Ece391: Computer System Engineering Homework 4

tải về 27.13 Kb.
Chuyển đổi dữ liệu12.12.2023
Kích27.13 Kb.
ECE391 Homework 4

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

ECE391: Computer System Engineering
Homework 4

  1. Show that

  2. Show that

  3. Show that is a constant

  4. Find the complexity of the function

int selectkth(int a[], int k, int n) {
int i, j, mini, tmp;
for (i=0; iif (a[j] < a[mini]) mini = j;
tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[mini];
a[mini] = tmp;

  1. Describe a linearly recursive algorithm for finding the minimum element in an n-element array.

A linearly recursive algorithm is one that makes a single recursive call in each branch of the function.
- Base case: If the array has only one element, return that element as the minimum.
- Recursive case: Compare the first element of the array with the minimum element of the rest of the array (obtained by a recursive call), and return the smaller one as the minimum.

// A function that returns the minimum element of an array using linear recursion
int findMin (int arr [], int n) {
// Base case: if the array has only one element, return it
if (n == 1) {
return arr [0];
// Recursive case: compare the first element with the minimum of the rest of the array
else {
return min (arr [0], findMin (arr + 1, n - 1));

This function takes an array and its size as parameters and returns the minimum element of the array. It uses the `min` function from the standard library to compare two integers and return the smaller one. It also uses pointer arithmetic to access the subarray from the second element to the last element by adding one to the array pointer. The size of the subarray is decreased by one in each recursive call.

  1. Describe a recursive algorithm for printing all of the permutations of the sequence (1,2,…,n). What is the running time of your algorithm?

  2. Describe the output of the following series of stack operations:

push(8), push(3), pop(), push(2), push(5), pop(), pop(), push(9), push(1), pop(), push(7), push(6), pop(), pop(), push(4), pop(), pop().

  1. Describe the output for the following sequence of queue operations:

insertFirst(3), insertLast(8), insertLast(9), insertFirst(5), removeFirst(), removeLast(), first(), insertLast(7), removeFirst(), last(), removeLast().

  1. Given a class Ticket below

Class Ticket {
string name;
string ID;
unsigned int birthyear;

a). Write a constructor for the class Ticket to assign the default values for name, ID, and birthyear.
Name = “NO NAME”;
ID = “0000”;
Birthyear = 0;
b). Write constructor for the class Ticket to assign the new information into the member variables.
string new_name;
string new_ID;
unsigned int new_birthyear;

Given a QUEUE of Ticket named Waiting_list as below:

queue Waiting_list;

c). Write a function to add a person with the following information into the Waiting list:

string my_name = “Nguyen Van A”;
string my_ID= “0010”;
unsigned int my_birthyear = 1990;
d). Write a function to get the information of a person at the front of the Waiting_list.

Instructor: Dr. Truong Quang Vinh

tải về 27.13 Kb.

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