Practice test 50 part I. Grammar and vocabulary choose the best answer A, B, c or d for each of the following sentences

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu26.05.2024
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1. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. (10p)
Blindness is one of the most difficult of human (1) …..... The fact that our eyes are so important (2)……. our learning is one of the key problems. One thing making education (3) …….. and life more pleasant for the blind is the development of a system (4) …… which they are able to learn to read.

Since the blind cannot use their eyes, they are taught to use the (5)…….. of touch in their fingers. Reading raised printed matters of the common type is very, very difficult. A special system now used was invented by a Frenchman, Louis Braille. This reading device is called Braille, (6) ……….. Louis Braille, who made it usable for the blind. In the Braille plan, the letters are (7) ……….by raised dots. The Braille alphabet uses from one to five dots. These dots are arranged upon a six-dot plan. Different patterns are used for (8) ……….. letters.

Many thousands of books are now printed in Braille and sent to most countries in the world. A blind person who has (9) ……….. this system passes the ends of his fingers along the line of Braille print. At first his reading may be painfully slow, but it becomes faster with (10) ……. .

1. A. drawbacks B. sufferings C. handicaps D. shortcomings

2. A. for B. on C. with D. to
3. A. possible B. probable C. enabled D. easy
4. A. with B. for C. by D. upon
5. A. feeling B. sensitivity C. sensation D. sense
6. A. for B. by C. after D. on
7. A. symbolized B. represented C. taken over D. made
8. A. every B. all C. another D. each
9. A. acquired B. studied C. learned D. mastered
10. A. practice B. training C. direction D. use

2. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (10p)
Long ago prehistoric man began to domesticate a number of wild plants and animals for his own use. After centuries of being nomadic, of moving from place to place in pursuit of game or of fresh supplies of plant food, humans were finally able to stay in one place and systematically exploit the seasonal resources of one locality. This not only provided more abundant food but also allowed more people to live on a smaller plot of ground. As a result, societies developed knowledge and experience about the world around them; our present- day pets, livestock, and food plants were taken from the wild and developed into the forms we know today.

As centuries passed and human cultures evolved and blossomed, humans began to organize their knowledge of nature into the broad field of natural history. One aspect of early natural history concerned the use of plants for drugs and medicine. The early herbalists sometimes overworked their imaginations in this respect. For instance, it was widely believed that a plant or part of a plant that resembled an internal organ would cure ailments of that organ. Thus, an extract made from a heart-shaped leaf might be prescribed for a person suffering from heart problems. All early societies included individuals who learned to use plants for medicinal purposes. Salves, potions, and brews made from leaves, roots, and the fruits of plants were devised to cure illnesses, to heal wounds, to ward off depression, and even as birth-control measures for women. Often the early herbalists of a society guarded the knowledge of medicinal uses of plants for their select group. They became very powerful members of the early societies and were sometimes credited with magical or religious powers.

Nevertheless, the overall contributions of these early observers provided the rudiments of our present knowledge of drugs and their uses.

1. What does this passage mainly discuss?

A. One aspect of early natural history B. The beginning of agriculture
C. Drugs and their uses D. The imagination of prehistoric man
2. According to the passage, domestication of plants and animals probably occurred
because of ………..
A. need for more readily available food B. lack of wild animals and plants
C. early man's power as a hunter D. the desire of prehistoric man to be nomadic
3. The word "This" in paragraph 1 refers to ……...
A. providing food for man
B. man's domestication of plants and animals
C. man's ability to live on a smaller plot of land
D. the earliest condition of prehistoric man
4. The word "blossomed" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. produced flowers B. changed C. learned D. flourished
5. It can be inferred from the passage that an herbalist is which of the following?
A. A dreamer B. An early historian
C. Someone who uses plants in medicine D. A farmer
6. The phrase "in this respect" paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. the development of human culture
B. the development of the field of natural history
C. the use of plants for drugs and medicine
D. the origin of knowledge of nature
7. The word "extract" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. design B. substance C. fungus D. ailment
8. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
A. The shape of a plant is indicative of its ability to cure ailments of a similarly shaped
B. Early herbalists were unimaginative.
C. The work of early herbalists has nothing to do with present day medicine.
D. There is little relation between a cure for illness and the physical shape of a plant.
9. What is the purpose of the author in this passage?
A. To persuade B. To inform C. To entertain D. To ridicule
10. The word "rudiments' in the last line of the passage is closest in meaning to…..
A. beginnings B. history C. requirements D. protocol

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