1. Lệnh Ping : Cú pháp: Code: ping ip/host [/t][/a][/l][/n]

File syntax  IF [NOT] EXIST filename command IF [NOT] EXIST filename (command) ELSE (command)  String syntax

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File syntax 
IF [NOT] EXIST filename command
IF [NOT] EXIST filename (command) ELSE (command
String syntax 
IF [/I] [NOT] item1==item2 command

IF [/I] item1 compare-op item2 command 
IF [/I] item1 compare-op item2 (command) ELSE (command
Error Check Syntax 
IF [NOT] DEFINED variable command 
 number command
IF CMDEXTVERSION number command 
item May be a text string or an environment variable 
a variable may be modified using either 
Substring syntax
Search syntax
command The command to perform
NOT perform the command if the condition is false.
== perform the command if the two strings are equal.
/I Do a case Insensitive string comparison. 
compare-op May be one of 
EQU : Equal 
NEQ : Not equal 
LSS : Less than < 
LEQ : Less than or Equal <= 
GTR : Greater than > 
GEQ : Greater than or equal >= 
This 3 digit syntax is necessary because the > and < 
symbols are recognised as redirection operators 
statements should be read as IF 
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 will return TRUE when the errorlevel is 64 
You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'why not?' ~ 
George Bernard Shaw 
Resource Kit

Find out if the current user is a member of one or more workgroups. 
IFMEMBER [optionsWorkGroup [ WorkGroup2 WorkGroup3...] 
/verbose or /v : print all matches. 
/list or /l : print all groups user is a member of 
The %ERRORLEVEL% return code shows how many of the listed workgroups the currently 
logged-in user is a member of.

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