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Exercise 1: Multiple choice

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Exercise 1: Multiple choice

  1. I enjoy _________ alone.

a. be b. to be c. being d. to have been

  1. Would you like _______to the party?

a. to come b. come c. coming d. to have come

  1. Do you mind_______ such a long way to work everyday?

a. to travel b. travel c. to have travelled d. travelling

  1. I don’t like that house. I would hate _______there.

a. live b. living c. to live d. to have lived

  1. Sometimes I would like_______ to play the piano.

a. to learn b. learning c. learn d. to have learned

  1. Please remember _______this letter.

a. to post b. post c. posting d. to have posted

  1. We tried _______the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire­- brigade.

a. putting b. put c. to put d. to have put

  1. Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember_______ it by the window and now it has gone.

a. leave b. to leave c. to have left d. leaving

  1. Jane needed some money. She tried _______Harry but he couldn’t help her.

a. to have asked b. to ask c. asking d. ask

  1. Please tell me how _______this

a. do b. to do c. doing d. to have done

  1. One is never too old_______

a. to learn b. learning c. learn d. to have learned

  1. You are old enough _______out alone.

a. going b. to go c. to have gone d. go

  1. I’m glad _______you

a. to meet b. meet c. meeting d. to have met

  1. It’s nice _______you

a. to know b. know c. knowing d. to have known

  1. We stopped_______ hello to her.

a. say b. to say c. saying d. to have said

16. It’s no use ______ those things.

a. buy b. buying c. to buy d. to be bought

17. After ______, she invited the audience to ask questions.

a. finish b. finished c. finishing d. to finish

18. Robbins started ______ a few years ago.

a. to jog b. jogging c. jog d. A and B are correct

19. I suggest ________ some more mathematics puzzles.

a. do b. to do c. doing d done

20. My computer needs _______.

a. repair b. to repair c. repairing d. repaired

  1. I want ----- at home tonight

a. staying b. to stay c. stay d. stayed

  1. Alice isn’t interested in ------- for a new job

a. look b. to look c. looks d. looking

  1. We’re going out for dinner. Would you like ----- us?

a. joining b. to join c. join d. joins

  1. When Beth got tired, she stopped -------

a. working b. to work c. work d. works

  1. Don’t forget ------ the letter I gave you yesterday

a. post b. posting c. posts d. to post

  1. Her boss refuses ------ her a raise

a. giving b. to give c. give d. a & b correct

  1. She enjoys ----- with many people

a. work b. working c. to work d. works

  1. Mary was in a difficult situation, so he agreed ------- her some money

a. to lend b. lend c. lending d. a & c correct

  1. They sometimes avoid ------ him

a. meeting b. meet c. to meet d. meets

  1. It was a nice day, so we decided -------- for a walk

a. going b. go c. to go d. goes

  1. Would you mind -------- the door? Thanks

a. opening b. open c. opens d. to open

32. The man wanted to avoid...................... on security cameras.

a. to see b. seeing c. to be seen d. being seen

33. I tried........................... the bus, but I missed it.

a. to catch b. catching c. to be caught d. being caught

34. The plants want........................... daily.

a. to water b. watering c. to be watered d. both b and c

35. Will you remind me.................... this letter at the post office?

a. to post b. posting c. to be posted d. being posted

36. The goods ought....................... two weeks ago.

a. to deliver b. delivering c. to be delivered d. being delivered

37. I have expected......................... the secret of happiness.

a. to tell b. telling c. to be told d. being told

38. John had agreed......................... me in his office.

a. to meet b. meeting c. to be met d. being met

39. I don’t like _____ when I am not there.

a. criticizing b. being criticized c. to criticize d. to be criticized

40. She expected ________ to the principal.

a. to introduce b. being introduced c. to be introduced d. being introduced

41. Tom was sad about ________ in class yesterday.

a. punishing b. being punished c. to be punished d. punished

42. You shouldn’t make your son _______ too much.

a. study b. studied c. to study d. studying

43 John had agreed......................... me in his office.

a. to meet b. meeting c. to be met d. being met

44. It’s important for the figures......................... regularly.

a. to update b. updating c. to be updated d. being updated

45. It is no good............................ sorry for yourself.

a. to feel b. feeling c. feel d. felt

46. Peter regrets …………Marry’s birthday party

a. not to attend b. not attending c. not to be attending d. not to be attended

47. Will you remind me.................... this letter at the post office?

a. to post b. posting c. to be posted d. being posted

48. I shall never forget-----------with you to Paris last year.

a. staying b. to staying c. to stay d. stayed

49. I am looking forward to -----------you.

a. having seen b. seeing c. to see d. all are wrong

50. I am always remember------------ off the lights before I leave my house.

a. turning b. to turn c. turned d. being turned

51. She was able………………English when she was very young.

a. to sing b. sing c. singing d. sang

52. Could you please stop ………….. so much noise?

  1. make b. to make c. made d. making

53. She said that she had talked to me but I didn’t remember ……………her before.

  1. seeing b. to see c. not seeing d. see

54. Let your name………….. in the sheet of paper.

  1. write b. be written c. written d. to write

55. We hoped…………….. by our teacher.

  1. to help b. helping c. to be helped d. being helped

Каталог: data -> file -> 2016
2016 -> VnDoc Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
2016 -> Những cặp con giáp hợp nhau nhất khi kết hôn
2016 -> Lịch sử ra đời ngày thành lập Đoàn 26-3 Ngày 26-3 hằng năm được chọn là ngày kỷ niệm ngày Thành lập Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh
2016 -> 50 cách siêu đơn giản giúp con thông minh ngay từ khi lọt lòng Những hành động tưởng chừng rất đỗi bình thường như thè lưỡi, cù vào ngón chân, cười với bé… cũng góp phần phát triển trí tuệ cho trẻ từ thuở lọt lòng
2016 -> Lời bài hát: Em đã biết Suni Hạ Linh tên thật là Ngô Đặng Thu Giang, từng cover rất nhiều ca khúc trên Youtube và đã từng tham gia cuộc thi Chinh Phục Ước Mơ tại Hàn Quốc cùng nhiều tên tuổi nổi tiếng như Soo Bin Hoàng Sơn
2016 -> CÁch khắc phục lỗI: htkk không chấp nhận bảng câN ĐỐi kế toán có SỐ ĐẦu năm của chỉ tiêU 411 = 0
2016 -> Hướng dẫn lập mẫu tk1 ts theo Quyết định 959/QĐ-bhxh
2016 -> Bài thuyết trình mẫu hay cho hội thi cắm hoa 8-3

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