother has _________________________________________________________________

4. In spite of the bad weather, they had a wonderful holiday.

Although ______________________________________________________________________

5. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number” said Paula to Susan.

Paula apologized________________________________________________________________
II. “Would you like to attend higher education or vocational training after leaving high schools?”

In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your choice.

---------THE END--------

(Đề thi gồm: 06 trang)


NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016


Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

Mã đề: 220

Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………….. Số báo danh: …………..

SECTION A: (8 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1. One of the reasons why families break up is that parents are always critical of each other.

A. tired B. intolerant C. supportive D. unaware

Question 2. It's discourteous to ask Americans questions about their age, marriage or income.

A. polite B. rude C. unacceptable D. impolite
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 3. A. career B. variety C.afraid D. transfer

Question 4. A. surfaces B. temples C. exercises D. pages
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. It is really an ____.

A. economics course interesting undergraduate B. undergraduate interesting economics course

C. interesting undergraduate economics course D. interesting economics undergraduate course

Question 6. Her boss fired her, ____made her angry.

A. this B. what C. that D. which

Question 7. If Lucy's car ____ down, she would be here right now.

A. wouldn't have been B. hadn't broken C. didn't break D. doesn't break

Question 8. We received a call from the teacher_______ charge of our course.

A. on B. in C. to D. at

Question 9. In 1837 the University of Michigan became the first state university ______ by a board of regents elected by the voters of the state.

A. under the control B. being controlled C. it was controlled D. to be controlled

Question 10. - ''Did you enjoy the movie yesterday?" - "_____"

A. Certainly, I'd be glad to. B. Yes, it is warmer than today.

C. No, I dislike moving. D. Not really. I couldn't follow the story.

Question 11. We all believe that a happy marriage should be ___ mutual love.

A. based on B. obliged to C. concerned with D. confided in

Question 12.Is it necessary that I _____ here tomorrow?

A. am being B. be C. were D. would be

Question 13. According to ___ people, most animal and plant species on earth will soon die out.

A. optimistic B. optimists C. pessimists D. pessimistic

Question 14. -"What a lovely house you have!" - "_____"

A. Thank you. Hope you will drop in. B. I think so

C. Of course not, it's not costly. D. No problem

Question 15. These school-leavers are looking forward ____ on campus.

A. to live B. living C. live D. to living

Question 16. You _____ the washing. My sister could have done it for you.

A. needn't have done B. couldn't have done C. mustn't have done D. hadn't to do

Question 17. Not until _____ in my paper ____ to write down my name on it.

A. I handed/ that I remembered B. did I hand/ I remembered

C. I handed/ did I remember D. did I hand/ did I remember

Question 18. ____ not to come late, the applicant set out for his job interview.

A. He was advised B. People advised him C. Advised D. Advising

Question 19. By the end of the 21st century, the first car running on the sea water ____.

A. will finish B. will be finished C. will have been finished D. will be finishing

Question 20. Would you like to take a gap year before ____ a university?

A. filling in B. applying for C. filling out D. applying to

Question 21. _______the film director, Ben Affleck, was famously left off of the 85th Oscar's Best Director list of nominees surprised everyone.

A. That B. Although C. What D. Due to

Question 22. My mother asked me _____

A. which tertiary institution I choose B. which tertiary institution did I choose

C. which tertiary institution I would choose D. which tertiary institution will I choose

Question 23. _____I get your letter, I will reply to you at once.

A. Now that B. As soon as C. By the time D. As though
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

You can usually tell when your friends are happy or angry by the looks on their faces or by their actions. This is useful because reading their emotional expressions helps you to know how to respond to them. Emotions have evolved to help us respond to important situations and to convey our intentions to others. But does raising the eyebrows and rounding the mouth say the same thing in Minneapolis as it does in Madagascar? Much research on emotional expressions has centered on such questions.

