Mms dosierung

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu20.05.2018
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Methode zwei: Stellen Sie, wie oben beschrieben, eine zehnprozentige Zitronensäurelösung her, und besorgen Sie sich im Naturkostladen Fruktose. Fruktose ist ein Zucker, der den Blutzuckerspiegel nicht ansteigen lässt (sofern man kein Diabetiker ist). Vergleichbar ist der Konsum von Fruktose mit dem Verzehr eines Apfels.

Schritt eins: Stellen Sie eine frische Lösung her, indem Sie vier Teelöffel der Zitronensäurelösung in ein halbes Glas Wasser geben und zwei gehäufte Teelöffel Fruktose hinzufügen. Rühren Sie so lange, bis sich die Fruktose vollständig aufgelöst hat.

Schritt zwei: Aktivieren Sie Ihre persönliche Anzahl an MMS-Tropfen mittels der fünffachen Menge an Zitronensaft- oder säure. Warten Sie drei Minuten, wie gewohnt. Das MMS-Gemisch sollte nun gelblich sein. Gießen Sie das gelbliche, aktivierte MMS in das mit Zitronensäure und Fruktose versetzte halbe Glas Wasser. Warten Sie kurz, bis sich der Geruch verzogen hat, oder stellen Sie Ventilator oder Dunstabzugshaube an.

Schritt drei: Trinken Sie nicht das komplette halbe Glas MMS mit Zitronensäure auf einmal. Nehmen Sie über die nächsten Stunden hinweg immer wieder einen Schluck, und trinken Sie immer einen Schluck Wasser hinterher. Gehen Sie auch so vor, wenn Sie eine Grippe, eine Erkältung oder eine Lungenentzündung haben. Auf diese Weise wirkt das MMS effektiver gegen die Erkrankung.

Anmerkungen: Das MMS ist aktiv, solange die Flüssigkeit im Glas gelblich oder gelblich-grün ist. Das ist bis zu vier Stunden lang der Fall. Wenn man das MMS auf diese Weise einnimmt, wirkt es umso besser, weil der Körper so kontinuierlich mit frischem MMS versorgt wird. Das halbe Glas liefert mit jedem Schluck frischen Nachschub an Chlordioxidteilchen, während die alten Teilchen in die Luft entweichen oder sich im Glas auflösen. Trinkt man alles auf einmal, verdünnt sich das MMS im Körper, und das Dioxid wird langsamer abgegeben. Somit ist es effektiver, die Mischung Schluck für Schluck zu trinken.

Kann MMS in Verbindung mit Chemotherapie verwendet werden?

Mir ist nicht bekannt, dass es je Probleme bei der gleichzeitigen Einnahme von Chemotherapie-Tabletten und MMS gegeben hätte. Viele Personen haben beides genommen – was nicht heißt, dass nie Probleme aufgetreten sind, nur weil ich von keinen weiß. Bislang ist mir aber von keinem Problem berichtet worden, solange zwischen der Einnahme des einen und des anderen mindestens vier Stunden liegen. Die Chemotherapie zerstört das Immunsystem. Das lässt sich nicht bestreiten. Die Beweise, die für die lebensverlängernde Wirkung einer Chemotherapie sprechen, sind umstritten. Die Ärzteschaft ist schon zufrieden, wenn ein neues Medikament die Lebenserwartung eines Patienten von zehn auf zwölf Monate hebt. Das MMS rüstet das Immunsystem auf, die Chemotherapie rüstet es ab. Ich kann nur hoffen, dass die Einnahme von beidem keinen Schaden verursacht. Behandelt man identische Krebsarten jeweils mit MMS oder Chemo, so ist es meines Erachtens wahrscheinlicher, dass das MMS die Lebenserwartung um zwanzig Jahre erhöht, als dass die Chemotherapie das Leben auch nur um zwei Monate verlängert.

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Wie überdeckt man den Geschmack von MMS

Viele Menschen entwickeln mit der Zeit einen regelrechten Widerwillen gegen den Geruch und Geschmack von MMS. Darunter auch ich, weshalb ich einige Methoden entwickelt habe, um dem Problem beizukommen.

