Semantics: a coursebook, second edition

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particular context.)
Comment So far, all of our examples of deictic terms have been referring expressions,
like youhere, and today, or modi
fiers which can be used with referring
expressions, like the demonstrative this. Such deictic terms help the hearer to
identify the referent of a referring expression through its spatial or temporal
relationship with the situation of utterance. There are also a few predicates
which have a deictic ingredient.
Example The verb come has a deictic ingredient, because it contains the notion ‘toward
the speaker’.
Practice Look at the following utterances and decide whether the speaker gives any
indication of his location (Yes), and if so, where he is (or isn’t):
(1) ‘Go to the hospital’
Yes / No.............................................................................................................
(2) ‘The astronauts are going back to Earth’
Yes / No.............................................................................................................
(3) ‘Please don’t bring food into the bathroom’
Yes / No.............................................................................................................
(4) ‘Can you take this plate into the kitchen for me?’
Yes / No.............................................................................................................
(1) Yes: not at the hospital (2) Yes: not on Earth (3) Yes: in the bathroom 
(4) Yes: not in the kitchen
Comment Some examples involve a ‘psychological shifting’ of the speaker’s view-point
for the purpose of interpreting one of the deictic terms.
Practice (1) If I say to you, ‘Come over there, please!’ while pointing to a far
corner of the room (i.e. far from both of us), could you reasonably
infer that I intend to move to that corner of the room as well?
Yes / No

From reference . . .
(2) In this instance, would it seem correct to say that the speaker 
is anticipating his future location when he uses the word come
(i.e. is come in this case ‘stretched’ to include ‘toward where 
the speaker will be’)?
Yes / No
(3) If I say to you, over the telephone, ‘Can I come and see you 
some time?’ do I probably have in mind a movement to the 
place where I am, or to the place where you are?
(1) Yes (2) Yes (3) the place where you are
Comment This psychological shifting of viewpoint just illustrated is an example of the
flexibility with which deictic terms can be interpreted. In our definition of
deixis, ‘time of utterance’ and ‘place of utterance’ must generally be taken
flexibly. Sometimes these are interpreted very broadly, and sometimes
very narrowly and strictly.
In addition to deictic words (such as herenowcome, and bring), there are
in English and other languages certain grammatical devices called tenses for
indicating past, present, and future time, which must also be regarded as
deictic, because past, present, and future times are de
fined by reference to the
time of utterance.
Practice (1) If Matthew said (truthfully) ‘Mummy, Rosemary hit me’, when did
Rosemary hit Matthew, before, at, or after the time of Matthew’s
(2) If Matthew (truthfully) says, ‘Mummy, Rosemary is writing on the living
room wall’, when is Rosemary committing this misdemeanour, before, at,
or after the time of Matthew’s utterance?
(3) If I say (truthfully) ‘I’m going to write a letter to the President’, when do
I write to the President?
(4) In each of the following utterances, what can you deduce about the date
of the utterance?
first met my wife in the year 1993’
‘The 1936 Olympic Games will be held in Berlin’

U N I T   7

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