According to Paul Ekman, the leading researcher in this area, people speak and understand substantially the same "facial language". Studies by Ekman's group have demonstrated that humans share a set of universal emotional expressions that testify to the common biological heritage of the human species. Smiles, for example, signal happiness and frowns indicate sadness on the faces of people in such far- flung places as Argentina, Japan, Spain, Hungary, Poland , Sumatra ,the United States, Vietnam, the jungles of New Guinea , and the Eskimo villages north of Artic Circle. Ekman and his colleagues claim that people everywhere can recognize at least seven basic emotions: sadness, fear, anger, disgust, contempt, happiness, and surprise. There are, however, huge differences across cultures in both the context and intensity of emotional displays - the so called display rules. In many Asian cultures, for example, children are taught to control emotional responses - especially negative ones- while many American children are encouraged to express their feelings more openly. Regardless of culture, however, emotions usually show themselves, to some degree , in people's behavior. From their first days of life, babies produce facial expressions that communicate their feelings.

The ability to read facial expressions develops early, too. Very young children pay close attention to facial expressions, and by age five, they nearly equal adults in their skill at reading emotions on people's faces. This evidence all points to a biological underpinning for our abilities to express and interpret a basic set of human emotions. Moreover, as Charles Darwin pointed out over a century ago, some emotional expressions seem to appear across species boundaries. Cross - cultural psychologists tell us that certain emotional responses carry different meanings in different cultures. For example, what emotion do you suppose might be conveyed by sticking out your tongue? For Americans, this might indicate disgust, while in China it can signify surprise. Likewise, a grin on an American face may indicate joy, while on a Japanese face it may just as easily mean embarrassment. Clearly, culture influences emotional expressions.

Question 24. According to the passage, we respond to others by _________.

A. looking at their faces B. watching their actions

C. observing their emotional expressions D. observing their looks

Question 25. The biggest difference lies in __________.

A. how intensive emotions are expressed B. how long negative emotions are displayed

C. how often positive emotions are shown D. how emotional responses are controlled

Question 26. Unlike American children, Asian children are encouraged to _______.

A. control their emotions B. display their emotions openly

C. change their behaviour D. conceal their positive emotions

Question 27. The word "evolved" is closest in meaning to __________.

A. increased B. developed C. reduced D. simplified

Question 28. Paul Ekman is mentioned in the passage as an example of ____________.

A. lacked many main ingredients

B. investigators on universal emotional expressions

C. researchers who can speak and understand many languages

D. researchers on universal language

Question 29. Smiles and frowns __________.

A. are universal expressions across cultures

B. are not popular everywhere

C. do not convey the same emotions in various cultures

D. have different meanings in different cultures

Question 30. Young children _______.

A. spend a long time learning to read others' emotions

B. make amazing progress in controlling their emotions

C. take time to control their facial expressions

D. are sensitive towards others' emotions

Question 31. The phrase "this evidence" refers to ______.

A. human facial expressions

B. the fact that children can control their feelings

C. the fact that children are good at recognizing others' emotions

D. a biological underpinning for humans to express emotions

Question 32. Many studies on emotional expressions try to answer whether ______

A. rounding the mouth has the same meaning in Minneapolis and Madagascar.

B. eyebrow raising means the same in Minneapolis and Madagascar.

C. different cultures have similar emotional expressions.

D. raising the eyebrows has similar meaning to rounding the mouth.

Question 33. The best title for the passage is ________________.

A. ways to control emotional expressions B. review of research on emotional expressions

C. cultural universals in emotional expressions D. Human habit of displaying emotions
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 34. A. sacrifice B. interview C. confident D. impossible

Question 35. A. obvious B. powerful C. remember D. primary

Question 36. A. device B. vacant C. factor D. college
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 37. Rattan, a close relative of bamboo, is often used to make tables, chairs, and other furnitures.

A.furnitures B. to make C. is often D. a close

Question 38. Either Mr. Anderson or Ms Wiggins are going to teach our class today.

A. are B. Either C. or D. today

Question 39. I prefer living in a nuclear family than a joint one.

A. living B. than C. a nuclear family D. one

Question 40. In the future, we will certainly lead a more healthier life.

A. will B. more C. In D. certainly

Question 41. In the end of the story, Cinderella and the prince get married and live happily together.

A. get married B. the prince C. In the end D. happily
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 42. Thanks to better health care, there are more and more centenarians nowadays.

A. people who live 100 years or more

B. children who die at birth

C. people who suffer from fatal diseases

D. children whose parents can't afford their schooling

Question 43. In the 1980s, TV viewers began to hook up videocassette players to their TVs.

A. combine B. stop C. connect D. fasten

Question 44. These machines are older models and have to be operated by hand.

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