Hunderte, wenn nicht gar tausende Menschen haben anfangs gesagt: „Ach, so schlecht schmeckt MMS gar nicht.“ Einige Wochen später wird ihnen schon übel, wenn sie nur an MMS denken. Ich glaube, dass dieser Ekel eine Abwehrreaktion der zahlreichen Mikroorganismen im Körper ist, die abgetötet werden. Es erscheint mir nur logisch, dass ihr Überlebensmechanismus mit Widerwillen auf die Aussicht, getötet zu werden, reagiert, und sich dieser Widerwille auf den Wirt überträgt. Denn wenn der Wirt seinerseits genügend Widerwillen entwickelt, sodass er das Heilmittel nicht länger nimmt, überleben die Mikroorganismen. Vielleicht ist diese Sicht falsch, aber Fakt ist, dass der Widerwille schwindet, je „sauberer“ der Körper wird. Der Ekel sollte aber gar nicht erst so groß werden, dass der bloße Gedanke einen schon krank macht, denn das kann dazu führen, dass man die Behandlung nicht durchhält.

Im Folgenden also ein Weg, den Eigengeschmack von MMS zu unterdrücken. Halten Sie sich genau an die Anleitung, denn wenn Sie einen oder zwei Punkte auslassen, ist das Ganze wirkungslos. Sie brauchen einen dicken und/oder geschmacksintensiven Saft. Kaufen Sie am Besten ein Konzentrat (Apfel, Cranberry, Traube oder Ananas), und füllen Sie dieses nur mit so viel Wasser auf, dass der Saft ein wenig dicklich ist. Wenn Sie kein Saftkonzentrat ohne Vitamin-C-Zusatz finden, dann nehmen Sie einfach einen besonders geschmacksintensiven Saft (natürlich ebenfalls ohne zugesetztes Vitamin C).

Schritt 1. Füllen Sie ein Glas zur Hälfte mit dem Saft, in den Sie später die MMS-Dosis geben. Falls die Dosis stark ist, nehmen Sie ruhig etwas mehr als nur ein halbes Glas Saft. Geben Sie zwei Teelöffel der zehnprozentigen Zitronensäurelösung hinzu. (Die Zitronensäure ist eventuell nicht nötig, sofern Sie die nächsten Schritte genauestens beachten.)

Schritt 2. Füllen Sie etwas Saft in ein zweites Glas. In diesen Saft wird kein MMS gegeben; er ist zum „Nachspülen“. Nehmen Sie zum Nachspülen unbedingt den gleichen Saft, in den Sie auch die MMS-Tropfen geben. Ein Viertel Glas sollte genügen.

Schritt 3. In einem dritten Glas setzen Sie nun die MMS-Lösung an. Nehmen Sie die üblichen fünf Tropfen Zitronensäurelösung pro Tropfen MMS, und warten Sie drei Minuten lang. Geben Sie dann das halbe Glas Saft aus Schritt 1 hinzu. Das Ganze schmeckt nicht so sauer, wie man vielleicht denken mag. Wenn es Ihnen aber zu säurehaltig ist, lassen Sie die Zitronensäure einfach weg.

Schritt 4. Legen Sie sich ein Bonbon bereit, zum Beispiel ein großes Zitronen- oder Karamellbonbon. Stecken Sie sich das Bonbon in den Mund, bevor Sie die MMS-Mischung trinken, und lutschen Sie es. Dies ist ganz wichtig. (Sie müssen das Bonbon nicht ganz lutschen, den Großteil können Sie ruhig wegwerfen.)

Schritt 5. Dies ist der wichtigste Schritt. Trinken Sie das halbe Glas Saft mit MMS, und trinken Sie sofort, ohne Luft zu holen, den Saft ohne MMS hinterher. Es muss der gleiche Saft sein, und zwar ohne MMS. Wenn Sie ihn sofort hinterherspülen, ohne zwischendurch Luft zu holen, sollte Ihnen der MMS-Geschmack eigentlich erspart bleiben. Wenn Sie zwischendurch atmen, oxidiert das MMS auf Ihrer Zunge den Sauerstoff in der Atemluft. Falls Sie dennoch aus Versehen Luft holen, müsste das Bonbon den MMS-Geschmack dennoch übertönen. Sie können das Bonbon ausspucken, sobald Sie sicher sind, dass der Geschmack „bekämpft“ ist.

Wenn Sie an Grippe oder einer anderen Infektion leiden und eine Dosis von 20 bis 30 Tropfen angesetzt haben, von der Sie alle halbe Stunde einen Schluck nehmen, können Sie genauso vorgehen: Halten Sie ein Glas Saft bereit, in dem kein MMS ist, und nehmen Sie immer sofort einen Schluck davon, wenn Sie vom Saft mit MMS getrunken haben. Lutschen Sie dabei ein Bonbon.


First Start with just a drop! No more!

