The impact of human capital management on operational performance at the gambia national water and

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This chapter is a description of the research methodology that guided the study. It 
outlines the procedure for data collection, the measures for the variables in the 
conceptual framework and the analytical techniques used. The data collection stage is 
important since the result of the analysis is dependent on the quality of the data 
obtained. Therefore, the method selected for data collection must be the most 
appropriate to assist in achieving the objectives of the study. 
Sources of data 
The main sources of data were primary and secondary. The primary data constituted 
results from the questionnaires and face-to-face interviews as well as observation by the 
researcher. The secondary data were provided by the Human Resource and 
Administration Division of the company.
3.1.1 Primary data 
Primary data was collected from a random sample of all categories of NAWEC 
permanent staff. The collection of primary data was through face-to-face semi-
structured interviews with some key and top Management staff of the company. 
Questionnaires were also distributed to other categories of staff who were supervisors, 
officers and clerks of the organization across the company to get a holistic view and 
understanding of the staff on the selected bundle of HR practices expected to impact 
their behaviours and in turn, performance. 

3.1.2 Secondary data 
Secondary data were provided from the Company records by the Human Resources 
Department and from various publications from the internet, textbooks, journals, reports 
and articles prepared by various universities. They were scrutinized to assess their 
suitability, reliability, adequacy and accuracy.

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