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Exercise 2: Sentence transformation

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Exercise 2: Sentence transformation

56. My teacher wouldn’t let me leave early.

A. My teacher refused to let me leave early.

B. My teacher refused letting me leave early.

C. My teacher allowed me to leave early.

D. My teacher permitted me to leave early.

57. It is your duty to tell him what to do.

A. You are supposed to tell him what to do.

B. You are given the duty to tell him what he has to do.

C. It is said that you tell him what to do.

D. Please tell him what he has to do.

58. It is pointless to try to make him change his mind.

A. It is a waste of time trying and making him change his mind.

B. It is a waste of time to try and make him change his mind.

C. There is no time to try to make him change his mind.

D. There is no time trying to make him change his mind.

59. I want to know the depth of the river at this point.

A. I want to know how the river is deep at this point.

B. I want to know how deep is the river at this point.

C. I want to know how deep the river is at this point.

D. I want to know how the deep river is at this point.

60. The tea wasn’t sweet enough for Betty to drink.

A. Betty didn’t like to drink the sweet tea.

B. Betty couldn’t drink the tea. She liked more sugar.

C. There wasn’t enough tea, and Betty had nothing to drink.

D. Betty drank some of the tea but not enough.

61. You had better take some medicine.

A. You ought to drink medicine.

B. You must take a number of tablets.

C. You have to have some medicine.

D. You should have some medicine.

62. The doctor advised him to go the local hospital for a check-up.

A. He was advised to go to the international hospital for a check-up.

B. He was advised to go to the hospital where he is now living for a check-up.

C. He was advised to go to the best hospital for a check-up.

D. For a check-up, he was told to stay at home.

63. It’s a waste of time trying to explain anything to Tony.

A. Tony should be given explanation.

B. It’s not worth trying to explain anything to Tony.

C. To save time, explain it to Tony.

D. It’s well worth trying to explain things to Tony.

64. I couldn’t help laughing when he told me that story.

A. I couldn’t resist laughing when he told me that story.

B. I couldn’t help him tell that story.

C. I did not laugh when hearing that story.

D. The story he told me not help at all.

65. We think he was in London last year.

A. He was thought to be in London last year.

B. He was thought to have been in London last year.

C. He is thought to be in London last year.

D. He is thought to have been in London last year.

66. There’s no point in persuading him to do this.

A. he is able to do this although he does not want to.

B. It would be useful to persuade him to do this.

C. I enjoy persuading him to do this.

D. It is useless to persuade him to do this.

67. The court found the man innocent of murdering his wife.

A. The man was judged not guilty of killing his wife.

B. The man was found murdered by his wife.

C. The court found a murdered man and his wife.

D. The court decided that the man had killed his wife.

Каталог: data -> file -> 2016
2016 -> VnDoc Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
2016 -> Những cặp con giáp hợp nhau nhất khi kết hôn
2016 -> Lịch sử ra đời ngày thành lập Đoàn 26-3 Ngày 26-3 hằng năm được chọn là ngày kỷ niệm ngày Thành lập Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh
2016 -> 50 cách siêu đơn giản giúp con thông minh ngay từ khi lọt lòng Những hành động tưởng chừng rất đỗi bình thường như thè lưỡi, cù vào ngón chân, cười với bé… cũng góp phần phát triển trí tuệ cho trẻ từ thuở lọt lòng
2016 -> Lời bài hát: Em đã biết Suni Hạ Linh tên thật là Ngô Đặng Thu Giang, từng cover rất nhiều ca khúc trên Youtube và đã từng tham gia cuộc thi Chinh Phục Ước Mơ tại Hàn Quốc cùng nhiều tên tuổi nổi tiếng như Soo Bin Hoàng Sơn
2016 -> CÁch khắc phục lỗI: htkk không chấp nhận bảng câN ĐỐi kế toán có SỐ ĐẦu năm của chỉ tiêU 411 = 0
2016 -> Hướng dẫn lập mẫu tk1 ts theo Quyết định 959/QĐ-bhxh
2016 -> Bài thuyết trình mẫu hay cho hội thi cắm hoa 8-3

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