Take a drop and 5 drops of activator into a clean glass. Shake the jar.
Wait 3 minutes and fill the jar with clean water. Instead of
Water is also freshly squeezed juice, but no vitamin C!
Drink now. Then you can drink as much water or juice as you want.
1 drop of MSS, always 5 times more of activator.
It means:
2 drops MMS + 10 drops of activator.
3 drops MMS + 15 drops of activator.
5 drops of MMS plus 25 drops of activator.
10 drops MMS + 50 drops of activator.
... ....
Now that you've taken 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) 1 drop, take
The next day they daily 2 drops 3x.
Increase the dose up to max. 6 drops plus 30 drops of activator three times a day.
If there is vomiting, you must reduce the dose the next time. (As a rule only
15 drops against malaria, for example.) Diarrhea is absolutely normal as bacteria, worms, ect.
is excreted by the MMS. So the body is "cleansed".
If you feel comfortable with 6 drops, you can increase the dose.

Why does not MMS also the healthy cells and beneficial bacteria in the body?

The proof for what I argue below, is already for many decades before. Throughout the world, but mainly in the U.S. and Europe, chlorine dioxide is used for well over seventy years in water treatment systems to kill pathogens without damaging the beneficial bacteria are damaged or the metal of the plant is attacked. Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing agent. That's all it is and does - it oxidizes things. It remains stable for several hours and then breaks up into table salt.
Oxidation does not necessarily mean that oxygen combines with other substances in the body. Not only oxygen can oxidize other chemical substances in category oxidant das. oxygen can have the appropriate properties in order to oxidize exactly what the body is at its disposal to produce heat by oxidation. Man is dependent on that permanent oxygen for the oxidation in the body, or he dies. The other oxidizing agents are also useful but may be in the body but only limited use.
To understand why chlorine dioxide causes no harm to the body, we must first deal with the basics of oxidation. Do not worry, it's not too complicated. All oxidants have the property of each form of matter electrons escape. This is very important, because electrons are what matter sticks together - literally hold everything together electrons. An object is extracted from the electrons, then it falls apart. We can imagine the electron as a shell. This case holds all the particles that reside within them.
The most important feature of oxidants is its oxidation strength. The technical term for this is ORP (oxidation reduction potential), but let us remain at the simplicity of the term oxidation strength. Oxygen has just the right oxidizing strength to oxidize in the body the things that are to be oxidized. He is not strong enough to oxidize cells and other body parts. The oxidation destroyed by oxygen elements in the body that must be destroyed, so the body can stay alive. Suffocates the body, it is because toxins have fallen into the brain, which had carried the inhaled oxygen to be rendered harmless. Oxygen has an ORP, which corresponds to 1.3 volts. This voltage (oxidation potential) is sufficient to oxidize the toxins produced by the body, but not to oxidize healthy cells, or the hundreds of species of benign bacteria, the body needs to function properly.
An oxidizing strength exceeds 1.3 volts, can wreak havoc in the body and / or kill the beneficial bacteria. For this reason a man will get sick if they breathe pure oxygen for too long. Too much oxygen can harm healthy cells. But mostly avoids the self-regulatory mechanism of the body through breathing that an overdose of oxygen is absorbed.

Chlorine dioxide (the chemical that caused by the MMS) has an oxidation potential, which is far below that of oxygen and 0.95 volts. Thus, it is far less than that of oxygen. In the body, there is virtually nothing that can oxidize chlorine dioxide - certainly not benign bacteria that are destroyed only from 1.45 volts. Do you understand? Chlorine dioxide has no harmful oxidation of the corresponding strength to the human body can be.

