Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis

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Advanced Automotive Fault Diagnosis
Meter resistance 10 M

With parallel combined value of 10 M⍀ and
100 k⍀ ⫽ 99 k⍀ the voltage drop in the circuit
across this would be:
99/(100 ⫹ 99) ⫻ 12 ⫽ 5.97 V
This is an error of about 0.5%.
This ‘invasive measurement’ error is in
addition to the basic accuracy of the meter.
Figure 3.3 shows a digital multimeter. Now
that this is recognised, only two further skills are
required – where to put the probes and what the
reading you get actually means!
3.1.5 Logic probe
This device is a useful way of testing logic cir-
cuits but it is also useful for testing some types of
Tools and equipment
100 k⍀
100 k⍀
Figure 3.2 Loading effect of a test meter
Figure 3.3 Multimeter and accessories

sensor. Figure 3.4 shows a typical logic probe.
Most types consist of two power supply wires and
a metal ‘probe’. The display consists of two or
three LEDs labelled ‘high’, ‘low’ and on some
devices ‘pulse’. These LEDs light up, together with
an audible signal in some cases, when the probe
touches either a high, low or pulsing voltage.
Above or below 2.5 V is often used to determine
high or low on a 5 V circuit.
3.2 Oscilloscopes
3.2.1 Introduction
Two types of oscilloscope are available: analogue
or digital. Figure 3.5 shows the basic operation of
an analogue oscilloscope. Heating a wire creates
a source of electrons, which are then accelerated
by suitable voltages and focused into a beam.
This beam is directed towards a fluorescent screen
where it causes light to be given off. This is the
basic cathode ray tube.
The plates as shown in the figure are known as X
and Y plates as they make the electron beam draw a
‘graph’ of a voltage signal. The X plates are sup-
plied with a saw tooth signal, which causes the beam
to move across the screen from left to right and then
to ‘fly back’ and start again. Being attracted towards
whichever plate has a positive potential the beam
moves simply. The Y plates can now be used to
show voltage variations of the signal under test. The
frequency of the saw tooth signal, known as the time
base, can be adjusted either automatically as is the
case with many analysers or manually on a stand
alone oscilloscope. The signal from the item under
test can either be amplified or attenuated (reduced),
much like changing the scale on a voltmeter. The
trigger, in other words when the trace across the
screen starts, can be caused internally or externally.
In the case of the engine analyser triggering is often
external, each time an individual spark fires or each
time number one spark plug fires.
A digital oscilloscope has much the same end
result as the analogue type but the signal can be
thought of as being plotted rather than drawn on
the screen. The test signal is A/D converted and
the time base is a simple timer or counter circuit.
Because the signal is plotted digitally on a screen
from data in memory, the ‘picture’ can be saved,
frozen or even printed. The speed of data conver-
sion and the sampling rate as well as the reso-
lution of the screen are very important in ensuring
accurate results. This technique is becoming the
norm as including scales and notes or superim-
posing two or more traces for comparison can
enhance the display.
A very useful piece of equipment becoming
very popular is the PC based system as shown in
Figure 3.6. This is a digital oscilloscope, which
allows data to be displayed on a PC. The Scope

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