1. Lệnh Ping : Cú pháp: Code: ping ip/host [/t][/a][/l][/n]

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IFMEMBER /v /l "MyDomain\Administrators" 
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo This user is an Administrator
Notice that the syntax here is the opposite to most other commands in that an %errorlevel% of 1 
= Success 

“The euro will raise the citizens' awareness of their belonging to one Europe more than any 
other integration step to date” - Gerhard Schroeder
Configure IP (
internet protocol
IPCONFIG /all Display full configuration information. 
IPCONFIG /release [adapter
Release the IP address for the specified adapter. 
IPCONFIG /renew [adapter
Renew the IP address for the specified adapter. 
IPCONFIG /flushdns Purge the DNS Resolver cache. 
IPCONFIG /registerdns Refresh all DHCP leases and re-register DNS 
IPCONFIG /displaydns Display the contents of the DNS Resolver Cache. 
IPCONFIG /showclassid adapter 
Display all the DHCP class IDs allowed for 
IPCONFIG /setclassid adapter [classid] 
Modify the dhcp class id. 
If the Adapter name contains spaces, use quotes: "Adapter Name" 
wildcard characters * and ? allowed, see the examples below 
The default is to display only the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway for each adapter 
bound to TCP/IP. 
For Release and Renew, if no adapter name is specified, then the IP address leases for all 
adapters bound to TCP/IP will be released or renewed. 
For Setclassid, if no ClassId is specified, then the ClassId is removed. 
> ipconfig ... Show information. 
> ipconfig /all ... Show detailed information 
> ipconfig /renew ... renew all adapters 
> ipconfig /renew EL* ... renew any connection that has its
name starting with EL 
> ipconfig /release *Con* ... release all matching connections
eg. "Local Area Connection 1" or 
"Local Area Connection 2" 
> ipconfig /setclassid "Local Area Connection" TEST
... set the DHCP class ID for the
named adapter to = TEST 
“Life is a grand adventure - or it is nothing” ~ Helen Keller 
Resource kit

Remove a running process from memory. 
KILL [optionprocess_id 
KILL [optiontask_name 

KILL [optionwindow_title 
-f Force process kill 
Kill -f basically just nukes the process from existence, potentially leaking a lot of memory and 
losing any data that the process hadn't committed to disk yet. It is there for worst case scenarios 

when you absolutely must end the process now, and don’t care whether proper cleanup gets 
done or not.

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