§¹i häc Quèc gia Hµ Néi Tr­êng §¹i häc Khoa häc Tù nhiªn Céng hoµ x· héi chñ nghÜa ViÖt Nam

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§LTN 526

§a d¹ng sinh häc vµ qu¶n lý c¸c khu b¶o tån thiªn nhiªn

Biodiversity and management of natural protected areas


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. B¶o vÖ sù sèng vµ tÝnh ®a d¹ng sinh häc cña Tr¸i ®Êt, 1993. "Cøu lÊy Tr¸i ®Êt". NXB KHKT (B¶n dÞch) trang 28-45.

2., Trung t©m Nghiªn cøu tµi nguyªn vµ m«i tr­êng, 1996. X©y dùng chiÕn l­îc qu¶n lý vµ b¶o vÖ tµi nguyªn ®Êt ngËp n­íc. Bé Khoa häc C«ng nghÖ vµ M«i tr­êng, Hµ Néi.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o

3. Lawrence (Ed), 1993. Ethics, religion and biodiversity. East - West center, Honolulu, USA.


§LTN 527

Quy ho¹ch b¶o vÖ m«i tr­êng: lý luËn vµ thùc tiÔn

Environmental planning: theory and practice


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. Côc m«i tr­êng 8/1996. S¸ch h­íng dÉn vÒ m«i tr­êng vµ ph¸t triÓn ®« thÞ.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm

2. John M. Edington & M. Ann Edington, 1970. Ecology and evironmental planning.

3. John H. Baldwin, 1985. Environmental Planning and Management

4. Leonard Ortolano, 1993. Environmental planning and decision making.


§LTN 528

§Þa lý biÓn §«ng ViÖt Nam

Geography of Eastern Sea, Vietnam


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. Ph¹m HuÊn, C¬ së h¶i d­¬ng häc, NXB Gi¸o dôc, Hµ Néi, 1996.

2. Bé gi¸o dôc vµ §µo t¹o. BiÓn vµ ®¶o ViÖt Nam. Hµ Néi. 1994

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm

3. ViÖn Th«ng tin khoa häc Quèc Gia, B¸o c¸o khoa häc thuéc ”Ch­¬ng tr×nh biÕn ®éng”, 1985-2000


§LTN 529

§Þa lý y häc

Medical geography


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. Hoµng §×nh CÇm, Lª Cao §µi, 1993. ChÊt diÖt cá trong chiÕn tranh, t¸c h¹i l©u dµi ®èi víi con ng­êi vµ thiªn nhiªn.

2. Lª V¨n Khoa, 1995. M«i tr­êng vµ « nhiÔm. NXB Gi¸o dôc Hµ Néi.

3. TrÞnh ThÞ Thanh, 1998. §éc tè vµ søc khoÎ m«i tr­êng. §H KHTN.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm

4. Environmental geochemistry and Health, edited by J.D. Appleton and others, Published by the Geological society, Publishing house, Nath, UK, 1996. P 264.

5. Lain Thornton, 1995. Geochemistry of health and disease. Royal school of Mines, London.


§LTN 530

Qu¶n lý vµ ®¸nh gi¸ t¸c ®éng m«i tr­êng

Environmental impact assessment and management


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. Lª Th¹c C¸n vµ tËp thÓ t¸c gi¶, 1994. §¸nh gi¸ t¸c ®éng m«i tr­êng. NXB KHKT - Hµ Néi.

2. C¸c v¨n b¶n ph¸p luËt liªn quan ®Õn b¶o vÖ m«i tr­êng. NXB ChÝnh trÞ Quèc gia, Hµ Néi, 1993.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm

3. OECD, Managing the Environment, 1994.

4. Morris P., R. Therivel, 1995. Methods of Environmental impact assessment. UBC press.

5. ESCAP, Environmental impact assessment, guidelines for Water resources development. 1990.

6. European Commission, Environment impact assessment, DGIB guidelines note. 1997.

7. IUCN, Environment assessment guidelines. 1992.

8. Roe D. et at, 1995. A Directory of impact assessment guidelines. International institute for Environment and development. London.


§LTN 531

Tµi nguyªn vµ m«i tr­êng ®Êt

Land resource and soil environment


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. Hudson: B¶o vÖ ®Êt vµ chèng xãi mßn. NXB KHKT. Hµ Néi, HN, 1981.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o

2. Lat. R., Blum W.H., Valentin C., 1998. Methods assessment of soil degradation.

3. Wischmeier W.H and Mannering J.V. Relation of soil properties to its erodibility soil science. Social America. Processing. Vol. 33 - 131 - 137, 1969.

4. Wischmeier W.H et D.D. Smith. Rainfall energy and its relationship to soil loss. Trans. Am. Geog. Union, 39, 1958, p. 285-291.

5. Wischmeir W.H et D.D. Smith. Predisting rainfall erosion losses from cropland east of Rocky Mountains-Guide for selection of pratices for soil and water conservation Agricultural Handbook N.238, 1965.


§LTN 532

øng dông c«ng nghÖ ViÔn th¸m vµ GIS trong nghiªn cøu ®Þa lý tù nhiªn

Application of remote sensing and GIS technology in physical geography


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. Bembandsen T, 1992. Geographic information systems. Norway.

2. Geographic information systems for Geoscientists: Modelling with GIS, 1994.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm

3. GOGIA - Computer and Geosciencs. 1989.

4. Jon C. The physical basis of RS, 1976.



Tµi nguyªn khÝ hËu

Climate resource


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. Ph¹m Ngäc Toµn, Phan TÊt §¾c. KhÝ hËu ViÖt Nam. Nhµ XuÊt b¶n Khoa häc kü thuËt, 1993.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm

2. Arthur N. Strahler, Alan H. Strahler. Environmental Geoscience: Interaction between Natural Systems and Man. Hamilton Publishing Com pany, 1973

3. Donald Ahrens G. Meteorogy Today (An Intrduction to Weather, Climate, and the environment. West Publishing Company, 1991.

4. Gregor R. Tropical Climatiology. New York, 1997



Tµi nguyªn vµ m«i tr­êng n­íc

Resource and environment of water


a) Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc

1. §ç V¨n To¶n vµ NguyÔn H÷u Thµnh. Thñy v¨n øng dông (dÞch tõ b¶n tiÕng Anh cña Ven Te Chow, David R. Maidment and Larry W. Mays, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co, 1988). NXB Gi¸o dôc, 1994.

2. NguyÔn V¨n TuÇn, NguyÔn ThÞ Ph­¬ng Loan, NguyÔn ThÞ Nga, NguyÔn Thanh S¬n. Thñy v¨n ®¹i c­¬ng. NXB KHKT. Hµ Néi, 1991.

b) Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm

1. P Ph Tansen, L van Bendegom, J van den Berg, M de Vries and A Zanen. Principles of River Engineering - The non-tide alluvial river. Pitman Publishing Limited, 1979.




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