But what of pathogens such as harmful bacteria and parasites? These anaerobic organisms are structured differently. You do not use oxygen and are therefore far less resistant to oxidation than benign bacteria and body cells use oxygen to both. Pathogens have the ORP of 0.95 volts, the chlorine dioxide has to oppose anything.
Thus, the disease is destroyed without the body being harmed.
Although chlorine dioxide has only a low oxidation potential, it is nevertheless the most intense of all oxidants. This can be anything that it oxidizes, literally explode. This is comparable to a pack of wolves: One wolf alone is not dangerous, but a whole pack can be quite threatening.
For a better understanding, let us now look at the other side of the oxidation potential of oxygen. One of the strongest oxidizing agent is ozone at all. Its thickness corresponds to 2.07 volts oxidation and is thus much higher than that of oxygen. Ozone oxidizes everything that can oxidize, and therefore kill off all known pathogens. For this reason, ozone is also used as therapy and often injected directly into the veins. This is problematic in that it damaged on its way through the body healthy tissue. The ozone consumed itself on the fact that it oxidizes almost everything with which it comes into contact with the body long before it reaches its intended target. This is not a criticism of the ozone therapy. In certain cases it may well serve its purpose. Nevertheless, ozone could be replaced in many cases by MMS.
If you want a proof that the MMS does not kill beneficial bacteria, then you do it the way I and many others have done it: Drink several weeks, the MMS on an empty stomach and at different levels of concentration. If the MMS killing the bacteria in the stomach, then this will be felt by high clogging. Take in this case, lactic acid bacteria as a countermeasure ... Of course I'm kidding - no one has ever managed to kill the beneficial bacteria in his stomach by the MMS. That proves I'm right, as is the fact that chlorine dioxide has been used for decades to kill pathogens in water treatment plants, without damaging the organisms are benign. And ultimately proves the chemistry, as discussed above, that I'm right. But ask a chemist, but you should make sure that he understands something of his subject. Many chemists know very little about that is chlorine dioxide. Make sure that he makes himself acquainted before drawing any conclusions.

MMS helps against asthma?

Many times, the MMS has had an asthma attack subside within ten minutes or less, but it always helps. In asthma, the MMS helps most likely over a longer period. Whether the MMS can stop an asthma attack instantly or how long it takes to defeat the asthma completely depends on the particular manifestation of the disease. MMS always helps, but if the organism of the person concerned has already been damaged beyond repair, then the MMS may also do nothing more. An irreparable injury is rare, and often treatment with MMS over a longer period of time has success.
Start with two drops twice daily. Administer the drops after a meal. If the person gets sick, it may be that he quit using the MMS and no longer wants to take. You should therefore try to prevent this. Work your way up gradually to 15 drops three times daily. It may take months to tolerate such a high dose without one is bad. This is because the MMS kills off little by little and detoxifies the body. (At least, I'm going out. Anyway, I've seen many people who have recovered from various illnesses, and they usually felt good and energetic, soon caused the drops no nausea anymore.) Asthma is not easy to fix, But all those who have persevered in the treatment, she succeeded.
On 4 January 2008 a lady called me and told me that their asthma symptoms have disappeared completely. She said she had called me two months before and told me that her asthma was getting worse, since they take the MMS. You have the twelve-held inhaler six times as before, must use a day. I would have advised her to discontinue the treatment is not yet, and they have not done so, despite their asthma was worse than a half months before.
But then it got better in one fell swoop. In less than 15 days from the symptoms were so much that she needed the inhaler is no longer breathing and had no more problems.
Why chlorine dioxide remains for up to twelve hours in the body?
A Chlordioxidion or particles remain stable for only two hours. A dose of MMS but is stable over a period of twelve hours away free Chlordioxidionen. This means that delivers the dose with time less chlorine dioxide until the MMS is no longer active after twelve hours. Again, each Chlordioxidion remains stable for only two hours. Then it becomes chloride (table salt), uncharged oxygen and another component that is essential for the immune system. It leaves nothing that could lead to side effects.
Why can not the use of MMS lead to malaise?
If the intake of MMS leads to discomfort, then that's always a good sign. Every change is a sign that the MMS works and kills harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts, and parasites. By the dead organisms arise toxins. These trigger the so-called Herxheimer reaction.
Once an apparently negative reaction occurs on the MMS, you should reduce the dose in each case. The more violent the reaction, the more drastic, you should reduce your next dose. Go back possibly to one or even half a drop, but do not cover the MMS. If at all possible, you reduce by not more than one or two drops. But you reduce the number of drops in any case. Do not make yourself sick. There is no evidence that persistent diarrhea is reasonable. Diarrhea only deprives the body of water and minerals. You go in such a case always returns to the dose that you have tolerated well, and stick to the instructions in section two of the protocol below. Remember: DOSE NOT HARD TO KEEP YOU ILL MAKE. There is no evidence that this makes sense.
Even small quantities of MMS to kill pathogens. Always take only just so many drops as you can tolerate without unpleasant side effects.
First Hold firmly to any dose that makes you sick.
Second Stop taking this medicine never completely.
How can the natural taste of the MMS drown?
Follow one of the below suggestions.
Method one: Set the dose as described above and using your personal number of drops. Take one of the juices listed below, which you fill the glass to a third or half. Before you add the juice into the glass with MMS and acid, add him two to three teaspoons of citric acid solution. If you know the juice is too acid-heavy because you drink immediately after MMS mixed with juice or two glasses of water. Below I describe the exact sequence again.
So you know exactly what you must, here it all over again in the appropriate sequence: Enter your personal number of drops in a glass and add, as usual, add five drops per drop of MMS lime or lemon juice or citric acid . Wait three minutes, as usual. Before you give now the juice into a glass, add two to three teaspoons of ten per cent citric acid solution. Then pour the juice into the glass with the MMS. Drink the mixture, if you have a weak stomach, drink immediately after one or two more glasses of water.
The real juice is desinged each apple, grape or pineapple juice without vitamin C supplementation. You can also take pomegranate juice, which is found in many natural food stores or in well-stocked supermarkets. Also, cranberry juice is useful if you hardly even without added vitamin C which is. If necessary, it also does a juice concentrate. The additional citric acid in the juice prevents you develop an aversion to the taste of the MMS. Try it out if you belong to the people who are disgusted by the taste. Good luck!
Method two: Make as above, a ten percent citric acid solution is prepared, and get yourself in natural foods stores fructose. Fructose is a sugar that raises blood sugar levels (if you're not a diabetic). Comparable to the consumption of fructose with the consumption of an apple.
Step one: Make a fresh solution by giving four teaspoons of citric acid solution in a half glass of water and add two teaspoons of fructose. Stir until the fructose has dissolved completely.
Step two: Check your personal number of MMS drops by five times the amount of lemon juice or acid. Wait three minutes, as usual. The MMS mixture should now be yellow. Pour the yellow activated MMS with citric acid and fructose in the offset half glass of water. Wait briefly until the smell has cleared or set to fan or range hood.
Step Three: Do not drink the glass half full MMS with citric acid at a time. Take over the next few hours across time and again a sip, and you always drink a sip of water afterwards. Also skip this if you have the flu, a cold or pneumonia. In this way, the MMS is more effective against the disease.
Notes: The MMS is active as long as the liquid in the glass is yellowish or yellowish-green. That is up to four hours of the event. If one takes the MMS in this way, it works better because the body is thus continuously supplied with fresh MMS. Half the glass with each sip provides fresh supplies of Chlordioxidteilchen, while the old particles escape into the air or dissolve in the glass. You can drink it all at once, the MMS diluted in the body, and the dioxide is released more slowly. Thus, it is more effective to mix the drink sip by sip.


