Practice test 50 part I. Grammar and vocabulary choose the best answer A, B, c or d for each of the following sentences

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PART IV: READING (25 points).
I, Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (10 points)
Rock carving suggest that Stone Age people were hunting whales for food as early as 2200 B.C. Such (1) ________ hunting is still practiced today in a number of (2) ________ including the Inuit people of Greenland and North America. Whaling became big business from the seventh century as the (3) ________ for whalebone and whale oil rose, and humpback and sperm whales were hunted in (4) ________ large numbers. But just as stocks of these species began to fall, the explosive harpoon-gun was (5) ________. This weapon, together with the development of steam-power ships, (6) ________ the whalers to hunt the fast-moving fin and blue whales.
In 1905 the whaling (7) ________ moved to the waters of Antarctica. The introduction of massive factory ships enabled the whales to be processed at sea. As a result, the blue whale had (8) ________ disappeared by the 1950s. In 1946 the International Whaling Commission was established to maintain the declining whale populations. Quotas were (9) ________ but these were often (10)________ and numbers continued to fall. Hunting of many species continued until 1986 when the IWC finally responded to international pressure and a ban on commercial whaling was introduced.

1, A. survival

B. essential

C. basic

D. subsistence

2, A. groups

B. societies

C. races

D. nationalities

3, A. demand

B. desire

C. request

D. reliance

4, A. repeatedly

B. frequently

C. continually

D. increasingly

5, A. invented

B. discovered

C. assembled

D. applied

6, A. managed

B. employed

C. enabled

D. empowered

7, A. lines

B. troops

C. staff

D. fleets

8, A. virtually

B. possibly

C. uniquely

D. commonly

9, A. made

B. set

C. placed

D. done

10, A. refused

B. denied

C. ignored

D. exempted

II, Read the text below and choose the best answer: (10 pts0
Since water is the basis of life, composing the greatest part of the tissues of all living things, the crucial problem of desert animals is to survive in a world where sources of flowing water is rare. And since man's inexorable necessity is to absorb large quantities of water at frequent intervals, he can scarcely comprehend that many creatures of the desert pass their entire lives without a single drop.
Uncompromising as it is, the desert has not eliminated life but only those forms unable to withstand its desiccating effects. No moist-skinned, water-loving animals can exist there. Few large animals are found: the giants of the North American desert are deer, the coyote, and the bobcat. Since desert country is open, it holds more swift-footed, running, and leaping creatures than the tangled forest. Its population is largely nocturnal, silent, filled with reticence, and ruled by stealth.
Yet they are not emaciated. Having adapted to their austere environment, they are as healthy as animals anywhere in the world.
The secret of their adjustment lies in a combination of behavior and physiology. None could survive, if, like mad dogs and Englishmen, they went out in the midday sun, many would die in a matter of minutes. So most of them pass the burning hours asleep in cool, humid burrows underneath the ground, emerging to hunt only by night. The surface of the sun-baked desert averages around 150 degrees, but 18 inches down the temperature is only 60 degrees.

1, What is the topic of the passage?

A, Forest life


Animal life

C, Desert life


Desert plants

2, phrase 'those forms' refers to all the following EXCEPT

A, many large animals


water-loving animals

C, moist-skinned animals


the bobcat

3, word 'inexorable' is closest in meaning to ____

A, Demanding



C, Full



4, author mentions all of the following as examples of the behavior of desert animals EXCEPT

A, animals are watchful and quiet


animals dig homes underground

C, animals are noisy and aggressive


animals sleep during the day

5, word 'them' refers to_______

A, behavior and physiology


mad dogs and Englishmen

C, desert animals



6, word 'emaciated' is closest in meaning to ______

,A, unmanageable



C, wild



7, author states that one characteristic of animals living in the desert is that they.________________

A, Can hunt in temperature of 150 degrees


are smaller and fleeter than forest animals

C, are less healthy than animals living in different places


live in an accommodating environment

8, ch of the following generalizations is supported by the passage?

A, All living things adjust to their environments.


Healthy animals live longer lives.

C, Desert life is colorful.


Water is the basis of life.

9, word 'burrows' is closest in meaning to_____.

A, underground holes


underground nests

C, underground houses


underground caves

10, is the temperature 18 inches underground compared to that on the surface in the desert?

A, Less than half


much higher

C, The same



III. Read the following passage. Choose from the sentences A-F given which best fits in each numbered gap 1-5. There is one sentence you don’t need to use. (5 pts)
Carnival is definitely not a spectator sport. It is very difficult to get carried away by the atmosphere unless you are taking part in it yourself and by that I mean wearing a disguise of some kind, even if it’s nothing more than a mask or a funny hat. In fact, the number of people (1) _________ is usaully fairy small, so you will almost certainly be conspicuous out of fancy dress. You are bound to regret not having gone to a bit of trouble when (2) ___________ having the time of their lives. Ask a friend to lend you a costume if (3) _____________ . You may even find that (4) _____________ . If all else fails, you can always improvise with old streets and clothes, after all, you don’t have to look spectacular, elegant or beatiful, but you should try to enter into the spirit of the festivities if (5) ___________ .
A. you do not have one B. who do not bother to dress up
C. who don’t want to make trouble D. they are available for hire somewhere
E. you want to join them F. you see everybody else

PART V: WRITING ( 25 pts)
I. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them.
(5 pts)
1, It was wrong of you to allow a 4-year-old child to walk home alone.
You should ..................................................................................................................................
2, I could realize how important the family is only after I left home.
Not until ......................................................................................................................................
3, Mrs. Green is proud of her son’s contribution to the play.
Mrs. Green is proud of what ........................................................................................................
4, The recruited very few young engineers.
Hardly .........................................................................................................................................
5, Only two out of the five rooms we have booked have air conditioning.
We have booked five rooms, only ..............................................................................................
II. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word in the brackets. The second sentence must be as close as possible in meaning to the first. (5p)

  1. The police ended the fighting between the two gangs by arresting the leader. (STOP)


  1. I used to be familiar with every corner of this school. (HAND)


  1. The police never actually accused his wife of committing a crime. (POINT)


  1. The box of candy was passed from one person to another. (HAND)


  1. The Prime Minister resigned because of his sudden illness. (FROM)

III. Nowadays, cell phones are very popular among students. They use cell phones almost any time, anywhere. Do you think this is good for them? What are advantages and advantages of cell phones? Support your opinion by using specific reasons & details. Write a paragraph in about 200 words. (15 pts)
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