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FAO 1998b. Integrated coastal area management and agriculture, forestry and fisheries.  FAO Guidelines. FAO, Rome. FAO

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FAO land evaluation a-a1080e
40 2019 ND-CP 413905
FAO 1998b. Integrated coastal area management and agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 
FAO Guidelines. FAO, Rome.
FAO 1999a. The future of our land – Facing the challenge. Guidelines for integrated 
planning for sustainable management of land resources. FAO, Rome. xiii + 71 p. ISBN 
92 5 104366 3. Also CD-ROM incl. related documents: Land and Water Digital Media 
Series 8.
FAO 1999b. Cultivating our futures. Paper presented at the FAO/Netherlands Conference 
on the Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land. 12–17 September 1999. 
Maastricht, The Netherlands.
FAO 2001. Soil carbon sequestration for improved land management. World Soil Resources 
Reports 96. FAO, Rome.
FAO 2003. Overview of land value conditions. AGL Miscellaneous Papers 35. FAO, 
FAO, ISRIC & ISSS 1998. The world reference base for soil resources. World Soil Resources 
Reports 84. FAO, Rome. 
FAO & UNEP 1994. A suggested national soils policy for Jamaica. Project FP/6101–91–02. 
FAO, Rome. 77 p. Executive Summary, 10 p.
FAOSTAT 2003. FAO Statistical Database. FAOSTAT – Agricultural data: population. 
Farrington, J. 1996. Socio-economic methods in natural resources research. Natural 
Resources Perspectives No 9. ODI, London.
Feyen, J., Jacques, D., Timmerman, A. & Vanderborght, J. 1998. Modelling water flow 
and solute transport in heterogeneous soils: a review of recent approaches. Journal of 
Agricultural Engineering Research 70: 231–256.
Fischer, G., van Velthuizen, H., Shah, M. & Nachtergaele, F. 2002. Global agro-ecological 
assessment for agriculture in the 21st century: methodology and results. International 
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria and FAO, Rome.

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