MMS can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy?
I am not aware that there had been more problems with the concurrent administration of chemotherapy tablets and MMS. Many people have taken both - which does not mean that no problems have occurred, only because I know of none. So far I have been reported but no problem as long as between the intake of one and the other at least four hours apart. The chemotherapy destroys the immune system. This can not be denied. The evidence in favor of the survival benefits of chemotherapy are controversial. The medical profession is satisfied if a new drug raises a patient's life expectancy of ten to twelve months. The MMS upgraded to the immune system, chemotherapy is upgraded from. I can only hope that the administration of both caused no damage. Treatment of identical cancers, each with MMS or chemo, so I think it is likely that the MMS increased life expectancy by twenty years than that chemotherapy prolongs life only for two months.
Other answers to many questions (in English)
On my site you will find an MMS Advisor (constantly growing) number of answers to frequently asked questions. The most important texts of this site are now included in the second edition of the German printed book. If you did not receive a response to your questions, then you can also write to me directly. My answer, you will receive via e-mail, at the same time it is posted on my English site.
How about you cover the taste of MMS
Many people develop over time a real aversion to the smell and taste of MMS. Including myself, so I have developed several methods to solve the problem.
Hundreds, if not thousands of people have said before: "Oh, that bad taste MMS did not." A few weeks later they are already sick when they think of MMS. I believe that this disgust is a defensive reaction of many microorganisms in the body that are killed. It seems only logical that her survival mechanism to be killed in disgust at the prospect, responding, and this reluctance is transmitted to the host. For if the host itself sufficiently developed aversion, so that he no longer takes the medicine, surviving microorganisms. Perhaps this view is wrong, but the fact is that the reluctance disappears, the more "clean" the body. The disgust but should not even be so large that the mere thought makes an already sick, because that can cause you do not hold out the treatment.

Below that is a way to suppress the natural taste of MMS. Adhere strictly to the instructions, because if you miss one or two points, the whole is ineffective. You need a thick and / or flavourful juice. It is best to buy a concentrate (apple, cranberry, grape or pineapple), and fill it up with only so much water that the juice is a little pudgy. If you can not concentrate juice without vitamin C supplement, then just take a particularly flavoursome juice (of course, also without added vitamin C).

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