1. Lệnh Ping : Cú pháp: Code: ping ip/host [/t][/a][/l][/n]

Commands to run at the FTP: prompt

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Cac lenh co ban trong DOS

Commands to run at the FTP: prompt 
append local-file [remote-file
Append a local file to a file on the remote computer. 
ascii Set the file transfer type to ASCII, the default.
In ASCII text mode, character-set and end-of-line 
characters are converted as necessary. 
bell Toggle a bell to ring after each command.
By default, the bell is off. 

binary Set the file transfer type to binary.
Use `Binary' for transferring executable program 
files or binary data files e.g. Oracle 
bye End the FTP session and exit ftp 
cd Change the working directory on the remote host. 
close End the FTP session and return to the cmd prompt. 
debug Toggle debugging. When debug is on, FTP will display 
every command. 
delete remote-file 
Delete file on remote host. 
dir [remote-directory] [local-file
List a remote directory's files and subdirectories. 
(or save the listing to local-file
disconnect Disconnect from the remote host, retaining the ftp prompt. 
get remote-file [local-file
Copy a remote file to the local PC. 
glob Toggle the use of wildcard characters in local pathnames. 
By default, globbing is on. 
hash Toggle printing a hash (#) for each 2K data block 
By default, hash mark printing is off. 
help [command
Display help for ftp command. 
lcd [directory
Change the working directory on the local PC. 
By default, the working directory is the directory in 
which ftp was started. 
literal argument [ ...] 
Send arguments, as-is, to the remote FTP host. 
ls [remote-directory] [local-file
List a remote directory's files and folders. 
(short format) 
mdelete remote-files [ ...] 
Delete files on remote host. 
mdir remote-files [ ...] local-file 
Display a list of a remote directory's files and 
(or save the listing to local-file
Mdir allows you to specify multiple files. 
mget remote-files [ ...] 
Copy multiple remote files to the local PC. 
mkdir directory 
Create a directory on the remote host. 

mls remote-files [ ...] local-file 
List a remote directory's files and folders. 
(short format) 
mput local-files [ ...] 
Copy multiple local files to the remote host. 
open computer [port
Connects to the specified FTP server.
prompt Toggle prompting. Ftp prompts during multiple file 
transfers to
allow you to selectively retrieve or store files; 
mget and mput transfer all files if prompting is turned 
By default, prompting is on. 
put local-file [remote-file
Copy a local file to the remote host. 
pwd Print Working Directory 
(current directory on the remote host) 
quit End the FTP session with the remote host and exit ftp. 
quote argument [ ...] 
Send arguments, as-is, to the remote FTP host. 
recv remote-file [local-file
Copy a remote file to the local PC. 
remotehelp [command
Display help for remote commands. 
rename filename newfilename 
Rename remote files. 
rmdir directory 
Delete a remote directory. 
send local-file [remote-file
Copy a local file to the remote host. 
status Display the current status of FTP connections and toggles. 
trace Toggles packet tracing; trace displays the route of each 
type [type-name
Set or display the file transfer type: 
`binary' or `ASCII' (the default) 

If type-name is not specified, the current type is 
ASCII should be used when transferring text files. 
In ASCII text mode, character-set and end-of-line 
characters are converted as necessary. 
Use `Binary' for transferring executable files.
user user-name [password] [account
Specifes a user to the remote host. 
verbose Toggle verbose mode. By default, verbose is on. 
command Run command on the local PC. 
? [command] Display help for ftp command. 
 “Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the 
rest of the world mirror it” - Linus Torvalds 
Display or change the link between a FileType and an executable program 
FTYPE fileType=executable_path 
FTYPE fileType 
FTYPE fileType
fileType : The type of file 
executable_path : The executable program including any command line 
More than one file extension may be associated with the same File Type. 
e.g. both the extension .JPG and the extension .JPEG may be associated with the File Type 
File Types can be displayed in the Windows Explorer GUI under Options, File Types however 
the naming used is not consistent e.g. the File Type "txtfile" is displayed in the GUI as "Text 
Document"and "jpegfile" is displayed as "image/jpeg" 
Several FileTypes can be linked to the same executable application. 
FTYPE filetype 
will display the current executable program for that file type e.g. 

without any parameters will display all FileTypes and the executable program for each. 
Defining command line parameters 
It is almost always necessary to supply command line parameters so that when a document is 
opened not only is the relevant application loaded into memory but the document itself also 

loaded into the application. To make this happen the filename of the document must be passed 
back to the application.
Command line parameters are exactly like 
batch file parameters
, %0 is the executable program 
and %1 will reference the document filename 
so a simple command line might be: 
MyApplication.exe "%1" 
If any further parameters are required by the application they can be passed as %2, %3. To 
pass ALL parameters to an application use %*. To pass all the remaining parameters starting 
with the nth parameter, use %~n where n is between 2 and 9.
The FileType should always be created before making a File Association 
For example: 
FTYPE htmlfile="C:\PROGRA~1\Plus!\MICROS~1\iexplore.exe" -nohome 
ASSOC .html=htmlfile 
FTYPE pagemill.html=C:\PROGRA~1\Adobe\PAGEMI~1.0\PageMill.exe "%1" 
ASSOC .html=pagemill.html 
FTYPE rtffile="C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE" 
ASSOC .rtf=rtffile 
FTYPE word.rtf.8="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\winword.exe" 
ASSOC .rtf=word.rtf.8
Switch between multiple applications 
If you have multiple applications that use the same file extension, the 
 command can be 
used to switch the file extension between the different FileTypes. 
Delete a FileType 

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