ChuyêN ĐỀ tiếng anh

Exercise 1: Choose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence

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Exercise 1: Choose the word or phrase that best complete the sentence (A,B,C or D)

  1. If that hat costs much, I ……………a small one.

A. would have bought B. will buy C. bought D. would buy.

2) If you …………more carefully,you wouldn’t have had so many accidents.

A. drive B. drove C. had driven D. driven

3) If I spoke English, my job …………………a lot easier.

A. was B. were C. will be D. would be

4. If he ……………. to London yesterday, he …………. his old friend

A. went / would meet B. go / would meet

C. had gone / would have met D. went / would have met

5. I will lend them some money If they ……………. me.

A. ask B. will ask C. asked D. had asked

6. If we had known who he was, we ……………. him to speak at our meeting.

A. would have invited B. have invited C. will invite D. would invite

7. My dog will bark if it ……………. any strange sound.

A. hear B. hears C. heard D. had heard.

8. If I …………. enough money,I will buy a house.

A. had B. had had C. will have D. have

9. If you ………….. away, I will send for a policeman.

A. not go B. don’t go C. hadn’t gone D. didn’t go

10. If I ………in your place, I would accept Mr Anderson’s invitation.

A. were B. am C. be D. was

11. What ……….. we do if they don’t come tomorrow?

A. would B. will C. did D. had

12. If I ……………. you, I would tell the truth.

A. is B. am C. were D. was

13. If I had enough time now, I ……….. to my parents.

A. would write B. write C. will write D. wrote

14. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here. If she ……….. here, she …….. what to do.

A. is / will know B. was / knows

C. were / would know D. are / would have known

15. If she …………. late again, she will lose her job.

A. come B. came C comes D. had come

16. I will let you know if I ……….. out what’s happening.

A. find B. finds C. found D. had found

17. If we ……………. in a town, life would be better.

A. live B. lived C. would live D. had lived

18. I’m sure he wouln’t mind if we ……………early.

A. arrive B. arriving C. arrived D. had arrived

19. If I won the lottery, I ……. you half the money.

A. gave B. had given C. will give D. would give

20. It ……….. be a pity if she married Fred.

A. will B. would C. can D. may

21. If I’m free on Saturday, I ………….. to the mountains.

A. to go B. could go C. went D. can go

22. we ……………. you if we have time.

A. will phone B. would phone C. phoned D. had phoned

23. If I …………. you,I would help them.

A. am B. will be C. were D. had been

24. I could have understood him if he ……………more slowly.

A. speaks B. spoke C. had spoken D. would speak

25. If I had known that you were in hospital, I …………….. you.

A. will visit B. would have visited C. visit D. don’t visit

26. I wouldn’t have believed it if I ………………it with my own eyes.

A. had seen B. saw C. hadn’t seen D. didn’t see

27. What would you have done if the lift ……….. struck between two floors at that time.

A. had got B. got C. gets D. getting

28. If I …………that the traffic lights were red, I …………………..

A. had realized / would have stopped B. had realized / wouldn’t have stopped

C. realized / would stop C. realize / will not stop

29. If we have some eggs,I ……………you a cake.

A. made B. makes C. will make D. would make

30. If you …………so busy, I would have shown you how to play.

A. hadn’t been B. weren’t C. aren’t D. wouldn’t be.

Каталог: data -> file -> 2016
2016 -> VnDoc Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
2016 -> Những cặp con giáp hợp nhau nhất khi kết hôn
2016 -> Lịch sử ra đời ngày thành lập Đoàn 26-3 Ngày 26-3 hằng năm được chọn là ngày kỷ niệm ngày Thành lập Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh
2016 -> 50 cách siêu đơn giản giúp con thông minh ngay từ khi lọt lòng Những hành động tưởng chừng rất đỗi bình thường như thè lưỡi, cù vào ngón chân, cười với bé… cũng góp phần phát triển trí tuệ cho trẻ từ thuở lọt lòng
2016 -> Lời bài hát: Em đã biết Suni Hạ Linh tên thật là Ngô Đặng Thu Giang, từng cover rất nhiều ca khúc trên Youtube và đã từng tham gia cuộc thi Chinh Phục Ước Mơ tại Hàn Quốc cùng nhiều tên tuổi nổi tiếng như Soo Bin Hoàng Sơn
2016 -> CÁch khắc phục lỗI: htkk không chấp nhận bảng câN ĐỐi kế toán có SỐ ĐẦu năm của chỉ tiêU 411 = 0
2016 -> Hướng dẫn lập mẫu tk1 ts theo Quyết định 959/QĐ-bhxh
2016 -> Bài thuyết trình mẫu hay cho hội thi cắm hoa 8-3

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